"f If J v hw . vti" -? I'Aflf) VI VR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY JULY, 11, 1M. - i j MAMMVWiMWWWMMMAMAMMA r LOCAL BASEBALL and BOXING NEWS alWsssststsstMMi It look on hour rind thirty flvo minutes of time for tho Plum-bobs to convlaco tho Jewels Mint tho grunt American nntlonnl gamo wnii onn that they knew from stnrt to finish and at thn mid of seven Innings, thn Jowe-lg picked up their bntn and rn tired from tho flold, victory falling to tho Pliimhobs by tho scorn of p to 7. Tho hnlrtrlminom had no easy tlmo wrratllrig thn victory from tho boys who know "service" nnd It was only When tho Plumbobs ramo to thn bat In their half of tho lrvnt InnltiK. aft or Ihrco runner ot tho Jowcln had crowed thn plate tlotng tho score, that tho winning run wan ncored. Throo error coiit tho Jewels tho gamo In that Inning. Houston of tho Plumbob wan tho lUr batter1 In thl icamo securing three blta out ot four time at bat nil lo scored Hired of the rum. McColum ana Moody woro also bntn. men each securing two hit. Klun ger Noel secured h1n usual thrco bagger. It. Porter and Condry wuro tho Individual bittern of tho Jewels, efh collecting two blngles out of four llmei at bat. Iloth Hoars and Pitch pitched Reed ball, Issuing no passes to first, breaking; even cm strikeouts, four apiece. Errors wore the feature which handlcaped them In rllehlng classy ball. HUKMAHYl Plumbob An. n. ir. po, a. b. MeCollum, ' 4 0 2 12 2 Houston, 3b 4 4 3 14 1 Moody, lb -.4 2 2 0 0 1 Nool, 2b. 4 2 112 0 Mr;, ef ....3 ,01120 Harris. If 3 0 0 10 1 Bandy, rf 3 0 110 0 flmlth, c. - 3 0 0 110 Kltrh, p 3 0 0 6 2 0 Total ,.. . .31 H 10 21 11 5 Jitwr-U l " ' An. II. If. PO. A. K. riameey. 3b 4 113 3 1 If. Totter. 3b.....4 1 .2 2 0 0 Hflntow. lb 4 10 6 0 0 Condry, rf .4 12 10 1 JJrHoster. p 4 116 0 1 Pesplsll, rf. .300010 Wth.c -3 10 2 0 0 Henrr. p -..3 ,11112 Lefty Croy. If. ..S 0 1 0 1 0 7"oUl "JJjI.7 21 4. r, kJttorli Plnmbqb. Pitch and Basil h. Jewell, Potior and Walsh. ''. ( Hcorr lly Inning , r J U. II. K. Plumbob .303010 1 8 10 fi Jewels 0 00 4 0037 7 C Earned runs1'lumboh 2. Jewel 4irbre bane hltii Noel. Two bato IBfs Moody, Ilnmtby, II. Foster, fltruek out ny Potter 4: Pitch 4. Flwt on errora Plumbob 4. Jewel t.Ttmo of game l:3D. Umpires m.Montgomory, McDonald. Tho Copcos kept up their winning PLUMBOBS AND COPCOS WGTORS Broadway's JDiving Champ BW SVWBB Hil L?;VBf ' jsssBsssaHswU&'V SB ? I ' ',JHsWli!flBKVBmfcBB reiBBBBBBHBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV ABBBBBBBVU tSBBBSBtV''' iVni I SStSlllllHslllllllllllllHLSll ''.SsllllH kM r sflll.viH H VV ssalBBeVvK hsal ' iJi MitlsliBr vPs.' (' VHHnBnBHSWBH t.fBF ! Broadway chorus gtrU met In ths Madison Bqiuurs Garden pool W decide the swlmmlnf championship. Hara'a Oertrudo MacDonald. won tho diving UUa. SPORT WORLD Htroiik und annoxud un vuoy victory from thu Kwuuiiuh yesterday, almost running tliulr pluyutM to duuth cov orlug tho four biuicn, In fuel, u ruu iiur did not bavo tluio to catch tils bruuth before hu wo started on un other mud ctiuuo urouud tbo dia mond, (hu ncoro standing at tho clusu of thu Hovi'ii Inulugs 16 to 7. Ail U thu Copco breutbud u sigh of relief for tliulr legs would tiuvor huvo carried thorn urouud two moro Inning thu Wuy lliey hud bilun performing. Tills gaunt wa more of a butchury tbun iiuylhlng olio und tbo Copco lived up to tho Indian psendonym thoy buur thuy weru ruu mad und no mutter wliut Jopur, tihurkuy Clurk or lllltun ahovod ovor tho platu', their butter simply reached out and connected with them ut tho right tlnios, This gamu wa replotu with brilliant orror doipltu thu nummary for only tho g rosso t ones woro cburg ed by Hcorer Archer. Canon