'WjftgWffK ifflf PAGE THRUM THE, EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY JULTf 11. 1MM. "AAAAAAA0WWWWWWWWWWWWWW Outbursts of Everett True By Cowlo j. . ....... -. -i -r,-i--,-,-M-t-u-u-L-tJ-u-u jtj uin-irirL' ruuj ANDROSS-GLOVER STYLE SHOP 707 Main St Phone 341 W 20 OFF OJN ALL BATHING SUITS 20 OFF ON ALL BLOUSES' GOOD MORNING; NWOHOOU. I THti IS TSv A uttlo erae VoR-fav, iny it r j'fx-Ju. IT'S ONLV 4',3o IWIIggsi lliian I I T ' i ' V SHOP IN KLAMATH FALLS paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj ; -s aaaaaaaaaHJEJBEJBEJBBJI U mfe OV JUNIUH NufxmlJonH for Mr. Krilaon Blnco Mr, Kdlaon'a famous lint of questions became known tn tlio pub- 'lie, tho number of pttoplo, humorous 'jand otherwise who havo comn for ward with suggestions for a new Hat ia timely astonishing. We offer below n fnw of tho ques itlona which soma imoplo think very 'educated portion nhould bn iUI' to answer. Is Fahrenheit tho name of a Oor 'tnan river or a tiro fabric? To what extent If anyT Can oyatera una nnd would It do them any Reed If they couldT 'Whet kind of loathcr le ueod In making Filet of Bole! llound OellUCurcl. Who wroto "Tho Face on tho Mar room floor?" Was anytblnic ever done about hlmT Why wss Bbakespeare born In Stratford T What American pleywrlgbte write In English? Describe the method employed by an actor In setting a lalary or $1,000 a week, Whom waa thn Prince of Walea theater named after? How many atrlkea la TU1I7 Where I the Ulna bone located f Which haa been down ottoner. Har lem Eddie Kelly or the Old Oaken IlncketT What U Zbyaiko? Ia II uaed In ternationally or oitornally? Kiplaln the Mnntntn theory In worda of one ayllabln. Wbere la Charles Iloia? Where are tho Monadhllath, moun UlniT Where waa the Rorbonlnn boa; nnd what entire armies wern tiunk there in? Who wrote "Mary Had a Kittle Lamb"? What la a bannalanna? ,qw many white .beana, on the av erage, to the bushel T Where waa Maiflold I'arrlih'a fa mous, mural painting In regard to King Cola InataltodT And where la it-now T ' Where waa It that tho learned Ho boken John lectured? What la meant by tho term "free lunch"? Who discovered thn moon? .Why are snakes? Where do horn glasses comn from? What la thn shortest river In Mada geeoar? PH1LO-HOPHV lard work la the beat antidote forlhard luck. a. 'Jever notice whon you order cof tW 'aft the cafeteria, they atwayi stick' a apoon In tho mug? Some body la going to put an eye out yet, There are Idts of men who lioaat of being economical when In truth 'they aro only stingy. 1irr Up Your sins aro bound" to find you out la this a warning, mon? For If tbey, do, thoro la no doubt That tbey will call again.. No, Myrtle, a woman doesn't have to quarrel In order to make up. Jo Kelley aays spina girls will tolerate moat any kind of a fellow rather than give back uny Jewelry. Harry Poole says If thoro were three mon In tho world, they -would probably havo a co-oporatlvo still. "I llko, mused tho corner philoso pher, as he aolocted a mngailne, "to spend an hour or so a day In tho reading room of tho public library. There Is such a quiet atmosphere." "It ought to bo quiet," returned' tho ratbor cynical business man, "There Isn't oven on oloctrlo fan to stir It up." Doesn't mattor how much you suf fer when you aro having teeth work ed on, You havo no grounds on which to deny that your Inquisitor Is, as advertlsod, n "painless dontlst." It doosn't hurt him. Dlacklo McDonald Bays that he has discovered that a pawnbrokor won't lend you two cents on your ten mil-lion-dollar-oplnlon, of- yourself. t$6MhW.Uir-' 'lu.A." tliIf.H,l.l Ve., rr's etior, out voo cam 1M.UJAYC CXXJMT at TW3 Tfrne r K10I3C ;: ISAVe -33AVCA&HT IN TO-AT Of TUCS T Thn loier of tho forthcoming con tontlon at Jersey City la going to have his own opinion In regard to collection by tbe government of on amuanment tat oil hi rhoro of tho purso. Then t'mn Ministering AngnU (From tho Port ix go Proxs) Dut the doctors rould do nothing for him eicnpt pronounca him dead Nnls Hounaevoll aaya that nothing ratllea a married man quito so mucn as