-tn ':: B- , TM. .:v . i. , -t .rf r Stfp? IEwnttt0 BiOil J ACImMAdWUl Do It &iffi! V red I.' Jl Member of the Associated Preee. t j-e Flfterotli Year. No. BIIIB. KLAMATH FALLS, ORBGON, FRIDAY, JULY H, 1081. 81 T, N in w ES. IMPROVEMENTS The Oregon state flnh and raid eommlMlon mat in fbo chamber of oommerco rooms at 10 o'clock thla morning In regular monthlr session. Representatives from Lake, Klamath, Jackson and Siskiyou coun ty, California waro present with re qUMU that they urged would better tlah and game condltlopa. Oregon officials prnaont are I. N. Fletschnsr, chairman; Colonel Oeorge Kelly, of Portland; Oert Anderson, Madford; Blaine llalleck, Baker; M. A. Lynch, Redmond, commissioners; A. IS. Burgbduff, atata game 'war dan and M. L. Ityckman, atatn su perintendent of hatchorle. - Charts A. Vogelsang represent the California eommlMlon. Oeorg NeaU director of thn northern Cali fornia division, was detained In Sac ramento by hU wfo' m-rloim Illness Madford sportsmen orn represented, baaldaa Commlailoner Anderaon, oy 8. 0. Hmlth, insnsgar of Iho Mall Tribune, P, II. Dally, deputy game warden, and J. W. Ilnrrian, superin tendent of the Ilutte Falla hatchery. Prank Light of Lake county la here to urge thn eommlMlon to make provision for Lake county stream and Iskes, when equipment for propagation hem la Increased. At 4 o'clock thla aftornoon, the vls Itora and local cltltens will leave by boat for Kagle Ridge where dln sar will be served thla evening. To morrow iho visitors go to Crsier Lake and Sunday wilt hn gtieala of tha Mod ford Rod and dun club At trout dinner at Proipoct. Local sportsmen expect much ben efit from thn flrat hand Information an local problems, -gathered by tha tale commission In their visit. M, L. Ryckman, atate hatchery en perintendent, aald last night that the commission was much Impress ed with Klamath county from a aportaman'a atandpotnt. He aald that (Continued to Page 2) Britain Seeks Confab With U.S., China and Japan on Far. East LONDON, July 8. Great Ilritaln la believed to havo made overturea to tha United Slates, Japan and China for a conference to discun tho whole eastern altuatlon. Official clrclea declined to comment on the nature of any communication!, but It waa aald it would bo reasonable 'to assume that those countries would bo fully aounded before Onset Britain would ahow her hand, Lloyd Oeorg la nxpected to announce thn Ilrlllah pol Icy Monday, '..-.. . i . . r . -. j-ju-LU-mjjyi.ru PETROLEUM-WHY, WHERE, WHEN AND HOW MEN FIND IT; KLAMATH'S CHANCES WWW0WWWWWWWWm ------- -rt-lln-J-u-LnJ-u-LnJ-J.ulJ NOTK In a series of article, of which thla la the eighth, W. C. Lehman, manager of the Crater OH and ass company and Northern California Oil company, a trained geologist, will tall, In language the layman can understand, hla reasons for belief that oil underlies Klamath county. The'earlts will be an Interesting and tnstruotlvn history of petroleum and. the petroleum Industry, which all who desire to be wall Informed ahoufd read.) . WOOL no STILLMBROW VsMAAMMtM1 mA00m0WW THK HOTTKST DAY While the thermometor stood at 94 at thn highest point yesterday and lo cream parlors did a land office business, today apparently halt u alight edge on yesterday though the mercury refused to aayno. At noon the thermometer on tho coolest side of Underwood's Pharmacy read 88 degrees but around tho corner though still in the shade, another registered 92. It caught tho reflected heat from the pavoraent. The reading at the reclamation service station at 2 o'clock was 88. Earlier In the day 'It reached 80. 17 RA1HKD VOR RKLIOK OK PUKULO FLOOD VICTIMS Mrs. M. A. Callaghan, secretary of the Red Cross chapter, reports that s17.13 was rccolvod when the "Kelp the Pueblo Flood Bufforors" boxes were opened today. Thn money will be forwarded at once. Mrs, Callaghan expressed tho gratltudo of tho chap ter for the monoy. MKDKORD NEWSPAPER MAN IS A VISITOR 8. 