mcMt- THE EVfeNINGHEItXLD, XOlMATH WALLS, OREGON At, jvr.r a, let. LOCAL BASEBALL and BOXING NEWS I TO MEET JACK IIY JOIINNV KIMIANi: llRIIHIiY CITV, N. J. July 8. Tho nost logical opponent for Chnmplon Jarb Dempsoy In Tommy fllbbon. '(Ilhbrns would havo put up n bet (or .fftit against Dompnoy thnn Oeorges Carpentler did. Dempaoywon, In tho round 1 pre dicted In my N. B. A. artlcln anil the blown that put Carponller out were tho blows t forecasted. 'Carpentler 'was knocked out bo cause ho didn't una thoso famous brain of hist because ho W'led to stay out of the clinches, (toxin win tho method by which fleorgox could havo won. Ho wu advertised i a belter and morn hlllful boxer than Dempsey, and ho proved thli superiority beyond tho shadow of a doabt, . ' . Ot-orgfa waa a fool not to stand up an box nil tho time. Whenoror be'Jboxed hn easily beat Dempsey. Dempser had moro weight, moro strength and morn stamina, ThU overcame Carpentler's greater speed nno boxing skill, ) Why Carp Ixxit Carpentler lost because ho let hln. self gat Into clinches where Demp sey, with his 20 pound of oxcrss weight, could lay that weight against, blm and wear him out and weaken him with short Jats. In ipltn of Carpentler's handicap of r hooking tho wrong method of fighting, he fought an evon fight up to the fatal fourth round. It was plain to me that Dempsey was beat tng him In tho first round In tho clinches by using short upporcuts, mostly lefts. !j give Dempsey tho first round, but the second round unquestion ably belonged to Carpentler. Ho was boxing In this round and he was too fast for Dempsey. Jack waa missing "d Carpentler was' taadfng woHhVwhlle' punches. I Judged the third round a draw with Carpealler landing mora blows, but with Dempsey averaging things up with his superior strength. Wp Hit Mom lliowa Taking the fight aa a whole, Car pentler landed more clean blows than Dempsey did, just as t torernat ed. If Carpentler had boxed all the tlm'o and danced his way out of thoso deadly ellnchc as bo did so admir ably In tho second round, ho might have won. Carpentler didn't do tho thing hn could do better than Dempsey nnd he tried to do tho things that Demp sey 'could do better thnn ho could. That was Carpcntler's fatal mU take. Tho Fronchman surprised many by the splendid fight ho put up. Ho had Dempsey groggy In tho second round. And ho did this In splto of thofact that ho was woakencd by tho punishment ho received In tho clinches during tho first round. I predicted Dempsoy would win In tho fourth round with a loft hook to tho Jaw, and this actually was tho beginning of tho end. It put Carpentler down for tho count of nine nnd Dempsoy followed up with a shift or tho same blows. A left to tho body and crossing with a right to tho Jaw. That was tho knockout. Dempsey hasn't slowed up stneo he met Wlllard. UhlVg ho should fight ovoiy three months to koop that championship and' his first opponent should bo Tommy Gibbons. (Copyright 1921 by Newspaper "y Kntorprlso) e- IIHAI.TII CIUWADi: IN8TITUTK ' PLANNKD FOR JUIiY U7-".l Of IntoroHt to tonchora and to tho 33,000 Oregon school children unroll odfln tho Modorn Honlth Crusado lastiyonri Is tho Instltuo for crusade workorto bo hold In Portland, 'July 27 to 20, by Miss Oruce On borno, of tho, National Tuberculous nssoclatlon. Tho crusado, which sup pled frqo by tho Orogon Tubercu losis association, Is a system for forming hoolth hnblta In children through "dally health "chorw." Tho tliroo-day Institute, open' to teachers, county and school nursus, and superintendents, will comprlso an tntonslvo study ot tho most suc cessful mothoda for conducting tho crusado. Miss Elisabeth Hopper, cm eadev dlroctor, 1010 Belling Building, Portland, nay be consulted (or enrollment. Mrs RIBBONS NEK !SP0F II Blue-Gordon Return Bout Now Intermit Blnco tho announcement made by Ilabo Illuo, Tuesday, that ho chal lenged Bammy Gordon for another ton round go, Iho challengo has boon mado tho subjoct ot conversation In