The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 07, 1921, Image 1

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Member of the' Agtociated Preu. ' " '
r, II " " "
r Don
Mftneath Year. No. 544M.
ill mil?
Portland Hotel Lobbies
Are Agitating Ques
tion, Says Local
Man; Chances Seem
Bright Enough
' Wbnn discussion regarding the
governorship, which will bo the
storm center In next year's election
nun up -where politicians fore
gsther In I'ortUnd hotel lobbies,
tbli question li being Increasingly
Interjected Into the conversatiens:
"Why not Charles Hallt"
Thli U according to 1. K. Burke,
local Insurance agent, who waa In
Portland eareral days last week at
tending tho conrentlon of New York
Life agents. Ilurke kept bis ear to
the ground, and being from Klam
ath county, now the home of Charles
Hall, ha discovered an amtilng
amount of Hall sentiment, consld
arlng tho fact that, until this v Is
published, tho local banker haa nev
er been mentioned In print as a pos
sibility. Apparently Porttanders think be
cause tho state senator from the
Coon country and president of tbo
state chamber of commerrn baa
transferred his lares and penates to
Klamath, the Klamath folk should
be wide awake to the fact that they
hsTO gubernatorial tlmbor trans
planted to thnlr midst, and shpuld
be, widely and unanimously urging
Hall to shy his chapeau Into the
ring where the castors of half a,
dosen or so of mora or less jcell
known cltliens of the commonwealth
art already reposing. .
-" .Wa ..matter ttnfut, ,HallT has
beca mentioned for tue governor-
ship In the presence of the writer
two or throa times during the past
faw weeks, but as far as can be
learned no one knowa what Hall
himself thlnka about It.
,Unfortunately. Mr. Hall left this
morning for tho Crooked Creek
hatchery with the party that went
to welcome the state fish and game
commission, and The Herald has not
ascertained just bow seriously he
would consider a raro for tho slalo's
highest office.
'JThat ho would be a factor In the
race If he decided to enter cannot
bo doubted. An president of the
atato chamber of lommerce, during
a period when that organlxatlon haa
established a 100 per cent record of
tale development, bo has made a
big following of Influential Trlcnls,
widely scattered throughout the
atate. They are scattered for the
simple reason that under the Hull
administration tho state chamber of
commerce haa played no favorites
but sought to build up the state as
a whole. '
Easily tho dominant figure In the
laat leglslsturo, Senator Hall had
the support of widely dlvergont In
terests, who realised his sincerity of
purpose. He la trusted because he
Is a practical business man rather
than a politician, and capital and
labor, tho atandpattor and progres
sive, equally applaud tho way to
which the machinery of progress re
sponds when ho takea hold. Ho
wins the approval of those who like
direct methods, deploro re dtape,
and measure ability by results.
It's no suro thing that Governor
Olcott will again be a candidate. If
he desires re-election he would be
a strong opponent. With Olcott out
of tho race, there's no reason why
Hlamath abould not provide the next
governor In the person of Charles
Hall, If he Is willing.
Among others mentioned for the
office, aro Colonel Qeorge Kelly,
Portland capitalist, best known In
connection with the Booth-Kelly
Lumber company; George Baker,
mayor of Portland; Senator I. L.
Patterson, Oeorgo A. Whlto, state
adjutant general.' and T. B, Kay,
former state treasurer.'
Btoto Senator Jay Upton of Prlne
vllle would not be averse to running
if tho "call" was sufficiently strong,
and there aro soveral others In the
senator's frame- of mind.
Huff Fined $20 for
Pawing Bad Check;
2 Others Arraigned
1, A. Huff, accused.. bv JsT. Per
kins, local, fu'raltura. daalOTA of havt
Ihg Issued iW worthless- ebckifor
fil.oo, plcd4g''gulJty..Jn, tblttcUn
un coyri Maio-ycsieriayy ana -was
fined ltO.).JfoiBa'la:thaftake.v,.l ,
.A. B! Huntington-, pleaded, not
guilty to a worthless, check ehaxge!
Huntington's rial, will be held next
week, follolagt the trial of Roy
Patch, . alleged to hale stolen' an
auto. Psti-h.pleaded.-not 'guilty Sat
urday. Hn will be tried July 14th.
