PAQI W)BR TUHHDAT, JULY B, iMJ. i$i f THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON 4ktTT Tk Evening Herald J. MTJUfcAY. imEo HOintiK . M(H.ilwW ..CHf BHee Published Jally except Bandar, by it iieram I'UDiitDini uompany o nn aus, ai 11 ibiu Diri. n ii ana Eatered at toe sestettlee at KU asata rails, 0r4., tor traassslsslon ekreaavttie milli u soeead-clu sastter, , ,- OBtBKK OF, THU ASSOCIATED ,'f TRK8S. v " The Associated Pre is exeluilveir MtitleeV to the uie for republication ef all news dispatches credited to It, er not otherwlso credited In this paper,! ana also tns jocai nwiiuu- nerein. TVKSDAW JtflA 5, SMI, en ESTABLISHED Rev N. Fouch ha resigned a easaty county clerk and entered lata the credit information and col lection butlneas. The business .-will b conducted under the name of the "Bnalneee Serrlce." with offices. In the, I. O. O..F. building, " Mr. Fouch has made a surrey of the Klamath Falls business field, and finds that approximately 1100,- 000 Is at present outstanding on ac count. Among some of the Items investigated, court records show that the Second .Northwestern Finance corporation of Portland has discounted most of the local auto mobile papor, II. S. Rojrce being the largest patron, with a total of $17. 102 contract sales. Tho Ewsuna Motors company follows next In the record of sales contracts recorded In this county, but the disposition of their paper Is not made. This rec ord extends from January 1, to July 1. 1921. The amount of money due on payments for contracts of automo bile sales from January 1 to July 1, 1121, amounts to $22,792. Perhaps the greatest Horns of col lateral security are the mortgages tiled on chattels such as cattle, heep and wool, crops, farm equip neat and horses. Approximately, loaaa bate been made on cattle asMuatias to $290,652; sheep and wool. f42,825; crops. $10,141; (ana equipment, $14,000, and korsee, $10,446, Some of the filings are extensions of mortgages that have-faHen due. and hare been re newed, and part of them represent cask loans and re-extenslon of prlcr loans. grabbing the. suspension bridge be low the 'da as Ihetboa't passed un der, bat HaaW missed .the bridge and waV lost in the rapid. ', NEW TODAY 1 FOR HKNT 3 room furnished apartment, 39 High St. S FOR RENT G room house central ly located. Central Outfitting Co., 9th and Main St. G FOR RENT Room in modern house, desirable location, kitchen priTtlegcs If desired. Tel. 360-M. 6 7 PASTURE Dost of irieadow. for horses and .cattle. Dave Turner. Langcll Valley. B-9 FOR SALE A-l business, paying. Snap to right man. now and second-hand goods. Sco Dick, 6th and Klamath Are. S WANTED TO TRADE Oakland 6-poasengcr for Ford 4-pasaenger. See Dick, 6th and Klamath A,vo. S S FRESH COWS for. sale., Victor ' dottle, Mlllor Islnnd, near Mid land. 5-7 COLONIAL ONR ROOM cabin for housekeeping. 11th and Main St. and 741 Walnut Ave. G ANTONR HAVING a few dairy cows to lease,, please wrlto to B. J; Hodges, Dorrls, Cal. ' C-7 FOR HIRE Largo and small car. Phono 18S. 5 A OOOD DED and a good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th near Main St. and at Colonial Annex, 741 Wal nut Ave. 'Alt outside airy rooms. 6 HAVE PASTURE for 100 head of stock, plenty' water. Victor Ooftlc, Miller Island, noar Midland. S-7 Call 1S5 for your taxi. JKrf¬ 3 27 MAIN ST. r Otm REGULAR SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE BK01.N8TODAV EVERY HAT AND BLOUSE AT ONE-HALF PRICE-NO RESERVE Body of Drowned Victim Not Found Within two hours after he bad taaen 'a Job with the construction crew on the California Oregon Pow er company dam, William Hauser, 23, drowned in the Link River rapids Saturday evening about 6:29 o'clock. The body has not yet been recovered. Hauser come here re cently from Vancouver, Washington, where bis widow resides. He bad only been married three "months. Ilia family was notified, and cither hi -brother or brother-in-law will come from' Seattle' to arrange the funeral when the body is found. Hauser and a companion went out In a rowboat to do some work. The current seized the craft and swept It downstream. The companion saved himself by leaping up and hove just received a carload of fine nxonu ments and markers, all new designs. Stop and look them over, G. D. GRIZZLE Klamath Falls Marble ad Granite Works J 1040 Mala St .SfLrnM. RN M-jki (jYWZ fS3 'BHBJI BBBBJ BYsyBk J ss"BBB BSISSSSSlSSBSSBSSBSM. WANTD Qirl tq help floor. T41 Walnut Ave. swooi SLBHPINO ROOM FORWENT, 408 Pine. Telephone 615-J. B7 ASarlea of Human Interest , Talks on Insurance) kVssMCTi'x " BVtfsBVBVl What i Legal Reterve Life Inturance ? I have been asked this ques tion many times. Some think Legal Reserve life Insurance is a gamble where you must