PAQR TWO WEDNESDAY, JULY IS, llttt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ihe Evening Herald J. MURRAY.. rMED BOUIJ3 ... Editor ..City Editor Published Jally except Sunday, by Tbs Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at .119 Eighth Street. ntered at the poitottlce at Kla auth Falls, Ore., (or ' transmission tarough the malls aa soeond-class asatter. . MKXBER OF TDR ASSOCIATED PRKSS The Aesoclated Pre 'a Is exelustrely titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited In this Mr, and also the local news pub lisher herein. WEDNESDAY, OUI.V l;t, 1WI i PIT IT TO VOItK Thero Is hardly a homo In tho ' county that Is without an Idle dol lar. Thousands ot them are thero "Just because." Other thousand are there becauao their owners got scared last winter and began tn hoard. Aa this timidity wears away esse ot thla hoarded money Is be ginning to find Its way back lot" the channels ot business through the banks. This is evidenced by. the big gain made In deposits by the three banks ot tho city during the last (0 days. If this gatn tould be doubled during the next (0 days, there would be no tight times in Klamath county, for It would put enough money in circu lation to care for the demand. Then who Is to blame for the scarcity ot money in this county? Erery person who has a dollar in his pocket, on the shelf, in her stocking, in a trunk anywhere but in the bank. There is not a bust- ,-nees house in Klamath Falls but what keeps more money lying idle In Its safe mad cash drawers than Is necessary. Erery dollar thus idlo adds its weight to business depres sion. The thing to do Is to put this money to work. Put it In the banks. Use a check book. A check is Just as good and Jnst as convenient as the cash It Is a great deal more businesslike and always answers aa a receipt. Take inventory ot your idle dollars and .make them work. . The faster you make them turn orer the more they will bring you in, the better it. will be for the com munity and the sooner will busi ness hit Its old-time gait. in nine i 72.1 MILES 0 nrii Herald Salem Bureau SALEM, July 13. Hoy A. Klein, secretary to the state highway com mission, has announced that 72.8 miles of road Improvement, distributed- over nine projects in nine coun .lies, will be up for consideration by the state highway commission at its meeting in Portland, July 38. A summary complied by Mr. Klein follews: Clackamas county Paving ot bridges on Pacific highway at Tryon . creek, Sucker creek and Molalla riv er. Cut-Off Included Clatsop county Regradln.? and rocking ot Warrenton cut-off, ap proximately two miles, and construc tion of rock shoulders ot Warrenton cut-off and Miles crossing distance ot 2.8 miles. Deschutes couuty Grading ot The Dalles-California highway froja Kla-math-Deschutea county lino north to ward Bend, distance of 17 miles. Lake county Grading between Chandler's station and Chewaucan Narrows on LakovlewPalsIey road, 16.8 miles. Also grading of ap proaches to bridge near Chewaucan river at Paisley. Grading Contemplated. Lincoln county Grading on Cor-vallls-Newport highway between Tol edo and Cbitwood, 8 miles. Linn county Paving between Bbedd and Halsey on Pacific highway 7.5 miles. Tillamook county Rock surfaces on Roosevelt highway between Wil son river and Riverdale, north of Till amook city, 1.5 miles. Wheeler county Grading and rock surfacing between Fosell and Cummins hill on John Day highway, 2.6 miles. Yamhill county Gravel surface on West side highway between Amity and McMlnnvllle, 3 miles. Fiction is falsehood done in colors. i NEW TODAY FOR SALE Snap. 3 room house, most now, woodhouso, chicken house, lot 50 x 1 2 0, alloy, near school. Why pay rent when you can buy thla place for $'H0d on terms, also Cor. lot 50 x 110, alloy, sower, 2 room house 14 x 28 parod streot, $860.00, 1550.00 cosh, bnl. torms. Party leaving town, Fred Hueilng, 1020 .Vain St. 13. 1U' FOR RENT ny July 17. Comfort able room, bath and uso of tolo- phone Call Lorons Apts. 1314 FOR RENT Uarago Hlgh..8t. room 1130 in-14 FOR SALE 120 foot or H lmh cnblo and 5 inch well bucket, 711 Main st. ' 13-t4 WANTED A small croaiu separator. Addrose C. C. Tovrea, city. 13-14 A good bed and a good bath at Colonial rooms, luh ntnr -mhiii St. and at Colonial Annex, 741 Walnut Are. All outsldo airy rotms. 13 WANTED Lodr room mate to sharo light housekeeping room. Phono 419. 13-lb FOR Four room house furn ished or unfurnished, hot water, lawn and garden fenced, corner lot. Will consider car la Reed condition as part payment. Sec owner, IV o Lin coln St. 13 Furnished 2 room apurtmonts, wood, water, lights $25.00. 'alngle rooms $16. The Turner apartments, 812 Oak St. 13-19 FOR SALE Modern 5 room cottngo, close In. Easy terms. Phono 491 13-13 FOR SALE 1917 Model Ford t'ock In good condition, $3f0. Inn liro Room 204, Wllllts Dldg. 13-tS FOR RENT Apartment In modern residence, also bedroom. 