The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 06, 1921, Image 1

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Member of the Associated Press.
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PifUfMiUi Vron N &
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sirs booh
Taxi and1 Telegraph
Bills Held Up for
Weeks, Says County
Attorney) Waxes In
The apprehension of criminal In
this countr. I bolnic seriously hand
icapped by the derelict method of
the county court In tho payment of
Jnst charge for service rendorod to
th county by publlo utility service
corporation and Individual, ne
eordlng to the allegations of Prose
cuting Attorney llrower today.
Payment of till originating In the
olMco of thn prosocutlng attorney
In tbo apprehension of dangerous
criminal lncn March 1, 1921, ha
anffered to uch an extent that tho
Uit owner of thl city oro atd to
bo about to placo their service on a
'pay a you enter plan" union their
charges for service are mat mom
quickly by the county court. Thn
matter of having bill drag along.
dao to the alleged erratic and spas
modlc method of holding sessions of
the county court at late hour, oth
er than the logal time prescribed for
holding ame, and Ignoring bill of
li week atandllng, due for tele
graphic toll, ha arouied the wrath
of the prosecuting attorney.
The moat recent caie of dilatory
attlon on the part of tho county
court, according to thn prosecuting
attorney, In the Ignoring of the tail
Mils In connection with tho caie of
,r ,1Mter Itlion and W. A. Finch. In
' blh caaea, tho drlvrn were long
arduous trlpe.an4.kard o the auto
Mobile. The bills wore rendered In
these two eaem nearly two week
ago and no action hi been takon ou
thorn, while on bill In tho prosccu
Hon of other county department, tho
bill hnvo, boon paid Immediately
while the proaocutllng attorney' ac
count go boggling. Thl condition
baa readied tho point, nceordlng to
tbo prosocutlng attornoy, where hi
efficiency a a public offlcor la bo
'lug Interfered with and unle tho
county court take recognition of the
talegraphlo toll and other qxpunso
Item legitimately contracted by hi
offlee, la serious handicap will bo
worked upon tho publlo welfaro und
civil protection. ,
Prosecuting Attorney llrower sta
toil that If the bill duo the telegraph
companlc are not mot In aome aatla
factory manner whoroby tho credit of
hi offlco I maintained, a fugitive
criminal may be In China or Blurt
ing backr by the time money could
be aecurod In coah from tho county
court to pny toll at tho time of
fending tho wire. Aa for pursuit of
criminal with public lervlco can,
that will bo out of thn question It
the 'pay a you enter" plan la adopt
ed by the auto owner.
Poraecutlng Attornoy llrowor sta
ted, In Juitlca to Judgo DunnoU,
that tho matter of tolegrnphlc toll
, was takon up with him and ho at
tached hi algnaturo to old oxponso
bill but up to dato neither Com
mlsslonora Short or Fordyco hnvo
paid. any attention to thl mutter, 0.
N. Ilocord, tho now managor of fho
Western Union Tolograph company
hoe notltlod tho prosecuting Attornoy
that bill dijo tho company must bo
mot within 10 days.
'I feel that If I am to rondor of
flclont sorvlco to tho county In tho
apprehension of criminals and tholr
successful pursuit, thn legitimate
bllla contracted by my offlco In thl
doty should not bo Ignored
handlcnnpod by the action of tho
eounty court. Some neroemont
should' bo roncbod at onco In order
to carry out tho dutloa of tho of
flco I wa elected to by tho pooplo,"
said Prosocutlng Attornoy llrowor In
Bamming up hi allegations.
n'ox Hord today ahlpped a car
Corrodalo rams to California. Theso
rama woro purchased for uio witn
Merino ewes for December lambing.
The wether lambs secured will be
marketed In March' and the ewe
lamba retained.
Indians Dance in
. Costume; Carnival
Crowd is Pleased
Thcro wa much fuvorublu
comment lust night among souia
of tho curl) dny wottlur hero 0
who wIliit'Kxid tho Interprcta-
tlon of Oiler Jllku Week und
Chief Uu HnlpuH of tho Klamuth
lndluns, uaslstud by flvo woman
of tho trlbo, of the early day
war dances, corn ong, vie-
lory dancoa, warrior' te doum
und chief lament.
