The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 13, 1921, Image 1

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A Class Ad ttill
!i Do It
Today sTiews
Member of the Associated Press,
I'lflnontli Year. No. 0170
.prick fivk cknti
Hank ilnpoitllH nri Ruining nml
thorn In u NtriMiKT ll(iililittlon of
loans, wiiii tint combined o,,nlo'i of
local liuiikcrn Intunlnncwl recently
In llio (itiHt 12 itn, iiild Oh.irlri
Hull, president ot llio FlMl Nntliiniil.
tliul Irnnk him gained $lf"i,iiiii in
chocking deposits nml roliiCL"! lis
bill receivable lino, ODD In Ulmr
words bnrruwitrn huvo paid 1100,000
on their lotinit.
Caul. J. W Siemens of tho h'irnt
'(fralii. nml Savings limit:. hi1 tlinlj
client, nf Hint liiink wurii meeting
their loans In fliin style, nnJ tint
thn hank liml recently been nhli to
plum an additional $100,000 of out.
sldn 1110111')- In circulation hum to aid
wool growers anil farmers.
K. M. Ilulih of thn American Nn
tlonul said dopnnltn llicrn showed 1
gain on thu July statement ovrr tba
preceding statement of $!)6,21 .
Tho llilo of money In iilowly woep
In hack Into circulation nil tlio p'lb
lie regains confidence nml forgiU lis
panicky fount. Certainty Unit there
will ho no national innlc Im now on
toblUboil nml money that was liflnn
toreit In stockings nml unfit deposit
boxes U beginning to appear again In
tho itronm of commerce,
At lead that In ono theory. FJnnii
clera estimate that an enormous
amounty of nionoy haa been wllh
drawn from circulation during the
pad six month hy llmld pursnir
who thu were tnklUK tho moil clinic
method to brine about tho crlsW
thny notiKht to avoll. The billion
dollar hoarded In cans and athur
recoptartea In thn United Htn(cn
.would, .hjW avud banker man" a
worry end Wept many a business
' man afloat If It had remained In
Klamath Fall suffered proportion.
atbly with tho red from tho unthlnk.
Ing action ot thn timid. Katlmalc as
to tho amount vary. Hanker know
of $40,000 hero and $1C,000 there
that dropped from oxlstcnre n a
medium of circulation Rased on Kix'h
Instances It la certain that $300,tT'
I not too high an estimate, and
$500,000 or J'Mi.ouO might not miss
tho mark
Another claim conrolvcd tho Iden
that Portland or San Francisco
banks mlRlit ho stronger In caso of
atorm than the country banks, Tho
fallacy of thin heller J.i punctured
dally, tho moat recent example. holnR
tho cIohIiir of thn Bcandlnnvlan bank
at Seattle, n alrons northwestern In.
Tho present tendency In toward re
doratlon of both clamen of withdraw
nla and thU may linvo something to
do with the Increasing deponltn An
other reason advanced la the Ronoral
return to normalcy and thrift. Tho
public In realizing that when Smith
iiiioh nml llrown will
havo money. Thoy will pay their bill
and ovontually money will find lt
wny Into thn hands of Smlth'H dobt
ors nml thoy will aquaro their ac
counln with Smith.
On tho editorial pago yostorday tho
vlcloua circle bcRotton hy fear wan
pictured and tho plcturo la not over
drawn In Itn application to tho situ
ation thnt In now happily sliding In
to tho pant.
Financial Aid for
Stock Men Ready
i CHICAGO. July 13 The 50.
000,000 livestock pool, to aid In
financing dock ralsorB, will bo In
operation next Monday, Kvorott C.
Brown, prosldont of tho national
livestock exchange, uuliouncod hero
today. Tho pool Is mibscrlbod to by
bunkcra of tho stock raising amies
WA8H1NQTON, July 13. Con
grcBsmnn McArthur rocolvod advlcoa
from Chttlrmun Portor thnt his bill
for tha Portland exposition author
izing tho president to Invito forolgn
nations will bo on tho calondar for
9 passago by July 18, nnd that unions
I tbe 'tariff debate Interfered ho will
urgo Its passago on that date.
Nations agree to
Attend Conference
LONDON, July 1, (Ireat llrlticlii,
franco mid Italy huvn officially ac
cepted President llnrdlnt;'-. Invito.
Hon to n conference) on the limitation
of armaments. China Indicated readl
liens to pnrtlclpatu In tho confeienco.
relative to tho fur cunt situation.
