THE EVENING' HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOK rocn WKDMttDAVi JULY IB, IB! X mmmanmwwwwwwwwwmwwmwmmammwimwUmmmmmamwma CLASSIFIEDAWERTISFMENTS In Ye Olde Home Towne WANTED MISCELLANEOUS (MWWWAMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAwWwwA FOR SALE Olio 1920 Dodge (our- Ing car. Client). No, 1, Lnoniln Uldg. Phono 10G. 11-13 WANTED Tonchor tor child of 10 years ot ngo ono cnpabla ot teaching music. Wrlto Mrs. H. L". Dalton, Stoolo Swa,mp, Cat. 0-15 FOR BALE) 4 room modern furn ished house. Terms. inqulro W. a North. Mecca Peel Hall. 12-18 For maturntty nurso phono 292W. 804 9th St. 12-13 FOR 8ALE 1919 Ford Touring, four speed transmission oat cov ersnow top, largo stearlng wheol, Demountable rims, good tires, now paint. A bargain. Klamath Falls Au to Co. 224 Main St., FOR SALE 1920 Dort, run loss than 4000 mil cm In A-l condition Will take Ford car In trade. Kiamnth Falls Auto Co., 224 Main St. 12-18 ROOMS FOR RENT 50c up. All rooms aro clean outsldo rooms In cluding bath. Home Rooming House, (20 Klamath Ato. Last house i.n right hand sldo ot Klamath uvo 1S-IS FOR SALK 4-room plastorod houso with bath. Terms. Inqulro 1228 Oregon avo. 9-1 G FOR SALE Paying millinery busi ness; good established trade Rea son for selling 111 health. Dnrgnln tor cash. Margaret Callahan, 709 Main. 9-10 DRESSMAKING First fllass work guaranteed. Mrs. Jefferson, 2 Main St. 8-16 AXNOCXCKUENT Miss Barbara Qocller wl9hcs to an nounce that sho has opened a Marcell waring and manicuring parlor on the raextanlne floor ot Moe's store. 12-13 Saddle horses and pack horses for hire to Four Mile lako and Rogue FOR SALE Cheap, good Income pro. porty paying 16 per cent not. $2000 cash will handle this, sco J. T. WAltO & CO. KM Main St. 8-IS M I I ' ! iff ( .wGiicaU whcw t3sESg aa m tr It mis vyAD I J mvn! ri1 X&imSiz&2ilak .THOUGHT ID CcT"7,MlTWw?ir eoot. V- V I rom down WDFiirBsW holmkft I r f AND SSC TjfWLS?? sssvrr m V$5k5j KW T7LrVV?N. LiHlvl l I PER l STATION MASTER tUD KEYC3 5AY3 fctT CNT I (?$! SEE NO SCN5C IN KEEPING THE TICKCT . rill Office OPEN THE5C HOT DAYS -NOUODY5 ' OCfCa AVUO.Y. ' MIKNI), llnrnoy rounty rmichnni uru liiully In need of bunds for buying which 1b now nlnrt!ngi ileclarud W O. (iell, or Hutitox, In Htiiul Tuosdny morning Mr. (.Veil IiiiiI hoard Unit hilidr wns nhiuidiiiit In linsrlniiiw Miiiiity mid wintml six lunula for iih niliny wulur worn. From 7G to 100 iiiiin. In nddltloit In (ho present supply, could bo used In lliirnny county, Mr, Cecil btillnvoa. Thorn Im h Frniiuh railway M'li primmls kissing upon Kh promises, mill it Hlnillur ruin oxln'.i i.puii llio Ktntu railways of lluviirln, 0Jk IX V A, - rO0AK WORK Leave Your Tllttvs Before 9 OclocK-Your A.M-Pictures ararachraf6 H wuuu rnai KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ottrS P35 WANTED Woman or girl for cook ing on ranch. Phono 42 S-'.i CITY (MmiAGE When you want garbage removed, call 10P.SS. Sco that 6121 Blue serge Suit at K K K Store for 35. Written guar WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE OUY THEIR DRUG3 OREGON BREVITIES river points. Phono M. H. Wamplor. ia?J5.. wltn "" for wear nnd Odessa, Ore. 12-30" I "rT,C0- ' J" BABT CHIX: T A N C R E D S. 300 egg white leghorns. Golden Buff and Brown Leghorns, Anconas. Black Minorca, R. I. Rods, Butt Orping tons, Barred and Whlto Rocks. Spec ial rates on advance orders. ENOCH CREWS, Seabright, California. 12-14 FOR SALE 5 room modern home in fine shapo, Ono block from pavement. Good garago. Furnished or unfurnished. Cash or torms. Box J. Herald. 