Painted up In war color,
dreisod In early day boadod'w
clothe and boating tom-tom,
tbo party of eaves "anaked"
about Main street performing
tholr quaint dance, to tbo ac-
compalnmcnt of chant and war
whoop, Suale Snipes, Leona
Weoka and Alva Jiaaca gave
aome wonderful demonstrations
of endurance and agility at
their (advanced age. Thj
youngost member of tho party
was 66 yjar df'ager
The 'old timer' remarked
that the dance iwere nearly
porfoct a they romomberod
them Interpreted In their young-
er day. The big nudlonco was 4
well pleaiod with thl novel en-
,Tbo Boulbern Pacific I working
on a reduction ot transcontinental
freight rate., applying to Klamath
Kail sbprncnts, according to' M. A.
Callaghan, local traffic manager,
who spent the end of last week In
conference with railway officials In
Han Francisco. Tho schedulo of re
ductions will bo announced within
two or threo week.
Mr. Callaghan secured aeverat re
funds for local merchant!", which are
now ready for collection, and got ad
Juatment ot soveral largo claims.
Among other n $66 refund to l5. A.
Kenyon, local blacksmith, was al
lowed, and Mr. Callaghan stated that
Oeorgw fltrowbrldgo ot Chlloquln
would get an approximate SO per cent
reduction on a $260 freight bill.
Tho traffic manager stated that he
bellovod tho Portland dispatch re
garding tho interstate commerco
hearing hero July 13, for tho reduc
tion of rate on the local branch, an
error, aa no change wo apparent In
the plana for holding the hearing In
Ban Francisco on' that dato. 1" '
A big fight fa 'looming, he says J
and California shippers and traffic
buroau representatives are preparing
for a atlft contest. Tho Southern
Pacific company wll lenter tho hear
ing proparod to oak for nn Increase
In California rntos, Instead of In
clined to compromlso In reduced ask
ed by tho shlppor. according to tho
Information of various .transporta
tion bureaus that will take part In
tho hearing.
The body of WUIUm Ilanncr,
rtrowiMM Hnturtlny night In I4nk
IUrer, was recovered fibont threo
o'clock this afternoon, floaUsur. la
I,akfl Kwauna near the Cttelee box
factory. Tho body wh found by
tho Cluslsca launch -crow. It was
brought to the Whltlock undertak
ing parlor,
Preliminary examinations will bo
held nt Rorrls today for Charlea
Snyder and 0. Honohlng, arrested
for tho robbery ot stores at Dorrls
.n,i Ml. Hebron recently. Horace
of.M. Manning of this city left thl
morning tor Dorrls to represent the
defendants. The district attorney
from Yreka will be pwent for the
state. Tke men will be brought
from the Yreka Jail by the sheriff
of Siskiyou eounty.
jjyVVj,VriJAiruJVVrrli","r"l "l mmm
NOTE In a aerie of article of which this Is tho" seventh, W. C.
Lehman, manager of tho Crater Oll,nna On company and Northern
California Oil company, a trained geolcglit, will tell, In language
tho layman can understand, hi ruaon for ballet that oil .underlies
Klamath county. Tho norle will bo an Interesting and Instructive
history of petroleum and the petroleum Industry, which all -who
desire to bo well Informed ahould road.)
Just as certain method of drill
ing oil wells have become reeog
nlted a the best through the evo
lution of tho oil Industry, o also
ha tho mean of acquiring" title to
prospective oil landa developed cer
tain atandard practice In reference
to oil lease.
Since the surface of the ground
ha little comparative value to tke
oil operator, dlrett purchaae of bind
for oil development ha llttW at
traction to the average oil man or
oil company. There are aome oil
field In the United Statee, located
In region whore the agricultural
value of tho land I low. In which
the oil operator hnvo purchased tho
land outright. Theio field and tkla
practice, however, I exceptional.
The averago well drilled-for oHl
located on land the mineral right of
which ha been leaied by those ''do
ing tho development Since the ell
Industry In the United States baa a
history of over halt a century, and
1 conducted on o vast a scale,
many dispute have arisen between
tho lessor and the lessee ot oil Isiid,
prospective and otberwlae. These
disputes have been carried through
the courts and have affected nearly
every possible controversial point,
In reference to an oil lease. Certain
ratios ,ln reference to royalty later
eats, have been established aa fair
to both leaser and leeaee. Certain
principle have bees laid down! by
the courts as to, the rights). fed
dntleif of each party. The applica
tion ot these principles vary In dif
ferent sections, but tho underlying
equities roanaln tbe same.