Japan In not on record yet, but St In
expected her acceptance will b'J coin
miinlcatod to thn United Htuton gov
ernmmit noon,
hearing on protest that freight
ratea between Portland and polnta
In Klamath county Ore., aro too
IiIrIi wan hold hero today before
Clyde II. Altchlson. Interstate com
merce commissioner.
Fred It. Williams, president ot tho
Oregon stale public scrvlco commis
sion, said, "Tho deslro Is to equal
lie rates between Portland and Kla
math points, and between Ban Fran
cisco and these samo polnta. All
frelKhl movlnc Into Klamath coun
try from Portland and adjacent
polnta must como Into California
na far n Weed, 40 miles below tho
Oregon lino. It In then back to
destination. This makes It a much
longer haul than from San Fran
else to Klamath points with n con
sequent difference In freight ratea."
B. II. Hall, president ot the Kla
mnth county chamber, of commerce,
W C McCultoch and J. II. Lathrop
f Portland traffic and transporta
tion association, and Hal. K, Wig
rIiih, traffic ntport for Oregon pub
lic scrvlco corporation were present
to testify at this hearing.
Oregon shipper aro at n great
disadvantage "whan compared to, Cat.
Ifornla shlppors because ot the dif
ference of the rato structure In
each atate, Hal. F. Wiggins, traf
fic expert of tho Oregon public
service corporation testified. Tho
California railroad commission baa
given tho shlppors tho best of It, ho
Mills vs Williams
Trial Ends; Court's
Decision Pending
Tho caso of L. O. Mills against
I). O. Williams waa brought to a
clone this afternoon and thn caso
taken under advlsemont hy Judge
Kuykondu'll. Tho mntter In 'con
troversy wan settlement ot a cattle
This uftornoon, tho trial of Smith
brothers against W. II. Johns, tho
Montague Hanking company ot
MontBRue, nnd A. W. Kite was
Tomorrow, the first of throe
criminal trials will start, a Jury
trial of Hoy Patch, accused of steal.
Ing an nutomobllo, At hla prelim
inary trial July 7, Patch pleaded
not guilty. l
Nltn Carnnlnl, daughter of Mi nnd
Mrs. Peter Carnnlnl ot Polloun Cliy,
ugod nlno years, who wu.t Injured
yesterday morning when struck by a
car driven by Wilfred ("Hippy")
Ilrookfleld of thin city, died nt 'I'.'iO
o'clock last night from skull frac
ture Tha accident happened ucur tho
Carnnlnl home. Tho little sl-l mut
ed across the road to hand the mall
man a letter. A truck was paining
nnd ahn slopped around It, ditnrtly
Into tho path ot thu Hrookflolc'. car
and too clone for tho driver to avoid
tho accident, It Is nnld.
Tbe funornl will bo held at 2
o'clock tomorrow afternoon at tho
Whltlock chapel, tho Itev. Father
Molloy officiating.
POnTLANI), July 13. Cattle
atoudy, hogs 50 conts higher, prlmo
light $11.60 to $12.00; aheep, 25
to 50 conts hlghor; east mountain
lambs $7.00 to $7:60; lga firm,
b'uttor steady.
A, W. Finch had thn ride ofhTs
life yesterday In a Cbovrolet car
when ho net out on a Journey fr'eni
this city to Kirk about 1:30 o'clock.
That ho Is allvo and able to relde the
story Is one point which hi rar.not
figure out an from all Indication at
2:10 o'clock, ho wan headed dralght
for tho graveyard.
In company with C. A. Friiblo
and another man, Finch left hero
about 1:30 o'clock and after arriv
ing on top of tho "hogback" ead of
thla city, darted to drive down to
wards Algoma. Tho Incline varies In
degrees but all la downhill, 'some
places almost 45 degrees, lind Ire
stretch of road, with one turn t thn
right, Is about ono and ore-hlf
miles. Just an Finch got over the
hill and had proceeded about
f,0 '
yards, ho applied tho foot brake and
hoard a snap. The emergency r-a1r
also refused to work.
Then the wild swaying rldo dovin
that mile and one-half rough moun
tain road began with no brakes or
even a chance to use tho compresslcn
or thrown Into tho rovorao twiise
both Jiandt had to ."bo kpt on the
atoering wheel. Finch states that one
minute ho was riding the seat, the
next moment In the air. all tho 'Ire
hanrtng onto the wheel and silently
praying that no one would appear
ahead of him In tha road.
