The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 09, 1921, Image 1

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A Clou Ad Will
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Member mi the Associated Press,
Fifteenth Your. No. Mm.
,nnnta M m - '
wnl I KdxW''mr"taHV " l. . jl. .. cl,, al a , aj , - i vM Ly
-i am PHr. b-w msmrwrw wwrw w mwmwvviri
jf. -M.slMIM i4l4JI
I. N, Flelschner, chairman Of the
stale fish iind cnina commission,
speaking to thn crowd of sportsmen
assembled at Eagle Kldgn tavern last
olfht, summed up thn results of thn
commission's meeting hare In a frw
words, lie unlit (bn commliilon ap
preciated the need of Increased feclll
IIm ( thn Crooked Creek hatchnry,
another gsmn warden for Klamath
county, at loaat during the spawning
Nun, and thn minor requests of lo.
cal sportsmen, and that Ibex would
II bo bornn In mind. At present,
however, ho ald, (ho commission
tacka money to cover all reoueets.
Klaroath countr la not alono In de-
jnandlng attention from thn commli
ilon. Thn chairman definitely prom
laed, however, that at tho (Irat pos
sible opportunity thn Improvement
naked by local aportamnn would be
Forty-flvn persons, Inrludlng the
visiting officials, sportsmen's aaso
elation members, chamber of com
merce member, city officer and
newspaper men mado tho trip to
Eagle Rldgo last nliht and nnjoynd
aplendld dinner at tho Eagla Rldgo
After thn meal speeches were made
by Cbaaj A, Vogolsang, repreaentlng
the California commlulon. and I. N.
Flelechner. There were musical
number by Messrs. Wlsbard, Stein.
Borel and Mallet, accompanied by
Mlaa Botljr fladdee on the' piano. l)r
Malret contributed a couple of vocal
solos. Mr. Vogsleang ended hl VI
dress with a recitation ef (lley
poem, "An Old. Sweetheart, of Mine,"
Into' which he put, a great deal of
-foaling. . .- . -Fred
Fleet gathered fresh laurels
a a humorist with an original' plea
to tbn commlwilon to put bathing
aulta on aomn of tho lady flih, who
bad, lie ssld, adopted thn habltmenta
of thn bathing beauties that sport In
local watera, resulting In ahy gentlo
men flib betaking themselves to the
deepest poola beyond reach of thn
aportmen a lure. Iln divided nnglera
Into two clansen thono who ute
aelnej (thn Minn flnherman) and
tboiwi who do not uo nelnen (thn In-
aane fisherman). Iln also protcntej
galnat thn Link Itlvnr dam progrn-
alng further nnd aUggcMod thn coin
million have the dam removed and
placed In front of one of the local
courthouaea where It "would bn a big
factor In atemmlng the atrcam of op
position." The party made tho trip on Captain
Calklna' launches "Thn Oakland" ai.d
"The Hpray." Tho return trip was
completed about midnight.
Today thn vjsltlng officials and
representative from Med ford left for
Crater I.ake. Tomorrow thoy "III
spend the day at I'rospect, where the
Medford Itod and dun club will glvo
a trout fry. Monday thn commission
will hold session In Mndford.
In choosing Kagln Itldgo as placn
of entertainment for tho visitors, the
local sportamen maTTo a wlsu isoloe
(Ion, and thorn was no lack of ap
preciation ibown by the guests. Tho
magnificent vlnw at Kagln Rldgo,
beggaring description, touched'all of
tbera, and with tho enjoyable boat
trip, varied thn monotony, of ban-
qnets, orio much like another, else
wham on the tour, Implanting, as Mr,
rielschnor said, "a memory that will
last forever."
Comparatively Few in
Police Court, Fourth
Klamath Kails, according to Chief
of Pollen Wilson, was a well-behaved
city during thn recent Fourth of July
celebration and for thn number of
'people present, tho crowds conducted
themselves In a very ordnrly fashion,
A cnntaln per cent of, disorder always
occurs at such times but thn ratio
this year to what It was laat year In
the percentage of Intoxication was
almost neglble.
The total arrests for Intoxication
from July 1 ta date by thn pollen de
partment were 18 In number; only
one "celebratory Kd Nelson, commit
ting any damage Nelson drovn a
Kord louring car through the window
of Shepherd's Music compsny, July
2. for, this act. Judge Leavltt col
lected 2S for the city: the Shepherd
Muslo company $4f. for damage to a'
phonograph. The plat, glass Insur
ance company have yet to effect a
settlement with him for thn damage
to thn two windows.
