The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 25, 1921, Image 1

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ftiverniix Vivir No. ftllMI
n oicntlvo session of tho '"en-
u,, ubor Council wan hold at avo th,,m u report upon Z ac'
Ubor hMdiiirtiir lual night, nnd Hvllle of the council In tho rclo
( iiumb-r of Important traduction ""tlon' bfhalf. Tli parade- feature
nek pUi". chief of which was tho1"" ou,i,,n,. 'o co-operation fif all
irfonllon of a
now constitution nnd'.. ..'.:.. '"."', "" lar tho
AnntliT matter which wa Im
porUnt 'oi tho changn In tho lc
Uou U. Under which tho old sys
tem, only onn election annually wni
beM, hut under the now Uw adopt-
d lunl nutht, election wl'l be hold
Hail-annually, one In January and
tho othM In July. Nomination! tako
place "l tho flrtt meetings In oarli"' " lunlory
of llfnr month ii ml tho election ut
the "-nd meeting. (
Conli1-raliln discussion followed (
the adoption of n now obligation
to B l"n delegate mid officer
of the rnuncll. Tho now ruin en (
fore crccy regarding tho mln
stu mid other trnnnactlonu of tho'
codbciI, no delegate or olflcr be-'
Inr permitted to discloin any trim-
action or ino names 01 oiiihm ni(
IM oriajiiiniion 10 mo ptiuuc. iiiih i hi,, ... ... ...
7, ..... , . ... int.U llBht, the friends of the can
MMivdni Ik liold bv somo of tho. . . "
-!.. in . I.. II... ron.
rl prlnclpteii of the national fed
ration Tho national body and lo
cal orjanltatlons permit noirspaper
pabllrillon of all the proceeding
ilpt tb
acts of tbo oxociitlvo,""""" TOl ' unio' 000 "111 be
Kvon this commlttro;Uro,,tH;(1' " 1" doJl"' to no your
tllow ufc,,. to It record In cno,c" consmerea in th0 final raw
Im pirfilnlnr to Keneral hbor vn ,hal ncr "length goes to 1000 .today Today. Mr. Ulancho Con-
It U felt by ome of the member "'" wl" "0 vote while Mlw
that tli rule of aocrecy regarding ",uhn Rnlni,d but 500 In the count
tho bejel! nnl general Mrlko olau-, ov"r, JMlenlay record.
M adopted In tho nw by-lai andi """ UUj
conitltutton should bo mado pub- sl'"'l 'hn . 9750
lie o that no misinterpretation jMCphlne McClaln 5060
coold b placed upon It construe-n,lancho Conway ... . S0
lion should local emergenclm nrlse.l Klhor VaMn ...M .17C0
but the motion to permit this lls-!0,B(,'r" ulch,cr 30
cbiurr wa lost. ' "uth Uadt' IS0
TI.W virtually places tho labor K,orcnco 1,ra,Jlcr ' 2
council on record as erecting ,"""" Mabel Spark no
"closed birrlor" between Itself nnd , Margaret Itobln . ..HO
the public Home momliorii feel that Jonn a"RT 00
Ubor hem will not benefit by this. ,ono SoIonian 60
iMIrm ,,r ... ,o..n.ii Itlalh.l Oden . 60
. . ... tMU . VI I
-M', III tilt! IVI IIII1 ..I UI..VV ...
James Blnvcns automatically cxplr-
Ownc to tho terms of office of.
Ini July 1st., due to his not being
retimed by the Culinary union as
a decair to tho council, an elec
tion under tho now by-laws nnd
constitution will bo brought up nt
tho flrdt council mooting In July
ad hi successor nominated.
Elks are Back From
Initiatory Journey
Tha Kilt officers nnd attendants'
at Mm Initiation services held In
Ukflvlnw and Alturas Wednesday
d Tbumday nights rcturnod homo
"Mterday afternoon from their trip
and report that oxcollont raeotlngs
took phco In both places. Tho flno
trsatmant received by them from
thi Lukovlow and Alturas lodges
""as favorrbly commented upon.
