The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 23, 1921, Image 1

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Member of the Associated Press.
' t .
Fifteenth YKAIL- No. (MM.
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New Feature of Com
pensation Act, After
July 1, Gives Em-
ployert Who Reduce
Losses Lower Rates
Herald Hales Dmttu
SALEM, Or., Juan S3 (Special)
The conservation of lift and limb,
which mora and mora la. receiving
iaia aiteauon, is erapnasitea in a
naw feature of (ha Oregon workmen's
compensation law which will da ef
(active July 1. Tola la tha reduction
la rate that (will be allowed Indus
trial coacarna aa a reward for thalr
co-operating with tha Industrial aeel
dant commission in cutting down
death and Injuries as a result of In
duatrlal accidents.
Already there Is In vogue what Is
teraeed aa an experience svlldlnst scale
o t ratea under the compensation act
aa applied to the employer, baaed
on cqmparatlTo freedom from acel
dents In the plants concerned. If an
employer and hie employes are care
ful, It la possible for them to reduce,
by SO per cent the regular Insurance
cost to the concern operating under
tha compensation act.
Pare to Prevent Accident
Over a period of five years, for ex
ample, an employer may, by keeping
his accident liabilities to 30 per rroj
or less of the plant's total Industrial
accident payment, aecure the 30. per
eent redaction la rates. Conversely,
by carelessness or by misfortune, he
asay b penalised 15 per cent above
tha normal rate of payment.
Voder the new amendment a still
further reduction Is allowed by the
commission In return for the Indus
trial concerns complying with certain
safety standards In the way of edu
cating all affiliated with tho plant In
accldrnt prevention. It the standards
are maintained tho S per cent reduc
tion Is allowed rcgardlrsa of results
that may be attained In reducing accidents.-
Safety OommltUv
Five provisions constitute thn bssls
for this exemption. Three of these
pertain to organisation and two to
education. The organisational provi
sions are the formation of a safety
committee of at least three persons;
naonthly meetings of thla committee
to act generally on all matters for
safeguarding lite and limb; and the
forwarding of the minutes of these
deliberations to the atate Industrial
accident commission as proof of com
pliance. The educational provisions
ara maintaining a bulletin board at
the plant to post all safety bulletins
and receive suggestions for better
safety administration, and talks by
foremen or others qualified to advise
relative to safety plans.
Shop Coaunittora Keaard
More than forty large employers
of labor In tha atate already have
sent In their acceptance of the con
dltlona, Inoludlng the rajinutes of
their meetings and the names of thalr
committees, ao they are eligible to
aecure the reduction aa aoon aa the
amendment -la effoctlve.
The new system la altogether In
the handa of the employera, though
h"cowDeratlon of the employee Is
necessary, and tho commission be-
iimtas tho roovomont will be wci
corned by the employes, and that, the
result will be a remarkable reauo
tion In Industrial losses.
WW Face Federal
Charges at Portland
Six fedoral prisoners, who havo
been confined In the city Jail here,
rwere taken to Portland this morn
ing by United Btatea Marshal SweeU
land for confinement In tho federal
jail there. Tho party loft on the
The prlsonora were: J. Nolan and
P. Miller chargod with Illicit manu
facture o'f liquor; William Martin, an
alleged "white slaver," and Thur
mond Jackson, Prod Jackson and
Byes Sutler, three Indian lads
ehargsd with horet tttallni on the
Indian rttirvetlon.
Sims Declares the
Press Accounts of v
Speech Were Twisted
WASHINGTON, June 23. near
Admiral 81ms today reported per
sonally to Secretary Denby that he
had been misquoted In the preaa ac
counts of his London speech, .on
Irish sympathisers In America.
The secretary Instructed Admiral
films to prepare a written state
ment, giving the correct text of
what ho said In the London ad-drefcs.
With arrangements for the box
ing matchff, July 4 and 6, well un
der way, and all flghtorr. signed,
Ilert McDonald, match maker, will
submit the card to the boxing com
mlsslpn at a meeting tonight Tha
meeting will be held at Dr. Stew
art's office at 8 o'clock. The menu
bars of the commission are X.
Sugarman, Dr. 1L D. Lloyd Stew
art, Fred Houston, Fred Soule and
O. M. Hoctor.
8fo crackers -were operating at
two different points Isst nlghf, the
safe of Louis Bolloa at Mt. Hebron
having the combination blown and
the aafe la tha store of MlUer
Robinson at Dorna Having the name
operation performed upon It, both
Jobs evidently being done by tha
same parties.