An they neared tho' tnrn In the
road ahead wero Mrs. Stephen Her
llhy and two box !n a aprlpg
wagon. Observing the predicament
that Finch waa In, the woman en
doavored to drive her wagoD- orer
to the left ot the road to give full
right of waytoiUie oacomltut car,
Hetore aho could yvll to thi al'ie,
Finch had crashed Into tho rear ff
tho wagon, .hurling It and Its orcup
anta to tho dftch. Mre. Herllhy recclv
ed a bruised foot and ono of the
born a blow on tbe head. What In
unexplained, according U Finch, U
why nono of tho occupants of his car
worn Inlured. Tho radiator, fen.lors
and bumper were crushed In,
Finch stated that he had rocn ly
had hln car overhauled. Examination
of tho car revealed a broken brale
rod. a bad flaw being found in tbe
rod which caused It to snap. Finch
had the Injured people breugh: here
for medical attention.
Hospital Fagitive
Reported in Calif
With, feara allayed that Fred
Ramsey might havo committed sul
cldo after fleeing from the county
hospital Monday night by nowa that
tho fugitive was soon near Worden,
J. II. Short, hospital superintendent.
Htatcd that no effort would be made
to find Hamsoy. The hospital head
is well satisfied to let tho California
Indigent fundo support Ramsey for
a whllo. '
Tho fuglttro has a brother and
undo bolow Worden, on tho, Cali
fornia aide, and ho Is supposed to
bo hcaiung for bis relative's homo.
SAI.KM. Oregon. July 13.
Records In the offlco ot J. A. Chur
chill, stato auperliUendent of schools,
show that 1600 pupils ot Oregon
schools aro conveyed to and from
school each day at the expense of thn
districts. Thoro aro novonty-tlvo
Haying Started
in Butte Valley
DORR18, Cat., July 13. Haying la
Iu general progress throughout nutte
Valley and In tho Oklahoma countcy
Tho principal crop In thla locality Is
rye, whllo In Oklahoma the bay crop
la a mixture of ryo, alfalfa and wild
grass. This year's acreage planted to
grains ly this valley la exceptionally
largo and the yield will bo far beyond
the average.
Wheat ot a very tino quality Is
grown successfully on tho slopes sur
rounding the valley whero frost Is
not ao destructive. Threshing will bo
heavy precluding cold weather while
groin is In Jjlosaom.
The flro which destroyed the mill
ot Christy & Bonn nt Long I.ako yes
terday afternoon occurred on thn evo
of resumption of tho season's saw
ing. Operations, according to Oeorgn
Christy wnro to havn started today.
Mr. Christy nalil today that ho might
not rebuild tho mill, this year as tho
season Is so far advanced,
Tho fire's destruction was
thorough, wiping out the mill and
all nearby buildings, except tho
pumphouse. Tho loss, an estimated In
the Herald yesterday, will be about
$40,000. Insuranco of $10,000 was
carried with tho J. II. Urlncoli
quick action by Coorgo Christy
who presacd a truck and a heavy
i able Into aervlco waa rcsponslblo
for the saving of tho pumphouse. A
trash conveyor leading near
pumphouse warn blazing and wll
Ithln a
fow minutes would bavo caught the
bullcftng but u heavy cable was thrown
over tho conveyor and tho truck man
aged to pull It far to tho side bre
It broke off, saving that building
from destruction.
Horse, Immlxv Savrtl
The two big 10,000 gallon wator
tanks on top of tho milt' building
wero rendered useless within a few
minutes after tho blaze started and
they caved In with the roof. In c
barn near tbo pumphouso, 21 Lorces
were saved after a bhuo had started
to destroy the building. Over 600,000
feet ot lumber In the yards were
also aaved by prompt protective
The milt has been cloaod alnce list
vca hut. according to. a statement
by Chrldy.twaa to, have: bean start 1
tins morning wun neany a iuu crew
Yesterday, the engineer had been
pumping water and had been testing
out tbe boilers. A timber forco wi
also to start hauling In nearly C0O.
