- ' rjkmmwa TXCMDAT, JUNK, M, lMt. THE EVENING HERAtD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Personal Mention V. 8. Hlllli ud Umttf of, Sen Joss, (California,, are hero visiting .Mr. and Mrs-John A. McCall. Mr. ' Wills U a brother of Mrs: McCall. 0. P Johnson, who haa ben a-way for several days, la expected homo tonight. E. It., Jefferson and son James aad llttlo niece, Virginia Itlchraond, t left tbli morning on a two days' tithing trip. They expect to spend . today at Chlloquln and tomorrow go on to Slc-an. - Howard Van Vatkonburg, at one time a Klamath county rancher, la In town from 'hi present horn In Taaadena, California. Charles Moore returned yester day afternoon from Odell Lake, where he spent seroral daya fishing J. T. Dixon and J. A SIsemoro are Klamath Falls vlsltore from Port Klamath today. Charles 0. Twohy Is registered at the White Pelleaa hotel today from Chlloquln. . T. A. Jetmore or Lakevlow la In the city for a few daya on matters of business. Sydney Smith Is here from Port land, baring arrived last night-Mr. Smith la looklng.after road coni atruotion for' the Warren Construc tion company. R. J. Mil. of the Big Plnea Lum ber company of Medford,', v arrived yesterday with a party offrlenrfa aad It to rumored that they will spend several daya In this county looking qvertae lumber, situation. -Otfcew-la the urtyarsr -A. V. Heln. J. K. Reddr aad K. J., Morressy. Mr. aad Mr. J.-P-.Varnam left -thle morning on the stage bound for Ashland. ' Mra. L. T. WHUtU left.thls morn- ing for San Francisco where she will pead about a month. Mrs.- Wll- UU will be 'accompanied byher'ale- ter from Phoenix, who Is making the ' trip for her-health. Mra. Oeorge tilrlch who haa been visiting la Ban Franctocd' for the past month la expected -home tonight- - Miss Quelle, Bsckley returned Wednesday from Salem where she haa bee for son time. Msh Marie lUmbo la boms from sA extended TaeaUon trip to Portland aad Medford.- ' . S. Veatch and Leslie Rogers, f Us First National bank, are away fer a few days' fishing la Bpragua .MkM MrWi-ed.CoIlahaa; head nurse! at the Klamath General hospital re- tasmea last '.Bight from a vacation trip to Portland. s Jaa. Fred and Henry Bruaken spent yesterday In Klamath. Falls Tlaltlag friends. The three brothers are on. a tour of Southern Oregon Croat their home is Salinas, Califor nia. Mra. Matt Egaa returned last sight from Saa Francisco and left this mornlBg--for hsr homo at Mo doe Point, C. B. Wallet, a cattle man, U In town for an extended business visit. Mr. and Mr. F. O. Williams drove into town yesterday from their ranch taT'ths Spring Lake region for the ef9BaajBssjasjaacK9BSS9sa-9ssssBBBSjac9 purpose of -purchasing supplies. J. R. Elliott was In town from hla ranch on the Merrill road yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Don Holding haa1 'returned from EuKeno nml I again at hor deek In the KlrsOfatlonat bank. W. E.' Burrls 'was up from his ranch in Merrill yotsorday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Lelloy Saunders left this morning tor Long Beach, California. Mra. Saunders waa Miss Margaret Unp before hor marriage hero last ovonlng. a Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Houston, ac companied by their aon John and daughter Vera arrived In town this attornoon from Kugcne. They were accompanied as far as Mod ford by their ntoce, Miss Audrey Roberta. Mr. and Mrs. TTouston were present at tholr son's graduation from the University of Oregon. John has received a number of honors during his four years nt the university, hav ing been vice president of the stu dent body In his senior year, a member of Mask and Buskin, Friars, Phi Delta Theta, and ho haa always been active In Y. M .C. A. work. He received his degroo of master of business administration this year. Ed Go en Is In town from Chllo quln today, attending to matters of buslnoss connected with his mer cantile business there. W. C. Dalton Is in town today from Maltn. iAMWMWMMWMMMMMMMMM'W.' rjLL'u'Lnji.L'irLrL-.