WJMliAT, aVNH M, 1MI. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rkmmwovn The Evening Herald 1. KURHAT BOULH .. ...J?dJtor .City Kdltor Published Ally except 8unday, by KM Herald Publishing Companr of Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Street; fc , i - ttared at the poitottlco at Kla math Palls, Ore., tor transmission through the malls at aocond-clasa atter. ER OP TUB ASSOCIATED The Associated Pro's is exclusively titled to the nse for. republication eC all news dispatches credited to It, c not otherwise crodltcd In this Bper, and also the local nows pub her herein. THURSDAY, JUNK no, 1031. Personal Mention Miss Mary nail left this week for Saa Jose, California, where aho will Attend summer school for the next Is weeks. ' a. M. Chllcote returned last night from Chlloquln where ho accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Paine C Hollywood, California, on a fish taff trip. Mr. and Mrs. Paine re sained at Chlloquln and from there taey wilt go to Eagle nidge Tavern for sereral weeks. Mr. Paine Is in terested In large sugar plantations fa Porto Rice and up until the time Bag la Rldgo closed as a resort camo Thers every rear for his vacation. Walter H. Pitts, district manager for the Woodmen of the World, has rrtved in Klamath Falls for an ex tended visit of a month of six weeks. Mr. Pitts Is from Chlco, California. Htrold flrar mJ V..L, f,..- GRIFFITH RKIJ..A8KD returned yesterday from Medford and DUBLIN. June 30. Arthur drif Kiddle', where they havo been for a mt bonder of the Sinn Fein, and tort vacation. They made the trip' ProfM80r John MacNolll, president a Mr. Cray's car iof tnc Gaelic leaguo, -were released old resldonts. Mrs. Hamaker bring the ncwa of the marriage, of her brother, Loon noltor. Miss Louise Rlggs arrived homo this week from Oakland, California, where she has. been for tho past fow months. Miss Rlggs is n trained nurse, having received her training at Fabtola hospital S. It. arltflth was in town this morning from his ranch near Mor rill. William C hey no mado a trip Into town today from his ranch In the valley. D. It. Kaylor and 0. S. Thompson wcro Klamnth Tails business visitors from their ranches on tho Merrill road. Carl S. Taylor of Malln was In town this morning transacting busi ness with Klamath Falls merchants. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. lloyd -will leave tomorrow for Fort Klamath, where they will spend tho summer. Dr. Doyd will practice dentistry and expects to enjoy a lot of fishing. Mrs. Kitty Wells Colo la here for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Harry Ackley, from Oakland, California. George Walton was In town last night from Merrill on matters of business. Ho was accompanied, by C. H. Chltwood. i Vernon and Alton Francis, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Francis left this morning for San Francisco and Santa Rosa, California, where they will visit with George and Joe Francis, their uncles. This trip Is also made for the benefit of Vernon's health. Miss Edna O-nlm left for Weed to spend tho Fourth of July and afterwards going to her home in Red, ding, Calif. -MAAAAAMVVMMWV tytlm ajWyWMWWMwyVVVWWVWAVWWwVWw During the Remaining Days of Our SENSATIONAL r'f , I . 't! Reducing Stock Sale u Frank L. Burns and J. W. Utter were Klamath Falls visitors yester day from their homes at Fort Kla-aaath. F. K. High camo Into town yostor- from Mountjoy prison today. STAR THEATRE ' TODAY Tom Moore IN . "Made in Heaven A story that xtps along at a break neck clip, with a stream of laughs running through tho entire picture Friday and Saturday "Heliotrope" Another great picture like "Humor- esquc." Special on all high grade watches Howards, Haralltons. Elgin, and waitbams. Stock just received linn, .est goods at honest prices at Pay day from Dorrla ro receive medical I enports just around the corner on caro from doctors hero. 6,Dl No b,Bh rcnl1' Wnr n " ,n.ore, Rex Kay, district manager for the " " Ku liable Llfo Insurance company of New York, is expected in on the even- lag train. Mr. Kay will spend a week or so getting tho flold lined up for John Houston, who Is to be Ue company's representative In Kla math county. The Miss Beatrice. Esther Waller of Ban Francisco and Miss Violet Young from Glasgow, Scotland, arrived on las night's train. They will visit with friends here today and tomor row the party will go to Crater Lake ad latar In the week will leave for Honolulu. J. W.' Banta was a county scat visitor yesterday from his ranch in 'the valley. