The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 22, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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j The Off ice Cat
Military Funeral for Legion Head
onto your sonls. Tho Mack Bonnott
comedy "Villa of tho Movlo" In onu
night ofvnudovlllo, Tliuy wlllichniiRO
lorn; tliiio uiiil Ih a riot of nughtor!
AltoRothor tho ploturnn mul vamlo.
vlllo innilo ( very clean and ontor
talnlfiK tthow. Tonight In tho laid,
thorn, net nncl promlso ntiothor'wun
thoro net mind prombo niiothnr won
dtirful show. Dnn'l miss It.
f 11V 3VSIVH
I -
Stop On 'Krl
Our groat room con
lk test b oft mlth n
M bane.
Mk" Sent yours yet?
BL !& up the
HD Kvorsharp (mlr.) got
j a now pad for your
memo nnj let tho
oetry roll. Send It la by prepaid
saall, wo might use It, who knows?
according to tho Philadelphia
Record, a Mississippi planter has
traiaod wild geesoMo catch fish for
-Wat. VTfi tncroly want to remark
tf they were guecse, they'd eat w hat
-tliey caught.
Ti 'ilft JKrf bmbwbvLbInJbvimbibhvHst JsBusBsaassav
' as f -i9BuBKfeHBH9kvjNBu
yjKr tm aV. 4S?"" if - WfTxWA AsIbbBbsbbbbbTsVbbsbb? a XBBBm
.kH ti Hi srsssssssBBsssswsT aiaT -bBB!
kjhhtt? N BNs. w BY a5 vR , -ST BBBBbYBBBT BV BBrSBBt
,v A...ri ."'' l1.0. " amon chl' mourners at tho military tuMral In Cincinnati of Col. Frederick
Oabi-aUh.Jr, National Commander of tho American Leirlon. who teat hi. M In an automobile aeddent neat
IndianapolU. state .and military officials, a. we41 a. American Lclon delagatlona from all over t i miurtn
attended tho funeral. vwuy,
tYm guessed It. neighbor, thb won't
a bad land to lire in If they don't
any more amendments upon us.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Campbell
havo returned from Klamnth Pnlb
whoro they have been visiting for tho
past feu- days.
(Mr. nnd. Mrs. Charles Collier und
Mr. and Mrs. James Perry nnd
daughter Reno, wcro visitors at tho
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Warren
during tho past week-end.
Tho annual schooi meeting of Dis
trict No. 9 was held Monday, Juno
20th. Jas Dixon was elected director
and Mrs. 13. T. C.Ivan clerk.
Paul O'Dowd saya tho next stylo
glrU' ears will probably bo fig
Lloyd Low, tho boy sheriff, says
Tw'd better loso a long momont at
croas than tho rest of your brief
" Tf as In a restaurant they mot,
stesaeo and Juliet,
Ho had no cash to pay the dobt,
So Romeo's what Jullo't."
Itracing Atmosphere
Jack Thompson In Scotland was
shown around by a guldo and
affecting supreme indifference
t everything.
"Loch Lomond? Th.-l puddlo?" be
sjcelalmed with scorn. Why, we havo
better ponds than than in tho
States, and those mountains
am only called hills back homo.
esaery? Poof!"
"Ah, but mon," retored Sandy un
Ustarbed. "D'ye see those tbroo fine
VC buildings, yon? There's ftfuitt--Carles,
an they're all working."
Thoro will bo a lecture at tho
Spring Lake school houso Juno 33,
at 8 p. m. br Mr. M. II. Parounaglan.
Tho lecture will be "My Trip from
Armenia to America.'' Mr. raro
unaglan Is hero for the purpojo of
organizing a Sunday school at tho
different school houses.
Miss Donna Mack and brother
Charles returned homo from Kiddle.
Oregon, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dennott and
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Icenblco and
daughter Evelyn wcro visitors at tho
E. A. Scbrclner home Sunday,
Thamaail Kaays
Pause Is a funny thing. Somo seek
it a lire time and muff It, while oth
rs have it forced. upon thorn. Oar
Aara Frletchio, achieved It by pok
tag her dome out of a window and
telling Stonewall Jackson where to
red In. Tho boy who stood on the
sjrnlng deck did It that -way. Mary
aad a little lamb and, no doubt,
aaaald never have been heard of
'"-lherwlie. Other oxamntes will
Taadlly suggest themselves.