Edward Jones desired counsel and
J, ,11. Carnahan and Fred Baker
were appointed by the court. Jones
plead next Tuesday. He Is accused
of the larceny of an automobile
from Justice of the Peace Qelnger
at Chlloquln.
. I ' ?TrTS
il --- j..... ----.- i-i'i-rr.-rvinrgTn.i-nan.rii-uiim.n. .ul'jxt
'T J..' ' !' - --n-i--nniiii in LIXIUULAJL
NOT13 In. A series oKartklbsloL which this la th ivniti vj n
Lehman; manager oMho.Ctstef OH and ass company and Northern
California Oil company, a, trained. geologist, will tell, in language
the, toyman' can nnitoiaB.'.hlS' reasons for belief. that-oil underlln
Klamath icounty.' Taa-eerfr will. bo an Interesting, and-instruotlro
history of petroleum ,aad?tSe petroleum industry, which all who
dealt to be well informed'.ahould read.) --
, i
(Cqn'tlnuod from Wodnesdsy)
Charles House, Western Union
messenger, showed the results of
training when be finished first In
the bicycle race for boys July S.
The Mrst prise was a year's sub
scription to The Evening Herald.
J Personal Mention J
BALRM, July 7.Tha telephone
rate rehearing will start July II.
A. L. Bailor of Bay Point arrived
last night and Is registered at the
White Pelican hotel.
Jfr, and Mrs. George Edwards and
small son were passengers on the out
going train this morning bound for
San Francisco, where Mr. Kdwurds
will cngsge In business.
Lloyd Clopton and wife aro here
from Berkeley, California, visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sloan. Mr. and
Mrs, Clapton returned yesterday from
u fishing trip to Bprague river. Mr.
Clopton spent a great patr of his boy.
hood In Klamath county.
Levi J, Griffith of Olene was a
county seat business visitor yester
day afternoon. ' r '
D. B.Campbell will leave, In the
mornlgn for Spring Creek for a few
daya fishing. .
M. r.. Miller or Miller Hill was a
city visitor from the country yes
terday afternoon.
Mrs. Estelle Carrier left tbla morn
ing for Dorria where she will be the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Ste
phenson for the next few days.
Mrs. Jennie Hum returned lost
night from Portland and Eugene,
whore she has been visiting for the
past month. While away Mrs. Hum
attended the Grand Chapter of the
Order of the Eastern Star In Port
land, and the Auxiliary of the Amer
ican Legion In Eugene. On her way
home she celebrated the Fourth in
Mrs. Dan Walker cams over from
Ashland last night to spend a month
with ber sister, Mrs. L. B. Apple
gate of Swan Lake,
John Martin, A. M. Collier and
Leslie nogers attended a meeting of
the directors of the Merrill National
bank lost night, in Merrllf.
Ralph Scott transacted business
hero today from his ranch near Dairy.
Fred Houston and family left this
afternoon for Rocky Point.
Jack Thompson, manager of the
California-Oregon Power company. Is
111 at his home hers with appendi
citis. Mr. and Mrs, Rhlnehart Motschcn.
bacher who have been spending
their honeymoon at Anderson's sum
mer resort near Spring creek hove
returned and will be at home to their
friends at Elevsnth and Lincoln
steeta after July 10th.
Mrs. Vina Bergfeld of Loi An
geles, who has been vIsltlnK hor
sister, Mrs. J. R. Dixon in Bl, nnd
her nleves, Mrs, Charles Loom Is nnd
Miss Madge Dixon of this city, re
turned to her hbme in the south
this morning.
Dr. and Mrs. II. D. Lloyd fltewnrt
and Dr. and Mrs. Hardin Carter re
turned Tuesday evening from Dia
mond lake where they had tho fluent
kind of angler's luck for the faw
days they wore there.
0. W. Erickson and family of
Chlloquln were In town yesterday af
ternoon on a combined business nnd
pleasuro trip.
Mrs. John 8hepherd, Earl B.
Smith and family, Mrs. Ruby
Vaughn of Oakland, who ii visiting
Mrs. Harris, Inex Elliott and Till
man King, spent two days at the
Iftva beds lost week, The party also
visited Williamson river miter la
the week.