8. Hmlth, manager of thn Mad ford Printing company, publishers of the Mod ford Mall-Tribune, la In the city, being a member of the party traveling with tho fish and game commission. Tills Is his first visit to Klamath Falls slnra 1909, and though a near neighbor and keep ing close tab on development In tbls territory, ho was surprised at tho great chango that has taken plnco In the 12 years. Aa ono of tho moving spirits that made the Malt-Tribune thn great newspaper it Is, Mr. Smith was an Important factor In making Medford what it Is today. Through tho power- of his paper ho has sproad the Influence of Medford far beyopd its boundaries, resulting In gaining for that city many of tho advantages bo necessary and profitable to ita de velopment. Tho loyal support given The Trlbuno by tho business Inter ests and realdonts of Jackson county ehows that common sense Is a con trolling Influenco in that commun ity, with tho -result that there la a unity of action that has won for Medford so many benefits. Herald Boston Bureau BOSTON, Mass., July 8. The de mand for wool in the eastern mar kets haa continued wltzttn compara tively narrow bounds during, the past week, manufacturer finding no necessity to eitend themaelvea In the purchase of raw materials, al though thoy continued to be well oc cupied on the orders and duplicates which have been taken hitherto. In deed, a fow of tho larger mills are putting on night shifts to hurry through their ordera and get the de liveries made aa soon aa possible. The spinners and combers am also well occupied and prlnea for vsrns and tops are maintained on a ateady baals, but without any tendency to adtancn. Many of the mills are get ting out lightweight aamplea for the eomlng aeason, hut opening prob ably will not take place to any marked eitant before the latter part of July. Mill la Market Tho mills have bees In the mar ket for fair weight of fine and" fine medium territory wools' In the orlg-j Inal bags, and for these wools prices have abown little change, clothing descriptions selling In tho range of 60 to C3 or 64 cents, clean basis and short combing wools aelllag at from 65 to 70 cents, clean basis. There haa been some call for medi um grades of wool, quarter and three-elghtha blood combing having been sold at about 60 cents, dean basis, "while quarters have brought about 40 cents. These prices ahow no change aa compared with a wpek ago, nor for that matter, as against two or three weeks ago. Fin Wools Attract Mills Thn mills have shown continued Interest, also. In foreign fine wools, especially In Australians, which, of course, cannet be Imported under the emergency tariff act, and so have an added attraction to the mills, who want to secure them for the sake of the softer feeling and finer finish which they give to a piece of gooda when blended with domestic wool. Thus ,the domestic wool gives the strength to the cloth while the Australian fibre gives the finish and softness. This Is espe cially truo of the present clip, Inas much as the drought last year In Australia rendered a large portion of tho clip tender and mushy. There has been a better call for pulled wools in the market thla week, these wools being relatively scarce and If anything slightly dearer for the beat aoiicripiions. u supers (about a In past articles of thla aerlea there haa been 'discussed the various airat- igraphlc and geologlo feature that govern oil accumulation. 'Let us group together the factor that ahould be present In any , locality that may reasonably be considered favorable to oil accumulation and concentration. First, evidence of the pretence of oil. Second, a place of origin. Third, a medium of aceanu latioa. Fourth,, structural -deforata-tlon, auch aa an anticline. Fifth, probable sealing of reservoir, Sixth, critical water altitude. In any discussion of the probabil ity of oil In any given locality. It must be understood that ao matter how carefully a geological examin ation be made, certain unknown ele ments may enter into the problem Klamath Basin. It may be said, how ever, that one principal and several minor folds or anticlines parallel the hill ranges. The structural deforma tion U particularly favorable; In oth er words, the tilting and folding that ha occured In the Klamath Ba sln has formed, so far as outward evidence can show, place of con centration of oil. ine most casual examination of the folda referred to eliminates any fear that the sands or medluma of accumulation have been exposed and so allowed the oil to escape. The proper sealing of the structural de formation must always remain large ly conjectural until sufficient wells havo been drilled to the medium of accumulation to test thn porosity In ccverai places. Tnero can be no Coyote, Supposed to Bo Rabid, Killed By Worden Rancher A coyote that chased thn ranch dogs through thn garden and around the house and killed a hen In the yard, appeared at the R, VV. Tower ranch in the Worden district early this morning. The beast was killed by