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. MeClay who operate a ranch on the Merrill road eame In this morning to attend the funeral of Dean Griffith and Harry DeLap. Mrs. Thomas Hampton returned last night from Clinton, Iowa, Can ton, Missouri and Cbadron, Nebras ka, where she visited with relatives and friends. On the return -trip she stopped off at Lake Taboe and Sac ramento, .she was accompanied from there by Mrs. C. J. Renler who will be tho guest uf Mrs. Hampton for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin left yesterday morning for Long Beach, California, where they will make their home In tho future. Mr, and Mrs. Griffin camo Hero from that city about a year ago and purchased a homo on 8th and Upbam streets, which they sold to W. N. Brothcr ton recently. Miss Margaret Worden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Worden of this city, returned homo last night from Topeka, Kansas whore she has been attending Washburn university. Miss Worden specialized In music during her four years In tho east and received her degree In that sub ject this spring. She was accompan ied home by her aunt, Mrs. L. Sargent. C M. Pcttlt was In town yester day from Merrill, attending to busi ness affairs. John Moore, who up until re , cently mado Klamath Falls his home, hi here from Los Angeles visiting his mother, Mrs, Mary Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Orem were In town this morning from their homo on tho Merrill road. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamaker and daughter Katborlne arrived In tbolr car yesterday from Vallojo. They will visit Mr. Hamaker's mother, Mrs. Amanda Hamaker, for tho noxt six weeks. The Hamakers mado 'Klamath Falls their home for many years, and are well known hero to We will sell our entire stock of Ladies' COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SWEATERS, MIDDIES, BLOUSES, TRIMMED HATS AND FUR NECK PIECES at prices never before shown in Klamath Falls for this class of merchan dise. This entire beautiful stock, regardless of cost to us, has been marked for the remaining days of this sale at si Half Off the Regular Selling Prices )ftMwvwyywvyMVWVMV-r i At The Liberty TONIGHT "Love, Honor and Obey WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST One of the really great Photo Dramas of tlio year If you are married you will want to seo this picture. If you are not married you will still want to see it for tho samo reason that overy fisherman believes that thero Is better fishing on the other side of tho stream. TOMORROW Harry Carey - IN "The Freeze Out" The Coats Ttima.coAtM nrn ot tho latest, boUi In material anil workman ship, and are tho design of Ainer. ira'a-'lMdhur delineator. Fr this wile only wo offer them at y2 OFF Trimmed Hats All the, newest styles and models la UdleV trimmed hnW re In oar stock. Theo include New York pattern models, Sport hats, ribbon hata and Oncandy hats to match your costume. Turno are nil beautifully trimmed. V2 OFF The Suits Our stock of all-wool Mill U unquestionably tho Urgent Mid moot st)llili In Klamath Foils. Now U the tlmo to buy jour Fall Hull at Iom than they can be bought wholesale. Urmember, they, too, are y2 OFF Sweaters U'. h nvffr fiMir dUtlfu-tlV different t)lr In Wool and Hllk Sweaters. Tliene ore genuine bargains at y2 OFF The Blouses Wo are fthowlng the flnrat audi Urgent stork of bluuM that Iftx1 ever been kliown hero before. They oomo In a multitude off colon and shade In Voile, Silks, I (repo do Chlnn and (Jeorgelteti, and