having his wiro agreu with him on everything. Long I.lvo America" says a news paper headline. Quite right; but on whst? Knemles of Jaxs music say there Is syn In syncopation. If you must kick, kick yoursolf. Thero Is llttlo satisfaction for re formers In the announcomont that skirts will be hslt an Inch longer neat fall. One tbtng about It, Mother there Isn't so much to the graduating dress ss there wsa once upon a tlmo. MT. liAKI CONCKRT The Mt. Lakl Women's club will, at an early dato, give a concert .at th. Mt. Lakl church. This con cert la to be a benefit given by tal ent ootalde of Mr. Lakl district. Rome of tbe best musical ability from Klamath Falls, Merrill and other placea will appear on the pro gram. Tbe object Is to obtain funds to repair the community church. Tho dato will be announc ed later. Wlnnocke'n comet's nearest ap proach to the earth will be 10,000,- 000 miles. It Is announced. Even a com'et knows troublo whe nit sees It. NOTICH VOll PUnUOATION (Publisher) dki'Ahtmknt of tick intkiuor Not Goal lands V. B. Land Office at Lakovlew, Oregon, June 22, 1021. NOTICE Is hereby glvon that Wil liam D. Freer, of Malln, Oregon, who, on May 9, 1921, made Homestead Kn- try tact or Juno 17, ii7j. no. 010198, tor NHBE14 (Lota 12 ft 13) Section 18, Township 418,. Range 1JB. Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to mako Final threo-yoar Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, beforo C. R.DeLap, Cleyk of County Court for Klamath County, at Klamath Fails, Orogon, on tho 30th day of July, 1921, Claimant namea as witnesses: Wllmot Crandall, Joseph Kotera, Sr., Joseph Kotera, Jr. O. H. Ollck. all of Malln, Oregon. JAB. F. HURGE8S, Register 38. 2. 0. 16. 23 NOTICE TO MDDK118 Sealed proposals will be recelvod up to July 19th.. 1921 by 8cbool District No, 63, Klamath County, for the construction of a school building Land for tho Plumbing and Heating of same, uids must uo accompanied by a certificate chock to tho amount of 6 per cent of tho bid or tho same shall bo rejocted. to bo made pay able In favor of Wm. Skoen, cleric of the sold district, to be roturnod to bidders upon signing of contract and to bo retained if successful blddor falls to enter Into contract as speci fied. Plans and specifications may be ob tained from, Q. R, Wright, Architect, iSI-'-SimrsI ' ' vrer7. "a"-. ""YjerABRaRaRaRBnaaw I '..7Vtr - AMffffffffffffffffffflV h5dt VSSSSSSSSSSSWuJES, k ON Hfc 3HTT-XIM UP too start emolmjh If TDU'Rb CiKAZT TO DO IT IN THC GVClJN.Q HAMOMS AMOUNT? Ck2.&. 3-corc.e. in :ty.u.. . Klamath Falls or Wm. Skeen of Chll oquln, and a deposit of $10.00 will bo required for same. Prdpoeals may be left either with Wm. Skeen, at Chlloquln, Oregon up to 7:30 o'clock, or with O. R. Wright, Architect, Klamath Falls, Oregon, up to 12.00 m. July 19th, 1921. The board reserves tbe right to accept any one bid or reject any or all bids. Dated at Chlloquln, Orogon, this 1th. day of July, 1921. (Signed) WM. SKEEN, Clerk. 8-18 SAW BOLL KxacncniiHa A CONsTTKUCXTON CO. aad bsdlorae( K floats. Dredclaf . Pile sVMa. PhoaaMsVW Office Oormer Bprtmg as Oak Hear B. P. Days DENTISTS Dr. E. a WiMcarvw Dr. P. M. NmI DR. L. L. TRUAX WARKKlf HXJKT HOSPITAL Day Phoae, 49)T Nicks Phoaa, I Klamath Fall Cydcry We are here to serve you, and aim to serve yon right. Motorcycles and Bicycles, Parts and Aceaaorlea. Tires and Tubes, that will stand your Inspection, as we carry the best in our Una. Repair shop ia connection with Harley-Davldsoa Berries. PfcQM STB 1B1B Mala Bi. KlasaaU Falls C X. aUSMARK &00j000w0mm0000m HOTEL PUTTER SAN FRANCISCO Not Merely A Hotel, But An In stitution Founded On These Principles. POPULAR PRICES SERVICE OOURTESY Ooorge Warren Hopper, Mgr. WWWWWWMWWWMWWWWMMWWW L. D. Gass, M. D. KYE, KAR, NOBS) AND THROAT GLASSES FURNISHED Warrea Haat Hospital Phoae 497 Res. White PeUcaa Hotel, Phoae B Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E.STUCKEY R-GIasing aad Cabinet Makiag Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine i.