At Mt. Hebron the safe was not
touched this morning, and a finger
export was- called from Yreka to
take photographa of 'the "prints'
leri by the robbers, until he ar
rives It cannot be oetermlned Just
what money and valuablea were re'
moved from the inside. It Is said
that a large sum of money waa kept
In It by Mr. Dolles.
At Dorrls tho robbers entered the
general atore of Miller Robataea
It Is ead, about 3 o'clock thla
morning, blew off the combination,
and after rifling two cash tills.
which contained between S14 and
$15, left town In an ' automobile
Miller Robinson had not opened
his safe to learn It the contents
bad been taken, u he desired to
allow tha authorltlea .to examine It
and gain all possible clews in the
way of finger prlnta.
There waa abont S 1,0 00 In the
aafe when It waa closed last night,
It waa said.
Following the rain at Dorrla last
night, fresh automobile tracks left
by the car of the robbera were fol
lowed early thla morning by Taber
and Robinson, and tho trial led
atra cut to thia city. The same
same tracka were followed from
Mt. Hebron, and the conclusion
drawn by the authorltlea la the ML
Hebron Job waa pulled first and at
Dorrla after that.
Finch Jailed
For Shooting
A. W. Finch waa brought to thla
city tbta morning from Merrill by
Conatablo Morley and taken before
Justice L. eranagen, charged aith
assault with Intent to kill. Finch
la alleced to have fired two shots
at Louis Roldlschar at Malln yes
Finch waived preliminary" hearing
on the advica of counsel, WllUaan
Marx, and Justice Oahagen bound
him over to the grand Jury, fixing
bond at 12.000. Being unable to
give bond, Finch waa taken to the
county Jail for confinement Finch
made the remark that the shooting
at Malln yesterday never would
have happened had not he been
under the influence of liquor. He
said that the ahootlng grew out at
a deal over aome papers, rincn
also atatod that for the past month
ho had been drinking heavily.
Finch waa before Police Judgo
Leavltt and assessed a fine of 110
for aneedlng Tuesday. He waa ar-
raited Monday nlsht. when he and
a companion were hitting the high
spots at a dangerous ollp, between
Ninth and Tenth strasta.
(NOTE In a series of articles, of which this Is the second, W. C.
Lehman, manager of tho Crater Oil and Gas company'nnd Northern
California Oil company, a trained geologist, will toll, In langungo
the layman can understand, his reasons for ballet that oil underllos
Klamath county. The series will bo nn Interesting aha Instructive
history of petroleum and tha petroleum Intfuetry, which alt who
desire to be well Informed ahould road.) '
. .1 .
In the public mind, the question of
the accumulation of oil eeema to oc
cupy a position somewhat akin to
the transmutation of metals or the
finding of the pot of gold at the rain
bow's end. Movie writers are fond
of picturing the hero, In desperate fi
nancial straits, gaining tho girl and
aavlng the farm by discovering a
film of oil on the old spring, after
which fortune not only smiles but
laughs. ;
There are others, with lies cred
itable ends to eerve, who foater mis
conceptions and take 'advantage of
the general lack of - knowledge.
Quacks and cranks, with mysterious
Instruments, locate oil lakes. .(that
do not exist In Nature) and contrlb
ute to the hate that surrounds tho
oil accumulation.
Oil occumulatea by natural laws
Just aa cortaln In their operation as
the flow of water from a higher to
a lower level.
More or leas exhaustive data has
been collected from all theotl'-fields
of the world. Wnere an" oil-field
exists wmust grant that an accum
ulation of oil there has taken place.
By a careful examination of the
geologlo conditions surrounding each
field and a comparison of auch col
lected data we gain the knowledge
that when certain conditions exist
that certain reaulta inevitably fol
low because of soma natural law.
These factors of accumulation, 'as
they mar be called, are appllcahlelto
all areas of slmOar-physical. aasiAl'
taenia wtts retaUem-of the deeply
bnrted n-baarfaag.atrataa.toionaerop-pine
rocks may be different In even
closely associated areas.
What, then are these governing
factors? Let us trace the oil frop
M ancient place of origin to Its
place of accummulatlon, stopping
alonsT the way to note some ot these
controlling factors.