Fourlcm momboni of Klamath
"lis lodgo mado tho trip. The
Party wan composed of W. D. Mill
r. Roy Cochran, JJurgo Mason,
0'ann Jestor, Austin Haydon, P.
M. Noel, O. H. Undorwood, Frank
Ward, II. k. Momyor, Loo Houston,
'' O. OoLap, Hurry Ilorol, J. T.
Porklim and A. t.. Wlshard.
Mra. Francis Olds and llttlo
daughter, Mnry Jano, arrived homo
,at night from a ploasuro trip to
Portland and other northorn cities.
Taay woro accompanied homo by
M. Jouophlno Shaw of Portland
ho will apond tho aummor In Kla
math Falls. Mr. Shaw was a
teacher in tho nuhllo schools of this
c"y tar a numbor of yoora and has
Will Celebrate at the Crater Oil Company's Well Tomorrow
3 hunting Iteratf.
" KMMAM FALLS. om,M u.ff-f,,..- TT",, L
PnrnAn Dt r
i Fourf., Finished
, a6or Anions
T' tVnlrnl
I.nlifir fVut.j.H .
I'lKllI PIii-.mI Itself nn r. ....
'.' '!n ?f MlHo boosters of
,! coloration her,,
nil received rommllii.,, conslNt-
"B-O M. Hector. J J. KulbJ ,
I Hurt McDonald i..i im ,.,... .'
nicrubcm could cooperate.
totalis of tho handsome rioatH
Mlch tho carpenter's and Umber
worker.' unions bad entered In the
parade weree discussed
Tho celebration committee ac
copied tho report and thanked
the. council for tho nart the ,
j taking In giving Klamath Kails tho
greatest Fourth of July celebration
The vote lo today count In tho
Goddess of Liberty content
! ,,,Ua,,, MV"K their
strength for
the final das, after tbo eliminations
Tho vote will bo counted tomor
row afternoon and all candidates
...i. i .
lluth Dixon' 30
'n"yn nustamente ..
. . 30
,,onnc"a aani,
May I'osplslt 20
Myrtlo Jones 20
Kuby Kyor 20
Madeo Patterson 30
Caralle Pattcriwn 20
Hew Kllgoro 10
Oladys Iiftus 10
Clara Calkins 10
Anna Schoflcld , '
Ufflo McIJruon 10
llturulu Patterson 10
Lilly Jones 10
L'lliaboth William '. 10
Th. funeral of Howard nambor im helil Monday morning at
10 o'clock from tho Whltlock chap
els. Pall bearers will bo chosen
from schoolmates of tho dead boy.
McKlnley Jackson waived his ex
amination before ncrt Thomas yes
torday afternoon on a charge of as
sault and battery on tho person of
hla wlfo. Tho cbargo waa brought
against Jackson by his 'wlfo after tho
two lad qunrrelod on their way
homo from tho storo at Realty. It Is
alleged Jnckaon boat tho woman
over tuo bond. He N out on S00 ball.
Sheriff Low loft this forenoon for
Vatnax where ho has n number of
warrants for the arrest of par les
wanted for h.orso stealing. Otflclas
I tho office stated that the- sheriff
was expected back lato this afternoon
9LB com
. . 'nemoer ot the Associated Press.
aa. - ''"Wiaajwxaa "" ' IM ' BsMSMSJa iSsim
"" ' -I I II II -
NOTK- In u Horles of articles, of
liltnrV n ... i H.CB w'" bo an Interest ng and Instructive
S&MM Jnourd0trreaCd,:,m '" "K
To arrive at an Intellgcnt decision
In roferenco to tho drilling of a test
well, wveral factors must bo taken
Into account, (a) Kwlmatcd depth to
which woll may bo drlllod. (b) Char
acter of formations likely to bo en
countered, (c) Possibility of en
countering oitremo gas pressure, (d)
Holatlvo Importance of log of well.
The two systems of drilling In uso
In tho I'nltcd 8tate aro termed
"Standard" and "Itotary." Thero Is
also uicd sometimes n combination
of thesu two.
