THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKDNHTDAT, tVVUm, 1MM. IMMAAMMAMAAAAMMWWMMMWWWWMWW i MMMMMAMMMWMNMMMMMMl HERALD SPORTING PAGE JOHNNY KILBAin MAXBAlTHAZAK HAL COCVTRAJf , AIJOE HOKE, ' BEHTON DltALKT nd many other feature writer Herald's Special Fight Service VwMMMMMMMWWMAKMW MMMMMMMAMMMMWWWWMVWNh A9nvn JOSH WISE INTERVIEWS JACK DEMPSEY, HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, AT ATLANTIC CITY AND TELLS YOU ALL HE LEARNED I1Y JOHII WIHR Jack lUprr, AmnnuenaU ATLANTIC CITY, Juno 28. This linn lion n ono uv th' hltlcst dnys (or inn mi' Jnck noinpsoy since Iks opened his offlro lioro nn' lii'Kiin trnlnln' (or liln Imlllo with Col. Cnrpontlor, ur Paris nn' th reel uv Frnnco. Jock' ri'Kulur program uv th' Jny In rludn iiuch things ua nklppln th' ropo, playln' pen nueklu, wnshln' hi dog, posln' (or pictures, wrltln his nutogrnn, ahnk ln' hiimlM with In mnyor, grootln' o committer o( i:iks, mootln' nctors, Itollttclcina, ox-prUoflghtor. ix wiloonkecpors, cabinet mombors, conRTcwimm nn' other mombors uv th' spjorlln' fraternity, punchln' Iho Imc. runnln' up and down tho pub- Uc highway (rond work, I hollovo, In tho technical torm), nn' spnrrln' with n few men palil (or th' pur pono o( Imln hit by him. Itcslde nil that. Jack ha ill' meet no. Un derstand, when I wy ho met mo I nm Hpeakln' not In th' puRlllntlc sense. Wo met In n nodal an' bill ties way. ' lln'N Imkln Well Well, first uv nil, I wnnt t' telfTn' hlmlsphern th't I (ouml Mr. Dcmp- any lookln' well. Ilo In In prlran health. Inspiration nn' pulso nor mill, nppotlto heavy, sloops well nn' wdIkIih considerably noro th'n n hundred nn' fifty poundi. It win th' (Imt tlmo I hnd over mill Mr. Dompsoy, nn' I took occa nlon to alio him up carefully. Ill fliiRornnlls wu well cleaned nn' pol lulled, hlii whlto flannel pantn win nicely creaneil, hit canvas shoe un' linen clean, his necktlo modest In fact, ho had all th' earmark uv a gentleman, outsldo uv hli (aclal ex pression an grammnr, both uv which hnvo becomo aomirwhat tanned by th' un an' wind. ' "How d'you do, Mr. Dempnoy," I hoi, when I'm Introduced t' him. "Howdy, Josh," sox ho, puttln out bin hand. "Shako th' hand th't shook th' hand uv Attornoy Gonornl Duughorty an' Richard Crokor." "Ob. that'a all rlRht." I sex. "No npolORlos." Then, t' show him I'm iomethln' uv n sport myiielf, an' can uso sport In' editor lanRunRO, I sex, "Jack, I thought I'd (Ind ycu a kind uv seri ous old sobersides, consldorln' things, but now th't I c'n seo you, I find you'ro nothln' moro'n n groat, big, good-nnychured boy." "Well, ho sex, "thero'a nothln' In It In bcln' otherwlsn so long ux you an' ma ain't mcolln' (or a purso." "Ily th' way, that romlnds mo," IHH 'J m ppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppjppBMa r- BaHaBBaaBlBBBSiSt'tA .'H PHBRvn i .MSMSMSMfBMJallgBBBBBBBBBnBBBBH ' bHVbbKBbHmj w -afaBalBBVMflBaPPlPPPPlPPPPlH-'; BBEBBaBBflBBBHHaBB'BBBBBBBBEkhsQa ' BBHBPPPPPPPPPPBjBflBHpHpHpHpHflpju4twMpflfM HT V 'tiBiVt' fl iiiHf i j WT fi TAU ENOUGH TIIW W WHAT POIITLAND WO MAN HAYH AI-TKR ItKIl GRAT IFYING! KXI'ERIKNCB WITH TIIK MEDICINK ALMOST NEIIVOUM WRECK YOU NEED CALLING CARDS TO SEE JACK Tim only kind of calling cards thnt go around tho Dvmpsoy camp nro tho ones that aro not worth rals Ing on. Thnt'a If vou want to seo tho chumn during hli rest periods. For playing cards Is ono of his two chief recreations. Tho other Is listening to canned music. Jack delights In listening to tho records and tho faster they ro, tho more ho enjoys It. It's a real Jaxx that was on when tho photographer snapped. You can seo that (rom tho way oven tho plaster cast on the wall la laughing. sex I, "spoakln of flghtln'., who's goln' f -win th' flghtf ' Jrk Han llunrh "Well,' ho sex, "I've got a hunch I'll win." "They tell mo (his feller Carp Is a tough fish, Jack." "That's what 1 hoar, but I'll hook cm." I "I seo by th' papers th't th' Iong Ilrnnch Klks glvo you a match box. Do you smoke?" "No, but tboy