and Oerges each secured two bits out ot turoo time up white Cody and Wilson connected safely twlco up four times at bat. Tho Copco batters woro Noel, Hears and Moody, with Noel tho star, slamming out u homer In this contest and securing two blngles when up four times. Uearss and Moody each secured two hits out of four time up. Tbo Ewau- nss as a team batted bettor than tho Copcos but nover bunched tholr hits Hilton, poned seven Copco with first buso tickets and Lopor Issued 1, while Hharkey llutchlns only granted one lonely ticket to first. Hilton and libarkoy Clark, tbo latter pitching novum! Inning, each fanned three Copcos whllo Kutchln madu 8 Kwauna swing wido ot their mark. Onu ot tbo feature ot tbo gamo wa a neat double play by llodcnhamer to Clurk. Kwaua HUMMAKVi All. It. ILPO.A. K. Eddie Clark, s. ..1 1 8. Clark, m. . 3 0 0 1 I Cody. If. ... 4 wilsou, 3b U l.opor, p ....1 Hilton, p ....3 1 1 Gorges, c 3 1 2 Ilodnnhamor, 2b. 3 1 1 Carson, cf 3 2 2 UerbJnl,.rf. ...2 0 0 Iagg'ott, lb. ...,3 0 0 Total 30 7 12 18 6 3 Oopoo) All. R. It, PO. A. K Monlgomer'. s. ..321112 Houston, 3b 2 2 0 110 (lay. 2b 2 1 0 V 1 0 Noel, c 4 3 3 2 4 0 Uearss. lb 4 .1 2 0 0 0 Moody, cf 4 2 2 0 0 0 Norman, rf. -....3 2 9 0 0 0 Won. If. .M 3r 2 10 0 0 llutchlns. v 2 10 8 0 0 Total 27 1 9 21 7 2 1 latteries Rwauna, IDIton, Clark, Lopcr and Oerges. Coko Hutchlns aud Noel. Krortt Djr lanlng ' n. II., E. Kwauna 0 10302 1 7 11 3 Copco 2 0076 1 0 16 9 Knrncd runs Kwauna 3, Copcos C. lltuo on balls Oft Hilton 7, Lo- NATIONAL and STATE SERVICE ON SPORTS VWW'WSVMV'V'W' per 1, llutchlns 1. Home run Nool. Two hnso hits Cnrson, B. Clark. Struck out lly Hilton 3, H. Clark 3, Hutchlns 8. Plrnt on errors Kwau nns 2, CopctM 3, Doublo plays Do. donhamor to Clark. Tlmo of Kamo 2:10, Umpires Itcagon, McDonald, l Club Standing. . W. U. Pet. Jowel 3 2 .600 Copco ... 3 3 .COO Plumbnbs 3 3 .COO Kwauna 2 4 .333 m Gordon Willing to Meet Blue 'Again Bammy Cordon has notlflod local admirer that ho Is moro than wilting to havo a return match signed up with Ilabe lltuo at any tlmo that such can bo arranged. This announcement was contained In a lotter tent from Portland on Prlday and Gordon states that he will follow the lead set by ntuo will bo on the ground at least two weeks ahead of time to ( got Into porfect trim and 'bo thoroughly acclimated. Ilabe Dlue Is sUII In the city and Is doing light training dally pendi Ing tho arrangement ot the bont. Illuo states that the longer he re mains bore, tho bettor ha likes It. Jack Hums Is In Bacramento and In a lotter to onn of bis friend an nounces that bo Is also doing light training In that city and will be on hand should a match bo arranged for him on the tentative program for noil month that Is now under con sideration. Jazz Wedding Rites the Latest; Revised Version of Old Form COL.UMJHA. Mo., July 11. Jazz Is tbo order of tho day. And now come tho Jazz wedding ceremony, all rovls cd to fit condition ot the Twentieth Contury modernity.' Iter. O. Hatcher, Columbia's "marrying parson," who has tied 447 knots ot wedlock, is the provider of tho now ceremony. ,Mado public to day, It provides that the groom shall reply to tho following questiens: "Wilt thou tako her for thy pard. for better or for worse; to have, to hold, to fondly guard, till hauled oft In tho hearse? "Wilt thou let her have her way, consult her many wishes, make, the tiro ever) day and help her with the dlshos? " ' 'Wilt thou sooth her in her woes; keep her spirit bright and gay? Wilt thou turn tho wringer,- hang tho clothes and trust hor for the pay! "Wilt thou givo her nil tho stuff her llttlo purse will pack, buy a monkey board, a muff, n little seal