Tho Standard Itlg System is that
which has been In uso from the first
day of tho oil Industry. It consists
of tho holo being drilled by a succos
Ion of porcusslon blows by the alter
nato rlnlng and falling of a "string
of tools." A string of tools consists of
a rope socket to which the cable Is
attached, a set of .drilling Jars, an
nugcr stom, nnd a drilling bit. Tho
average weight ot a "drilling string"
Is from twcnty-flvo hundred to thlr-ty-flvo
hundred pounds. The process
of drilling consists ot 'spudding In"
to a depth of usually about ono hun
dred and titty feet, at which depth
the normal manner ot drilling com
mences. "Spudding In" means drill
ing by raising the drilling string by countered at a shallow depth. Their
means ot a Jerk line, ono end or the.! use generally Is very satisfactory to
Jerk line being attachod to the cable j depths not exceeding one thousand
In such a manner that tho tools aro i feet. Their great disadvantage, how
raised and dropped by the direct ac- over, consists In their not being
tlon of tho engine. equipped for tho proper handling of
From a depth ot ono hundred and
fifty feet on, tho motion of a walk-
Ing beam Is used. The cuttings, or do-
brls, of tho hole Is removed by means j
of a bailer by which the hole Is I
cleaned out cvory six or ten feet.
Probably forty percent of tho debris
Is removed In this manner, the
malnder being plastered against tho
sides of the hole. Water Is regularly
dumped Into the hole for every six
or ten feet of drilling.
The Rotary System consists of tho
rotating ot a bit, commonly called a
fish tall bit from Its shapo, at tho
end of a drill stem consisting of eith
er four or six Inch hoavy pipe. At the
top of tho pipe Is a swivel to which Is
attached rubber hose from a large
pump. During the course of drilling,
wator Is pumped Into the drilling
stem. It escapes through two one Inch
holes on either sldo of the fish tafl
bit, n hydraulic pressure of aproxl
matcly 350 pounds to the squaro Inch
bolng maintained wltbln tho pipe.
Tho water goes down through the
drill stom and out tho sides of the,
bit. During the rotation tho water
forces tho drilling debris. In tho
form of muddy water, up on tho out
sfdo of tho plpo.
Each system has Its advantages.
The Standard System Is that used In
drilling practically all "Wildcat"
wells. (It might bo explained nt this
point that tho term "Wildcat" as In
uso In tho oil country moans that tho
woll Is being drilled away from a
proven oil field.) For this purpose It
has manifest advantages, first nnd
foremost of which Is that any show
ing of oil can bo Immediately detect
ed. It IU bo readily seen that with
n columu of water of a height total
ing tho depth of tho well, small
traces ot oil, when encountered,
would bo forced back into tho sides
of tho holo Instead of coming to tho
surface. Anothor advantago of tho
Standard Rig system over tho Rotary
system Is that somotlmea great dlffl
culty Is encountored with the Rot
ary In tho drilling ott very hard
wvic. The advantage of the Rot
ary consist of a somowhat greater j
spood In drilling, ureaier
drilling unconsolidated sands. More
control over heavy gas presaure. This
control Is achlevod by tno uso ot wm
whirl, im. i. .i. ........ ,..
er heavily laden with mud which
can bo plastorcd Into tho intricacies
of tho sand to temporarily hold back
tho flow of ga.
In tho uso of cither systeiA casing
is usod. Tho two use of casing arc,
to shut off water and remedy what Is
known as a "caving" hot. Some for
mations aro of such character that
when saturated by tho water that Is
dumped Into tho holo for drilling pur
poses, It Immediately disintegrates
and falls Into tho hole. Tho ordinary
manner of using casing Is that
when tho holo has been drlllod lo
a certain depth tho casing Us
sot Into It. InBtao tho casing a smal
ler holo Is drilled Into which is set
tho noxt sot of casing. This process
Is repeated whatover numbor of
times becomes necessary. Sometimes
It happens that at a point slightly be
neath whero a string of casing has
been set a water sand Is encountered,
or tho holo caves In. In this case a
string of casing Is lifted fifteen or
twenty foot and held In suspension. A
tool known as an underreamer Is low
ered through tho cosing and expand
ed when through. It drills a hole
largo enough for tho casing to follow.
This is known as undcrreamlng.