- ' tVa raon Ore tJaigfiiri 50 WASH FROCKS REDUCED to One-Half Price and Less VOILES, ORGANDIES, SWISSES, GINGHAMS, Cool and Fashionable for all Occasions COOL AND FASHIONABLE FOR ALL OCCA SIONS. THE DAINTIEST, PRETTIEST STYLES THAT WILL BE FOUND ANYWERE ARE IN- , CLUDED IN THIS REMARKABLE SALE OF WASH DRESSES. NOTE HOW MUCH YOU. CAN SAVE, JUST WHEN WASH FROCKS ARE NEEDED MOST Andross-GIover Style Shop DR. T.C CAMPBELL nDTMCUH AXD BUBOsOsT LO.O.r.Balleaac lUsUeaee WhlU Pelleaa Hotel Raatfa&M Phone I. Ciicrete for Penaieice Take advantage of the low cost of construction and .build now. Porter can do the job. Louis K. Porter 1140 Main St. Phone 540-W x-anvicB man, atteioion' Klamatn Post No. S, American Legion meets at the City Hall on the first and third Tuesday; of each month. Ez-sorvlce men are invited to at tend the meetings. For membership cards or Informa tion ax-servlco men are requested to see of write tho following efficers: J. H. Carnaban, Commander. Roy N. Foucb, Post Adjutant. For relief of employment see or write the Chairman of The Relief and Employment Committee, Francis Olds, care Lakeside Lumber com pany. DR. J. G. GOBLE The well-known Optician now located In K. D. Block, 1313 Main. Phono 253-M. KUamath Lodge No, 1S7 LO.O.F. Meets Friday night of each week, at I. O. O. F. hall, 1th and Main streets Hi H. Ogle . . N. O. Chas. Newman '..........................V. Q, O. D,,Mangue ...................Secy. W. D.iCofer .'. .Treas. ENCAMPMENT J. H. Houston ........................C. P. H. V.' Brown ..B. W. L. J. McClure .... Bcrlbo B. J, Mayer .........Treaaurer PELICAN BAT BUB ' Fare SSo each way Leaves Rex Cafe Leavea Pelican City 7:45 a. at. 8:00 a. a. 11:45 p. a. 1:00 p. a. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p. a. Reckard Raat Bsrrtoa Fhoaa 77 t $32.50 Cool Wash Dresses, now. $29.50 Cool Wash Dresses, now. $27.50 Cool Wash Dresses, now. $25.00 Cool Wash Dresses, now. $22.50 Cool Wash Dresses, now. $18.50 Cool Wash dresses, now. $1500 Cool Wash Dresses, now. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT .OFFICE OVER UNDERWOOD'S) Phoae BSsVJ. Seventh A' Hals) Klamath Falls Plumb ing? & Heating Co. . 1178 MAIN ST, PHONE BaaVW J. O. CLHOHORN CIVIL ENOINXER AND SURVEYOR Phone 192J ' 181 B. Riverside Household Furniture) GOODS OF ALL KINDS OUR PRICES RIGHT We Buy, Bell and Exchange. Cor. Sixth and Klamath Ave. DICK'S CO. Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLEANING, PRB8WNO AND REPAIRING WILL MAKE XOUB ' CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATS REBLOCKED Good Called for aad Delivered Ml Mala Street VOaaaath Fall GLOVER MAKES ' Your Watch Keep ' Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls 833 Main Street ' Phone 91-W Upp's Auto Service) DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Experienced Driven New Cart Klamath Falls, Ore, DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 821 L 0. O. F, Temple .x; ! 16.25 : 13.95 2 13.25 I ill. 95 :; 9.95 S 7.95 S 5.95 E. D.LAMB rnraciAM anb bwrghoh PhoaoalTW Reeaas I aa4 1TB Waiaa BsaBdhM DR. a Av MASSEY. Ia Warraa Haat Oft. Paeaa 497 Eat. SOI I, o. a 9. FKOsTBSl WILL- Tako oat Cellars or VIE la Lata CON MURPHY 017 MorUaaer Be. Pbom S41-W FRED WESTERFELD Pheae 4IW. X-Kaj Laaerasar MMMMMMItnMMMIWMMMMMia Oflea Phoae 177W Km 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Phystctaa aad White BaUabJ KUaath Fails MMMMMMMVWWWWMMMMAMMfl Excavating;, Training' Let na make yoa a price oa die gins that baaement, or lather cavatins you contemplate. Wa atM do team work's! every daaarlfttea. Phong) 42frJ The Best-Insurance for EveryNeed CALKINS-BONELBON INSURANOE AGENCX f WlTKR8 BUILDING Phone 550-W. Wo can serve you 'Insuraneewlsa. CLARA BK CALKINS. MOLLIS 'B.v DONBL8QN.. FILZ' SCHOOL OFvlwUfA MUSIO - V I have' constructed thru yeara ( experience the only course' that teaches you to play tbe piano hr NOTE and, by EAR in 10 to 20 les les eons: Write for particulars, 701 11th St.. Klamath Falls..Ore. Phone 37R, NEW an LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH PRY "Put Your Duds U Our SMs" PHONE 114 Cone IvUta ajMlCeeafer i DSHllBi v 'i L