skin tack? "Wilt. thou comfort and support her father and mother, Aunt Jomlna Uncle John, thirteen sisters and a brother? "Wilt thou tell her to her face that sho is sweet, and kind: that tho llko ot hor In all tho race would be diffi cult to find? "Wilt thou bo to hor tho tame and nevor shirk nor" faltor, ba sho shall woar thy namo and thou shall woar tbo halter?" To break tho monotony of tho ques tional on matrimonial promises, Jtov. Dr. Hatcher supplies tho result on tho groem: "His faco grows pale ( and blinks; It Is too lato to Jin. as to tho floor ho sadly elnks, ho quick ly says: " 'I wilt, " Itrldo Hiu QtHtttloniuilre, Too. Oh yos- Tho brldo must havo hor sot of questions. They'ro supplied by tbo gonial marrying pawon who ad mltn that Wait Muson hasn't a thing on him: "Wilt thou-tako him for thy pard. for hotter or for worso; to havo, to hold, to fondly cuard his porson and hla purso? " "Wilt thou make him mind and sh9W him ovory fault nnd, then, In eplto of groan or whlno, muko him walk tho calk? . "Wilt thou muko him cat iho scrnps that belong to dayn of yoro, bo you'll got your midday naps and over novols porof "Wilt thou bo quick to tako control ot all that's on tho plaoo and Bay to him In language beld: 'You're not my boss l& any case'? UMIt llinn mnlrn him' BWOOO the """ " - floor, fotcn too wooa ana wnier, pies, np things or whatovor olso you or der? t "Wilt thou make him darn his eooks,. sow buttons on his britches and got.your frngers'ln hla locks ev ery lmo he misses? ,vt, "Wilt thou make of him a carry-all for bandbox, grip and band!; make Joints the Way L si, -f gsgsT gsgsgsga aJV w Jtfc ThU wcodenheadad ronng tady Is pointing the way to Atlantic City. For that matter she's all wood. She's a sum-board ne ot tho featurM thu newly opened "White Horse Pike." Dedication ceremonies wtra held In Atlantic City. Ecr Harbor and other New Jersey towns. Th bathing girl below, gives an Idea eg lbs lu of tr poster girt. blm tske the parasol and to the rack et tumble? "Wilt thou be to him his dear be yond all conjecture and when yon get upon your ear give blm a curtain lec turer" The brldo Is supposed to smile. In tbo rbymo of the minister: "Her face Is all aglow, her eyes as black as jet, as she quoonly stands upon the floor and loudly says: 'You bet!' " At the Theaters THK 8TAII With Conway Tearle In tho stellar role thero is never any doubt in the mind's of the audlonco that tbo en tertainment will bo a good one, and in "Hucklng the Tiger" the Selznlck picture now showing at tho Star theatre, the rote ot Ritchie MacDon aid gives htm every opportunity to display tho personality which M made blm one of tho most popular stars ot the screen. . , An the ne-cr-do-well, living In ex ile from his aristocratic family, as tbo nonchalantly generous soldier ot fortuno willing to sacritlco his Uf for a whimsical Implso, and as the courageous lover who fights for his llfo against an Infuriated antagonist, Conway Tearle acts with a conviction and realism which anchors, the sym pathies of tho audience throughout the cntlro picture. THK LIBKUTY Seldom Is tho herolno of a picture anything bnt a quiet and virtuous young person, but In 'The Woman ot Lies," Olive Bhorman, the leading character Is portrayed as a woman seeking revenge for a terrible wrong dono her in her earlier life. The pic ture I fast-moving, and tense situa tions follow each other In rapid suc cession. June Elvldgo plays the rolo of Olive Sherman, whllo Earl Met calfe is at his best In the part ot Jim Waldron, a roformed crook. 