tho muny places whoro devotees of tho boxlnc game congrcgato. The fact (hat a challengo has boon inado bblh openly and by letter to tho "Fighting Jow" In rorllsnd for this return match before Klamath county sportsmon has mot with a sat isfaction that usually doeo not ac compuny llko announcements, Thorn Is In this challenge a note ot sin cerity that carries both weight and conviction and as both men havo demonstrated" that they really "do liver tho goods" tbo promoters can bo assured In 'advance that a crowd od arena wilt greet the pair, should Oordon accept and the bout bo ar ranged. Ilabo Illuo has stated that every time that' ha has been matched to meet Oordon, and the two tangle, tho result has been nearly always a draw, Gordon however' receiving a decision over him once last year. 8mce then two draws have been fought by the men and should another bout be ar ranged, Illuo feels that training out here sufficiently ahead of tho time and securing some "stiff" trainers who can battle hard wtlh him In his dally workouts will make him a vic tor over his recent opponent. Bammy Cordon remarked Just before ho loft that the clean meth od ot handling boxing events here, and tho "plain unvarnished Instruc tions" from tho boxing commission In regard to what was expected of tho boxers, mado It enjoyable for him to appear before tbo local populace for he waa unhampered by any "strings" and could bsttto 1n tho wa'y that bo likes to wltu fire and en thusiasm every round. Asked If ho would rare to meet Illuo again, Oor don stated that should the chance be afforded him again to meet him, he would demonstrate his ability to de cisively. Another question put to Oordon and Illuo was whether either one would earn to meet Georgia Lee, the Chinese revelation. Both declared that this part Bpanlsh and Chinese lad was a worthy foeman and as both men have met him once, both secur ing draws, Ooorgle would be a prime cholco with them. Doth declnre this Han Francisco pigtail a "bard nut to stop" and that his reputation from Los Angeles to Portland mado him a target for alt the ambitious ones to want to meet. With most of the spectators pre sent Monday, tbo consensus of opin ion Is that Dlue and Oordon should bo matched again and thnt both should arrive on the local training grounds at least three weeks ahead ot time and get acclimated. Kveryono seems to be strongly In fa vor of the bout and all that remains to bo dono Is match tbem and secure permission for tho match. Co-operation with tho United States Is sought by President Zayas of Cuba, Just as though we had not dono all tho co-operating every time a muss started down there. Well, Look IP 'Hit U Iho tlrl I'lolmv of Bo' P.uth In more than J I hours' Since lhi I.U'i'iUo nnhl Ui-n Hal hvsn't kxim,Ui'to'thtfc public eye M he Uwtl ., ..n, tn, that hasn't Ml him from being suwrul wetka ahead ,.l hU UM . in' borne run word. Hviv he la With a dlwr loving cup imwnixl , ihesMintrur hall players ot Nvw Yvrk miniature eat I,.,. ih fUl., hatterM. Note the charaettrUUe w Mdarlae',eat ( h- tails bk trel around Iks bast , NATIONAL and STATE SERVICE ON SPORTS BLOOD ON THE : MOON IN LOCAL LEIICOE CIRCLES Truco has been declared r "off" again In tho city league Tho rod flag of battle ha boon raised and basoball bats havo boon dug out of hidden places by tho blood thirsty warriors of tho Copco, Kwaunn, Jowel and I'lumbob teams. To i bystand er, this mixed up mesa of basoball players havo a closo resemblance to the term used In boxing, "battle royal" but In a battle royal when a dusky warrior touchca, the floor with any portion of his body,, he Is elim inated by the rules laid down In th? beginning but not ao with this bunch of wild eyed devotees to baseball no such mercy or luck. When one of thorn loams get In tbo eliminated class, all of them quit battling each other and Jump onto the "down -and outer" In plain language, they are simply wild men. While visitors were present In the city during the Fourth of July the baseball club wens on their good !