In reference to leases In general,
the fact of their unknown value Ms
made them a medium of specula
tion wherever the test wells are
drilled. Development work, 'wher
ever carried on, attracts the atten
tion of those whoso object is to
take advantage of thsj work dona by
others by the securing of leases in
tbe vicinity of development. It to
sometimes herd for the land owner
to distinguish between tbe real op
erator who wishes to leas bis land
to begin actual development work
on It or in its neighborhood, and
the speculator who asks for his
lease with no Intention of drllMng.
Both make the same promises, and
somotlmes offer the same lease.
In giving consideration to whom
he should lease he land owner fre
quently does not apply tho same
reasoning he would devote to sobs
other business transactions. Should
he want a carpenter to build'
bouse for blm be would probably
Inquire into the ability of the car
penter to do carpenter work. Should
be made a contract with the car
penter by which the carpenter
agreed to do certain work be would
Inquire as to the reputation of the
carpenter and as to whether he was
In the practice of performing his I pioneer work of tbe oil Industry
part of "such contracts satisfactorily.
Should a lawyer suggest to tbe av
erage land owner tbe advisability of
signing a contract with blm for
house building, tho land owner
would probably bo doubtful Immedi
ately. Certainly as to tbe Iswyer's
qualifications as a bouse builder,
and probably also of his sanity.
With due respect to carpenters, the
business of drilling an oil well is
slightly mors complicated than
building a bouse. i
Tbe history df development of
nuproven fields is much tbe same.
The development work is done usu
ally with the co-operation of a
minority of intelligent land own
nrs The majority Is apathetic while
pioneer work Is In progress. There
Is always a certain number of land
owners who retard development
work and sometimes even drive It
elsewhere. By an unlntelllcent
"dog In tbe monger" attitude ther
desire their neighbor to lease while
not leasing themselves, to obtain
tbe effect of oil development at his
expense. Possibly this phase should
be expected. Tho history of the de
velopment of natural resources is
much tbe same la all Industries. All
the more credit should be paid to
the land owners who, by their co
operation, help and not hinder the
Debate on Tariff
BMOpini Teday:
Sxpoct Vote July 21
. WABIBNOTofo., July 7. With the
housebeglnnlng jcpasldemtlon of
the general tariff bill .today, the rt
pubUcanaajorR)ufUed July 21 as
the final vote on (no measure. Tbe
general asscussloiwill end July 14,'
t&e debate thereger being under the
five minute limitation.
. Democratic members or tbe wsys
and weans committee, In s-ralnorlty
report filed In the bouse today, de
nounced the administration tariff
bill as a "conspiracy to benefit a few
favorites at tbe expense of all humanity."
11 PKE
Local Contractor
Called by Death
Daniel H. Crank, aged CO, ear-
pester and - soalractor, died hut
aagni i kW J seas, xibl Resssai
Men avenue. Ha bad been ailing
for a year. He Is survived hr a
widow and six sons and daughters:
Msrlon H., O. W., D. H., Margarej,
and Maxle Crank of Klamath Falls,
and Mrs. J. C. Howard of Emmltt,
Idaho The decedent had lived here
for tbe past six years.
Funeral services will be held to
morrow morning st 8:30 at tbe res
idence, the Rev. A. F. . Simmons
officiating. Interment will be In
the Keno cemetery. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hales have the
sympathy of the community In the
doath of their infant son. The baby
was born Tuesday, and died Wednes
day morning at 9:10 o'clock. '
Road to Crater Rim
h Open, Says Report
The laat mile and n ban of road
to the rlai of Crater lake waa clear
ed of snow, and tbe first cars of ths
season reached tbe rim yesterday.
sccordlng to a report brought here
by a California tourist party.
Tourist trade on the Upper Lake
boats and on tho stagca to Crater
Lake Is picking up to somo extent
according to Mrs. Joe Moore, who
has the Crater Lake concession
from town. Seventeen psssengers
left this mornlnr for Eagle Ridge
and Rocky Point on tbo boats. H.
D. Leonard of Klamath Falls, J.
Helnts. Maybelle Genesley, Ruth
Smedly and Esther Smedly, all of
San Francisco, left this morning
for Crater Lake.