000 feet of cut timber from tha
woods. Five new saws .Installed this
week and 'a la'the mill new in all de
tails worn, lost In the blaze
May hare bern Cigarette
Mr. Christy, while not definite, has
reasons to bollove that a carelessly
thrown clgarettn stub noar the boiler
was rcsponslblo for tho flro but this
theory has not been verified. At the
lime tho blaze started there waa no
fire In tbe boiler and thero Is no reas
on to bcHove that tho fire could have
started from defective machinery
Tho flames spread rapidly to leu
acres of standing timber near the
milt and for a whllo It looked aa If
thla tract would bo destroyed but a
forco of Weyerhauscr men volunteer
ed to stamp It out and went to work
Immediately to do so.
Tho tiro was roportod still burhi
Ing thla morning but under con
trol. '
stato tiro wardons "wero at tho sceno
of tho conflagration yesterday, aud.
thla morning wero again delving
Into tho ruins In making a report
upon the origin of tho blazo.
PORTLAND, July 13. Definite
plans were formulated boro yestor-
day for tho establishment ot a cen
tral marketing organization for tho
handling ot tbo frul( crop ot the six
Pacific coast states represented at
the local conference of fruit grow-
ora. Appointment of a committee of
tbreo membora from each of tho
marketing organizations in tho nix
atatea la provided for lu a resolu
tion adopted. Tho resolution de
clared that tho object la to ellmln
ato tbe mlddlomon and give tho
growers the .boat possible, prlco,
while makingtho price tp consum
ers aa low as la possible.
CAMP LEWIS, Tacomo, Wash..
July 13. United States army officers
and their families hero are to bo
glvou use ot tho Red Shield Inn,
which was built by the Salvation Ar
my hero during the war at a cost ot
1100,000. Recently tho building waa
presented by1 tbo Salvation Army to
the government, which has turned tt
over to the oftlcera here who will
operate it on a cooperative bails.
Analysis Shows
, Coyote Had Rabies
Word waa received at tho Farm
buroau today that tho royoto, killed
July 8 by H. W. Tower jOn his ranch
In tho Worden district, was afflicted'
with rabies, the Information com
ing from the state board of health
at tfalcm.
Tho forum at the chamber of com
merce waa fairly well attended to-
fday and the program arranged by W.
W. McN'ealy was cno which was ap
preciated as It opened a new train of
thought relative to homo matters.
Vr. H. D. L. Stewart, city physi
cian and health officer waa tho prin
cipal spoaker and he choso an his
topic, "Public Health" dealing with
local conditions. Or. Stewart stated
at tbo beginning of hl uddresa that
sanitary condlttona In tho city wero
appalling and that tho present situa
tion waa duo to an Inadequate sow,
or system, and tho part of ono hero In
Impcrfocrtn Its operation.
Ten jjPbecs were stated: dwelling
housea Hhout sewers and dlstrieja
whereto sewers existed: fllthycon
dltlon ot outhouses; homes HUiln
districts where aowerago was avail
able but no connection mado with It;
homes In district whero water re
mained abovo anrface of ground year
around; poor offal disposal; failure
ot reports on communicable dUoates
to health oftlcera and physician:
selfish effort on part of people to
evade quarantine regulations and
protest raised upon Isolatien: actual
violation of state law In regard to
Isolation and quaranUnY regulations
by people exposta aaeral pabtlc to
coamuntaabta' JlassHm MM
quate garbage disposal.
The causes In1 the mnln for this
condition was due to the expansion
or Klamath Falls from a village to
city with only thought of present
problems and not dealing with tbe
future expansion needs In health
preblems: penny pinching policy at
present but no consideration of tho
cost flvo yearn rrom now; failure ot
people to observo tho "Golden Rule"
policy In regard to public health mai.
tcra: lack of knowledgo on part of
average citizen relative to public
health problems; selfish use of public
health rulea Jo work hardship or
neighbors by a "small class of nar
row minded citizens."
The remedy from an Idealistic
standpoint, said Dr.Stewart. was paid
sanitary offlcora on both city and
county health rolls to dovoto entire
time to health matters; entire ro-or-ganlzatlon
of sewerage and sewage
disposal; public Inclnorator for gar
bage (Impoaalblo ot this time owing
to lack of monoy and It would bo
probably two yeara before this could
be secured); personal application of
"Ooldon Kulo" In observance of all
health rules.