Portable machines aro used where-
ever tbo oil I expected to bo e fl
'casing or for underrcamlng. Thcso(tiany.
poriaoie mncnines sometimes employ
tho Standard system and sometimes
the Rotary, but generally tho former.
The oil fields of Pennsylvania, West
I Virginia, Ohio, Oklahoma and Wyo
I'mlng have been drilled by the Stand
rc-jard system exclusively.
Tbo notary method canto In uso
about twenty years ago becauso ot
the great difficulty In drilling thru
tho formations encountered In south
Texas with the Standard system.
Their uso has gradually spread until
most of the wells In tho field's of
south Texas, Louisiana and California
are drilled by this method. In some
fields tbo wells aro drilled to the tep
of the oil sand by tho Rotary and
tho Standard system used to complete
tho well.
The manufacture ot oil well drill
ing machlnory Is almost exclusively
American, tho product of tho vari
ous manufacturers being shipped to
all parts ot tho world, togethor with
American Drillers to uso it.
Many "Wildcat" wells are drilled
without the keeping of a proper log
which Is of prime Importance. This
log should bo an nccurato record ot
the exact depths at which each new
formation Is encountered, together
with a sample of tho formation lt
eolt. Tho matter of tho rropor keeping
of logs of wells Is regulated by legis
lation in some states, California lead
ing tho way by most Intelligent laws
on tho subject. Ariy oil company dril
ling In that stato must report to tho
OH and Gas Supervisor nnd keop an
accurato record of tho history of each
holo, open to Inspection of tho Super
visor and his Deputies. The Califor
nia law also provides that within
proven flolds no casing that shuts off
water may bo set oxcopt undotji the
supervision of tho Supervisor or his
Deputies. Many oil fields have been
ruined Irreparably by tho flooding
of tho oil sands with wator from
wolls Improperly cased. The most
prominent oxamplo of tho damage
done In this manner has occurred nt
Spindle Top. The Spindle Top Field,
which covered only 320 acres, was
tho most prolific oil Hold over dis
covered in this country. Some ot the
gushers produced from fifty to bov-
Crater Lake Lodge
Will Not Open Until
July 1 is Warning
Doublo rates will bo Charged all
visitors at Crntor lako lodgo beforo
July l, tho formal opening dato, ac
cording to aoorgo T. Collins, ot Mcd
ford, secretary of tho Crater I.nkn
National Park company, and vlsjtors
maKo mo inp at their own risk. Mr.
Collins wTltcs tho Herald as follows.
Thoro wero ten guests at tho Ora
tor Lake lodgo Wednesday night and
a hurry call was" sent to Medford
Thursday for provisions as thero was
not enough food on hand to more
than take caro ot tho workmon who
aro making repairs. The management
Is sending out warnings not to at
tempt to go to tho lodge before July
1st. Anyono who goes In does so at
their own risk and will be charged
doublo rato because It Is Impossible
to pack provisions In several miles
over tho snow to take caro ot guests
who persist In going In before the
Lodgo Is formally opened.
DENVEU, Juno 25. Samuel Qom
pers was today re-olectcd president
of tho American federation ot labor,
.Delegates cheered for several min
utes when tho outcomo ot tho ballot
ing was announced.
Final citizenship papers wero
granted yesterday afternoon to An
ton Suty, Vaclaw. Dnull, Rudolph
Kof, Bohemians, and Will Heost a
Gorman, all farmers from Malin, by
Judge Kuvkendall In the circuit
court. Witnesses for the applicant!
were, A. Kallna, Frank Zumpf, Steve
Kofler and A. L. Collier. The Bohem
ians are originally from Czech-Slovakia
near the eastern border of Ger
many. Hoest is from Bavaria, Ger-
Tho Royal Arch Masons w"l meet
Wednesday evening In the last called
cpnvocatlon beforo the summer va
cation begins and plans are being
mndo by the chapter for Initiation
and aftorwards, a social time with
refreshments as an extra. A largo
attendance Is expected, according
to Secretary Bratton.
NEW YORK, June 25. Babo
Ruth's 26th home run went sailing
away in the fifth inning ot today's
game with Washington, with ono
man on base.
enty five thousand barrels a day
when brought In. Within five years
the oil sand had, been flooded by
water nnd the production reduced to
less than one tenth ot Its former size.
