vl ! . 'Ml IUM noun THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAM. OREGON wawwww .. rn-irinnanjuuu.-LrLrvL-Lxnjui A V wwwi i-i --r.-.-jj...inivvUUL,, CLASSJFEDADVERTISEMEHTS WANTED , MISCELLANEOUS CAJBlNFOfl IIBNT Light homo- Keeping, cor. rroomont and Deloroa i. jioi uptings. JI-J3 I FOIl BAM 260-3000 Harago rlflo, rmw, uoom id, joomia uidg. 21-27 for knt Hooms COo and 7Bo par nigni. aji are clean, light outside rootnu. Jlomo Ilootnlng House; 920 Klamath Avo. 21-11 . .tre elw,,ng out ionvo number In children's sbooa and hone, call aad a tbsm and you am aura to bny. Evane Bbo Co. 22-26 Bras makes good as now. your old shoes aa 22-26 HIOM WANrKD Woman cook for camp; 10 young men for bos fac tory work! 1 bucker; 1 awampsr. Leave U4 your address, wo ara plac ing man dally. PAIIKH EMPLOY MENT AC1KNCY, Union Tail Office. 22-22 Our regular price beat ao-oalled aaU price. Kvans Shoe Co. 22-26 K. R. CARPKNTHR, paperhanglng and painting, Prtcoa reasonable. Phoaa 270-W. JU-JU LOST Between IUi Board ranch aad top of Myera hill, yellow do- moanuoie wire wheel for model o Overland car, Use J lit Ure. No lira on.lt. Finder pleace communicate with II. L. Mills, lllldabrand, Ore. 11-23 roil BALfl Cauliflower, cabbage and colery planta. iH Main Ht. I'bono 109-W, 20-26' POIl BAI.K 40-nerci. nearly all un. der ditch, In alfalfa, 8 mlloa irom city, if takon at onco will get atl tho hay. 1'rico $3600. Dox A. If. Herald. - 20-26 The Office Cat FOR" BALK For room tiousn on paremont. 1606 Orogon Ave. 2P-26 WANTKD On Urooksldo ranch, Bwan Lake Valloy, man and wife; man to work In bay field, woman to cook. Phone 11F12. 17-22 Do your feet trouble your Foot apaclallat at your aenrlce at K K K tore. Fres examination and advice. Itf One way to save mossr fa to hays thoae shoos repaired at The grafts Bhoo Co'a. Itepalr Dep't. 22-26 Let your aolo trouble bo ouri. Ite palr Dep't. of Evana Bnon Co. 22-26 WANTED Competent atonographer. Bute experience and aalary ex- Vected. "II" Horald Office. 22-28 FOR BALK Cheap for cash. 1917 Henderaon motorcyclo and aldo car. Partv leaving town. Must aeH. Apply at 933 V, Woahlngton fit. 22-24 BAKOAINH IN UHRD OARH 1 1919 Btudebaker Six. fire pas- aonger. 1 1V10 Btudebaker Six, seven pas- aangar. 1 1910 Iteo, five paaaenger. 1 1918 Ford. 1 1918 Maxwell touring. 1 1920 one-ton Ford truck with cab and body. ACMB MOTOR CO. 400-416 South Blxth St. 17tf Ho HaiI Pifowdmt It'ii a ahamV, and may bo libel, to delve Into the past of one ao aodato aa Police Judgo Leavitt, but It Is aald A I'd younger daya, and nlghta, wero not altogether monotonous Ono evening, wondlng homeward from a gathering of con vivial spirit, tho judge became lost In thought and atartad to walk acroaa Link rlvor. Some passing Samaritan drew blm from the stream and called a doctor. "What mado you think you could walk on the waterT" asked the med ico. , "Well," aald Al "I understand It lias boen done.' THURSDAY, JUNK, ! HKCOWMJItKAKINa CLASH 812 Oak atreet under new man agement now, Turner apartmenta. Apartments to rant. 17-23 See that 6121 Dlue Berge Bult at k k k store ror I3&. Written guar antee with every ault for wear and service, Jtf FOR 8ALB For touring 1918, 4 peed trans., IQusJor shocks, new seat covers, water clrculitnr. Mar. . . . . - . - . - -- nam carouerator. cneap ror cash. Bee at Dodge Oarago, or Inquire at uiuo uira. lltr DRHBSMAKINQ First clsse work guaranteed. Mrs. Jefferson, 2 Main 14-26 LOST 12.60 gold pleco carried aa lavallere, valued aa keeptako. Ita- torn to Hllllus, Ileclamallon Office aad receive reward. 