-e- havlor -and wero ao polite but 'company" was hero and no one want ed to act naughty. Now the visi tors aro away and a genuine old fashioned homo row and scandal 'ran bo Indulged In, with no ono about to Interfere. Pet baseball used by Jake Wolmer, Alexander, "Pop" Anioy. Dabo Iluth and a number of other baseball heroes have been produced and tho history related about them, 'what happened when he went to the bat In tho ninth Inning two down, three balls nnd two strikes,' Just auch stories are the foundation for what tho members of the teams In tho Sunday mlxup ay 'will happen when I go to bat.' Since the humbling ot tho haughty Jewels by the Copeos, there' has bees' llttlo or any conversation between those members and It Is true In the case of the Plumbobs, they fall to recognise the Copeos .when the latter aro In their street costume. The Ewaunaa likewise are 'In bad" with tho Plumbobs, and what agreement has been signed for a love feast be tween the Jewels and Plumbobs? Such Is war, baseball war. A cruel unmerciful, unrelenting campaign for a fight to tho finish, with the "calk I'd boots" as a dcuutert to the elimina ted toamn In a contest, from sow on. It seems that those wicked players actually havo forgotten the axiom. "If thy neighbor hit thee with a Htono, east not, but smite and re turn good for evil," from what tho sporting writer hoard the wretches havo changed the meaning to "If thy opposing team slama out with a bat, run not, but grab thy trusty willow and slug out a stt bagger" boys, oh boys, what a wicked lot. Chlof of Police Wilson certainly will be called out Sunday with his reserves when thoso teams meet for two soven Inning games Sunday at Modoc Park. T,he undertakers state they will bo on hand with ambulances nnd arnica and everything to take caro. ot the wounded. Who's Here! Outbursts of Everett True By (Mm Mt4VMS1VVVMkAtAkaAf4ffal RE- SPRING CREEK Seventeen seasons ot fishing on Spring Creek, and this is tho first rear the stream has disappointed J. D. Coleman, San Francisco realty man, who left for home this morn ing after ten days' stay at Spink's camp. Mr. Coleman couldn't figure It out .and he Is a piscatorial expert, rated as one of the best fly fisher men In tbo United States. H wouldn't leave Spring Creek without at least taking one fish, so yester day afternoon, using alt his skill, be landed one 3 tt -pounder, bt that'a poor foundation for the stories ho expected to .tell his friends, stories they would naturally expect after the sixteen preceding seasons' experience. ' "It Is a pity that some effort Is not mado to keep Spring Creek stocked," said Mr. Coleman. "I've fished In many streams, but It Is, In my estimation, the greatest ot them all. In Spring Creek Klamath county has a lure that will draw anglers from tho four corners of the earth. "Here, where eggs and young stock aro being shipped out to stock all the streams In Oregon, It seems strange that fifty thousand trout could not be planted yearly In the finest stream In the state. Yet I am told by Mr. Spink that he has been unablo to socuro fish for re stocklngT' Mr. Coleman said that the fishing was good In the Williamson river, much as one would say: "Oh, yes, sunflowers are gorgeous, and doubt less attractive to those who like sunflowers, but the rose that I' cher ished has dropped all ot Its petals." In other words, ho was Interested In the fishing In Spring Creek. Every year Mr. Coleman brings from halt a dozen to a dozen friends with him on bis fishing excursion. Ho maKea, two trips Into Oregon yearly, ono to Spring Creek and one to tho Itoguo. ' In his party at Spring Creek this year wore Mr .and Mrs. F. K. Ilurn ham ot Martinez, California; Major NOu, U3TSrV X'M MOT WSSSSH '..JJJ ' '"TMWWsm jaiasssasw wm . , p,,, i 1 f 1 ! 