'The Woman of Lies" Is tho at traction at tho Uberty theatre to nighty DAI.Y WItJj NOT YET SETTLED, IS RKPOKT The .executors of tho last will and testament of tho lato Dr. nernard Daly, laat week received Information from Attorney W. Inlr Thompsou of Portland, to the offect, that ono of tho rolaUvcs of tho lato Doctor Daly had been In Portland recently mak ing necessary arrangomonts with tho i Ui NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is horoby given that tho un dersigned admlnstrator do bonis non ot tho estato of Eliza A. Floot. do coascd, has filed In tho County Court bt tho stoto of Orogon for Klamath County tho final account of his ad ministration ot said estato, and said Court has flxod July 18, 1921, at 3 o'clock P. M aa tho time and the Court room ot said Court as the place for. Ihn hnnrlnc at said fnal account and the sottlomont thereof. OlLHEHl' rL.BB.1, Administrator tlo bonis non ot tho estate ot Eliza A. Fleot, deceased. Dated Jnno 13, 1921 13.20,27.4.11. . NOTICE OF FINAL HETTLEMKNT Notlco Is hereby given that the undereignod administrator, with the Engwleht, deceasodr hai fllod I In the County Oourt oi tno state oi urogon. for Klamath County tho final ae- m a fit aAmlnUtratlnn of said state aad said Court has fixed Aug- OSt 1BI, 1911 MOO CIOCK p. UI. H the time and the Court room of this frwwwwwwwvwwwuw&t0i We Transfer and Store Baggage, Furniture -nf everything PHONE 155-W Central Transfer & Storage Co. CENTRAL HOTEL firm ot Veazle ft Veazlo, attorneys, for a further contest of the torms of the will, says the Lakevlew Exami ner. A decision rendered last April by Federal Judge, nean ot Portland de clared tho will valid, and dismissed the actios oh the part of the relatives which was instituted through Veazle ft Veaxlo, attorneys of Portland. It was thought that this might possibly end the caso Insofar as the relatives are concerned, but evidently this con clusion was wrong. w. o. w., attentien: An Important meeting of the local camp of Woodmen of the World wilt be held Tuesday evening, July 12, at 8 o'clock, In the I. O. O. P. hall, to confer with District Manager Pitts, who Is conducting an organization campaign here. All neighbors, resi dent and visiting, are requested to bo present. Dy order ot If. O. SH1DLER, 9-11 Consul Commander. Any breaking out of the skin, oven fiery, Itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Men-tho-Snlphnr, says a noted skin spec ialist. Because ot Its germ destroy ing properties, this sulphur prepara tion Instantly brings ease from skin Irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leavos the skin cloar and smooth. It seldom falls to relieve the tor ment and disfigurement. Sutforers from skin trouble should get a llt tlo Jar ot Montho-Sulphur .from any good druggist and use It' like a cold cream. Adr. rwrr"-?""" ITCHING Em DRIED RIGHT DP wmin Hot Water Each Morning r Puts Roses To look one's best and feet one's best is to enjoy an inside bath each mornlngj io uutn irom loe system toe previous day's waste, sour fermentations and poi sonous toxins before it is absorbed into the blood. Just aa coal, when it burns, leaves behind a certain amount ot in combustible material in the form ot ashes, so the food and drink taken each day leave In the alimentary organs a certain amount ot Indigestible material, which If not eliminated,' form toxins and poisons which are then sucked Into the blood through the very duct wbUi are intended to suck in only uountiunent to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom in your cheeks, to see your skia get clearer and clearr,vyou are told to drink everr morning unon arltlwr. a glass .of hat water with a teaapooaful ot limestone phosphate ia it, whisk la a aarmieas mean oi waaatng saw. waste material and teats from liver. Maw rye and bowels, thus iagjswestaadacaadpiuifriag tfceswttr Sn' (' f& vviigtfggggggHgHgfcgki ' ftin j 3 V 'assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl ' W I H s dSkaVssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa j aasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl J t .t"? aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' 'V' i ' 5 1 " h' ' - t-HjBv5! 