i "" TMBAT, JULY 9, tlWI. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MM SIX RALSTON SHOES FOR MEN i II Shoes That Harmonize I l WITH YOUR SUMMER COSTUME I ! - ' v . SSW 1 sssl IK -.. .,---, , ., , -. , --..-,0 J I - YOU A FEELING OF CONFIDENCE, DOESN'T I 1 1 IT? YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE AT YOUR BEST. I sssssssi sssssssi I TO BE WELL SHOD MEANS THAT YOUR I , I SHOES MUST BE STYLISHLY CORRECT, BUT I I IT MEANS MORF THAN THAT THFV MIKT I I ; . ALSO BE GOOD SHOES, THE KIND THAT WILL I 1 LOOK WELL, NOT ONLY THE FIRST vTIME I I - YOU WEAR, THEM, BUT ALL THROUGH THE I 1 'I SEASON. " . . ; ;7itfIIIIIIIIIS I II siG I I i i JSSk wm I h I The JOHN KELLY SHOES Are That Kind I 1 tsssssMsl ' 'I Ibhbhihh ralston shoes for wEMmmmmmamm I BARGAINS IN USED CARS lOlfl OAKLAND Now,tlroe on roar, 1225. Terms to null pure honor. KIiAMATH HAltAUK Open oronltiKn and SundayH "Home ot tho Velio 8lx" 8-0 Wo hnvo sovoral exceptional buy. They aro going to no in tho noxt TWO DAYS. Boo tin Tonight or Tomorrow It yon wnut u car a(i your own torms. i KLAMATH GARAGE Opn evenings and Bundays "Home ot tho Velio 81k" 8-9 beVeral used cars for sale At reasonable prices. Small pay ment down, balanco oxtondlng over Borornl month. In fact, TO SUIT purchaser. KLAMATH GARAGE Open evenings and Sunday "Home ot the Voile 81" 8-9 pcrlnl Vnllor nrowor are selling at tho ruto of $6,05 n crate, or about SO cents a pound, according to In formation rocnlvcd hero from Kl III , , 11 ..J-JJU Contro, Oal. The grapes, which era bol'ng markotoil In Chicago, are of tho rornlnu vnrloty and aro aald to be of exceptional quality. irvvvvvvvuaru'utftju-u-ui MiiijAriAAnrvvvvvvvwvvvrr"aiii"Af Special Meat Prices FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY l . .. . - . - All cuts from, two-year-oia steers, below are all money savers. MARKET REPORT PORTLAND, July 8. Cattle 60c higher; choice ateora $6.75 and $7.60; hoga 26c higher; prim light $8.60 and $10.00; ahoep, Kg and butter firm. KIK8T GRAPES STOPPED LOS AN0BLE8, Cal., July 8. Flrit ahlpmenta of grapea by 1m- STAR THEATRE TODAY Items Hound Steak 25c pound Chuck Pot Roast ...15c to 17ic Shoulder Steak 22c Plate Boiling Beef 12ic Pork Shoulder Steak 20c and up Lamb Chops 25c and 30c Pork Sausage 25c, 2 for 45c Hamburger 20c, 2 for 35c Stew Meats . 15c and 20c Boneless Pot Roast 20c Bulk Lard 17c We Cut Armour's Star Brand Ham "The Ham What Am" LINCOLN MEAT MARKET Main at Third U wwjyj OriK HEAD'S GREAT STORY "The Jucklins" STAIUUNO Monte Blue And Great Supporting Caat A glorious romanco of old-tlmo folk In tho Carolina Mountains, a-thrllt with tbo fighting spirit ot pioneer adventure Wo place our guarantee on thla DONTMHS IT "THE COOLEST THEATER IN TOWN" m STRAND THEATRE d (Formerly Out MontUla) LAST TIME TONIGHT No. 1 "THE FIGHT OF THE AGE" Jack Dempsey vs. Georges Carpentier A humorous, scientific, entertaining picture, showing both champions training. i No. 3 IIEAUTIFUL SYLVIA IIHKAMKB With Ilotx-rt Gontim and All-Star Caa4, In THE MOONSHINE THAIL" Tho human heart drama In six parta. Drlmful of palhoa, touching upon ono of tho burning quoetlons of tho day. No. HNint roixonn comkiiv 'With Little Ctiorolatn Drop a Clnudburst of Laughs No. 4 I'ATHE COIOll WE:KI.V REVIEW Iloautlful ami latrmUax TWO SHOWN fll-15 OtOO ii'cIikIc COMING SUNDAY MARV FICKFOIID In "IHH.LYANNA" I Pmraonal Mention Mr. R. Trirelpleoe ot Caatle Rock, California, returned to her hom thli morning after a Ttalt of MTwal daya here with Mr, p. 8 Combs. Mr .and Mrs. C. W. Harrey, who hare been Tleltlng Mr. and Mrs. M. W Cooper, at the Klamath Agency for the past two weeks, left this morning from here, for their homo In Altoona, Iowa Mrs. R. V. Mallory, who was un expectedly called south by the seri ous Illness of her father, left this morning' with her small son for Btockton, California. Miss Rnby Smith has accepted a position with the Blue Bird confec tionary store. R. W. Tower la a county seat bualness visitor from Keno today. J. O. Hamaker and George Baker, both old time realdenta of the Bo nanza country, "were In town this morning attending to matters of business at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Haaeltlne woro In town late last evening from their ranch In the Merrill country. Mr, Baseltine Is suffering from a badly Infected hand. Ben D. Shanahan of Bly Is here on business this week. II. W. Stewart of the Stowart Fruit company of San Fraaclsco left this morning for that city after sev eral days vacation spent In Klam ath county. ' J, E. Headay, Pblllis Daly, Dr. and Mrs. P. A. Day are all register ed at the White Pelican hotel from San Francisco. Mr .and Mrs. L. M. Brown and sons of Bums, Oregon, arrived yes terday, and were registered at tho White Pelican hotel. Mr .and Mrs. John D. Wright are ..tourist visitors In this city from New York. They are guests at the White Pelican hotel. W. B, Lamm accompanied by his sister, MlM.Kdlth Lamm, are in tows' today from' Modoc Point." Y ' Captain O. C. Applegate left on the morning train bound for Port land, where ho will visit -with his daughter, Mrs. Anna Applegate rial ferty .and baby. Mrs. Halferty has been quite III for some time, but Is reported much better, -and will soon be able to return to her home, at Kodlak, Alaska. R. C. Spink Is tn town today from his summer camp on Spring creek, attending to mnttr ' business. Mr .and Mrs. W. O. Chansler, John Alden and W. O. Chansler aro visiting here for a few days from San Francisco. Bert Anderson, 8. S. Smith nnd P. II. Dally are stopping at the White Pelican hotel from Medford. Dr. L. D. Gass returned last night from a week's business trip into oastorn Oregon, northern California and 'Nevada. Dr. Oass mado the trip by car. Mm. Steven Griffith and Mrs. Ev erett Griffith made a trip Into town yesterday from their ranch homes on tbo Merrill road, to shop with Klamath Falls merchants. Miss Emma Berge and Miss Betty Gray left this morning for a brief outing trip to Eagle Ridge and Rocky Point. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. DeCbalne aro en Toute by automobile for their mining claim near Hornbrook, where thoy will remain indefinitely. Mrs. DcChaine will operate a service sta tion and Mr. DeCbalne 'will make some improvements on bis claim during their residence there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shepherd loft this morning by car for California. where they will spend two or three weeks on a combined business and pleasure trip. i John Hagelstein, who operates a ranch north of town made a busi ness trip Into the county seat yes terday afternoon. Oliver Kennedy drove in from Olene yesterday and purchased sup. plies from Klamath Falls mer chants. v Mrs. Arthur Schrelner was a city visitor yesterday from her Spring f i?.V "W ,v, ' Jk l Lake home. Mrs. Dick Bennett was also a visitor here from Bprlng Lake yesterday afternoon. ' F. L. Pope made a trip Into town yesterday from his ranch on the Merrill road to purchase supplies Is preparation for the haying season. which will begin soon In that sec tion. E. It. Reames left this morning for a few daya' fishing at Crystal creek. Clarlco E. Worden and son Rob ert, of Oakland, Callfo'rnla, arrived last night for an extended visit, and camping trip. The Satterlee oottago at Rocky Point has, boen cngagod for tho summer. i Mrs. Oraco Glovor, of the Andross Glover Style Shop, arrived homo last nignc irom a two months stay in San Francisco where she was com pellod to go for her health. Mr. and "Mrs. W. M. Duncan and small son, arrived on last night's train from Oakland, where Mrs. Dun can has been for somo tlmo because of 111 health. Mr. Duncan loft about two weoks ago In ordor to accompany ner here. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Holmes accom panled by Miss Maud Road drovo In from Malln this morning. They re port that tho foundation of the new school building Is nearly complete Mr. Holmes also said that the farm ers in that eoctlon havo the most of their hay cut and have fine big crops this year. F. C. Coleman of Swan Lake Is a county seat business visitor today. I. J. Straw is spending a few days in town from his ranch at Odessa. John Spolek a rancher from tbo Malln section was In town this morning trading with merchants. George Offleld of Merrill was a city visitor today attending to busi ness mattors. Sprat Wells is here for a few days from Ashland. .WM.NMwHWW, N NORTHERN tWVaVV'MMsVWtAsAtsMMWej WVWNAMMMMAAAMAAAASAMAAAS c CALIFORNIA J0WVW0fm0t0000 MssAslesSkssAsaMs 0 OIL CO. m0w0w0wwwwwww0L WEATHER REPORT OREOON-i-Tonlght and Saturday, fair; cooler In east' portion. ' MR. BANKER Compare your present deposits with what they would be if oil was struck in paying quantities. Isn't it worth while for you to '.- 1 lv HELP DRILL A WELL MR. MERCHANT Compare the present volume of your business with what it would be if oil is struck in Klamath. It would pay you to Jb HELP DRILL A WELL MR. FARMER Compare the present value of your acreage with its possible value if it is proved that there is oil in Klamath. Can't you afford to HELP DRILL A WELL If Siemens, and Burke, and Johnson, and Dunbar, and Whitlock, and Thompson think it wise to put in thous ands of dollars into our well, don't you think it wise to follow their lead with a few hundred? sjrggfcagtJ.H'iH' mu.U)iii ; a- -TT-',rsStgg'ii',ir;jrjy --'- '..rfp MAM MMMMVMMVWVWWWWVWWWVWV -tAnTuniTiiVVlVVVVVVXAAAjViaAAAf N. C.JIO. NORTHERN I CALIFORNIA c C I fVMwvVKWVW CALIFORNIA f(MVVVVWWWWAAAjMMIMAAr OIL CO. aAAAAVWWWMVWMW OFFICES 532 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 577-J f 4. rV