THURSDAY, JUNE, M, I Ml. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON paoi worm ir n""iiiiriiiviririiiiiTn AGE OF ELECTRIC POWER HERE DECLARES EXPERT Outbursts of Everett True tAAtfTlTrlrfcJtJTllrf lClll 111 ,r..,.AVulrJ.njJ NOTE: In view of tho vast potential hydro-cloctric power develop ment that tho Klamath watershed ta cannblo of producing, tho follow tBf aamnlnc up of the case of electricity vi. steam, should bo read and considered by every reader of Tho II erald. That California wilt have a popu lation of 10.000,000 by 1950 and that tho known oil supply of the United States will be exhausted with in the next 13 years at the present rate of consumption was tho predic tion of Robert Sibley, editor of tho Journal of Electricity and Western Industry, made at the Industrial con. ferenco which waa the feature of tho open session held at Del Monte, Cali fornia, Juno 10, by the Pacific Coast Geographic dWlslon of tho National Eleotrlo Light association. The sug gested solution made to both those propositions was a greater develop- Btont of the water powers of the state. Sibley's conclusion are based upon the results of an exhaustive sur rey mad through tho cooperative effort of tb 68 power companies of the west aesUted by nearly 4000 in dustrial plant scattered throughout this region. Fleas of tho public (017100 Indus try wore node public at this time which lnvolre tho building of pow er plant with a capacity of nearly two'ainioa horsepower within the next toa yean In this state alone, calling for an expenditure of more thaa $500,000,000. The West ha Grown Faster Thaa United State Other facta brought out at this Mm show that the eleven states west of tho Rocky mountains hare shown a much mora rapid growth ta tho past In almost every line of activity than the United State as a whole. The as eased Talne of pro perty In tho west ha multiplied nearly fire tlmea since 1900, whllo the United State ahows a present total only two. and onMialf times aa great a that of 30 years ago. Western bank clearings have In creased at more than double tho rate achieved by the country as a whole. Farm crop from these atate are now more than four times greater than thoy were at tho beginning of the century, whllo figures for tho wholo country show not more than a trlplo Increase. Manufactured pro ducts show a similar balanco In ra rer of tho west which has grown In manufacturing activities nt al most doublo tho rata of tho reel of the country. Electricity Needed for Future Growth Tho hdvantago of tho west In abundant water power was one of tho reasons given for this supromacy and omphaaia wits laid on tho Importanco of electric development to serve tho future growth of this state. "Over one-third of tho total acreage now Irrigated In California is aorved with water by pumping," said Slbloy "and future agricultural development Is almost entirely depondent upon electric service" He also omphn sited tho Importance of eloctrlctty to manufacturing and demonstrated that for every two porsons added to the population, ono horsepower In gen erating machinery must be Installed In local power plant to meet their needs. Four horsepower In the power plant will generate enough power to serve one cloctrlfled home, at tho same time that It serves manufactur ing enterprise corresponding to about $4000 In investment, and irri gates flvo acres of land, mining $720 worth of oro and carrying 1800 pas sengers' on electric railways. The tremendous growth predicted for tho next ten years In tho west will only be possible, according to Slbler, If the money Is forthcoming' to carry out the "power program which tho public service Industry has laid out. Prominent bankers, chamber of commerce officials, heads of indus trial concerns and newspaper men a well a the leaders of the pub lic service Industry from all parts of the coast are in attendance at the conference to consider tho possibili ties of forestalling any curtallmont f industry through a possible pow. er shortage in the future. I OREGON BREVITIES APBHDLETON. June 33. Ship oalr tho boot fat Umbo for the present, la tho advice of the Knoltln Commission compear, la a wire to the Cunningham Sheep and Land company, from Chicago. The mes sage explain that there ha been a aroak la the market during the pact several days, making the top prloe $10.50 to fll.70. ! PR1NEVILLE. Jane 21. Oold aying 1 1 per ton, of which about $4 can be recovered, I present In tho Ochoco mine, according to a statement made by John V. Rich ards, representative of tho state bu reau of sains. 