1! ' ' St XJSi VuEt? "-. K ssssssssssssssssssssssssfsbssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssV S i Sr V 4(ijalassssssPJPesilssssssssssssssa 3 BfeHE i)Jt OtaaBflsl' V'aBssa I S saasssssssssssmR r' .V y tstssssssssV''; AStSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStPtSSSSlBSSSSSSSSSB I ' S fKTSWSsW'iSslRs ' .sBSSSSSsV(BSKdiBSSsVl&jBBSSmS 5 I ' xiSSBBBBBV4: n ' m?V V .sr1 hBBBBBBrBBBBBKWSHvleBVlVWSSBBBBBlp Court as the place tor the heartae , of tho said final account and. far the Mttlement of said estate. ' Dated: June 26, 1911. R. O. Oroeabeck, ad salnlat rater, with the will annexed of Mae estate of Oeorgt Engwleht, de n ceased. ' 17-4-1 1-lt-M NOTICE OP PINAL I Notice la hereby give that ta aav derslgned " edoaJnlatrator witk tit . Will aanoaed ef the estate ot Jea . ' Maehl, deceased, has filed ha tko County Court of the State of .Oreem for Klamath County the final tniuaU of his administration ot said etUte. and said Court baa fixed July II. 111, at 3 o'clock P. M.. aa the Mat and the Court room of aatd Oourt a the place for hearing ot said final -count and for the settlement t hires? R. O. aROBBBKK. Administrator of the Bated est John J. Maehl,, deceoeed. Dated June 13, 121. . ' GLASS OF SALTS If Yewr Back Harts or Bothers 17m, drink lata eg Water. ,- ' I " , When your kidneys hurt aad your back feels sore, don't get seared atsd proceed to load your stosaaeh wttk m lot et drags that excite the'kleatfU) ail irritate the entire urinary treat. Keep .your kidneys clean Mfce yea keep your bowels clean, by fluaasm them , with a mild, harmless aaJU which removes the body's urtaeaa waste and stimulates them to their normal activity. The function ot the kidney Is to filter the' blood. la 14 hours they strain from it 690, grakea ot acid and waste, so we . read, lly understand the vital Import ansa ot keeping the kidneys active. Drink' lota, 'of water yon eaa't drink too much; also get from aar pharmacist about tour ouncee of Jad Baits; take a tablespoonful In a glass ot water before breakfast each morn ing for a few days and your kldaeye will act fine This famous -saJta ta made from the acid ot grapes ijid lemon Juice, combined, with, Hthhs, and has been used for geaeratisjM GLMNS NHS in Your Ghgeks alimentary tract, before putting more food into the stomach. Girl and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or pallUi complex ion, alo those who wake up with a coated i tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, other wlio aro bothered with headaches, bilious spells, acid stomach or constipa tion should begin 'this phosphated.not water drinking and ore' assured of Very pronounced results in one or twa weeaav A auarter pound of limestone phos phate costs very little at the drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that'iosu ' aa soap and hot water cleanse, purldee ana ireeneos tne f Kin on we ouuue, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on thd Inild arsons. We must ahrafd eonside that internal sanitation vaot- m9je,uinansnn.ouiae,wtiBir - , u. heeanse the akin nores do net ah- sorb unimriUeslato the bleed, walk the aowet pores no. i Wmsi who desire to eshsuse the ',. htautv of their ettswlaaiea ahtsdd tss U.m W4U 4j at, eatAAaW m.mA f&Atrtatm mstassmesW . V- k ar , mwm m ww a w -"--