In the preceding discussion tho
principal facta ot the Vegetable
Organic Theory were admitted. The
decomposition of masses ot vegetable
orgaalama in the mud of prehistoric
lakea and oceans went slowly on
through uncounted centuries. The
Influence exerted by climate has not
yet been determined. It would seem,
though, that bacteriological action
waa probably promoted by torrid cli
matic conditions.
It haa been said by someone that
the average man cannot conceive ot
such a great amount ot money as a
million dollars. It Is inflnltoly more
difficult to conceive of geologic
time. In any Intelligent considera
tion of tho problema connected with
petroleum the time element must bo
kept in mind. The oil ot California
ia younger than any other oil on the
continent except that ot the South
Texas coast. Still we know that tho
vegetation from which it waa form
ed died and waa buriod in the mud
at toaat ten million Tears ago.
Upon that mud jtrata after at rat a
of sedimentation waa deposited.
Sonaatlanea a prehlstorlco flood
would aweep over It leaving behind
a fear feet of sand from regions miles
distant. Then for a few thousand
Team a alow deposit ot sediment
would be formed by the erosion ot
the surrounding mountains. Upon
tha old lake and ocean beds the aedl
sxaatatton from various causes
throughout the millions ot yean
termed a gradually Increased weight!
Tbia weight Is called the over-burden.
The weight ot tho overburden
gradually increased. The mud be
came denser. Its porosity or ca
pacity to contain, oil decreased. The
mud became shale. As from a gi
gantic aponge the oil waa pressed
out. Oil continually moves from a
point ot maximum compacting to a
point ot minimum compacting.
What would be a point ot minimum
compacting? It might be aome fissure
or aerlea of fissures. It might be a
sandstone which withstands a rela
tively extreme pressure before com
pacting. Or it might be some tort of
dlil.Btrafettd llatitoat, At Florenoa,
Colo. Is a nmsll oil-Hold that hmi liceu
produclng slnco tho ovtntlos from a!
sarles of fissures In donsn slialo It
Is tho only field yet dlscovomd from
which oil U nrmhiri.,1 frmn
Tho Oll-flolrl of Norllmrn Ohio knnn
as tho Trenton ttock district Is the
most prominent example of oil bo
Ing produced from disintegrated
limestone. Tho great field of Hplti
die Top near Ilenumont nlno pro
duced from HmVntonc.
Sandstono may ho said to 1m tho'
home of petroleum though, as noted,
It may occasionally bo found eluo
wborn. It Is tho plnco of refugo for
oil driven from thn shales, tuivnr tho
place of origin. To form nn nccum-
utatlon tn a porous sedlmcntnry bad
the reservoir must bo scaled In
tome manner. This mny bo either
by a loss pormcatablo rock, such as
sbalo or clay or by snmo part ot tha
sedimentary bed being 'charged with
water or clogged by asphalt. In a
lator discussion of Structure will be
covered the action of water as a scal
ing element. '
Lakes ot oil do not occur In tho
earth."' It may bo unnecessary to so
stato but there sccmtJ to bo a mis
conception on this point In tho minds
of many people.-Petrolenm Is pro
duced from porous beds of bomo
strataflod formation with tho excep
tion noted of, ltn rare occurence In
earth fissures. The porosity of pro
duclng oil sands and limestones varyr
... r
from ii to 3 per ceni to givo somo
Idoa ot how much'oll"rnay bo con
talncd within a,. small area consider
thata 20 per cent porosity would lc
equivalent to 20 cu. ft. ot oil o each
100 cu. ft. of sandstone, t
An oil-sand SO feet thick under nn
aero of ground could contain ap-1
proximately 6G.000 barrels of oil.
This calculation assumes that tho
oil-sand Is completely saturated.
Slrtco tho original source of oil
Is from bodies ot sbalo In which It
occurs In a disseminated condition It
Is necessary that thero bo a suffi
cient area of such material In prox
imity to a porous reservoir ot nonio
description. This Is referred to as a
dralnago area. Tho limits of a
dralnago area nro generally set by
structural conditions which will bo.
discussed later.
So far, then, wo havo as controlling
(a) A material, such a slialo, lit
while tho oil was originally formed.
(b) A neighboring rcsorvolr such
aa sandfttono which will net ns an ac
cumulating reservoir.
(c) A sealing medium to tho re
servoir that will conflno tho oil
within a relatively small area.
(d) A dralnago area of sufficient
proportions to produce commercial
quantities of ol.