1 WEATHER RECORD o Hereafter Tho Reratd will publish the mean and maxima m tempera area and precipitation record aa tak en by the U. 8. Reclamation service tatloa. Publication will cover the day previous to tho paper'a Issue, up to 6 o'clock 01 tne day. Pre cipitation .29 1 ROSEBURO, Juae 33. The first forest fires of the seasoa wore re ported last week by the air patrol. The observer In the southbound plaa located two fire on a dry mountainside about 14 miles north east of Olendale: A message waa Immdlatly sent to the Douglas coun ty fire patrol, and men were sent out to guard the blaze. These aro the tint fires to bo located by the air patrol this year, and they -were found within a very short time after being started. Max. Mln, June 1 78 41 Juno 2 78 48 June 3' 70 CI Juno 4 74 46 June 5 83 49 June 8 .. 88 C4 June 7 77 50 June 8 77 47 June 9 . 74 44 June 10 84 47 June 11 86 46 June 12 88 44 Jane 13 84 30 Jane 14 72 36 June 16 61 39 Juno 16 .......... 66 36 June 17 69 36 June 18 63 47 Juno 19 73 44 June 20 ........ 81 46 Juno . 31 86 47 June .. 23 90 63 By Condon v . j Piepocsi "H tlAOAM, "BOT x! L-tMtiK TO "MV IN PASS (NG, PfZl-A Ihi THAT ttfvMsR Hi i&Qv&MLKj& A COOO HOUfvig?!!, if ! n AIV 55 P II LvLV tt' S - II Wm I 3 - ,-e hibbt' 1 ser ma . v 1 j,r 31 w 1 dffwjm .?$ SAW MILL ENGINEERING RSHMM CONSTRUCTION CO. .M1HSSBaaBHBBBB, KmamsaJ B ! m sammal flHPUPjn-"""" Desicaer aad baUders of saod- 8sjxjfijb3 aaw mil, pUalng aallla aad IlJ3S2fitl bo1 plant. Dredging. Pile drlvtag. I irnawr J Phoao 4eo-W t I LlG9 Office Corner Spring aad Oak aa. ri Kemr H. ! Dttaot .:;. no r a uiecpv O ' Fowrth aad Ptae Ma. if m nnn nui JUiaptUU -- ou. Fhoao 487 Res. Phoae 6M Corn Chowdepf I e. D. LAMB I PmTnCIAir AND SCrROBOaT "5; I ! Paoaes 17W Roooae 1 aad L T3 J j if White BaUdtM ' s , , g DENTISTS 'With All Cheese Dishes lor lunches, suppers, special occailons. For rarebit Inittad of toait, becauie tluy'te richer and daintier and (or toaited cheese they're Incomparable. Snow Flakes are truly a unique soda water. Made from fine it Ingredients In modern, sunny bakeries. Their wholesome ness and Invariable litthnta will delight you. , At your grocers. In ttd pick' cejandfflyt7ni, PCB$ S& SrWfl H c 'smmmmmmmmaammmmmaaw saaiaBwaymalfaaaaaaVew i1C1bb" "aaaaasK.. ' mmHtRPROIfe' K maa?sHr1mVlJBaaV7 eamaVaaLirirV fm aaaaVA1 "SM 9M tr-yiL1kP Don't aik ht erscAtvsi -lay SNOW FLAMS '. C B. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRES AmHhtt f CI fl4t A flnll ,U1 imImiiW, Aa tl aMfi At fti rtt Pacific Coast Bkcall Co. HI AKaa llflr aaml aasnw . m; FKLICAN DAT BUS Fare 26c each way Leaves Rex Cafe Leaves Pelican City 7:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 12:45 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Reckard Read Service Phono 77 26-tf KX-RERVICE KEft, ATTENTION I Klsmath Post No. 8, American Legion meets at tho City Hall on the (Iral anil third Tueadaya of each month. Ex-eervlre mon nre Invited to at tend the meetings. For memberahlp rarda or Informa tion ex-service mon aro requratod to aoe or write tho following efficers: J. II. Carnahan, Commander. Roy N. Fouch, I'oat Adjutant For relief of employment see or write tbo Chairman of The Relief and Employment Committee, Francis Olds, caro Lakeside Lumber com pany. Klamath Dye Works Phon4M OUR CLEANING, PRamfUNO aUTB REPAIRING WILL MAKB lOfJB CLOTHM LOOK LIKE NEW HATH IlKULOCKKD Oood Called for aad Delivered 4S1 Mala Street aUaaaaah FaaH MEDFORD, Jane 23. Guy Pen nel, who Is here from Tiller, re port great progress on the Crater Lake cntoff highway between Tiller and Drew. Two crows, totaling 60 workmen, are now employed on this four-mile segment, aad will have tbo grading completed within a, few weeks. PENDLETON, Jane 23. alter two years, Edgar L. McAllister, 720 Cosble, head car inspector at Rletb, has received from tbo United States government a patent on bis combi nation sanitary garbage can and fly trap. officers. This Is the limit of pun ishment that can be given .and It is tbo second man who ha been given the' limit by Justice