I imj - I a -i MORIUY JULY, 11. 1MU. T. f ' Personml Mention o o Mr mnA Un. Nawt Darrah and sen Maon,-Mr. and Un, Earl Bad Mir, Mr .nd Mrs. Charles Dunham aid Cecil Fltswater, all ot Redding, California, were guests In the city camp grounds Baturday. Sunday ttis party was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Olorcr. the local jeweler. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Carter, Mr. and Mrs. 0. O. Coiad and daughter Verda spent tho week end at Rocky Point. Mr .and Mrs. J. J. Tartar, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Van Bellen and Mm. L. J Ransom ot Portland were at Crater Lake yesterday. ' A marriage license was Issued Saturday nliht to John D. Johnson A and Mies Grace E. Taylor, both of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wlthrow and daughter Mlsa Waive are spending 1 the week at Rocky. Point. Fred MlUa returned last night from a trip to the Bis Klamath Mara. 'M Oeorgo Havellna, a Plema ranch. er, was la town Saturday for med ical treatment. Mr. Harellna wae lajurod wkea a colt he was riding became frightened and threw htm. Mr. and Mrs. Bam Holden, Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Lester, Bernard and 1 Oeorca Hackland and Mrs. Oeorge B. Downing made up a party that motored' to' Crater Lake for the week end.' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hogae spent Baaday on an outing- trip to I Crater Lake. 4 ' Cecil Adams, who has been here from Eugene Ylsltlng old friends for iae past lew days, isn ima morning ' for.Maodoel, where he wiU visit for r abort time with relatives before returning to Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Momyer and deagfcter, Mies Ida B. Momyer, ; maoa a nip u wraur x-aao over iuo week sad. Mr. aad Mrs. J. I. Beard of Ue Vint Natleaal bank, are away on their vacation this week. Mr Aad Mrs. James Blair, ac- eeatpaaled by a number of friends, sptat the week Md it their ranch aar Odessa, These in the party war Mies Mell McBlrath, Miss Oil tart, CUala Starr, R. B. Cooke. I , Maeel tad 1 Rosnaal, the latter two ,a baeiiesa mem of Oakland. Callfer- ,. at, who an speadlag their vaca- tieaa ia Klamath county. The party reports wonderful luck fishing. Mrs. T. O. Markwardt. Mr. aad 'V Mrs. Xd Owens aad children aad Tad Markwardt spent Baaday at Bock Creek. Mr., aad Mrs. J. A. dordon were at the Lake o' tho Woods the past week oad, enjoying tho fishing. Miss Baiaana Applegate and Miss ri., Emma Applegate, both ot Portland, aad eoaaias of Captain O. C. Apple gate .arrived Saturday night for a visit with the Captain, only to find , that ho had left for Portland to " visit with relatives there. They left oai this morning's train for their boss. I W. 8. Sloagh was a passenger oa tha outgoing train this morning, bound for Salem and Corvallls. ' Mrs. O. Aadross.ot Andross-OloT- . or Stylo Shop, left oa her buying trip this awratng. Before retaralng Mrs. Androes sa-pocta to visit fash ton oenters la tho north, south and east. Mr .aad Mrs. O. A. Bellman, Mr. aad Mrs. John Siemens and Mrs, . Joe Brett wen among Klamath vis. Itora at Crater Lake Sunday. Miss Madge Dixon, Miss Meta Chastatn, Mies Agnes Driscoll, Larry ' Wright, L. W. Kamm, Sick Farrell and Mr. BaUwell made up a party of pleasure seekers who nude a trip to Crater Lake yesterday. Oeorge H. Barton, Alios M. Bar ton. Lois Barton, Harriet A. Sleeper, Anna L. roster, Roland J. Hunter an a party ot tourists who an reg Utered at the White Pelican hotel today from Massachusetts. " Mr .and Mrs. R. E. Smith left this afternoon for a two weeks' ' automobile trip to Portland and Newport J Mr. and Mrs. Leo Houston and Mr .and Mrs. Louis Hoagland left Baturday night for Spencer Creek, when they spent the week end. It it a known fact that tho four of them consumed seven fryers during the few jneals they were away. 8. TB. Ieenblce and Ivan Icenbleo wen in town on Saturday purchas ing supplies. . John Whitman, a valley farmer, spent Baturday In the county seat looking after matters of business aad trading with. Klamath Falls merchants. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Bennett wen Klamath Falls business visitors over l Ds.uroay. r v C. I. Roberts of the Roberts f "f. Hanks Hardware company, who, has 1 been spending tho past month in l' California, tor his health, returned Saturday night la much better heelth. Season's Biggest Hailstones mmmmmmmmmmmSsMlmmmmlii' sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiHBIiiw'MA!lli BBBPMgBBraar sbMuWMwSs1 SBemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm' aaaaaaaaaajBF j jVay uL BsemmhufrB?Be; gmmmmWV R:AfW ,'gsfflsmmml saaw"-"C, AiWtH-l!asy avTr-aammmml arsm V -v ssmmmmmmmDwflHpsBmmmmmmml aaBamvsssfBaaBseBsBsaBBmaww3SBWalBawammeWsj i The wrathfr man forgot to ye 'Fon ami tho Mnin' Nggrrt Kan-tonre nterty as bis ami deadly a coif Imllo cttrl plnvr re In the annual Kathcr anil Son Golf Tourooin-nt at Scarborough N r Juat gpok at the alxe of 'cm.. A. E. Albortson, accompanied by Miss Mary Thlucsor, spent Sunday at Klamath Hot Springs. Mrs. Stanley Martin, who suffered a stroke ot paralysis last week, Is reported much Improved. Mr. and Mrs. Jnraos K, Shannon and family lett yesterday morning for Pomona, California, by automo bile. Mr. Swanson expects to bo nwny for about 10 days, but Mrs. Swnnsen and the children will mnko un In definite visit with friends and rela tives. GirU of Domestic Science Class Take Baby Girl to Raise FORT COLLINS,' Colo.. July 11. Six girl students of the domestic science department ot tho Colorado Stato Agricultural college hero have a Teal live baby girl, named Edith, for "experimental" work In tholr "laboratory" courses, tho baby be ing part ot the "equipment" In the domestic sclenco department. Baby Edith, a few weeks ago, was sick, fretful and a forlorn bit ot humanity. Her mother had ex hausted her knowlodgo ot babies without success when Miss Inca K. Allison, In chargo of the domestic science department, offered to tnko Baby Edith for six wocks and try out scientific methods of baby.caro. The baby Is part of the "equip ment" at the "practice house." a tt aiggeVv m SmM aWa9st-aV atmmmmm X. I mmmmmv ifc Na5eaas---'r sammmHLw --'-'aral V Some folks claim that our ice will melt, and they may, be right, but they all admit that it's mighty good while it lasts. ' Call and took over our line of refriger ators at 473 Spring Street. Klamath Ice & Storage Co. Phone ---1htjiawW-1Vew CRATER LAKE OaV IS OPEN ! FINEST SCENIC TRIP IN OREGON p . NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION FULL DETAILS AT STAGE OFFICE i Western Transfer Company 410 MAIN STREET THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON cotUK" whoro young women stu dents learn to "keep house" by do ing It. Six young women wanted to lenrn tho intricacies of infants, and they aro tho "mothers" of Baby Edith. ' Mloa Mary C. Ulodgott, pro fessor In charge of the "practice hoUKc," looks after Uftby Edith's rations, and sees that they are properly balanced and contain tho right number of calorics, proteltls, starches .etc. Instead ot being fed only when she cries, Baby Edith gets seven ounces ot carefully prepared food every threo hours. She Is thriving on tho scientific treatment and feed ing. Each ot tho six young women stu dents will have full charge of Baby Edith for ono week. During this time tho other ftvo aro "associate mothers" Baby Edith's "mothers" aro Miss Elisabeth McConnelt ot Denver, Miss Ruth Pensley of Fort Collins, Miss Cleone White of Fort Collins, Miss Dorothy Pcasley of Lothbrldgo, Alberta, Canada, Miss Jcvilo Cherry