22-23 HAN AND WIFE want work In mill camp. Man to work In mill, wom an to' cook, or wall on table. Phnno 41S'J. 21-33 FOR RENT 3 room partly furnish ed apartment. Hot and cold wa ter, bath. Bwanaon Uldg. 626 Main Bt 21-23 H FOR 8A1.K Two Iota In Richmond. Calif. Inquire Mrs, Parka. 914 Grant Bt 31-23 WANTED Regrlgerator In good condition and a quantity of good chicken wire; Call 25S-J. 21-23 WANTED A good aecondhand bi cycle. Inqulro at Herald totflce. 31-26 F ' ! ' 'l 'i ' a ii . Indies Outing Wear In Khaki Wool Berge. Corduroy and Kamplt Cloth at K K K Store. 3U Cm OARIMGB When yon want garbage rtwoved, call lOP-SKC Choice outalde rooms n refined borne close In, free bath and tele phone. Rates reduced. Call at 421 Oak Ave. 10-23 Htraws and Panamas, best line In town at K K K Store. 3tf 1 1918 Dulck new car, guaranteed. Four new cord Urea. Men'a Duxbak and Kamnlt nntin. wear at K K K Store. gif I CALIFORNIA NEWS ORANOEVALb. June 23. To Wil liam V. Cowan, a lawyer, residing In the Carmlchaet colony, who aerved aa secretary 6f the atate council of defense during the wona war, has fallen the honor of being tho second aaan In California to be elected to the presidency of a parent-teacher asso ciation. He la the head of the asso ciation of the San Juan high school district. BAN FRANCISCO, June 23. Reso lutions calling on Oovenor Stephens and Aloxander McCabe, atate Insur ance commissioner to give roasona why the governor vetoed threo bills advocated by Insurance agents wore 'adopted by the California Associa tion of Insurance Agents In conven tion here. BAN FRANCISCO, Juno 23. A charge of manslaughter Is to be brought against Police Offlcor Martin T. Fahey, following tho shooting and killing of Albert O. Oraun, 30, a Los Angeles buslsess man, white the policeman and a folio wMjf fleer wore Jin hiding for an automobile tblef suspect In a garage, In which the '.Braun car la kept George D. Draun, . i brother of the dead nouaced Monday. man, so an- HfttanUy' The Day Tap, Saturday we'll rid our waste baaketa of a few of the pomes re ceived during our Great Pome Con-teat The Influx of pomes has been ao great that oxtra postmen were dis patched to clear the postofflce of this doadly gush of would-be pomes. The Janitor has been separating the wheat from the chaff and Satur day we'll pass a generous portion of same, on to our thousands' (nother adv.) of readera. No extra charge. Order your paper early and avoid the duet. STANFORD UNlVHItSfTY, Juno 23. Tho granting of dagroos to a record-breaking class and announce mont of a contribution of $300,000 from tho National Gcuoral Education Uoard for professors' salaries and 37,ooo from prominent Japancso to ostabllsh a chair in Japancso history, markod tho 13th annual commence ment of Stanford University. Thoro woro 649 dogreoa conferred aa against 474 last your. PUIJLICATIO.V HKCALLKU Puncture Ptfoof Tiro Humor Tlrea are four Important all round aeasons why an automobile la a joy to ride In. You may gather that wo have an Inflated Idea of tho ploasurea of motoring. Dut, wo know aa welt aa you do that a little punc ture now and 'then takes the air out of our tlrea and hot air expressed In