Maybco recently. FRED WESTERFELD PhOB 484W. X-Ray Laberaaor Herald classified ad pay yon. MARSHFIELD, June 23 L. L. Thomas of the Marahfiold dun club established new record at the local traps when bo broke 71 clay pigeons la succession. It was at a practise shoot of some of the mem bers. ' After making this phenom enal record, Mr. Thomas missed the 72d bird Bad QH. J MARSHFIELD, Juno 23. Albort Roger, aged about 60 years, of North Bead, was fined $500 and eateoeed to six months la Jail by Justice C. I. Maybe of North Brad. Thi'maa pleaded guilty to baring t Herald classified ads par you. MICKIE SAYS NMUEM A WWI -TJMCES fOSWl tVf COtttXfO tOe UV4 WkPER, I BBCUX WE CAMK WWO , J tU' eDrroiAtucsA ( CRDOKgD SAlLH j S tuS vKj bbW r Sres9i HI hovw fe'fXMfr' cieoascr l f VsmV SAAM) WJ bST' Hiram MTZ Bt naaa . BPmTsbbE Mmtuo BsamaWemamr nk sSaVmamaT Offle Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician aad Sargeoa White Balldlag Klamath Falls Oregoa VWMWWWMAWWWWWWWWWWVWWWWV. ML C. A.RAMBO DwatiH L O. O. F. PHONBdl asaatawaaiaMBaMWMtfWrfMMWarfarfaAl Dr. E. & Wfcmrrm rHom mm Dr. P. rVtNoeJ nsOsTB 4 Ores Ci KkBaatk Loilfa No. 117 L O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each weak at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main street CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AMD MALLETT OFFICE OVER UNDERWOOD'S Phone B80-J. Seventh A H. H. Ogle ..........N. O, Chas. Newman ................V. a. O. B. Mangue .........8ecy. W. D. Cofer ..................Trsas. ENCAMI'MKNT J. H. Houston .....m...........C. P. ' V Jli'JWlJ W s L. J. MeCIure ...Bcribe K. J. Mayer .....Traarer DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic PhysicUn and Surgeon Office and Residenct Phones 321 ' I. O. O. F. Temple DR. J. G. GOBLE Tho well-known Optlelaa now locatod In K. D. Block, 1313 Main. Phone 218-M. Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. li78 MAIN HT. PHONE 548-W WILL- Take oat Cellar or Fill la Lots CON MURPHY B17 Mortimer St. Phone B41-W DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SUBGaWB LO.O.F.BoJldamg PaoaeteW Resldeace Whit Pelleaa Hotel Sealdeaee Phoao I. 'The Dest Insurance for Every Need' UAIililNH-IJONKIiHON INSURANCE AGENCY First State Bank Building Phono 660-W. We can servo you Insurancewlse. CLARA B. CALKINS, MOLLIS S. DONELSON. FTLZ SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUHIO : FACTORY SHOP:: ! Mattrnups Marin and II 1 paired, upholstering Crating, ! : : packing. i I! J. K. HKATTON, PROP. " 70JI H. OUi Nt. Phono 167. GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Ketp Tim. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls L. D. Gats. M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FURNISHED Warren Hunt Hospltnl Phono 497 Re. Whit Pollnin Hotel, Psaae S Let Your GLASS trouble be Mine C E. STUCKEY RwGUzin and Cabim . Masking Phone 477W Eleventh and Pins ,W NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY Tut Your Duds la Our Suds" PHONE 184 Corfff Mala aad Coaf I have constructed thru years of ezpeiienco tbo only course that teaches you to ploy tho piano by NOTE and by EAR In 10 to 20 lea- sons. Write for particulars, 701 11th St., Klamath Falls. Ore. Phone 367R. DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phoae. 497 Night Phoao. 832 Main Street Phone 91-W Upp'a Auto Service DAY AND NIOHT SERVICE ' Ezperloncod Driver New Cars Klamath Falls, Or. Excavating .Teaming Let ns make you a price on dig ging that basement, or other ex cavating you contemplate. We 'also do team work of ovary description, J. O. CLEGHORN , CIVIL ENOINBER AND SURVEYOR Phone 192J 133 8. Riverside 'Household Furniture GOODS OF ALL KINDS OUR PRICES RIOHT We Buy, Sell and Exchange. Gar, Sixth .and Klamath Are, iw Wf Concrete for Pernaneice Take advantage of the low cost of construction and build now. Porter can do the job. Louis K. Porter 1140 Main St. Phone 540-W KUnutth Fall Cyclcry Wo aro here to serve yon. aad aim to serve you right. Motoroyeles and Bicycles, fart ana Acessones. Tires and Tabes, that wl)l stand roar inspection, as we carry the best in our lino. Repair shop la connection with Harlsy-Davldsoa Service. Phoae 71 ' mm .sfUy Phot 426-J lf Mate m. atawsia WW vi mi 'mMrnxwaW"" tsstsiaisaajaVtsemjBasajdl saaaissHieiaewa.triiHli.fiaieata "JJHC-