rO n t I' j rAoamavi t J. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH fALLS, OREGOW THumuAT, tvjrm, at, 11 SMMAMMAMVWMMVVMMMMMMMMM Herald's Special Fight Service HERALD SPORTING PAGE JOHNNY KH.BANB, MAX BAIVTHAZAK HAL COCHRAN, ALICE ItOHK, nEiiTON braijKY Mid many otlior feature mlteia WAMWWWWWWWWWMM 'HOW CAN WE REDUCE?" WOMEN ASK CARPENTIERj HERE'S HOW tw BBBBBVpMBM ;pViVt .'UBBBBBB1 KV ' .iVBl sLLLLw2i3Sfv HH 'W'wfcr'SBBiBSSjBBBBBBBJ Hv CJSv'iPi ! LiHKii.aigiJfta- .-sit- lull.' fKHUk -HV ' A.vvv'V-rr-Mx"'1-' PVilZTdBBM F .BBBBBBBBBY I Miil .1 IJHmSmm 1 jBBBBBBBBBv m2oB( IBBBBBBBbV I BYflMtrj4HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBY' 5Kt3bbbbbbbbbP Ily AMCK ItOHK MANIIASSBT, L. I., Jane 22.- There Is no use denying (hot n lot ot feminine Interest In contorliiR about the Carpentler training quarters. Hut though mysteries and ccnt seem to be the ordor ot the day hern is, where, ono little secret U going to bo turned right ilde out to the public gnio. The fact that female forms roar be seen prowling about ttio cow pasture's dlitant fence trying, .to get near George' training gyma doenn't mean that American wom anhood haa deteriorated or become coarsened by a too mascullno Inter 3 est In the aport of aporta. Not a bit ot It. , If you notlco the outline! of the ladle who am trying to ruih the barbed wire totaaileasnta and ' acalo the hJgh fence, you'll observe I that ot Me of them la suffering from enunciation. . "Cook i, calories, ealesthenlcs, Car pentler!" , That la the slogan of the fomala fat fighters who are trying to find out how Oeorges preserves his "per fect flgger." 5 If only Carpentler wonld let them sc him train all this awful torture Oeorges Carpentler, In two positions showing tho strenuous work ho goes through In stomach-strengthening oicrclscs. As an answer to the oft-ropvatcd Inquiries from plump women as to how ho keeps "his flgger" Georges point to these picture. ' of rolling on floors, morning and night, whirling ones arms around like plnwbeels till ono becomes ditty, going through all thoso box ing moTomenta might be simplified until life were worth living. Magic Dtt Tb secret preparation of Georges' food is In the hands ot bla special cook, Henri Marcot. The menu Is directed and supervised by Trainer Wilson. There Isn't a chance for the diet fans getting1 the recipes and the system at least until after the fight. ( Thoy ssy Carpentler Is massaged with a special preparation. Wilson won't tell what It Is which adds to ttio general mystory. fi JOSSERS MULLING H M T The baseball fever will again como to tho surfaco Sunday among tho patrons of the city lcaguo games when thoy loam that a num ber ot surprlsos are In storo for the attendants at tho PIumbob-Ewauna and Jewcl-Copco gamee. Tho news oven surprlsod the sporting depart ment of this nowspaper. No- one hod aay Idea that tho Copcos had any thing special hidden up their "sleeve" since they wandered over to Yrcka and lost their scalps to a bunch of "Juice pluggera" working for tbo same company. They say they are out tor scalps themselves, and that tho bunch of egg-scrambler's looks llko rcadr money to thbm. Manager Thompson and Mascot Mather ot the Copcos were button holed and beseeched to tell just what their "mystery" was, but with J smiles and twinkling eyes, the re porter was frankly told that the only way to find out tor sure was to go out to Modoc Park Sunday af ternoon and see for himself. Man' ager Thompson says that the team will be revelation. Just what "revelation"' means Is beyond the writer's comprehension, but It his opinion was sought,, he might sug gest that the jnlce stingers were going to be "shockingly rude with their bsts" on tbo league leaders. How I would love to get that The Plumbobji feel that the proscription," said my fat friend. Ewaunas -will bear watching since "I'vo been rubbed with camphor till Hnir. a weeK ago, wnen thex I feel llko a moth ball." ' ,'pulled a trick on the Copcos, and Tho unsuccessful attempts to lure Chof Marcot and Ous Wilson Into divulging a few secrets being futile and Carpentler being unapproach able, It has been suggested that after the fight Oeorges might make a fortune by giving a course of In structions, with special menus on "How' I retain my perfect figure." Now, while Georges Is alto