die it you are to win. What I your atm In life T To create an estate for yourself sad family, isn't it? When you buy a policy from Oregon Life you buy an Interest in a group of mortgages aad bond on the installment plsa. Mortality table scientifically foretell how many are going to die and how raaay are tola to live. a This enables Oregon Life to know exactly how much each must pay in order to set aside the funds Invested in bond and mortgages to pay a given con tract. These funds are pro tected by state laws aad must be held In reserve to mature your policy. Only by dealing with groups are we able to doihlso We have always paid 'In full. Think It over and talk witli CUNT K.' BROOKINS OrcgonlifCMu Faoae MTK AfWWWWWWWt0WWWWWWWWWWW BLOCK WOOD . and GREEN SLAB Duy yonr block-wood now while the price is cheap It won't be any cheaper but blocks will bo scarcer. Place your orders for groen-elab the poor man's wood. 10 cords for $35.00. A year' supply, esa you beat It? O. Peyton & Co, "WOOD- TO BURN" ilB U.l. O i vat. a t VAST MtU eTVe t"U9U(J Da9 rra g.l.l.ll(r-iri(Jllr 0WWm00t0000000000m0m0 HOTEJL fiUTTER HAN FRANCISCO Not Merely A Hotel, Bat Aa In stitution. Founded Oa Those Principle. o POPULAR PRICBS SERVICB i COURTE8T George Warren Hopper. Mgr. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww STAR THEATRE TODAY t Constance Talmadge "Up the Road With Sallie" This popular Btar In one of the most delightful stories over told in pictures. , TWO REELS OF COMEDY TOMORROW ; Billie Burke IN "The Education of Elizabeth" Chocolate Cream Pie a man's favorite It will taste just right to him made with Carnation Milk 7 tablespoonfula Carnation fAlWc. I clip water, Yi cup grated choc olate, Yi cup sugar, I teaspoonful cornstarch, 2 eggs (yolks and ' whites) beaten separately), 1 tea spoonful vanilla. Bake the pie crust firL Mix all ingredients '(except white of egg) together, and make a custard. Fill, crust . with custard, cover with' the whites of eggs well beaten with 2 table spoonful powdered sugar, and brown a little in the oven. 8m4 for Cerutloa Cook Book coatalalag 19 practical UU4 rodposT Caramtioa Mil PraaWcU Co, 922 Railway Eachaaga Mag., Portland. Paltry', calsei and all food are ap .petizlng and nourishing when made xeith Carna' turn Milk. Ite added richness and, purity en hance the flavor and food value of any dilh. . AS OroeTTtitToarZatUm HUb "from Ooatentea Cove , All Grocert. iSsts? FTrY Lm Make. TheOREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND POPULAR SPACIOUS LOODY 'At the'Center of Everything BROADWAY St STARK ST, We suggest yoi write, phone or wire for 'reservations Arthur H. Meyers, Manager T 8IIOB REPAIRING; pro-war price. Jack Frost, 818. 9th Bt;. r.i Mnho nn appotntmont today for a portrait. Htlnson Photo Co. roit'flAIJO Ivory reod-baby nlkf. dresner, rocker, chair, book stand, broAkfaat table, trull Jan, tubs, boiler, dishes, etc, 830 High 81. ; M -ssa .aaaaaaiBaBasjav B 4 WM - ," H sal sliissaiV Itttttit 1(1 saiH Q Wfc ' iiaaaB ''f' I LK H VIlMr asB ssaiaaH I sai3 B Columbia Kivr Highway B opened a vetftaMa paradiM far motorietg. D M This highway follows the M M Columbia River from the Pa- M H drk Ocean nearAatoria B H as far east as The Dallee, and -j - ,, M B leads the tourist through a (9Sf (JtUOlme H country of Indescribable acenlc ff OlKXlitV B interest high waterfalls.huge O V. H II rocks, picturesque wooda an If B ideal vacation land for the mo- Q B torlst who appreciates nature II PJ And on your' travels along B H the Columbia River Highway PI H you can always get "Red Rl B Crown," the gasoline of quality fcj H --an all-refinery gasoline with B H a continuous chain of boiling a. B Look for the Red Crown sign H B before you fill. B B STANOAROOacbMANY B D (niKiwii) Are You Prepared? FLY-TIME IS HERE We have a large stock of SCREEN DOORS in three design, to fit all regular door openings. These doors are made of clear kiln dried California white pine cov- , ered with the best grade of rust proof, galvanized wire, and put to gether with hardwood wedge dow els a patented process which makes an exceedingly rigid door. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. "Everything to Build With' , . Phone 107 Main & Spring Sts ' I; " BOSCH ,d GRAY& DAVIS H OFFICIAL BOSCH Service Station brUCA BOSOTptiMrt)UulM As official representatives, wc employ experts in the repair and ' adjustment of electrical automo-' tlvo equipment. Wc have special tools and testing apparatus, ac curate information from tho fac tory, use none but genuine parts, I and do prompt and careful work. REEDAUTO SUPPLY CO. .Hth St., Near Main ' Phone 298 in fnlfl IflvJ IB ' )J A i If It's Loose -We Will Move 0. K. TRANSFER GO. 124 S. Sixth St Phone 87