The practical remedy, howovor, lay
Immediately in tho preparation of a
set of ordinances by tho city council
nnd proper enforcement ot the reg
ulations; tho working arrangement
with the police Judge to cntorco dras
tic pcnaltlea tor violations such as
$100 and 50 (la's ,n Jal1 for ,,'ther
tho first or 60tli offense At, this
point tho spoaker stated a truth self
evident, "Enforce this on all alike
and thoro will be but ono violation.
after that nono, for anyono can pay a
tino but who wants to lay B0 days In
A method to enforce ordinances
would be by police reporting all of
fenses to health oftlcera. Dr. Stewart
received much applause for hla can
did statemonta In'reforonco to the
health conditions here.
Lydlo E. Frlcke, county health of'
fleer gavo a very Interesting account
of her work and also spoko Intelli
gently on "Hoalth Program."
George Daniels waa" taken Mnto
custody by Marlon Barnes, deputy
sheriff, yesterday on Instructions
from tho sheriff at Alturas. where
Daniels la said to "bo wantod forloU
ony. Th deputy toel: Danish from
the stage at Malin.
OHKAT FALLS, Mont., July 13.
"If a payment of a bonus to ser
vice men, wouiu mean nnanciai ruin
to tho country, wo certainly do not
wont' It," Lemuel Holies, national
adjutant of tho American Legion,
declared today In reference to Presi
dent Harding's statement mado to
congress yesterday.
'"flut wo do not believe tho grant
III of an adjusted . compensation
would bring such disaster," he con
tinued, "aa opponents, of tho mean
uro have centered alt their' attacks
on tho cash bonus feature."
"Thsrc are three other options.
A servlco man under tho bill could
obtain loans for tho purcbaso of a
houso nnd lot or a farm. Ho could
recotyo technical or vocational train
ing, or recclvo' lfr ho preferred, a '
paid up Insurance. Vo.elo not be-
llevo that any legislation tending to
make a scrvlco man an Independent
homo owner or which would give
him an education or give bis fam
ily Insuranco In tho event of his
death -would visit destruction upon
our country!"
MWe oppose any delay, In tho con
sideration of an adjusted 'compensa
tion meaaure which .has been paanod
In the houso. ,
There haa been foo.' much delay
experienced already, Today 'tnero
are 'over a half million of aexrlce
men out of work and In djretfeed.
A condition exists for an adjaitttont
lot an economic balance .between
iuubo woo Brrea ana inoso, wO. aid
Daring t Raid on,
Watermelon Jimard
The Wood-Curtis wholesale, gro
cery yesterday evening waa an In
voluntary host to about air1 young
sters at a watermelon feast In thn
rear , of- their-building near tn.ii
White Pelican hotel.
A consignment or the fruit made
famous "down south" was hauled
Into tbo basement yesterday fore
noon and watching tho dellrery
wero flvo boya ranging from 6 to
10 yeara ot ago and ono girl about
15 years old. As melon after melon
waa taken from the wagon, tho
tnngues or tbo children moistened
with the, "near taste" or the fruit.
All afternoon, the children played
near the building but Buck Jay,
tho affablo manager or Wood-Curtis
did not ascrlbo anything unusual
to this fact.
Jay waa called away for a row
minutes before 6 o'clock, and - a
friend ot his who wondered why
thero waa, no many children playing
near the firm, watched them. In
dian file, with a melon apiece, tho
youngsters appeared from tho base-
mont and carried their burdens tc
a nearby shed, doposltcd them nc.i
returned tor more. Two trips wero
mado before Jay returned. Tha
third relay was Just coming out or
tho basement when Jay hovo In
sight and demanded their plunder.
.Six big melons "kerplunked" to
tbe ground and six children "went
In as many ways, A survey or tho
cache disclosed, nearly 30 melons In
ono pile. Jay reels that In tho ru
ture, armed guards will bo nocea
sary and he says he "haa his weath
er eyo on all kid spectators."
Legion Post Backing
c None for Appraiser
Klamath Post No. 8, American lo
glon, wishes It definitely known the
post Itself,, as a body, Is interested In
no recommondatlons for tho appoint
ment ot any appraisers undor the
provisions or tho recently passed sol
dier bonus bill.
The post also states, through Ha
officers, that any petitions presented
to tho publlo by any potltlonors, alleg
ing that the post Is authorizing and
advocating the appointment of any
candidate Is without foundation, aa
this matter la ono wholly within tho
province of tba atate commissioners.
At somo time when tho mutter Is
ready for proper recognition the post
will very likely suggest tbo names ot
candidates' whom they'consldor quail,
flodfor tha appraisement department
of tho legion.