11 sfsjJ - - s s ssssssm srrJ . HER URGES STOCKING D A N C E TOMORROW NIGHT Dreamland Pavilion GOOD MUSIC! - PUENTYOF.JAZ?! ,A 3ZL lrJATS MOnr William H. Oerstle, Ban Fraadsco; Mr. Lyon, of Chanslor A Lyon, 8 Francisco, and Major H. L. A. Swan, Headlngton, England. Major Swaa Is a British army officer. He served four yeara ta France, and Is now taking an I tended vacation. He was recom mended to try Klamath county flak ing at the Morgan Co. offiCM, when he sought directions In Now York. BOVAJfZA NEWS Mrs. Ada Parsons entertained at cards last Wednesday eveolag; Jane 29, complimentary to her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Porter ot. Los Angeles, who are oa an extended camping trip to Montana. Other guests of the evening wero Me. and Mrs. Geo P. Bell ot thla, place formerly 'of Knoxvllle. Tenn. After tho gumo re freshments were served. Miss Myrtle Bnnn, who has twen sick with typhoid for a few woks, is still improving. Her frined will be very glad indeed to know she Is able to be out again. Many of the Bonanza citizens snd families attended tho Illy Roundup July 2, 3 and t. Closing exercises of the Brown school, ot which Mrs. Chancy of Bonanza is teacher, were held Fri day July '1. An enjoyable program was given by the pupils ot the school, followed by a picnic dinner on tho grounds. After the dinner a meeting was held by the parent teachers association to clos all busi ness for the past school term. A classified Ad will, sell It. CRATER LAKE DxsT IS OPEN ! . FINEST SCENIC TRIP IN OREGON NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION FULL DETAILS AT STAGE OFFICE Western Transfer Company 410 MAIN STREET FOREMUI VMS ; MTTOIP ; PORTLAND MAN WAS ALL IN WHEN ME FOCNB MsV LIEF IN TANLAO "Im now going on seventy you of age, but thero's not a maa ask the yards who feels better at U end of a day's work than I W said Samuel S. Apple, wall ka9W yard foreman for tho New MasriM Lumber Co., residing at 4(4 Baat Clay street, Portland, Oregon, whit relating h(s experience witk Ttts recently. "For the past thro yean, that la until I got Tanlac, my stomach kaa given me a geat deal of toubU. I got to where practically everything I AM ate aeemed to collect in a lamp UK , lead right In tho -pit ot my atomaafc.. ,jj gaa would form and Moat a , tight at a dram, and cramping patea would nearly double me up. !,- back hurt ao bad I Jast could 4raP through the day, and the wheat X got home I couldn't eat a Mta at J sapper, and. had to crawl right tat 4. i "Well, I. thought 1 would hare ft give up work, bat I beard eo matt . about Taalao I got a. bottle, aad rfa aimply made a aew maa1 oat of gee. I've Uken fire bottlee of tale lelne, and axa eata bfcf substantial food like I used to eat yeara ago .and aevef bare i Wit trouble afterwards. I'm rid of aS. thoso aches and paJna, have gitaii tea pounds la weight, aad all sap-old-time strength aad-eaergy bar come back to me. la fact, I fail, fully ten yeara younger, and I myatatement may cause othera take Taalac, for I believe It help them jast like It-did me." A. s From a frequency with which di vorces are granted, what the ooua try needs Is an addition ot "WheV Whose." Norfolk Ledger Dispatch. UN OLD RECIPE Tea O-T, Dark OSoaty Almost everyone knows that TODHNHi Tea aad, Sulphur, properly , pomaded, briags back the natural eat or aad lustre to the hair whea faded, atreaked or gray. Yeara ago the oaly way to get this mltzare waa ta make It at home, which la maasy i aad troublesome. Nowaday a we aimply ask. at aay- drug store for "Wyetb'a.Sage aad Sulphur Compound." Youwill aet a large bottle of this old-time recipe Improved by the addition ot other Ingredients, at very little coat. Bv erybody uses this preparation aew, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened, your hair, aa K daea It ao naturally and evenly. ' Tea dampen a sponge or sort brush wHk It and draw this through your hatr;' taking one small atraad at a time; ' by morning the gray hair disappear. aad after another appllcatloa or two. your hair becomeae beautifully dark, thick and glossy and yoa look yeara younger. Adv. 'KLAMATH FALLS PHONE 187 I 1 ft "H 5