-.a-L"i..r.n.i.r.rji.T r "11 i'i' ' " 111" "i.i'lri' --'- ..---.---.. STAR THEATRE What would you do If you could be a. child agalnT-.Peep O'Day (the principle character In Oofflwyn's plc-i tarlttlon of Irvln.S. Cobb's famous story, "Boys Will Be Boys." with Wilt Rogers In the stellar role, doesn't exactly become a boy again, for hla hair remains grltsled and his figure bent, but he Uvea the boy hood he never had. It Is a heart warming comedy which Is at the Star th'eatro tonight. It's the pertoct Will Rogers' role human character, human emotion and human humor Interpreted by the humanest actor on the screen. Advertising pays. Try It and i Tfcoae wishing use rwartti or-Jaiy. 1 Can at . v ! FOURTH BTRKET W rta- (Mm mmA IV-I. stlsfactie-a Oaaraateed MAIMlfE J. .DROUILIjAKI) " - Phoae 615-M. STAR THEATRE TODAY The Inimitable Will roofer, in "BOYS" "WILL BE" "BOYS" From Irvin S. Cobb's famous 'story. A 100 per cent human story for this 100 per cent human actor. FRIDAY Fatty Arbuckle in "THE LIFE OF THE PARTY" His Second Biff Production MIMMWWVMMMWWVMWVWMtMAMM'aWMWMMMAI SUNDAY June 26th The Drill Starts Crater OH & Gas Co's. WELL No. 1 Mil "Spud In THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TKeVe will be Speeches Free Barbecue and Entertainment for all REDUCING STOCK S AlJE! ' During the remaining days of this Big Sale we will sell our large, and beautiful stock of Coats, Wraps, Suits, Blouses, Silk Underwear, Hosiery, Furs and Millinery at prices that have not heretofore been. quoted on this season's merchandise. It is our desire to reduce our, stock, and we willjxot let price stand in the way of our so doing Come in and see these wonderful creations of the world's most famous style artists ,and you will be convinced of our extremely low values. LADIES'. HATS large assortment of the latest style and quality in Hats, values up to $10, reduced to $3.95 DRESSES Extra Special D One hundred Dresses consisting of Wool Serges, Taffetas and Jerseys, at .. AU the Bcwest creation la Onca-ndlm, Taffetas, Orcpe every dress la the hoaso at $9.50 Georgette, Canton n HKDUCTIO.N OK ONE-FOURTH. .1 u COATS, WRAPS AT A REDUCTION OF ONE-FOURTH JERSEY. SPORT COATS AT A REDUCTION OF ONE-FOURTH Extra Special ..ALL-WOOL JERSEY SPORT COATS.. $4.95 I) tEvPs BLOUSES In Voiles, Silks, Crepe-de-ChiiM REDUCED ONE FIFTH from regular price Many are REDU.CED ONE -HALF Extra Special Twenty-five Silk-figured Georgette ; $7.50 values, on sale at $3:95 ALL WOOL SUITS REDUCED TO $15.00 Now is the time to buy your FALL SUITS, as well as your OUTING SUITS, at prices in many instances less than wholesale cost. ' '' W ' '1j SILK UNDERWEAR 10 OFF HIGH GRADE SILK HOSIERY io OFF PETTICOATS! 100 figured Sateen Petll coatii, Kit Special $1.25 i no uliltn Tub Silk Petti ion k, Hoalloped and e bniluVii-d at the bottosi, double front, and back $3.95 50 Mallinson Brothers guk Jersey Fettieoate, Uie M.M kind $3.95 FIFTH AT MAIN ." FIFTH AT MAIN Stores in Klamath Falls, Chico, Oroville, Marysville, Red Bluff and Corning Remember, this is not a sale on one or two items, but reductions on everything in the store -ft i i 14 t i "--"-! . MMWWWNMWMftMWWWMIWMW 335 ( --wwv'--v-vwv-vvwvv---W-------g i rscsrx-:----1-" -- I' B'CggaaralVUWflgM'g' !t01ta1&&fVtm4rtjKsm,.mm U - i 'r feus