The fines for Intoxication ran from
t& to I7.R0 In 'fan other in convlc
tlons. According to Chief Wilson the
celebratora this year tried other re
gions to put on their "parties." ,
De Valera Warn irith
Not to Expect Too
Much of Conference
DUnMN, July 9. Kamonn IM Val
era, Republican leader, Issued' mani
festo this afternoon, urging national
nntty during the peace n ego Hat Ions
and "unbending determination to en-
durn all that la still necesevry." i
With this Is coupled a warning
against "undue confidence In tho re
New. Officers for
Labor Council
r W. K. McAboy, cartkMten'was elect
ed president of the central labor
council last night, to take the, place
of James Stephens, llarry Wiggins
was elected to succeed "W. R. Conklln
aa secretary. The vote on the'aecre-
taryahlp waa taken last night and
stood 7 to 6, Indicating the earnest
ness of the contest between the as
May Leave Colored
Light Suspended
The question of continuation of
the colored electric stringers on
Main street has not been reported
upon by the people Interested In
having thorn maintained the balanoa
of the year, owing to the Illness of
Manager Thompson of the Califor
nia Oregon Power company. Aa
soon aa the matter can be present
ed to him and an estimate of the
County court met this morning at
10 o'clock to paaa upon general
county business. No road petition
were handled as the osea prassnt-
ed had no bonds attached to thea
and oro laid aalde this Bat
ter was remedleoV-
Judge Bunnell, andi Commissioner
Kordycn were present,. Cosmletlon
sr Hhort absent. Judge iBntmell .sta
ted that good progress' wh, being
made on the three market roads lu
this county, one leading' to Mid
land from Klamath Falls,: another
from Olsne by way of Po valley to
nonanxa and the third from Bo-
nanxa cirellna- h TiinM Taller.
The Midland road ku Ma grad
ed for 12 miles and cnrrsU and
other road Improvements made. Be
tween 13000 and 14009 had en
expended so far, with Sll,00 yet
to be spent, soma of .thin numeyj
Movement'was atartod todar h in
cal merchants to, make appearancn
umon me mterataln commeron com
mission at San Francisco Wednesday,
July 13, -when the hearing of rate
reductlona, Including the Klamath
ralls-Weed branch rates is 'scheduled.
M. A. Callagban, local traffic man
ager, stated tbls morning that his at
tendance at the hearing depended on
thn action taken today by tho mer
chant. William McCullough of Portland,
representing Minor. Tealo ft win-
trey, rate attorneys retained, by the
local chamber of commerce, will be
here tonight. It Is understood, for a
conrerence before leaving lor San
Local shippers apparently realise
that this Is tho final opportunity for
ecurlng a rate reduction. The de-
.n,uu rauiung irom mis bearlna-
to bn used towards raaeadamltlnR, wl" iuad r long time. In all
It. Three full miles of gradlsg had i Probability, and Flameth Falls will
been completed on tais.artsty. ' pul nD rd fight to get a reason-
The market road from Oteaa. bv-. ""'o raie scneauie.
way of Poe valley, to Boaanaa has
Klamath Falls Odd
Fellow is Missing
Chief of (,Polc -.Wilson has re
ceived notification from Sheriff Ellis
Jones of Hscremento, CaY, notifying
him to keep watch for John Dixon,
aged 08 years old. who disappeared
from his home, June 8, at Oalt.
The wire states that, Dixon Is a
member of the I. O. O. F. of Klamath
Falls snd that when he left Oalt,- ho
was wearing a grey suit and overalU
over them, driving a Ford, tonrlsg
car. The assumed cause for Dixon's
disappearance U that he was tempor
arily mentally unbalanced and labor
Ing under the hallucination that his
wife Intended to poison blm, accord-L
Ing to Sheriff Jones.
II miles graded. Approximately
$16,000 had been expended ad
about $10,000 Is'yat-to'a spent
The road waa In fairly good shape
now, It was said
Tl.o market road from 'Bonaata
clt cling the Laagell valley woatd.
by thu end of next week, ksToanoat
f-vt graded at an expense ap
t) dstp of $2S0 and upon thlp
stretch of road, araroslmnUlr
123.000 was, yet to be expended fcr
'uprcrements. Judge Bunnell stated
that with a few atoms which wonld
ntusn the bed to settle,' that toads
tvlU U, in fairly passable condition
ond si vice, would be" better than
wbmi it naa been In thopnst.