a per fect gentloman It does get on his norvrs not to bo able to gate at the skyllno without seeing a female head sllhouttcd against tho far hor izon of the cow pasture. GATE RECEIPTS .. FOB DIG FIGHT i WTLL LEAD ALL T tNHW YOltK, Juno S3. The bempscy-Carpentlor boxing bout for ' the world'a championship at Jersey City, July 2, will ilruw tho groatost 'gate" In tho history of sport. A month before tho fight, Pro moter "Tax" Hlckard announced that the seat sales totaled 1650,000. Blnco that day the sale of all seats has gone on briskly except far the ISO pasteboards, which aro ex hausted,' and the general admission oats, In bo placed on salo the day of tho fight, nickard estimates that approximately 66,000 persons will pay 11,000,000 to view the,MoGovorn-Krne ring action at Hoylo's Thirty Acres, t .Thoeo figures will ccllpso by far all previous, records for ring con tests or any other sport" In this Country. The Wlllard-Dompsoy bat tle, at Toledo, Ohio, which estab lished the provlous record, drew 451,00p at the box office, a puny flguro as compared, with what tlm coming apoctaclo will attract. f Tho Harvard-Yatb football gamo and tho Indianapolis Speedway r rneos aro annually reckoned among the largest and most wldoly pat ronltod f sporting events In this country. . Last fall 79,000 porsons wore Jammed Into tho Ynlo nowl when Harvard met tho bulldog, and the total recolpta wero approx imately $260,000, about ono-quarter of tho amount which will bo paid for tho coming fight. Tho nttond a'neo at I tho Indianapolis Bpoodway . .. . 1AA. aroni usually ranges dciwocu v, 000; and'125,000, but total receipts fal short ot what nickard and his assistants will have, gathorod , In When the gong eountls for the first round of the Jersey City battle, "Tex" nickard atartod his career as a Dromotor of championship Shouts on a large scale when Joe Qsns met Battling Nelson In Oold tWld, Nevada ia 1901. The receipts tor that Meatorabl battle 169,715, That flguro was topped when Jack Johnson fought Tommy I Hums In Australia, on Christmas Day, 1908, but nickard again es tablished a high mark In 1910, when boxing fans from all over tho country paid $270,775 to sco tho Joffrles-Johnson conflict st Reno, Nevada. Figures for .tho Wlllard Dompsoy bout at Toledo, July 4, 1919, supplanted even that largo total, and nickard, In tho coming Jersey City match, has entered tho soloct clrclo of "million-dollar busi ness men." ' Figures on loading bouts of re cent years follew: Principals Oato receipts. Wlllard-Dompaoy $452,521 Johnson-Jeffries 270,755 Wlllard-Mornn 140.000 Johnson-nurns 97,000 Oans-Nolson ..v 69.715 Wlllard-Johnson 68,000 Joftrlos-Sharkoy ... . 66,300 JotfrlflB-Corbett 63,340 Corhett-McCoy ... 56.350 52.000 FJ N M L Tho Dompfloy-Carpontler bout may tako up a lot ot time when discus sIooh aro being hold among tho local boxing fans as to the probable out come ot tho groat contest In Now Jersey but intorost and comment Is being stirred as to the rosults of tho bouto that will bo held in this city on July 4-5. A lot of things twill happen hero that tho local peoplo can see tor thomsolves whllo all that transpires in New Jersey will have to bo rolayed all tbo way across the continent and bo rocolvod second bawled, and that's where tho local exhibitions havo the best of It, For two days now, a crowd of the boxing fraternity havo asnombed ti tho Doramland pavilion to watch the ' workouta of the two boxers who now I are on the field of action, Babe Iltuq and Jack Burns, and an Insight from tho "shadow" tactics displayed by both men gives tho audience an Idea of Just what they will do on tho day when they enter the roped arena. Kxpcrtonco shows, to tho most cas ual obsorvor, In tho cao ot Blue and one roadll perceives In his action with the mitts, when dancing around and boxing tho "unknown" oppon ent, that ho hoe been up against tho real artlclo more than onco. It brings a smllo to most ot the on lookers when thoy see him suddenly cover and dftdgo tho blows ot his opr onont then launch out in an offen sive Just as ho would wero ho tack ling a rival. Bluo takes to his train ing with a seriousness that tho no vlco docs not understand and from romarks passed, the casual observer Is wondering' why he gets so worked lip when no ono opposes him. Bluo told ono