Mr. Tbwer with a shotgun. Tho peculiar actions of the coyote, and Its lack of usual fear of dogs and men, make Mr. Tower beliete, it might have been a rabid, and he is preparing, to ship the head to. the sUtn .board of health for examination. to upset the conclusion of the most question as to the presence of water well grounded report. For a moment suppose that In a given district every Indication favorable to oil accumu lation is present. Suppose the oil sand at a depth of 2000 feet. That a teat well be drill ed upon what seem to be the most favorable point on a glven-antlcltne. Several things might occur that wtfuld have tha effect of making the well a dry hole. A fault might exist within the anticline of which no evi dence would show on the surface and through thla fault all oil once pre sent might have drained away. or the dip of the aide "of the anticline on which the well waa drilled might abruptly change its degree of lacttaa tlon, without surface evtdoace, 'fir ing the. wall a location 'at that foot M the asrtieHae; so probably-.? the welt would be drilled Into water In stead of oil. These are some of the simpler things that might happen to confound the conclusion of the best geologist. This list might be ex tended rery considerably. In the words of P. O. Clapp, one of the moat eminent Petroleum Geologists In the world, "the duty of the Petrol eum Oeologlst Is not to Insure suc cess in drilling oil wells, but to re duce largely chances of failure." No man may aay conclusively that oil exists beneath any ceVtaln spot. It Is quit .possible to state defin itely many places In which oil does not and cannot exist. The Petrol eum Oeologlst may further indicate I the location and localities where oil should occur providing the unseen unfavorable conditions are absent. We have Hated the fundamental fa vorablo factor. No attention will be paid to the unfavorable conditions ex cept by the way of passing comment It may be accepted as a demon strated fact that oil exist In the Kla- main uaain. T(.e verification or this fact comes from various sources. Evi dences of oil have been found In many water wells In the valley. From three different depths in the Slemena' well small quantities of oil have boon brought to the surface. Regardless then of the quantity, it must be accepted aa a fact that oil Is present in the valley. In the Kla math Basin there exist a doposlt of dlatomaceous ahalo that Is tremen- three-eighth grade), have been In dous in extent. Oil must have Ita especially good request at 45 to 65 point of origin. Dlatomaceous shale cents, depending upon how rood they were, the lower Prlco belna for thn short Iambs' wool, which some times have brought 46 to 47 cents for choice lots of eastern wool, scoured. McDonald Bound Over on Booze Charge waived U, 8. Ed. McDonald of Dorrls preliminary bearing before Commissioner Thomas on the charge of having intoxicating liquor in hla possession Saturday night, July 3, and was bound over to appear in the federal court at Portland. Tolegraphlc advices received this noon by Commissioner Thomas waa that a-federal offlcor was enroute to thls city to tako McDonald to Portland for confinement. McDonald was captured on tho Link, River brlge with a trunkload of liquor la his automobile, ' has' been conceeded by the best au thorities to be the place of origin of petroleum on the Pacific coast. By thn courtesy of Captain Siemens and Nell Campbell, the writer has bad the opportunity of examining the log of the Siemens' well. It Is not be lieved to be a breach of confidence to atate that the log shows a series 'of sands and sandstones of varying degrees of porosity. Almost without exception, any of these sands or sand- atone might fie a competent medium of oil accumulation providing the sand had proper capping; was In auch structural position aa to favor concentration; and had some connec tion with the place of origin. Almost any geolo'r leal reading in the valley confirm the conclusion that stra'tss of sandstone exiat la much' greater than average number. It would extend thla article far be yond the apace allowed to discuss In aay more than the moat general way the structural geology'1 of the In quantity in the sandstones of the Klamath Basin. Much water exists. Thn location of any test well must necessarily be made well up on the side of any structure. This matter of water, -whys Important in consid eration of proper test woll locations, Is not to be understood