The Maalon. was revisnyfed' ehm
flarasin 's -to S'Vclosar-'aad this
ronrt wtQ bo In sssskna Maedav
laorauag acalo at 10 o'clock.
LONDON. July 9-Premlor Lloyd
George will accept De Valera'a pro
posal and meet the Republican lead
er, probably next woek. to dlscuas a
baala for a formal conference. The
Irish office stated that De Valera had
Issued Instructions to supporters to
cease all attacks upon civilians and
discontinue all military manouvers
after Monday noon.
Optimism prevaded official circles,
whero belief was freely voiced that
hlonilahllrf In 1Alai,l fa nlM' m
malntalnance cost secured, the que- . . . . .... , ...
.i m i,- ..v.- -i.s n.v..i. Ml1' Tno whol country Is seething
Herald' Washington llurrau.
WAflHINaTON, July 9. President
Harding will sign the resolution for
the 'Portland exposition in 192S as
soon a it reaches him.
' This he' made perfectly cloat to
Senator MJcNary yestorday at the capl
toL ' ' '
' The president surprised everono
by an unannounced visit to tho capl
tol ond met a number of senators at
lunch, Including Senator McNary.
lroano puandHT hrlkahrd
LBAVBNWORTH.jKna., July 9.
Jack Johnson, former heavyweight
champion, was released .from prison
"today after serving ten montns of a
year's sentence for" violation of the
Mann Act.' ,. , '
V ' i. !
Hon will be taken up with tho busi
ness men for support, stated one
of tho boosters this morning. ' '
Harney Chambers, William Conk
lln, O.' M. Hector and others have
suggested that tho stringers be left
up and kept lighted aa( they are a
great advertising medium of the
city to tourists passing through
Residents upon the Hot Springs
hill say that the view of tba city
from the -hillside when these string
ers are lighted Is one of great beau
PORTLAND, July 9. Frank Farm
er, Tacoma light heavyweight, won
a 10-round decision over Jimmy
Darcy last night. Frankle Murphy
won a doclslon over' Jack Kdmund
son In six rounds.
BBATTLE, July 9. Fire this aft-
ornoon In the. main dock of the East
Waterway Dock, ft Warehouse' com
pany's property, on the south water
front spread rapidly and " menaced
other docka and warehouses. All the
downtown apparatus was rushed to
the scono, A large quantity of vege.
table oil stored In the docks was soon
ablaze. Ship moored In the vicinity
cast loose and beaded down tho east
waterway to avoid the flames.
1 Oregon Tonight and Sunday, fair;
wafmai- Alltirfftv. - '
with talk of peace In Ireland.
Traffic Rules Will
Be Rigidly Enforced
Chief of Police Wilson Issued an
order today to the patrolmen to re
new enforcement of the traffic rcgu
latlons and tno rutea governing the
proper use of front and rear light on
automobile. For a period of two
week, the owners of warned violators
of the law were permitted to make
repairs and tho time limit waa up
According to Chief Wilson every
machine which has only one front
lamp burning whero two should show,
Is due for arrest. Tho same rule ap
plies to the rear light. Rules of
parking, right of way and speed will
be rigidly enforced and all violators
taken to the station upon arrest. Toe
owners of machines, says the chief,
have had ample time to repair the
defective parts, and now strict en
forcement, Irrespective of persons,
will bo Instituted this evening and
overy day from this date on. ,
The tiro department was called
out yestorday afternoon to the
Klamath Oarage to save from des
truction a Marion car, which caught
firefrom a short circuit. The csr
had Just been sold by H. 8. Royco
and had been removed to Sixth
street. Tho blase was. put out, with
less than (SO damage to the auto
mobile. ' ' ' r , I
It' i
jf Personal Mention (
Henry Cox waa among tho repre
sentative from Merrill doing busi
ness In the county seat today.
Miss Margaret Callahan leave In
the morning for Portland, where she
will enter a rest core sanitarium for
a, rew -weeks.
8herift Lloyd Low made a bual
ness trip Into the Olene county this
J. L, Spsrreton was ' county seat
visitor from Bonansa today.
A. Kallna, oaa or tho progressive
business men of the Malln .coun
try waa In town yesterday after
noon, i
. D. M. Smith-and -family left
wruey ror uend whero they will
visit their son.
Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Bosun dm.
Into town this morning from their
rancn on the Merrill road to Uke
home Mrs. Dogue's daughter. Mis
Klleu McVeigh, who has been visit
ing nere with friends for the past
Mrs. II. E. Calkins left on the
boat for Rocky Point this morning
for a few day outing. i
Mr. and Mr. Oscar Peyton ao-
companled by Mr. Peyton' sister.