words from the mouth of the mend er. A pneumatic blow-out haa often flattened a social blow out. If you do not tako a hoisting jack In your tool box ao that you may repair your tire, bo aure to carry plenty of "Jack" In your nrallet. Free air la furnished at garages, but the Inci dental aervlcea are Just aa chargeable aa your electric batteries. Current ex penses can not be "turned off." Dur ing the past five years the average number of tlrea uaed on a car haa dropped from over five to under four. So, motorist, register joy. Poaae The saddest words The umpire abouta. For home club stars "Threo strikes, yer outt" VALLBJO, June 33. Airing his views on tho Carpentler-Dempsey fight at a amoker of the local post or tne American Uglon, Nelaon O. Welbrn rwaa roundly cheered by the Duadies" when ho praised the Frenchman and flayed Jack Demp sey. He said all Dempsey's share of the purse to be given him and he be aent back to the shipyards to work. WINTERS, June 23. A market for ten car loads of small sited dried prunes of last season's packing has been found by local packers. Ten cars of the stock have been sot rolling eastward. Tho fruit la destined for Qormany, via New York. YUDA'CITY, June 23. Instituting a campaign against truck drivers who persist In hauling loads In ex cess of tho weight fixed by a atate law, County Englneor Van Geldern caused the arrest of P. C. Bland and J. I. Sullivan of Live Oak, driven for Dan Sullivan of that place CASTLE CRAGS, Shasta institute of Juno 33. The the Epworth TPaLB Wbeeso Plainly Dorothea was worried. "Whata the matter!" asked her father, instinctively shifting his wal let to hla Inside vest pocket; "Ob, Dear" ehe algbed. "I ate onions for supper and Cecylle juat phoned to aay that he waa coming over. "Ob, I ass o you're awaiting bis arrival with baited breath!" Ask Shaw, He jOssi Fsatalsh It (d In Terra Haute Tribune) FOR SALE Soda fountain, two show caaea, cow fresh this month, three hogs, Robert Shaw, box 185, Hymera, Ind. Mrs. Jaa. Drlscoll aaya that when the average married man gives his wife a $10 bill on pay day and tells her to put It away he knows as well aa aho does that he's expects about $9.85 of It back before the next week. A boob we know At early dawn, Goes forth to mow His dewey lawn. league opened at Castle Crags Mon day and will end next Sunday. Many outings are being planned for tbo young people after the buslneea routine of the day Is completed. BACRAMBNTO, Jtino 23 lie- causo Albort F. Ollmoro, In chargo of tho Christian Sclenco comralttoo on publication for tho stato of Now York, objected to an nrtlclo, "Science and Hoaltb," in tho fourth tho last volume of "Tho Cambridge History of American Literature," O, P. Put- or. DIDH WANTED FOR SHED BARN Olds will be received until July 7th, by tho undersigned for the con struction of a ahed barn 10x24 at the achoolhouse In Dlstrlot No, 49, on tho main highway to Malln. Didder to furnish' all material and specifica tions may bo had by writing to or calling on the undersigned. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. E. BURRIS3, Clerk 28-6 Merrill, Oro. BIDS WANTKD FOR WOOD Bids will be received until July 7th by tho undorslgned for supply ing ten cords of lClnch Juniper or live pine body wood, to be dolivered and corded in tho woodshed at the school house In District No. 49, C mites east of Merrill on the main highway to Malln. Tbo board rosarv- es tbo right to reject any and all bids. W. E. BURRISS, Clerk 23-5 Merrill. Ore. nam's Sons have atoppod tho salo of tho volume, dlscontunod the publica tion of any mora copies, and wilt re call atl the volumes so far on the market. Tbo offending article waa written by Dr. Wood bridge Riley, professor of philosophy In Vasaar college, Poughkeepsle, N. Y and he la ex ceedingly angry at tho trcatmonl ho haa received. Tho moat offending part was whore Mrs. Eddy Is called "the thrlce-marriod femalo Trlsmo glstus." saceK9S9eB9S9sasssavM!9iBBEsaa9e9Psi MET WITH ACCIDENT , DORRISr Juno 23. Cobb McMaa- ' nus, well-known rancbor met with a serious accident Friday on, the Kiev.' math River road. While driving a team down a stoop hill, tho brakes slipped,' throw ing the wagon onto the horses. The animals bolted and threw McMaa nus, hU head striking a rock. Frank Fraln, who waa there, took hint to his house nearby and seat for medical aid. : ' ? wm Bread i your Beit Food eat more of itf BREAD- the hod of foods I Children like big slices. Ask tlissM why and they'll say "tastes good." It's satisfying puts energy' aad health into every growing youngster. They're sure to thrive on BAKERITE BREAD Thi quality Bread is pure goodness pleases the palate, satisfies appetite, i yields health and vigor. You can get it at I The Rex Cafe and The Maize I tat4eaaa4a.aMlt9 No -ikeMoHier iar ib mkt! .enJfiy hot oWcow with purecrmam CLOTHES OF REAL DISTINCTION nast be aside for tb wearer tmdrrldaaUr. Let ma saake yoar sew spriaui salt astd enjoy weariag really distinctive cloth'tag laHarei to tH yon perfectly aad to retala Ra extra saisrlaeas daring leas eoatatastt wear. CHAS. J. CIZEK, Merchant Tailor SIS Mate 8c. 1 I BLOCK WOOD 1 TakeHomeaDoftn GREEN SLAB Buy your block-wood now while the price la cheap It waa't be any cheaper but blocka will be scarcer. Place your orders for green-slab the poor man'a wood. 10 cords for $35.00, A year'a eupply, can you beat HT O. Peyton & Go. WOOD 419 Main Bt. Phone, III BOSCH nd GRAY& DAVIS OFFICIAL BOSCH Service Station AM'tlCM BOSlMWSnVCQfiWMTlOll . arwiwarmuk . s&T EH As official representatives, we employ experts in the repair and , adjustment of electrical automo tive equipment. We have special tools and testing apparatus, ac curate information from the fac tory, use none but genuine parts, juid do prompt and careful work. UUguflgUflgUaaflV BSs9 REEDAUTO SOTPLY CO! 1 1th St., Near Main Phone 298-J DOINGS OF THE DUFFS h,u a" 5? Tom Should Feel that He's Lucky BY ALLMAN TOM, HOW DO V0O UKe. MY WEW HATP' H SRfATSccrrrf AWTrHR New hat! ITS Tr veW WTBsTT THIMC! toO'WOMefJ ARE THE FALL 6UV VOUGETAKAT AMD BV THE TIME HWGET IT HOMt TUB, CHAMGE THE 3TYUJA4JWH! ONEDAY rrs eurv auo Tiuiuv-r DJtffiMEy 3 OJ.D31WF.' s. OH 100 MEN ARE SUCH WISE CREATURES' KNOYVI IT ALL! V such! WCltYCUPOr4Y HAVE TO M MrK SOLOMON TO SE THCOUCH THAT! tfa a 'II I ,' Aasfw I l y SF2 HAT! T dTYLEASAlH! ONE DAY J Ev t1 . ' ' iTCeftCV AMD THEweXT.B Ufsnaaa W ' JtsfMA - ,kr 2 SMSF MsW ' -SZL iaBgaSaVb f OH. KMG SOiOMOri IS NOW TALKUtf! VrtUJF SOtOMOH WAS SUCH A WISEON, THWK OP THE HATS HE HAD TO BUY FOR WSTH0USAMO WIVES! AND YOU SOW THfaW AHDC0MPIA1H ABOUT CM MEASLEY HAT! tfsaK D J T YM' '' JL fflgP?' 8Ks gawi iaBBBKsi I BaslssVl JaaBgaflLI ' A'fsBBgsLA aaBgsHI Jl-fL JaMBMBMMBaBBBBBBgsV TJ IT ri, "P'nL""