12-16 Everything for tho camper Gold Medal folding cots. Hammock, chairs, stools, stoves, and swings for tho Uddlos. Johnstone Kurnlturo C.7. 12-16 Paints, oils and Tarnish. W, E. and J. E. Patterson, 127 4th St. Phono 196-W. or Res. 531-R. 23-J23 FREE My complcto courso nnd personal Instruction to tho high school girl writing tho best artlclo on "Tho Advantages Gained From A Musical Education." Contest closing July lGth. Fill' School ot Popular Music. 7-15 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartmont. 39 High St. "tf LOST Flvo koys on ring. Loit Tues day. Return to Herald Oftlco. Ho ward. 7-13 PENDLETON. In nil probability tho department encampment of the Spanish -War Veterans will bo hold In Pendleton next cnr, fur I) C How man, delegate from Malabon post to tho stnto encampment to bo hel t In Astoria July 1C nnd 1C, will go with tho Intention of securing It. It Is said thnt till uiicnmpmvnt would bring about G000 peoplo toTcndlcton. A groat reduction in Refrlger.Uor la all aires. Johnstons Furniture Co. 12-:e WANTED Clean rags at lory garage. tho i: MM--15 FOR SALE Furniture, wholr or in part: cheap for qilck italo. leav ing. 1425 Crescent Ave. Upstairs. . 13-15 FOR 8ALE Davit sewing macblno. vertlcle feed Call at rear of 1037 Main after 6:00 p. m. 12-14 FOR'REXT DREAMLAND PAVILION Monday. Tuesday. Thursday aiid Friday nights. Terms reasonable, ap-l piy to uen Mcuonaia. lztt Men's Duxbak and Kamplt outing woar at K K K Storo. 3tf Do your feet trouble you? Foot specialist at your servlco nt K K K storo. Free examination and advice 3tf E. R. CARPENTER, paperbanglng and painting. Prices reasonable. Phone 270-W. J22-26 FOR SALE For touring 1918, 4 peed trans., Hassler shocks, new seat covers, water circulator, Ray field carbuerator. Cheap for cash. See at Dodge Garage, or inqulro at Blue Bird. lltf Ladles Outing Wear In Khaki Wool Serge, Corduroy and Kamplt Cloth at K K K Storo. 3tf -O WANTED House cleaning of all descriptions. Window cleaning, floor polishing and vacuum cleaning. Phone 668J. B. Morrow Jr. 12-16 FOUND Suit caso on Crater Lake National Park road. Owner may have tame by calling at City Transfer office, describing contents and pay ing for this ad. 12-15 LOST A man's jersey sweater-office. coat and a Indy'a -Return to Herald 12-13 FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment and one slnr,lns room. 527 Klamath Avo. Phone 461. . 12-13 WANTED Woman ileslrus work by the day or hour Call 614 Welnut St. between 1:00 and 5:0 p. n. 12-13 FOR SALE: American Cafe. Best location In SusanvlIIo. For par ticulars write Box 913, SusanvlIIo. Calif. . 11-18 FOR RENT Throe housekeeping rooms overlooking tho lake. Phono 268-R. 11-13 Send your clothes to Klamath Hand Laundry. Ladles fine clothes a specialty. Phono 573-W, 7th and Klamath Ave. 11-13 BLOCKWOOD FOR SALE $7.25 for doublo load. Tolophono 424-J. 11-10 SAVE MONEY Best oak soles with rubber heels put on tor $1.85. Jack frost. 818, 9th St. 11-13 1 WEATHER RECORD I o . o Hereafter The Herald will publish the mean and maximum tempera- ures and precipitation record as tak en by the U. S. Reclamation service tatlon. Publication will covor the day previous to tho paper's Issuo, up to 0 o clock or toe day. July 1 . July 2 .... July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6.... July .. July .... July 9 ...., July 10 86 July 11 88 July 12 89 Max 73 , 67 , 79 , 86 . 