Mrs. Morrison, who Is visiting her
from Illinois, left today for Med
ford and Aahland. They will visit
there for a few dava and .i.
t way or Crater lake.
,W. C. Dalton, banker and nU.
er, la a Klamath Falls ri.itnr h.n
hla country home near Malln today.
H.' L. D'Armond. who h m.4.
iviamatn Falls his home for the n..t
year la leaving for Medford, whero
w" maxe nis future home.
Mr. E. B. Lorlng and daugbtor,
Isabel! are hero from Fallon. Ne
vada, visiting Mr. E. S." Phillip.
Mr. Phillip and Mrs. Lorlng are
friends of long standing, but 20
year have elapsed alnce they last
aw each other. It la with great
Pleasure that they are looking for
ward to the next two weeks.
R- V. Ess, who has a fine mod.
ern ranch on the KenoToad, 1 in
--- ..., ivu7 purcnasing sap.
"Mr; Charles Pickett was in town
yeaterday on a shopping expedition
rum ner raneh home near Merrill.
Guy Merrill -was another Kla
math Falls Visitor from Merrill ...
terday. t
J. H. Zumwalt arrived last ni.h
for an extended visit with hi son.
Don J. Zomwalt, city engineer. Mr.
Zumwalf home Is In San Jose.
Ml Dorothy Conger and her
brother Ted Conger.' of Berkeley
ro In town from their summer csmp
on Recreation creek for ih d..
They arose at 3 o'cleck: thla morn
ing and brought Mis Dorothv vi.
entlae, of Berkeley and J. n .'
uouaia or Pasadena Into town In
their speed boat in time to catch
the morning train for their home
tn the south. Miss Valentin. nd
Mr. McDonald have been, at tho
monger summer camp for three
weeks.. i t (
R. Si Shaw of Portland and his
father,' 'John A '.Shaw, arrived last
nlvh't for a Vl'lt with their brother
Lower Rate Saves
SchUXst. $500
M. A. Callagban, localWfJletfsu-1 M4 wf wknown to mo nam taw
m . tw -alt- M ' -I abb k .a
-go- bmkmi tho flMt ansor
motion i I could a to tho loeaUoo,
th hxk., ws left MerrW ahot,
directions and ttmm. roaakw thaviH.
agar, bu been notified by-the Sooth
era Pacific company that UI,rot.
In behslf of the Cblloauln school
bosrd, for a tower rate-orflhrjck for
tno construction of the newCMIoqnln
school haa been granted, . The rate has
been lowered from 24 to 10 sent par
hundredwelghC effective yesterday,
July S. -
The rate will result In af saving nf
some $500 for" the district
Path Commission
To Be Here Tonight
The Natloaal Park commission, the
personnel of Hchlsnot known hero
win arrive lonigju rrom craier iaao.
where they have been on an official
visit for the past two 4,sy. Rosorva-
uon nave oeen-maao ros tho party at
U4Q TTHilV t!i;B U1BJ ..
20,000 1 in u
R. C. Oroesbeck, prosidont of tho
Klamath County Ante ssustotHn.
Us mado a rocoat trip u KMm
lake,' and his aeeotmt of tho roads
nnd nUractlTsnsos of tho aeonory la
" ,-2,,f ,tat'T''Hd has n
o:nestei7r.cqroosboek to glvo a hrlof
account of. his trip and fro hi ro-
ortJa mado tho foHowttg eaMtyis:
"Modlelw Uke is . hrnmOr sk'Uo
known to pooplo of'ICUmath oowaty
Cihistimn -
gT" J n - - " gBJst '
Endsmvmvme Pmteme
. -
r . . -. i
. . nv TosaUMr::.-ioido
delegation to .tno world Coavenuoa
of Christian Endeavor societies to
day led the parade of20,obo Endeav
orers here. The position of honor
was given the Westerner because!
they furnished the largest state dele
gation" In proportion to the enrolled
members. Endeavorers from all parts
of the world were tn line, singing
martial hymns in the great Christian
citizenship parade.
A C. Robert of Merrill waa tn
the city today for tho purpose of
proving np on his homestead.
Though Mr. Roberts has tho dis
ttnctlon of having stood In tlu
ring with old Father Time for 84-
rounds, he says-ho u not ready to
throw up tho sponge and will con
tinue to do battle for many ronnds
yet. He certainly haa stood the
wear and tear remarkably well. Mr.