Port Summers, Indian policeman,
and Fred Duke, local taxi man,
were among the seven secretly In
dicted by tbe recent grand jury, R
was revealed yesterday when they
appeared before the circuit court to
answer a charge of stealing a' 2S-1I
calibre carbine from Lloyd Cox. ,
W. O. West, Indian superintend
ent appeared for the accused, and
had the data of pleading postponed
until July 12, when a U. S. attorney
will be here to defend them.
The charge Is alleged by defend
ants to be unjnst. growing out of a
search for Illicit l)qnor on the Con
ranch, conducted by tbe Indian po
liceman. Duke wax acting as all
driver. They wt t tbjrafgh the
cabin, and removed the. mm watn
they left as a precaution asslaat,.a
snooting scrape, aecornlag to wear
: Jt-
Information, so far to that they
bad no warrant, and the trial may
be a test of tbe right of officers) to
enter a home on an errand of search
without warrant.
OREGON Tonight and Friday,
" rri-ninrnrjnrLaaqruxanxLaAjij-Lnnrijxju-
When you reed aboat the Deenpary-CarpentJcr fight, did you have any
idea that oereatyvtwo hours afterwards pictures of that contest would be
In Klamath Falls? Well, that's J art what happened. Your city today Is
on a par with San Freadaro, Portland and Seattle. Through The Herald
you have been securing a service second to none on tho Pacific Coast,
and superior to that of any other city In the state ouuide of Portland.
This service has not been given Just because it was a prise fight, but
because It waa the outstanding news feature of the day. It U not the
first time The Herald has gives Its readeta the news of the day oa a
par with tbe big cities.
During the democratic and republican conventions, It gave them the
same service furnished by the metropoUUa papers. During the election
It did the saw thing. It pubUaaed the first pictures of tho great
Pueblo flood at tbo same time a did the big dallies. Its last big
service covered the greatest fistic battle of the age, and the events pre
ceding and following it, crowning that service with the greatest news
paper feat of all rhne the publication of pictures taken at the ringside
but a few hours before.
Not ta the pictures lies the story, but la the accomplishment. It
might have been an event la which every citiien la vitally mtcrested.
The readers of The Herald know that la the future they will get the
In every line there must be a dominant factor. In ever- business
there- must be a leader one that stands out from the rest. In this
city The Herald has always occupied the position of leadership. Bit
terly assailed at times, contending with competition that many thought
invincible, and before which It must succumb, it has never faltered ta
Its stand for the principles it espoused. It haa never failed to give to
ita readers just a little more than they expected.
Tbe result haa been that notwithstandlna that unwards of a Quarter
of 'a Mnliiqa dollars has been squandered la a vain attempt to establish
another daily newspaper la this city, tho efforts have failed, aad they
will continue to fail Just m long as Tho Herald pursues1 the same
policy that has mado It such a conspicuous success.
It should be a matter of pride for every resident of the county to
nave a real newspaper, because it is representative of the community
aad Incidentally each individual la it. Just as we are proud of a big
factory, or business establishment, or bank, or anything else that
deaotes community wealth, prosperity and progreus, so should we be
proud of our newspaper, for It carries onr trade mark to those on
the outside aad pcJaU the way to tbe bomesesker, the tourist, the
investor and busiaeas man. . i
Elht Delegate Ready
to Attend Convention
Advices ere received today from
O. W. Houston, delegate from Kla
math Falls Lodge 'No. 1247, B. P.
O. EL, to the national conrentlon at
Los Augeles, July 11 to 16, stating
that he had arrived In the Califor
nia city aad was In readiness to at
tend to his duties. Mr. Houston
left Klamath Falls several weeks ago
for an extended tour of California
before going to Los Angeles.
A meeting of tbe local lodge will
be held Thursday, July 14 at which
time, regular business will be trans
acted. The contract for erecting re
taining walls snd lawn beautlfyjog
haa been completed and the entrance
to the club rooms now has become
one of the show places among (he
buddings of this city.
Local MeMtgW,Wl
YWlin at
HatclrT Tfcla AfUr
n n; Meet Ttamiaii
Two earloada of local clttoeas, in
eluding chamber of niaiins aft!
dais left this morning far tha Crss
d Creek hatesery ta wiles ta
Orsgsa state fisk and gamer earn
missto, who will meat with leaal
spdrtsmaa aad California riijajbj'
elan rspraaantatirea here temnrraw. !