thought n match box was a good thing t' glvo mo bo causa I'd hnd so many boxln' matches?" Kv'ryhody round laughed hearty at this, nn' I may say In passln' th't ov'rybody In th' camp Inughs hearty wjicn Jnck maketi a Joko, all hands pluyln''anfn an' takln' no chances.' "How Is yor left oyo?" I nskod Im. "Oh, I guess It's all right," ho sex. "I c'n seo a dollar out uv It ux well ux my right." . "What Is thoro In this report th't you'ro goln' t' bo married soon after you (Ight Carp!" "Not a thing. My next (Ight wilt be with Jess Wlllard." Jark'a College "I havo read th' story uv your life, Jack, but not much wux said nbout your ccllego life. What col lego wux you graduated from?" "I wux graduated from Knox col lego," Jnck sex, an' th' fellers all Inughed hearty again. I nskod Jnck It ho thought th' fight "would end In n draw. "No," ho answered, "It won't end In n draw. I ain't no artist." Then I sex, "Who's coin' t' bo yor second on th' second?" "That'a a thing I ain't glvo no thought to," Jack sex. "I'll lot th' timekeeper look after tho seconds." Slf GORDON HIS II GLEAN FIGHT RECORD Hammy Gordon souma to llko tho iKIamnth pooplo nnd bnsos his state Twent on tho fnct Hint ho has boon Jhoej throo duya nnd tho pooplo nil jtroat'hlm (Ino nnd dandy, nro (rlond ly unci try to mako him (ool nt homo ovon though ho Is not a resldonl hero, Kuril treatment. Gordon Barn, ishowB that tho roBldonts o( tlito city hollovo In oucouruBlni? nil outsldors to stny nnd (or this warm Rrcotlng, ,Jio fools that wltou tho contest In which ho Is matched to moot Haifa 'niuo, July 4, Is pulled off, ho will endeavor to do his Individual pnrt In returning tho welcome ho got by giv ing Hftbo Hluo a stl(( tmttlo nnd tho 'Bpoctntors a run (or tholr monoy. Gordon Is' 19 yoars of ngo, born In llnltlmoro, Maryland. Whou ono ' year o( ago, ho camo to tho coast bo- J'cuuso hlB (olka brought him with thorn without his consont, comlns to J Portland. Now, all Inducomonts to lonvo tho coast would not Induonco 'him to roturn oast (or tho wost Is "hln- home." Ho rocolvod his educa tion. In tho Portland schools and whllo attending schooi, "hustlod" OregonianB for his spending monoy 'id even today, his stand noar tho depot paya htm neat sum dally. While his father had aspirations to mako "Sammy" Into a real estato doalor llko hlmsoK, tho llfo of a box or nppenlod more to him nnd ha gained his first, oxpcrlouco In tho ring at tho ngo of 13 when ho np pcarod boforo tho "Newsboys Athletic Club" at Portland In 191C, meeting In turn Nick Pluto and Aloxls Tram Ills In six round bouts, winning tho first and getting a draw In tho sec ond ovont. In 1918, Los Angolos appealed to him and ho wont thoro In tho fall, mooting Danny Kramer In a four round contest, winning at tho end of tho third round, Kramer was stop pod by lilni In nn event which Gor don Bald was a wild ono nnd nt the end of throo rounds, tho seconds of Kramer throw up tho sponges (or tholr bnttlor. In rapid succession n(t or this contoat, camo n doclslon over Joo Itoonoy nnd Danny Kdwnrds, both fast boys In Jnck Doyloa' Vernon nronn. Tho spring of 1919, Gordon wont to San Francisco and fought aaorgo Rponrer a six round drnw. At Sacrnmonto, ho mot "Frisco Joo" Lynch and Joo Klngloopo, both ovonts drawB at tho ontl of four rounds. Tho old homo town, Portland, called him, back In 1920 and In Do comber ho was matched to moot llabo Dltio. This contest went six rounds to a draw boforo a wildly shouting crowd for It was nip and tuck all tho way through. Next camo Kay Iloso of Donvor, another draw. Dabo Horman was too fast and Gor-J don lost nt the end of the sixth round on a decision. Tho battle that Gordon srfya meant much to him was tho next contest with Mickey Dempsey, who bad 11 straight K. O's. and figured that Gordon was tho 12th. Ueforn the Mllwnukco club, Gordon won a de cision at tho end of C rounds. Franklo Monroe won a six round bout In tho samo club (rom him and then Danny Edwards whom ho mot In Los