man that his work In this particular. Is as real to him as though his opponont woro opposite htm and it has helped him wonilor fully In his career. ' njtio shows oxcollont muscular do volopment irr his broad shouldors, wojll shaped arms1 andt- faporing waist. His legs aro elondor but well muscled. When time comes for don ning tho mitts for a few rounds with Ilurna, llluo simply toys with his partnor. Tho fans onjoyod tho work out yestorday afternoon when a two round go was staged. Only onco did Blues' "fighting face" loom up and that was (when Burns went aftor him to draw him out. Jack Burns goes to work eagerly and oponly states that be has quite a task ahead of him to get Into perfoct trim but road work, bag punching and the tricks that Blue will show hlra, wilt work wonders humbled that bunch, sot gently, but downright shamefully and it will be ao team of happy-go-lucky hair-cutters and kitchen-robber who will stack op against the nUll men. Nay, aay, Sweet Mabel, not after that 1 to 0 game at Bonaasa Sunday. The six bit a ahot boys say that It is fair enough to pull that stuff out In tho bushes, but It does not work in the city league, not unless sanctioned first, and no body has "Kings' Exed" them for this game Sunday. Now Just what the fans can di gest from this situation Is hard to say, for even the wlso"mes are "up in tho air" with all tho mysterious pussy-footing that. tho managers are doing, the exchange ot secrets be tween members of each club why, some act as If they knew the presi dent of tho "Home Brow League," and hade, open sesame to his collar, and had open sesame to his cellar, "cacho" than do the playora and managers when one tries to learn the truth ot the coming games Sun day. Since the layoff for the benefit ot the outsldo games, a number ot shako-ups have taken place In the teams, and a different type of game Is oxpected Sunday. It Is reported that 'one Jewel will be glad he has a Job where "found" Is Included, should his team lose, and a long haired mill man will aavo at least $1, should the Ewaunas annex tho gamo Sunday from the Plumbobs. It Is ono ot thoso mysteries which requires a Hawkshaw or a Sherlock Holmes, with Nick Carter as first assistant to ferret out tho trnth. Tho sport writer ot Tbo Herald Is "oft" the entire lot of them for llfe-unleas they all take him Into their little pink tea scandal. knocking 'off the rough edges that como of being absent from the pad ded arena for over 'a year, since tho time when his hand was broken. Burns delights in pushing the fight ing but does not carry it too far. There hoe' beon no unfavorable comment passed upon the two boxers when at Work and It seems tb'at most of the spectators sense at once the experience that each man has had from the manner In which thoy han dlo themselves. The fan.a are wel come to como' downoach day and towards watch tho workouts at 3 p. m. "LET GEORGE DO rrr Swiss Watch Repair Specialist GEO. METZ JEWELER - 622 Main St . Biggest Bo xing Event EVER HELD IN KLAMATH FALLS JULY 4th and 5th RING-SIDE AND RESERVE SEAT . TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT REX CAFE . ' -j- ; Program, July 4th : AT 3 P.M. MAIN EVENT10 R0UNDS 7 '. 1 18 1U. Bantamweight BABY BLUE r. . SAMMY GORDON of Oakland of Portland SEMI-FINAL-6 ROUNDS JACK BURNS . DYNAMITE MURPHY of Boton of Sacramento PRELIMINARY-4 ROUNDS Flyweight -4 TOUGHY ANDERSON v.. KID B1EHN of Klamath FalU of Klamath Falls EXTRA SPECIAL . BIG BATTLE ROYAL Five Local Colored Fighter Daily Workout, 3 p. m., tit Dreamland Pavilion. iMVVVMikMtMMjaaaAMttAAMMs ilL4 rODAK WORK LeaYeour Filttvs 'Mm 9 OclocK-Your A.M:;PictUrflS $ra readr atr 5 ft m ufei-f aalA B BHiBA 9$f v"Ty , ! I PuBlTv" KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE PIOTflfY IT UTT , S r W MU ldwAAr BUY THEIR ORUG9 Are You Prepared? FLY-TIME IS HERE ; We have a large ttock of SCREEN DOORS in three designs, to fit all regular door openings. These doors are made, of clear, kiln dried, California white pine cov ered with the best grade of rust proof, galvanized wire, and put to gether with hardwood wedge dowelsa- patented .process whfch. makes an exceedingly rigid door. "THEpESTJS THE; CtfEAffEST? . BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. "Everything to Build With" Phone 107 Main A Spring Sts iil .