8G 90 94 90 88 Mln. 46 36 36 42 46 47 C3 55 53 54 54 54 Precipitation DALLAS, A skin grafting opera tion was dono nt tho Dallas hospital to save tho llfo of llttlo Mary Pennor. who was terribly burned several weeks ngo when her clothing caught flro from tho kitchen Move at her homo. Tho llttlo girl's father, John Pcnnor, gavo 45 square Inches of his own skin for the operation without taking nn nnrsthotlc. a number of koyn which hu luul cur rled awn)' unintentionally, una said, to havo entnbllslieil a precedent In the operation of carrier In this section of thu stale. LA URANDi:, Just before leaving llakor latu Wednesday night, u wom an rushed on tho train with it basket and deposited It on a sent beside Pet er Nelson of this city, getting off as the train started. The basket con tallied a baby girl ot 10 days with aj tug on which thu iianio was r.lwn at. "LET GEORGE DO IT!" f Swiss Watch Repair Specialist GEO. METZ JEWELER - 622 Main St. wswwift&wfisa ALBANY, A fair, established ori ginally as nn Industrial boys' and girls' club exhibit at Shod.l, wilt grow this year Into a community fair, which will feature exhibits of farm products and household work as well. Exhibits by tho boys' and girls' clubs nt Shedd will contlnuo to bo an Im portant part of tho fair. Tho fnlr will bo held September 23. V PORTLAND. Elimination of nll day parking of nutomobllo In tho area roughly bounded by Front, Tenth, Madison nnd Couch streets was agrcod to yesterday by members of tho rlty council. It was alio agreed that lefthand turns would not bo per mitted In the district bounded by Third, Stark, Yamhill streets nnd Broadway. "Eunlco L. It." asking thnt It l" taken ti the Wuverly baby home In I Portland. Indications are that the baby ruinort from a wonltliy family Tliu Infant has been plutvd In u local Jiomi) by tho Hed CrotH. LA GRANDE A warrant has boon Issued for the of Mrs. lllla Uy nearson, woulthy 70-year-old farm owner, charging her with reckless driving. In turning a corner, to nvlil crashing Into another machine, she drove through a heavy plato glass window In a furniture More A runge. weighing COO pounds, whldt wns on exhibition In thu window, was hurl-d halt way across tho storo whou the car struck It nnd u number of pieces ot furniture were demolished. No ono wns Injured. T NEWBERO, Tho commltteo In chargo of tho campaign to ralso an additional endowment fund for Paci fic collego to tho amount of $150,000 a' few days ngo rocolvcd n subscrip tion from Herbert Hoovor, socretary ot commorco. Mr. Hoover was a stu dont of tho academic department there In his boyhood das. BEND, Moro than 6000 sheep havo been dipped at Crescent In tho last few days as a rcqulslto to being admitted Into tho Deschutes National forest, reports Jack Horton, forest grazing examiner on his return to Uend from Crvscont. Advertising pays. Try it and see. All EC2E1 SKIN Coats Littlo nnd OtrmimeM Trouble AlnuMt Ovrr Night m Any breaking out of tho skin, oven fiery, Itching eczema, can bo quickly overcomo by applying Mentho-8ul-phur, declares a noted skin special ist. Because of Us germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation Instantly brings caso from skin Irri tation, soothos nnd heats the ec zema right up nnd leaves tho skin clear and smooth. It seldom falls to relievo tho tor ment without delap. Hufferors from skin troublo should ohtnln a smnll Jar ot Mentho-Blphur from any good druggist and uso It like cold cream. Adv. I Hot Water Each Morning 1 Puts Roses in Your Cheeks j 8 '" " ' rvr liiiiiiflK9iHHnikiiiiBl To look one's Wtt, and fret one's lt ! to enjoy an ImUo bath rsch momlng to liua iremi tlm yntrtn tho previoui da) 'a waste, sour