Robert was accompanied . by his
daughter. Mrs. W. C. Griffith.
and son, J. R. 8haw, of the 8baw
llertrum lumber company.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Blockllngcr
are hero for a few day from Cali
fornia.. Mr. Blockllager is ono of
the owners of the Chlloquln lumber
Miss Pauline Qlacomlnl, of Mer-
rl.'I. left on the morning train for
Oakland, California, whero aha will
vlsk tor three week. '
Mfes Silvia Gooch was a pauoa
ger nn the morning train bound for
uunainulr to spend tb summer.
Miss Martha Hobner and Miss
Elsie M. Leo are tourists hero from
Los Angeles. They left this morn
Ing for a trip to Crater lake.
The Misses-Bessie and Hattlo Gar-
flnkel of San Francisco were pas
sengers on the stage bound for Cra
ter lake this tmornlng. They .were
at the White Pelican hotel, during
their stay In this city. . '
-ecu Adam, a young man who
spent a great part of his youth In
Klamath Falls, but who ha been
away for the last four years, sur
prised his many friends when he ar-
shore shortly after
"Modfclno lake kd. .,
or Merrill, tho distance by awtowd
being about 4 1-2 xarlea. TaUsw
tho road south from Merrill the road
Is over the hill into rallfarai. i
then around tho shorn of lower Km-
r, ... lo I-lr, . boot
.17 miles sonthwost of Merrill, tarn
then to tbo left and go straight south
and ample signs erected by tho Cali
fornia Auto association makes tk
rents definite. Abont 16 males sooth
of Laird's laadtaa; the road msUrs
th Umber, aid frem'thonsvio.tbo
"ho the ocoaory to oatromoty' bosntl-
fnl., ''.-,
"Tho trip 1 awdo more Utorssntag
by frnson of Pavi, -T xifc
hor .made-Wtorsotaac oyL
waica wo road ruTho lo i
aoxaosoatn m-Tsry koti
ciiiienag side can bo soon. for seta
miles before It I reached. Aboat ftvo
mlles beyond Little Olass monntaln.
tho traveler arrrvswat. Medicine laho,
a beautiful body of water about ono
mil In circumference fed by spring
snd from water sheds.
"The elevation of the lake I about
7000 feet, but tho ascent Is gradual
so that no difficulty. Is experienced la
maxing the climb.
"There ar no accommodations at
the lake, so that visitors should nro-
vlde their own.
The lake shore Is gently alootaa-
sad covered with timber. It Is said to
do quit deep in place but doss not
strongly suggest an extinct craUr.
w , vuuuiuvu si ma roafl,
It I exceptional ly fine, then being n
few rough spot before Laird' land
ing l reached and there are two or
three very-short, rough stretches
from there Jo tho lake. For most of
the distance the road la. as good, or
better, than the average pavement.
The re tunr trip-from tbrhko-to Mr
rill was made In about two and one
quarter hours, running time.
"Tbe fine thing about visiting this
part of the country at thla season Is
that there are no mosaultoee. at least
none were In evidence during our stay
of about two hour.
"Very Interesting trips may bo
made from Medicine lake for ex
ample, one may make the trip on
south to Barile and to Fall River
mills or to Slsson and Shasta Springs,
or one may go west over BaM moua.
tain to Yreka. Tho territory about
Medicine lake Is embraced In the
Shasta national forest.
"I can heartily recommend this
trip to Medicine lake, feeling aura
that anyone who takes the trip will
feel amply repaid, by reason of Its
scenlo snd geologic Interest, especial
ly when the fine" condition of tho
road la alao considered. Tho dis
tance from Klamath Falls to Medi
cine lahe la about (5 mile, so that
tbe trip may be easily mado In ono
day by an early start, and glvo am
ple time at the lake and at Olass .
mountain and Pumice mountain."
" ou me stage yesterday after-1
noon to make a brief visit with his
sister, Miss Norma Adams. Mr. Adams
is a student at the University of Ore
gon and Is making hi home In Eu
gene. Due to a recent Illness he has
been compelled to devote several
weeks to recuperating, and it Is for
that reason ho is back In kisrdath
Fall'si '" . ' "
HELENA, Mont, July 9. Oeo. W.
Huf faker, sheriff of "Lewis and Clark
county, waa Instantly killed early to
day Whin his auto overturned In tho
Blackfoot country. -Throe nurse 'ro
tureloghontf . ityi their, wmmor
camp, wwoV'witVhlm htft cd ntf-
hurt. " ' rr