Tho well of the Crater Oil and Gas
Company which spuds In tomorrow,
ono mile north ot Merrill, will uso
the Standard system of drilling. The
only difference In their equipment
from that ordinarily used Is that tho
drilling string 1 heavier than that
UBCd any othor place on the Pacific
Coast, It weighing 5500 pounds. The
steel cable 1 1 inch in diameter In
stead of 7-8 Inch which Is tho size
generally used.
Tho tools of the Northern Califor
nia Oil company whoso well, six miles
southwest ot Merrill, will start drill
ing early next month, will be ot tbo
In Monday's artlclo will bo dis-
stead of a single engine being used
to furnish power, twin engines will
be used.
Tho principal reason for tho ubo of
such hoavy tools nnd machinery Is
that water, elthor fresh or salt, will
be encountered at many places whero
it will not be practicable to set .cas
ing. Drilling with a holo continually
full ot water tbo drilling blow, is
cushioned and loses from thirty to
fifty percent of its weight. To make
up this deficiency extra heavy tools
will be used.
, in Monday's article will be dis
cussed the various types of petroleum
and the reasons for Its being differ
ent in various fields and tho kinds to
bo expected in the Klamath Basin.
Today s News
A general good time is in store
for all who attend the celebration
at tho Crater Oil company's well,
half a mllo north ot 'Merrill, tomor
row. The entertainment program
Is in charge of Guy Merrill, and
starts with the big barbecue, and
dinner at 1 o'clock. A baby beet
and two sheep are to form the cen
tral part ot the repast, and ther.
will bo trimmings, Including plenty
ot lemonade furnished by the com
pany. Speeches by Mayor W. B. Wiley,
R. C. Groesbeck and others will fol
low and an athletic program Will
entertain tbo throng. This part ot
the program will contain many but.
prise events.
At 3 o'clock tho drill starts, to
bo kept going until It s determined
whether tho Judgment ot tho pro
moters ot tho enterprise, on the
soundness ot which they havo stak
ed thousands of dollars, Is 'to be
confirmed by tho discovery of oil.
This will bo a momentous occasion
In tho history ot Klamath and the.
directors and shareholders ot the
company want all Klamath county
present .to participate la the thrill
ing moment.
While It Is designed to make tha
day an entertaining holiday, the la-,
structlve features will not be over
looked and W. C. Lehman and the
corps ot drillers, men who have had
years of experience In oil explora
tion and discovery, will explain te
all Interested visitors the uses ot
the various machinery and the
geological facts connected with the
petroleum Industry.
It Is planned to make the oc
casion a red letter day, as Its Im
portance to tho future development
ot Klamath deserves, and nothing
will be spared In tbo way of In
terest, Instruction and entertain
LAKEVIEW, June 25. The local
wool market opened with a rush
last week when W. A. Massing!!!
bought Con Taylor's clip for 16c.
Previously tho best offer was 15 c,
and buyers seemed to be more or
less reluctant to pay that figure.
However, as soon as It became
known that Mr. Masslngill was able
to pay 16c other buyers met the
figure and a large number ot grow
ers sold at that price. In three days
about threo-fourths ot the wool'
tributary to Lakevlew had bees'
Bids will be received today by
the Klamath Livestock Loan and
Mortgage company for approximate
ly 300,000 pounds of wool, which
Is In the warehouse here. It
prices hold to the level set In tha
Lakevlew sales and local auction
would place some 148,000 In the
hands ot the wool growers Immed
All clews secured from the wreck
ed Dodge car found In' tho canal on
the Enterprise Ranch early yesterday
morning have led to no definite con
clusion as to the parties who stole
It nor whero they went after wreck
ing it.
dt le now 'supposed the safe crack
ers who operated at Dorrls and Mt.
Hebron Wednesday have not left this
city and the officers are combing tbe
hiding places which havo been used
Do a refuge by other crooks In the
past. It is believed that arrests will
be made today. .
ntlirtn tntm !.
oflntTuelrateiC Well Tomorrow-Bring AD the Folk