Following Inspection of the hatesv
sry tba cemmlsston aad weal escort
will coma here, it to expected ther
will arrive about 7 o'clock tonight.
No pubMc reception Is scheduled this
evealag, but tbe visiters will be gives
opportunity ta rest after their trip1
aad prepare for temoi ion's meet lag.
It Is planned to ceaveae the mast
lag about 1 o'clock tomorrow hi the
chamber of commeree rooms. It will
last about three hours. At :!
o'clock tba party, aooompaalca by lo
cal man. two beetles as la aa leave
for Eagle ftMge where a dtaaer wMl
be held la the ateatag.
la the Ttaitlag party are Ooarga
Kslly aad I. K. FMeehaer' of Port
land. M. L. Lynch of Re mead, Beams
HaUeek, aad Bart Andersen, seas
mlsatoaers; A. E. Barghdaff. state
ie wardaa, aad his arista at. Mr.
M. U Ryekmaa.
of hatcheries,
MaWaaly of the
's aatarlatisa today fasaPr-
ai ward chat tour
Sheriff Lloyd Low recovered the
stolen Dodge car of E. H. Jefferson
this noon at Algoma, where the
thieves hod driven it. They Aband
oned the car when the batteries were
exhausted. Mr. Jefferson was noti
fied of tbe recovery and at once des
patched a repair car to Algoma for
it Sheriff Low is following clues
which aro expected to lead to the
arrest of the parties who stole the
car Tuesday night from the renr uf
his residence st Sixth end High
Modferd. TDorrto sperfsmea wM also
send reeraseatatlvas.
The California state eomawudaaiA
will be rsprsasatsehby A. ngelsaag.
chairman of tho executive board, aad
George Neal, of Sacramento,' la
charge of the northern California dl-
vision of state work.
Yesterday's forum meeting of tba
chamber of commerce waa given to
discussion of fish and gamsPaad In
formation was disseminated that
should bare made any-of those pre
sent able to gala aa Intelligent com
prehension of the subject.
Lee Bean'a address on the species
of fish found in Klamath waters was
especla)ty illuminating. Chlsf among
the eight varieties is tbe rainbow
trout and tbe speaker showed a vur
prlslngr knowledge of trout lore.
J. J, Furber gave aa instructive
talk o mlsusUorr bird. Klamath
marshes are the haunt of large flocks
of geese and duck each sesaen aad
information asea their habits Is val
uable tp alL Av C. Yadsa. president of
the sportsmen's association, spoke on
tbo alias of the organisation.
Trying to Arrange
for Band Concert
'Barney Chambers stated that a
committee waited upon the Klamath
Falls band last night and presented
a proposition to them to play for a
series of concerts and street dances
every two weeks this summer. A
number of the business men have an
nouncod that they would push this
proposition aa a method of onllven
Ing tbe olty during the summer
The colored electric lsmpa across
Main street belong to the Fourth of
July committee and the city boosters
and Mr. Chambers elated that au ef
fort would be made to keep thrm
burning ai night providing funis
could be secured to pay tor the juicn.
L. W. Kamm of San Lula Obispo.
California, is spending a week visit
ing in this city and section and Is
being ohown the many beauty spots
by his friend, W. L. Wright. Oae
of tho places where the two spent
four days was Lake 0;Del! aad tbo
fishermen reported that fishing, was
fine and that the limit was caught
each day. '
Mr. Kamm owns one of tbe largest
chains of garages in Southern Cali
fornia and claims that the only ilUv
greeable feature experienced In' hut
trip to Oregon was tbe terrible roirts
that be struck as soon as ba hit Kla
math county. With scenery visual
eld In Anterlca, tbe finest fUhtng
spots possible and an opportunity
to build up a tourist trade to th'ls
city .and county, ha thought It
lamentable that tbe road situation "
should be one that handicapped the
exploitation of this section.
C1I1CAOO, July 7. Sweltering
heat wave, which covers the middle
states, caused five deaths hare yes
terday. ,
Many compliments have been v.ida
on this electrical arrangement by
tourists who say that. It makes a
cheerful sight u they drivs into this
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