Undor Structure will bo doflnod
othor controlling factors. Given a
competent sourco ot supply nnd a
proper rocoptnelo, structure pormlts
concentration which la of paramount
importance and which will bo dis
cussed tomorrow.
Tho Warren Construction com
pany has offered to repavo tho soft
stretch on Main street,-! betweou
Fifth and Sixth, wlthou cost to
the city, providing tho council glvos
permission nnd tho city cnglnoor
will fix tho grndo. This Is" accord
ing to a report from tho city en
gineer's otflco.
Tho defectlvo pavoiunnt Is a strip
on the north sldo of tho street,
which has developed liol'ows nnd
ridges where traffic parks or passes
over It. Tho construction company
would rcpavo this strip, but any
sower or dralnago work would bo
done at the oxponuo ot tho city.
headquarters ot tho marlno engin
eers union hero today. uotKlod qn
glneera to return to work on ship
ping board vessels In conformity
with a recent agreement, but he)d
the strike was still tn.etfect Against
rlvaUly owstd riMelij "
Burglars Overlooked
$85 in Ransacking
Dwelling of Wotker
Thlovcs broke Into tho cabin of
Joseph Forrnrlii at Herorid anil High
etroets Tuo'sday night, whlid'tho own
er was nbftcnt, nnd ransacked (fio
pl.ico'but-to'ok nothing. Tnlif Is ilc; rcportof Mr. Ferraris' to
Thn Itorald' last ovrnlnp. "'
Ho said thriO two new trmilttt
liroVpn oprn"nn'd dabiaRpd, hut ho-
Jm"1 Um co,,t j''lwWnis litem, io
HtiffcTRil no lo?
n,KW" """. no nnu
! forgotten to take from tho poclfct
"f ' overalls, WBB OVCTlOOKCd 'Y
tho searchers. '
Tho burglary occurred " bulwren
0:30 and 9 o'clock, a ho Idfl'omc,
at tho ronner nour on nn crranu
downtown nnd rolurmxl at- tho lat
ter 'tn find tho plnco In confusion.
ICntrnnco was mado through tho
front -window.
Mr. Ferraris works at lliu Chelsea
box factory.
Sunday afternoon thn drill will bo
started: at- tho Crater Oil and Gas
well No 1. halt n nillei
north of Merrill, and In celebration of
tho event that moann inuch to Kla
math, county tho company will bo
host to tho enllro county thift dhy.
Preparations aro mndo to enter
tain ft 1000 pcoplo at tho big fran
barbecue In tlio Merrill grovo. .The
dinner Is scheduled to tako placo-at
1 o'clock, followed' by speeches, and
entertainment, f , .v .. ,
Tho drilling will RUrUvt-ToVlock.
livery- ono- yhp ,hai un.uutonolllo
Is sure to.maku tho trip Sunday, Tho
roads nro good and If tho weather
u nloasnnt thero win ho an lmmonso
crowd, without doubt.' Bring all tho
family, someone clso's family, or tho
Kisltor within tho gates. No mat-
tcr how blc tho crowd thoro will bo
plenty of food for ,-iU, r.n Interesting
nnj Injtructlvo. jirn.'.rum
OltnOON Tonight and Friday,
fair In west, unsettled. In oust por-,
tlon; thunder storms, In mountains,
gcntlo westerly winds.
Upper Court Sustains
KuykendalVs Finding
A decision was received today
from tho supremo court affirming
dull to tho chatol mortgage case of
liO first ouuo au qavinKa n.uiu
ngalnst C. T. Oliver ot nt In which
tho hlglior court sustains tho decision
that a ten horso pnwor electric mo
tor and thrco centrifugal ptimpa nro
tho personal property of tlio do
fcudnntB niid not real property ns
claimed by tho plaintiffs.