ot Kansas City and Miss Bessie Routor of Aspon, Colo rado. "Baby Edith's" real mother comes to visit her frequently. EDirCATORM TO MEET OAKLAND. Cnl July 11. Miss Elizabeth IllieemHv-Stoner, assistant professor of physical education at 'Mills collego and president ot tho Bay Counties Physical Education associa tion, will presldo at the opening 58 KLAMATH FALLS PHONE 1ST meeting ot tho convention of tho Amorlcan Physical Education assocln. tton, to bo hold hero July 1033. Dr. Alfred D: Browne, associate professor ot tho western division of the nsHOcIn tlon, and Dr. Dudlor I'. Reed, hcml of tho department ot physical odura tlon anil hygloiin nt tint University ot Chicago, nro expected to address the opening mooting, to bo hold on tlio ovonlng of July 1U. A luncheon on tho campus ot Mills college Ir planned tor July 33. Big Gain in Family All of a Sudden "doe, Matt, 1 didn't know you had n big family llko this," exclaimed a friend ot Matt Kgan, manager of tint Algoma Lumber tompnny yesterday attornoon nn ho slopped up to tho Egan auto and scanned tho faces ot ffvtt youngsters. Matt got rod and stammered and mumbled an expla nation, but his embarrassment was so 'great that his friend misunder stood his confusion. "Oh, that's nil right, old scout, I'vo got seven my self. Glad to son you getting up In my class." Hut It was all a mistake. They were Just borrowed. Tho parly was mndo up ot u mother and flvo children who wore walking to town and wcro given n ride by the lumber man. That Is why tho roglstor at tho local hotel does not contain the no tation "Matt Egan and family." Advertising pays. Try it and see. oaIiajsliej.a1rtjtjsa VICTROLA IV f2C viCTROLA vni $60 C i Phone 282-J fW NORTHERN fWWWWWWmAr Write, Phone, or Call us up. faaaaaakattsBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm N AAA-AMMM--AAm--A-tesaessjV-W-ie-w MWWMWVVWMWyMWVMWW -BWM-iVVWsVM-sV-BVMM-kV-sVkaaW-s-sVM-sdJ n I r no llo Vo Ve NORTHERN ' CALIFORNIA OIL CO. (VyWWWMWMWWWWWMWWVW VWWVWWrrMrMrrrtM m mmmmm l'yrt'Vrt'fVitlffJi I OFFICES 532 MAIN ST. Opportunities nro far more profit able thrtit prophets, A classified Xd will sell It. STAR THEATRE TODAY Conway Tearle IN "Bucking the Tiger" A groat story of tho Frozen North; and MACK HENNKTTH LATK8T COMEDY TOMORROW Wallace Reid IN "The Charm School" THESE SUMMER EVEN- INGS AT HOME OR IN CAMP During tho dusk hour of the quiet summer ovcnlngs Is one ot the times you really approclato a Vict role and a few good records. Summer Vacation Models are $26, $35, $4C, $60 and $75 on torms as low as $6 per month. I Full valuo allowed on ex change for large cabinet sites nnytlme within six months. For "Just n Bong at Twl light" you need that Vic trola now. Lorl bhepherd Co. Klamath's Only Exclusive Music Store --V----M-M-aV------e-a--s CALIFORNIA tt W S Do not make it necessary for your friends to call upon you and urge you to Help Drill a Well Your own interests render it import' ant that you do your part in oil development. rrmwwwwwvttvwwww Northern Cat. Oil Co., Klamath Enclosed check I- -for for mc- -sharos N. C. O. Stock at 11.00 per share, for which 'I agree to subscribe upon receipt ot subscription blank. ' Name .... Address Date rwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwZ i Ma nx Natives of .Greenland an' a cold and distant people. Herald atessltisd ado par ywa. mmmwmrmmmttmamammimmmm hfw4vywww0twrmm0lL At The Liberty ' TONIGHT JUNK KLV1DOH IN "THE WOMAN OF LIES" A smashing drama with charming star TOMORROW T-HETTV ALICH JOYCK IN "The Scarab Ring" Another big mystery story WEDNESDAY Return Kngageseeat of MITCHELL LKWM IN "King Spruce" JLnririi'iRnnririrrsrr" - "--rY VICTROLA VI IC Caviftmmv victrola ix 17s 507 Main' St. OIL CO. W00WVWWWWW U!f' B - " o. OIL CO. Falls Ore. which please reserve TELEPHONE 577-J t