to be sn un favorable Indication. The majority of the oil field of the United States are In localities In which water occurs In more than average quantities,, ( The question of drainage areVUke that of structural geology is too large a subject for discussion'. It may be etated though that the drain age area is of sufficient 'extent to produce oil in as great quantity as any field la Callfornlsshould oil "Jltooaietetl. ' It has been aald that If oil had been present In the Klamath Flarln it would have been burnt out. This conclusion seemingly being arrinl at because or tho evidence of vol canic heat present on the surface In the form of lava, basalt, etc. As a matter of practical fact, the writer doubt if oil in quantity was ever burnt out of any country by vol. canlo beat. Tho heat which some time has this effect is the heat of Metamorphlsm, that is the best of earth movement. Thla heat, far more intense 'than volcanic heat, Is that which" generally produces what Is called metamorphlc rocks, that Is, rocka which have been exposed to sufficient heat to fuse together the stratifications and change tho form of the rock particles. There la meta morphlc rock on the aurfaco at many polnta In the Klamath Basin. The log of the well drilled to various depths In the valley, which It haa been the writer' privilege to exam ine, ahow no evidence of motamorphic action except near the surface. Metamorphlc heat Is a, construc tive aa well aa a destructive force. There la little doubt that a degreo of metamorphlc heat must be present at the birth of oil. Aa a demonstra tion that tho heat of metamorphlsm I has occured In past ages in olt reg ions may be cited tho Pennsylvania coal bods. Coal la a metamorphlc pro duct that gains Its character largely through the Instrumentality of met amorphlo heat. Beginning with peat which contains approximately 66 per cent carbon the coal family onds with graphite which is pure carbon. Peat is found on the surface, coal in veins under tho aurfaco and gra phite in stringers near or in the baaal complex or bottom of tho stra tified formations of the csrth. The character of the coal evidently de pends largely on the degreo of met amorphlc beat which has been ap plied. There is little doubt but what the largest element controlling the character of oil has also been fhe heat ofmetamorphlsm. It will bo seen, therefore, that tho mere evidence of tho presence. In the past, of metamorphlc heat must not be accepted as an indication nee. essarlly unfavorable to oil. If at depths approximating that of the probable. olL medium,, metamorphlc rock be fqund the faet would indi cate the probable absence of oil. From, the examinations of the writer, precisely the reverse seems to be Indicated, no metamorphlo rock be ing; found except sear the surface. CHAflGEDrVTIH iMlOTlG PAMrW: EKE: m is HU IS ON, D 4 ' ' a e iBnv vi M .T r x ''Two nlore of 'the secret Indict ments' returned at the recent session of the grand Jury were made public last night when returns were made In-'tbe case against O. T. (Buck) Anderson, alleged to -nave altered a brand upon a steer valued at $26, the property of the Cbewaucan Land and Cattle company of Lake- view. The Indictment charges An derson, with 'altering the Chewaucan brand to the Anderson "OT" brand on a steer on September 17, 1920. Anderson appeared, in the circuit court last night and was admitted iu i,uuw oaii, securing joon Eura- mons of Bonanta fad Willie David of Modoc Point aa bondsmen, Larceny Indictment The other indictment waa served upon William Sims tor alleged lar ceny by bailee of a wagon owned by John IllbberU, fffner, living near Klamath frsu. .' Th ludlctr meat allege that William Sis v maixuux, JtOrBvlfmUm wa ! toaigbt a tkm iijsjTi1i rssaVaeaoa that in iiiiigjtnunen ( wen fcesasj saade ley JnHssUli I arfeUad to ceea frssai naaat Monstay. ,' ; ' ' ' 4 DUBLIN, July 8. The conference between lriaa rspublloaM and eosth- em unionist waa remand Grown 0 tb street at recited the-rosary and litany, and joined la prayarav Only twvryeHee mesj wre seen and 'the erwwd waa regulatad by volunteer" wearing small American- flaaja to their but tonhole. Irish ballad were sa by boy vocalist at Interval, a taw pee pie awaited new from the peee de liberation. A proceealen wa erg anlzed and moved about tha neigh borhood. at converted a waaoa nele ina-iafc iaAlsnla Wsl tf'tbsVasdL i w --- w- ".V2 mmmr-"Wrw TTTT. - -- vlWtm'Jwpri9mftrwmmd' Awtnr' after driving same