Angolos In 1918 was stopped by him (or a decision in a eight round go. Tho American I-eglon staged Hay Iloso and Gordon at Ilutto, Montuna, (or a ton round go nnd nt tho end, tho contest was so closo between tho two men, a decision fair to both was given, a draw. In 8eattlo, Franklo Murphy at tho ond of four rounds managed to got a drnw but Hud Rldloy won from Gor don In four rounds n week later. Not sntlsflod with tho bouts In Seattle Gordon mot Dud nidloy In Tncomn in n six round contest and rocelvcd a draw, Gordon states Hint in Portland, ho Is known as tho "Fighting Jow" nnd ,'ls of Jowlsh parontago. Ho likes the boxing gamo for thoro Is a shift of uconory all tho time, tho uncer tainty of mooting unknown boxers nnd tho puro Joy of boxing n rival who Is Just a little fnstor than ho. Gordon warmly greeted Dabo Dluo 'whon thoy mot hero Monday. Gordon stated that Dluo hi a mixer and that bo was glad that his train ing the last two wo oka In Portland hnd made him fit to moot tho dusky boxer, Altltudo does not bother him. All bo wants now Is tho chance to have Ideal weather condition on the Fourth whon ho moots Dluo and to SB0W:the faa here .what kind of. ma terlal la In a "Fighting Jew." A Claatlfled Ad will aeU K. Jack an' me talked along In that strain fer an hour er so, an' In th' course uv our conversation ho ex plained i' mo th' plan uv battlo ho Intends t' follow at Jersey City, but it wux all told mo confidential an professional ticket prevents me from repcatln' it. "Two yoars ago I was a nervous wreck unable to do, my housowork, but slnco taking Teniae I am feeling just fine,' said Mrs. E. C. Emor Ick, 1484 Doston Ave., Portland, Oro. "I had suffored with stomach troublo for four yoars," alio con tinued, "and couldn't find anything to help no. I had sour stomach and nervous sick headaches nearly all the time, and ofton during the day I got so dlxxy I could hardly stand p. I always felt awfully tired and didn't seom to have a bit of strength or enargy. My nerves were com pletely upsot so I couldn't oven stand tho nolso of tho children playing. "Tanlac gavo mo back my appe tite, corrected tho sour stomach, stopped tho nervous headaches, tho dlxxy sick spells and gave mo back Clasiet That Fit You Perfectly Not only tlxt way job see through them, bat tbo way you look with them on. That's Our Reputation We devote oar time and make a special effort In ectns that yon are tlflcaUy fitted. H. J: WINTERS GRADUATE OPTICIAN 7M MAIN STRUT my strength and I also gained 11 pounds in weight. "I just foil fine after that until I had an attack of the 'flu' that left mo all run down, weak and nervoms. Tanlao soon brought mo right oat and I can't pralso It too much. My appetite la good, I cat anything; I want and my food makes mo feel well nourlshod and strong. I am doing nil my housowork with ease, tbo weakness and nervousness are gono and I have gained seven pounds." Adv. A boy who had heard Mme, Melba on tho phonograph was rather sceptical aa to whether tho prima donna really nang all tho trills. To settle tho quoetlon, he wrote to her for a ticket to her concert, and got It by return mall. I wVtW I J u mi $ B a t&zGn. y3Qt i' 9- ,nvAatemr&r- tetore vgur ens l T- i ra, . - A ixing Contest Guarantee The undersigned "Fight Committee" do hereby personally guarantee to the Boxing Commission of the City of Klamath Falls, and to the Executive Body of the Fourth of July Committee, and to the Public gen erally, that the BOXING EVENTS Advertised to be held in the Open Air , DREAMLAND PAVILION July 4th and 5th Will be CLEAN, SQUARE CONTESTS; free from the objectional features which have characterized sim ilar events in Klamath Falls in the past. GATE MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED To any patron who witnesses these contests and is not perfectly satisfied every event on the program has been CLEAN, SQUARE SPORT Blackie McDonald, Rots Nickerson, ' O. ,W. Robertson, Nelson Rounsevell, ' BOXING COMMITTEE '. 3t ' SB.