Tho suit originally was to forocloso
on a chattel mortgsgo for $080 cov
ering tho ltoms uliovo and tlio trial
court decreed that tho mortgago bo
foreclosed ns against all, tlio proper
ty, oxcopt ono ton horso eJo,ctrlc- mo
tor, ono C Inch nnd ono n inch
centrifugal pump which tho court
found to bo tho'proporty of tho do-
'fendants, C. T. Oliver,. Mrs, Mar
garet li.xrnoy ond W, M. Bray. Tho
plnlntiff contended that, tho motors
and pumps woro n part, of tho real
cstuto, and appealed on that grpund.
i '
SALEM, Juno "23, Wlllhmotto
valloy borry. growers sunt out nn
urgent call for pickers today. Tlvo
tho u Band workcia1 aro' snlc to bo'
needed, From ono to two cents
por pound Is offered for picking
dlfferont varlutlea ot berries and
noLsunviia in clash
TOKIO, Juno 23, Japanese and
bolshovikl forces Uuvo clashed noar
Nlkolalovask, nnd tlioro havo boon
sovfiral. casuiltlc,. an official report
giytf Tho report- asserts that tlio
Japanese wero nttneked. 'OkhdtsK,
nn important to.wp ori'"the wfs(
BhcfJ- oNthoSot Okhotsk, has
heon occupied by tho bolshevik), '
, iCDOELli
' f '
StartingrSawiii AfeM
Toda ' with TW
' fihi(td;lExpect to
'Bftdrtcf Norm, by
vAjtfuiti. jr1
l 'JU.J'J -SJ. - ,
t -Mr Peppers stated yesterday:
The Peppers-Cotton; mill will not
shut) down as tho Result ,' ot Sun
day night's flrc'stated T.'H. Peppers
last evening, but on the contrary
'will Dpccd up operations and by Au-
gust'l tho plant wlU be In good afcape
again. t '
"Tho -tiro totally'wlped out tha
lumber yard, with all the stock? and
tramways. About fonr million feet
of lumber, was destroyed, fifty far
cent ot It being No-. 2 shop, or bet
tor. "We will start up again tomor
row morning and will run two sMfta
tho remainder ot tho season. Wa as
pect to have things moving 1n good
bhope again by August 1. Our rail
way Is oxpected to be In fall epar
atlon by 'July 15. l
"While clearing the debris' frbsa
thn mill 'yard and 'rebuilding the
trams, wo will temporarily
yard at Ma'cdoel for Storing tha hun-
bcr cut." s -
Mrs. Fredenbiirg Is
Given $710 Verdict
' '
The case of Mrev saaraaa Fraian
liurg: agalmtiDewey Dj add JeaaVl
Horn.i Honsnxa' bankers, wna4 to the
Jury this foreaoon Jn tha etranlt
I noon thoy returneVF. nJsia1at af
$710 Mn favor ot tha plaintiff.
,Tbe suit grow out of tha alleged
removal ot stock and farm' aaaehta
cry from the farm ot Mrs. Martin
by tho Horn brothers, who'wntn as
pointed executors -of -tho estata ot
tho iato William Horn. 'The plain
tiff claimed tho property was given
to her by Mr. Horn prior to hla
death. Tho Jury award ,waa tha
estimated cash equivalent of tha
'steck: sold.
Wth tho close of this case, cir
cuit court will not convene again
until Mon-fuy mornings when tha
caso ot Herlihy againsf Methaae. a
suit over a threshing bill, will ha
called nt 10 o'clock.
(rom h(Jmo Jn ,
kota, ou aV.vlslt with their. brother
and undo, C M. O'Nell. Thla la
tholr first trip to, thla section, and
thoy expect to spend the next few
days visiting the -various points ot
Interest in thn county. Thorns Is
Journeying around In an effort to
regain his health, -which was shat
tered by his exporionces In Franco,
whoro ho took part In many ot tha
big battles ot tho war. having bean
sovorely wounded two different
times. ' v
. LONDON, Juno. 23. The Bank
of England today lowered' tha dis
count rnto from 6U to 6 per cant.
Budget Board Staff '
TooiSmall, Says Dawes
WASHINGTON, June 23r-Char!ea
0. Dawes, rocently appointed to
head tlio now government budget
pystoiu, announced after a confer
ence with President Harding today
that bo would appoint a number ot
oxporlonccd business men to servo
on tho bureau without pay.
He .said that bo considered tha
staff .provided
by congress inade-.
. -
WASHINQTON, June 23. A. bill,
embodying tho plans of Secretary
Mellon for refunding the warjloanaj
of America to the antes was wiro-
ducod today in the senate and ra-
lurruu to mo iiimo RWifsMtA
- W1.V 1.(11 M1.A..1.1 .itllinri Ih. mMAm
ilia wiii.nuuiu i..i;,,o PJR7n
rela'rr to reconvert or extend tha
loans or interest paymwittn IN 'tT
teitle Ml uDiKufad Ioasi Ji l
1-1 (
Jl, a4 V
( -