fermentation and pot sonou toxins before it U nbonrlml into the blood. Juit as coal, when It lairni, leaves in-nind a certain amount of in rvmbuitlblu material In the form of allies, so the fool and drink taken each day leave in the alimentary organs a certain amount of Indlgratltilo material, which if n't eliminated, form toxins and loltons which are then auclcrd Into the Mood through the very diiett which are Intended to suck In only nourishment to (imtatn the body. If ) oil want to sen the glow of healthy bloom In your cViks, to sen jour akin get clearer and clearer, jou aro told to drink every morning upon arising, a glara of hot watrr with a teaanoonful of llmcatona ptiophaU In It, which la a harmleM means nt washing the waata material and toxins from thf stoinncli, liter, kidneys sjid Ixmeln, thus cleans ing, sweetening ami purifying the entire alimentary tract, before putting more food Into the stomach. Olrla and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or pallM complex ion, aVm those who waki up Willi crated tongue, InuI taatr, nasty breath, others who arn liotherrd with headaches, bilious spells, acid stomach or constipa tion should begin this phosphated hot water drinking and are a mi red ot very nronoiuired rmults In one or two weeka. A quarter pound of limestone phot nhatn roots ery little at the drug store (nit Is sufficient to demonstrate that lust as soap and hot water cleanses, purifies ami freshens tho okln on the outside, so hot water and llmettonn nhotnhaU act on the Inside nriran. U'n must arwari ronsldrr that inttrnai sanitation la vast ly more Important than outside cleanli ness, becautn the skin pores do not ab sorb Impurities Into tho blood, while the bowel pores do. Women wlio desire to enhance the beauty of their complexion sJiould Just try this for a week and notice results. RALEM, Tho stopping of n train on tho Oregon Electric so that n pas iicngor might return to tho stotohouHo BETTER WORK SHOES FOR LESS MONEY AT J. E. Enders & Co. THE HERALD Due to the fact that We have been mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimimmm unable to handle the detail work in cident to renewal of subscriptions, One year by carrier, $5.00 the period during which the special n i .1 . rate will continue has been extended Utie year by mail, m untH August 1st. During, thejnonth the county $4.00 of July the rate will be $5.00 a year delivered by carrier in the city or ", by mail outside of the county; $4.00 a year by mail in the county. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS THE PRESENT IS MORE IMPORTANT BY ALLMAN SAV.TOM. I HEARD VoO WERE A UAUinFDBMI TPWWI.; DI&VFD i- wupu vmi wear VnuMfiERi l un.i cimtw n kkui r. V- OH. Ja p i ,li zr i MinrALia ; I T( mm. S rninwr.i-.s-. TAKE A LI ' IA.TA I ' ' ' ,. v j'sM m i 4 dztti fJtV-' JL YfL wnnm, jc 1-''' jim t&z ir ssV - sVsm.. .sm mm su. . mwr. . wtkw. .mvtir jL7-Z l-aas- 'mm ,,t. Ml I HEARD SOME PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT YOU A5 A PLAVER AND I WAS PROUD THAT YOU VERE MV UNCLE' BOUTl 'J- KV TH& WAV. COULD VOU LET ME V " . .--r i . I S ..,4,IWI LTTJ.E MONEY fr-. ' MlfaMI - I HUVI" GUESSED THAT! & LISTEN, TOM. I ONLY WANT IT FOR A FEW DAYS! U PAY YOU RArkr' -t, You're a false alarm! YOUIL NEVER GET ANV WHERE EI WHAT'.'; ezniur. rv- nrrnw.t riB YOU V PON'T YOU EVER VIM. OH THE FUTURE? ( Li-J-u. -1 imc i rn tuf i vwr i tsSt vis t TOMORROW 13 MV GIRL'O BIRTH PAY AND 'M THINKING OP THE. IP I L X -z-s: ,-r- v K& Kr r inn ' -K'D S, UJ , -sis,iKMf .mr-Mimx fjMl m . Iv i n VF", Jl -zeazx jmi