1810 Mel rose street. Phono 224M. 13 FOR SALE 1-1918 Studebr.icor 7 passenger, $500.00. KwauB Motors Co. "Your Credit Is Good" 1.1-IS FOR SALE OR TRADE Stuck, crop and loaso on small placo closo in. 71 1 Main St. 13-1-1 WANTED airl or woman to help with light housekeeping for room nud Toartl. Good homo. Phono 251W. 13 Young girl ot 12 yearn would llko position caring for children whllo tholr mothers aro shopping or going to partlos or would help with work mornings. Address Uox M. P. Herald. 13 Even a dost man can hoar money talk. i Tho scent-amollor Is as oMintlul to pcrfumo manufacturer as tho ten, taster Is to tho tea merchant The gift ot scent-smelting la n thousand times more rare than the gift of wine sampling. At the Theaters Films for iuIo at Stlnson Photo shop. 1 3 Advertising brings efficiency. THE HTAR One ot tho most charming figures In tho now Paramount plcturo, "Tho Charm School" starring Wallace Hold, which will bo shown at tho Star Theatre tonight, Is I.lla I.ce, who plays tho leading femlnlno rolo op posite Mr. Rold. i Miss Leo will bo remembered as having played with Mr. Held In Banking Is I Co-Operation This is YOUR BANK. Your banking transactions are a necessary and desirable port of this institution's business. Banking is co-operation. Every officer and employe aims to co-operate and furnish you with maximum banking efficiency.- . You will find every person on the staff of this institution pleasant and courteous. You have every reason to feel at home IN YOUR BANK. First State $ Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON . sBrfsMsjaitfaajsijsajtsa LADIES! DON'T FAIL TO SEE OyR NEW PUMPS AND OXFORDS FOR SUMMER. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THEM. J. E. Enders & Co. "Hawthorne ot tlm U. H. A." Slnco hor remarkable work In such famous pictures as C. 1). DeMlllo's "Mala nud Female'' In wltloli aha ilnwd the little scullery maid, mul later In Will lam Do Mlllo's production "Tim Prlnco'Chap," tho popularity of tliv little actress tins Increased by lunpx nud bouuds. THE I.MIEHTY Hero Is n story rich with tho sconts ii ml odors ot tho Dig Woods! dramatic with tho crash vof falling trotwi tilled with immculnr action and darodovlltry. King Spruce" for ton years linn been one ot tho foremost novels ot tho great outdoors. All tho big mo tion plcturo producer linvn bid tor It. It contains a sweet, cleiiu love story. It shows tho sweep of a grout forest fire. It contains hard fighting and breathless adventure. It lR wind ed by a cast ot fine player who feel tho story they nre acting. At the l,lh erty Theatre tonight, , Qffcrm Made in Kodak factories by Kijflak workmen I fisssfissssssssssssssssW! I fireJin ffcsh cr&meryMkr Good Coffee with real Pure Cream So Aft,. I KSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBbVM KsiE Hill v UK Mil I ii I Mmw StMmfeatSS Yasa & Autographic Brownies Frankly wc consider, the Autographic Brownie one of the "best buys" that our photographic department has to offer and that is a real tribute. Any one, however, can t;ee value plus price consid ered in an efficient pidttirc-niakcr fitted with care fully tested lens and sluitter that folds like a Koda'k, and like a Kodak has the autographic feature. No. 3 FnMing llrunnlr, pictuiri 2'( x 3U intlin , . $ 0.00 No, ISA Folding Ilrtwnlr, i!itutr 2'j xi'J inches . . $10.00 No. 20 Kolilini Htiinnlc, lrnilrt 'iU x !' incliri , . $1.1.50 No 3A Folding Iliimnic, lctutci3'4 x5i Imlitt , , J15.00 iimjty wwuu nun IIIQLY XAJLATTAl n rUjLJ UfCLUUH Tnrr? w jiflL, Vy WHERE PARTICULAR PCOPLB I muA't -y I BUY THEIR DRUGS Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads. i - i 1 1 ji 1 1 Take Home dDo?en Ibttffuwb 30? X SPECIAL NOT A PLAIN OLD ARMY SHOE. BUT AN EXTRA GOOD, STRONG ARMY SHOE $5.00 SATURDAY $5.00 J. E. Enders & Co. Wilh acknouiedymtnti to K. C. B, Who said ru-tk -was Sraner &an dcion? ' sjsj n awifssi "?, o for. 20 cents in alr-llght ptaktgti. Alto obttlntblo in round tin of SO, vacuum filed. "YOU'RE FIRED," said the odltor. 'UNLESS YOU can ills up. A LIVE story today." 80 THE cub reporter. DISAPPEARED FOR boun. OUT WHEN ho rccoTerocl. FROM HIS trance, ho had. A 8T0RY boro It Is. OUR DEPUTY constable. WAS WAKENED oy tho 'phone. AND A shrill volco cried. ' "FOR THE love ot Mike. BEAT IT boro quick. . . . AND NAIL a nut WHO'S TALKING wild. IN THE cigar Btora." THE LONG arm ot the law. PUT ON bis pants. SPED TO tho scono. AND AFTER a brlet. BUT TERRIFIC strucsle. MADE THE pinch. a AND WHEN Interviewed. BY OUR star reporter. QAVE OUT this statement "HE'S A loony, all right. pTHE ASYLUM says, by Hoot, THE WORST they ever had, WHY THEpoor nut. CLAIMS HE can copy. THE SECRET blend. OF THE clcsrctlo. THAT SATISFY." NO the blend can't be copied. It's one wnv (if lilenHlnir Una inhi.i both Turkish and Domcstlc-that tho other fellowcan't Eetonto. That's why Chesterfields ,rsatlsfy," and Hiat'a,why mlV Chesterfields can -. siffai -! . r- - ' . jQKBRBBBS?aMRsssssBsvjisrBr jm m0 CICARE T TX 8 LiaaETT & Myers Toiiacco Co. jy 4 lWWr.VMVVMViVWViwV.rVMWwVMJ If It's Loose We Will Move It O. K. TRANSFER CO. 124 & ",. A