ore cheaper than wholesale at y2 OFF Middies Our aMortmont of Summer Wti Middle and Smocks la ex rrptlonally largo. They come In white, lavender, blue, roo and tan. The material are Llnrsio, (Jalatea and ("rope. Tlio mater ial alunn rould not bo had at tlieac price The Dresses Tlieoo mint lo ecn before; you ran appreciate tlio wonderful value (hat wo are offering. Ttiey come In, Wool, Silk, Organdie, Volte anil many other liislnU You will unrcly find oao yu like In this stock. ' V2 OFF y2 OFF Fur Neck Pieces Wo havo ot it JOO fur nock piece that wo are anil log below com. Tho furs are, rox, French Coney, tim Vox, Skunk, Itod Fox, Wolf and Mink, lluy your fur now, while price am low. f if V2 OFF Remember, this is not a sale on one or two items, but reductions on everything in the store. FIFTH AT MAIN FIFTH AT MAIN I -nnrilVia) njXfyyUi jijyirif LLnj-u-LOrMNia -.-,, n, X0UKJWVmjLMX C Stores in -Klamath Falls, Chico, Oroville, Marysville, Red Bluff and Corning NEW TODAY f n 0 FOR RENT 2-roora apartmont, fur nished for light housekeeping. C27 Klamath Ave. I'hono 461. 30 Tho bathing suits from Tho Ln Voguo storo aro suro to attract at tention at tbo fourth or July bath ing girls contest. 30 4TH of July special prices Satur day at the Indonendcnt Market. iFrco delivery. 1136 Main St. I'hono C43-J. 30-1 WANTBD Woman cook at Klamath General Hospital. 30-2 Tho bathing suits from The la Voguo storo arc suro to attract at tention at tho fourth of July bath ing girls contest, 30 Special on all high grade watches Howards, Hamilton, Klglns, and Waltbams. Stock Just rutelvt'.l. Hon est goods at honest prlcci at Dav enports just around tin corner on Cth. No high rents. Why iuy inoro. 30-2 WANTED Hoy's good secondhand bicycle. 103C Dolores Am). :iD-2 FOR RI-3NT Partly furnlshod cabin In Hot Springs addition, cornor Freomont tand Dolores fits. 30-2 Get to the Independent Market early Saturday for thoso special prices. 1136 Main St. I'hono C43-J. 30-1 Special on all high grado watchos Howards, Humlltons, Klglns, and Walthams. Stock JubI received. Hon est goods at honest prlcen at Dav enports Just around tho cornor on 0th. No high rents. Why pay noro. 30-2 FOR LEASE Furnlshod houso of 8 rooms and bath. I'lano. Four rooms ronted, pays tho rent. Rcducod to $55.00. Fine vlow, 39 Main St. 30-2' I'hono your orders for thoso milk fed fryers at tho Independent Market. 1136 Main St. I'hono C43-J. 30-1 Ho suro and havo a now bathing suit for tho Fourth of July bathing girls contest. Tho La Voguo storo has a largo selection to pick from. 30 (lot your bathing suit for the Fourth of July bathing girls content ut tho La Voguo Storo, 30 FOR 8ALB J. I. Case threshing out fit. Comploto with 20-horso steam onglno, also cookhouse, derrick tublo and water tank. Prlco fl2C0. Ilox O. D. Herald. 30 HKNT OR LEAHIJ At Shlpplngton, houso and barn, 1 aero gardon plantod. All or part. Easy tearms, root $16.00. Apply 30 Main Ht. 39 Ho suro and havo a now bathing suit for tbo Fourth of July bathing girls contost. Tho Lu Voguo storo haa a largo Boloctlon to pick from. 30 SHOE REPAIRING Out of towa folks, mull your shoos to mo and get thorn repaired nt pro-war prlcen. I pay postage, Jack Frost. 81 S 9th St. 30-1 F0.n HALE Hod, mnltross, chiffon- lr. kitchen cublnot. tublo and some cooking utousllo. 1005 Oregon Aw 3M Oet you bathing suit for tho Fnurth of July bathing girls contest at tho La Voguo Storo. () FOR HALE Ono lot OOxHO on cor- nor, on puvomont, Inquire Ilrut- cher. Kwnuna Motors or 1734 Oregon Avo- 30-2 FOR RENT 3 room furnlHhod apt. Largo rooms. Flnogt view In town. Phono 444 butwoon C:00 und 7:00 l. n, 30-1 WANTED Party of four to go to III.V JtOUND-UP. Phono 444, A. H. Ford. soil UUI OF THANKS Wo wlnh to thnnlr nnt rpnt..ia ..- their klndiioss shown us through thu slcknetttt nrifl ilitnlh nf now u.. ... I .. -".. w-.. w. WMI J.'ll unit brothor and for tho bountiful floral "iioriiiKH, Mil. AND MRS. I C, 1IAM- iher and family. O. K. TRANSFER CO. 124 s s"thP1?, If It's Loose We Will Move It Phone 87