An oil lea so may be divided Into
several parts: Ftrstr there, must be
a consideration. Second, thore must
be-a form to the lease. Third, there
must be a promise of development
work 'within a definite stated peri
od. Fourth, there mua tbe a sec
ondary consideration In the form of
a royalty to th owner of tho land.
In many states, the courts have
held, that ahould any ot these parts
be absont tho lease Is Invalid.
In Ita practical application, ' the
first point, namely, definite consid
eration, la frequently only formal
and the nominal sum of one dollar
is to comply with the common law
ot contracts. The second point,
namely, the term of lease, ha been
tho subject of much litigation.
Years ago the courts ot Pennsyl-
WO! Mr 'TaV V I Mi r .aiBsiiiii T "vElim'' sSSmm "m hvA
flsssasEBBBBrBBBBr ass j ' Rlflk "aawT SSm BBBBBBBBBBh .amr jjW aaimS aTxtas)
" a 1
vanla balded oafsf" doelsteas that
have Influenced. flaee IbenVmuch of
the Judicial eoaslderatlon'glven this
point until today every properly
drawn lease atate definitely the
term of Ita ilfo If unaffected by the
undetermined developments, such a
tho striking of oil. The third point,
tho promlae to drill, la determined
largely by local condition. Bo long
as the tease contains a clause by
wbkh the lessee promises certain
development work, wltnln a reason
able time, and a penalty claaee ren
dering the lease Invalid la ease the
promise I sot kept, tke necessary
principle haa been observed.
The fourth point, royalty to ike
owner, Is more rigid In Its applica
tion. Certain royalties have become
atandard throughout the United
States. in thoroughly unproveu
territories, suck as the Klamath
Ilasln, It la the practice of all large
oil companies and Individual oper
ator to pay one-tentb, either of the
oil or the proceeds from the oil
aaved, to the owner ot the land.
Within district 'that, stay be con.
sldered comparatively tare ot pro
duction, cither on, tke outskirts of
an oil field, or wltkk a nearby
radius, one-eighth royalty 'Is paid.
There, are exceptional cases, where
lease have been taken on a one-
sixth, or even oae-flfth royalty,
when tke prospective location was
considered certain of production,
having large producing wells In
close proxlsalty.
It mar aeea that these royalties
are not'a larga a they sb.ou.ld be,
and so unfair to ,the land, .owner.
To, obtain an. Impartial vfew of tbe
matter certain facta must bo given
consideration, that may be over
looked. In unproven territory the
averago test "well Involves an ex
pendlture, when drilled to a depth
or 5,600 feet, ot approximately $70,
000.09. Of this amount spent by
tho oil operator not moro than $20,-
000,00 ran bo salvaged In case ot a
failure, so be Is gambling on tbe
possibility ot his striking oil to the
extent of $50,000.00. Tbe land on
which he drills la not Injured to any
appreciable extent, the owner losing
practically nothing If tbo well la
dry. In case oil Is struck there
are certain operating and upkeep
expenses. Let us suppose a forty-
acre lease Is under consideration,
on which nine wells have been drill
ed, each one producing 60 barrels
per day. Let us see how the oil
(Continued to Page 8)
Crater Oil Co. Will
Run Merrill Rig
24 Hours Each Day
W. C. Lehman, manager of
tbo Crater Oil and Uas nnd
Northern California Oil com-
panles, stated that b Crater
Oil company started running 4
"tower" today at 'Welt No, 1,
north ot Merrill,
Thl means (bat tbe prelim-
4) Inary drilling Is oxer and, tbe 0
rig will be operated, J4 hours ,M
w nay, in inree eigai soar auins, w
until It either strikes th oil
body or'gOM'through to China.
OREGON Tonight and Thurs
day, fair; warmer Thursday except
near coast.