to Ashland Bondsmen J. R. FtcVett and O.L. tnanaier or Maun went surety on f 1,000 bond required. Say Mre. Kaber Tried Poison First CLEVELAND, July 8 Testimony considered by the state as vital in establlahlng its claim that Mrs. Kaber first attempted to kill her husband by poisoning' wa given to day byMU Crystal Benner, name. While Kaber always had vomiting pell after eating food at hi home, served by Mr. Kaber, the nurse testified, be never. ' vomited after eating at the hospital except once, and that wa after Mrs. Kaber visit ed him and gave him candy. Miss Emma Wagner, maid at the Kaber home, also testified Kaber became 1! after eating. She said she gen erally prepared hla food, but Mrs, Kaber served him. She said the Kaber often quarreled. BELFAST. Jaly S.- for 20 minute last night scarred In the Union street and Tata street areas. A conUM waa waded and 8lnn Fetaera, engaged in tha he stlltle are reported to nave Matter ed heavily. Many dead bedlea an reported to' nave been earrtod ate nearby hoaaea. The trouble atarted when, a polk searching, party aaled at a none 4n.,the district. ' . , TWO mOM OAUbpTDAB The nit' taetUvted' by rraaJcnL Denton 4nt Mm Medee Llsr company -v 'the eoWeetleii sf'i'r blU ajaWtac t3'l.m.W.- wad art at eaurt yanardnyar et ttH. courtwas'tbe'eai of Ck4M againat Ouet Sedevtaaii. waareJa ana collection of aa unpaid- halaaea at $183.50- and 10 par- cent Interest due on the original note of 22t waa brought by the plaintiff. CASBB COXTOfVWD The Bradbury trial which won act for yesterday in Justice L. Oahagaa'a court wa continued over to 4 o'clock this afternoon, owing to witnesses being unable to appear.' The case of Henrietta C. Laugh- ton against N. B. Drew for- allsaal ruin, of personal garment valued at $100, sent to the latter for eleaa- Ing. waa continued mdefleJUlT, wit nesses for both side being unahU to be present. Oil Stock Bought for Trifle Now Memne a Fortune to It Owner JAILED ON BOOZE CHARGE AND ASSAULTING OFFICER Joe Oarsla, a Mexican, aged 36, was arrested at the Agency by Su- perimenaeni w. a. west this morn Ing and brought to this city for con flnomcnt, charged with possession of liquor and Importing Intoxicants Into Indian country. An additional charge of assaulting. Port Summers, Indian policeman, waa filed agalnat Oarsla. He will have a hearing on July' 13. DEMP8EY DRAWS COLOR LLNE OMAHA, July 8. Jack Dempaey. passing through here, made a atate ment denying that he would fight Jack Johnson or any other negro fighter. MASONS' MEETING Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. V. A A. M., will meet tonight at tha Ma sonic temple for work in the Mas ter Mason degree, according to Sec retary Lem Oagbagen, secretary. ' - rrf n i.i.iuuu It has been necessarily to reneral- lie, in the widest way, on, the prin cipal Indications that the writer has considered favorable In tho Klamajh Basin,, In -addition, however, It may do said that more detailed work has (Pomeroy Mjat Waahlaatonlaa) "Good fortune,, haiond hlavawet am bitious dreams for financial suc cess has come unexpectedly to O. F. Cluck, for thirteen years resident of Pomeroy and owner of the second hand store on Main street, It Is re ported. "One hundred shares In an Okla homa oil property, for "which 20 years 'ago Mr. Cluck paid $100, U now worth 11,000 a ahare, a total of S100.00O, according to advice coming to Mr. Cluck from the presi dent of a Sapulpa, Oklahoma bank. Mr. Cluck long tslnce disregarded this Investment as a, thing of any value. ' "It appears that the management of the company lost track of him, and that a considerable sum la div idends baa also accumulated to his. credit In the Dank., " 'I wrote the banker to send all the money he has to my credit Im mediately,' aald Mr. Cluck. 'I had no Idea I would ever get anything out of that Investment. I left tha stock certificate in the bank 20 years ago ,and had' forgotten all about i. I have forwarded proof of my identity and expect to go back soon.'." ALBERS REPORTED BUND ' AS RESULT OT STROUD PORTLAND, July 8. Henry Al- bers, 'retired miller, 'whose convle tton for violation of the tisiinasta borne out the conclusions formed act waa recently -revermsd hr thai from the general facts. The Klamath supreme court, suffered a severe Basin contain sufficiently favorable stroke of paralysis Wednesday night Indications to make the drilling of and la totally blind, h( brother, test walla decidedly worth while. William, announced today; ft