3 The, last event ot. thr Foarth of
July celobrattoa ended- la a blase ot
glory and an evaatagof supreme hap
piness to every person, who partlcl
pated in tbe 'masted .carnival and
street dance" on Mala etreet last
night. Director Seelak and his band
furnished the muslo for the Terpkt
cborean devotees on the keaviy.4aJ-
cumed street from tke kemra of 8
to 11 o'clock and the time spelfast
and happllyv- ,-
Tke climax started when Chairman
Conklln of ,the water 'earalvai,
mlttes) suggested that ha had Mtta
LsasOjrUU to saako tkVaJsn-JsmsWr,
fin J"flnllkid way'M'csUa.
ly he was turned loose. Por halt -a
block on either aide of Sixth and
Main, heavy layers ot talcuna powder
were spread on the asphalt and when
the lively tune played by the band
began, the atret became crowded
with dancers who whirled and swung
as multi-colored streamers ot paper
tape circled over their heads.
In the crowd were good, poor, In
different, graceful, gawky and 'Jelly
footed dancers all happy and en
Joying themselves even If they did
step on pet corn and the like. It
was tun they wanted and fun they
had- Old and young, all Joined In the
dance and It was .with a feeling ot
regret that the merrymakers heard
the two tunes, "Home, Sweet Home"
and "Oood Night Ladles For Te're
Oolng to Leave You Now" played by
the band, ending one of the moat
successful street dances ever held
Effective Measures;
to Over
PersisteMt Wi
Flowr Drilliaf WM
Be Started
The bottfc of tke Memens "T
well was e atail yesterday to siesT
tke Daw ef water,' after It had'acassr
kreketj hit it hate after SetwaVsrV
uppeeedly ssresasfal attempt to steeV
It. The water flaw started nsmka
after Met of water kM benra-v
moved. ,
In eemeattec tke well, ike mlstaia
U poured -tato tke bottom of the hete
and the caster Mwerea lato'H.' Tks
cement Is forced up around tke
side of, tke pipe, formlag a barrtat'
te the water. The well' eaa' new be
pnmped dry aad drilling rsaimsa
wfth the eight tnek Mt. BkenM M
more streams of water be enesiwH
ered tke eight lack kola wHl gWwv
to tke.olt bed. er nnUl It te ptwfvt
tkat U fat saffHeant oaatRy to nat
present. BhonM waters he "eaeeant-'
ered, hwvr,1ke eamentter Pra
ces will asjaia be used and then 'tke'
bore mast, he reduced to sis laches.
It was to avoid the possibility'
having to coma down to the six Inek
pip that the drillers J refrained Ism
lotur from cemeatte the well. It
te the belief at Ism stand his as
sociates, however, that In ell has.fjf
te not far away. aa4 aH"are aaw
keyed up wttk.Aepe tkat tkat ttw,
est ten days er' two weeks war"
prove tkat their eeafUeae to waa
tCjr !; tjuiti&'
Following the successful dance
last night and the highly
satisfactory 'manner In which it waa
conducted, many people Inquired
whether or not the holding of n sim
ilar 'dance every two weeks on Sat
urday night would not be a hat
drawing card to get some life atlrreS
up la thl city, also a spirit of 'gat
acquainted' with your neighbors.
With the rod, white and blue elee
trie lamps sending down a merry
glow, and the main street all antes
that auch affair would advertise the
city and bring many visitor to take
part In similar "free street danees."
Not much expense would be requir
ed to put It over. The benches for
street seats are already made and
about 880 would cover tbo lumber
bill. Storage coud be obtained from
tbe city official In the old city hall,
a place close tor transportation to'
Main street.
Tho band played good dance
music last night and they must be
aupported it this city Is to have
music, so, Inquire the enthusiast,
why not use them every two weeks
and have a royal good tlmo and
merrymaking, "In our own home
town"? There are many boosters ot
this (plan for creating civic enter
tainment and to proro It Is feasible,
they point to how this free dance
drew tho folxa out and what returns
In pleasure wero given the populace?
William Conklln Is one or tke
supporters of the plan and it you've
any Ideas on the subject tell them
to Dill. It there Is favorable senti
ment enough there will be street
dances every fortnight.
OLY1IPIA Wash., July 6. Mrs.
Helen Elisabeth Taylor, IS-year old
member or the Ladles of the Orand
Army ot the Republic, was re-elected
color hearer for the organisation, la
Washington for the l(th time at the
annual electloaa heM her recently,
Despite her yar Mrs. Tarter te
pleasing to attend tke national jmv
mpsseat t the oraer at miuae-n
anolla tbte.yser. .... -