It ahould be understood that all
tab stuff on fame Is from hearsay.
Bat .we're- still hoping. Fa mo Is a
food deal Ilka a cream puff. It's nlco
to think about but when ope nets It
there's very little to It or In it. As
a rale, when one becomes famous
there b littlo for him to look fo
-ward to but a capacity crowd to his
Clydo Darks b putting up bay for
Mrs. Tallman.
Katln Klgcr Is helping August
Ducslng irrigate.
Clydo Bradley spent Sunday at tho
Enman ranch.
John IDinnon sheared sheep for
Mr. Klger Sunday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. C. W. Lewis called
on the Ilueslngs Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. ILenry Semon and
children, Sam Enman and wifo and
It. W. Enman visited at Jesse John
son's homo Sunday.
Wm. Darks and J. E. Enman wcro
summoned Monday for Jury duty.
Word has been received from tho
Lono Pine club delegates that thoy
are having a fine time at Corvallls
DOttUIS, Cnl Juno 22. O. C.
Loronx, plumber of Klnmnth Kails,
was lu town yesterday preparing to
Install plumbing fixtures nnd heating
apparatus In tho now resldcnco of J,
P. Sholley.
Qeorga Carter transacted business
In town yesterday. Ho operates a
mill west of town in tho vicinity of
Sam's Neck.
C. A. Webster, partner with II. V
Tarter In tho Associated Lumber A
llox company plant here, was in town
Monday for a short business visit.
Mr. Webster resides at Stockton.
Charles Evans Is recovering from
tho effect of n severely broken arm
sustalnod a fow days ago whllo work
ing at tho Carter mill. Ho Is attend
ed by physicians at tho Dorrls hospi
tal. Mrs. C. M. Pratt and son Elmer
were business visitors In Dorrls yes
terday from tholr farm near Mt.
Dome. '
Cobb Mc.Manus b reported recov
ering from a sovore Injury sustained
last week In a runaway on Klamnth
river near tho Fraln ranch.
It. L. Nichols, representing tho
Patrick company of San Francisco
was In town yesterday a few hours
soliciting orders.
A salo of farm Implements and
stock has been advertised to take
place Juno 22 at the farm of Fred
Hogga In tho Oklahoma district. Mr.
Ilogga plans to movo back to his old
home in Iloguo River valley an soon
as ho disposes of local holdings.
Dr. A. A, Atkinson, owner of tho
Dorrls hospital, -has returned from
glow of sympathy nnd 'understand
lng which only groat humor enn on
gcuder. It b acclaimed as Will ltog
ors' greatest rolo In tho best plcturo
ho has over appeared lu.
George Walsh's nowest rolo, that
of Prunk Theydon In thu William
Fox motion plcturu version uf
Louis Tracy's famous novol, "Num
ber 1?" which b coming to tho Lib
erty theatre tonight U far and away
tho best thing ho has dono on tho
As n novol, "Numbor 17" U u
succession of vivid plcturoii of ex
citing adventure, with a buck
ground of in) story and lovo; aud
uvery thrilling Incident has boon
visualized In thu film story. Mr.
Walsh's rolo Is that of a younc; au
thor, who, besot by n gang of ruth
less enemies, fights a tremendous
battle, of wits with thorn, with tho
Now York underworld as tho battle
field. Tho leading woman Is Mildred
Iteardon, clever and pretty, who
plas tho part of Evolyn Forbes
Harold Thomas, well-known for his
work In strong dramatic rolo, ap
pears us Wong LI Fu, leadur of thu
gang of criminals.
At the Theater
When two such world ronownod
humorists as Irvln S. Cobb, the wrl
tor, tho screen actor, erstwhile cow
boy and, Zlegfteld "Fof)les" rope-
School election was held Monday) throwing monologlst. Join hands In
afternoon at the school house. F.itbe making of a feature picture for
C. Slgford was elected director to sue- tho screen, tho result U bound to
ceed C. W. Lewis, II. D. Connor was be away out of tho ordinary. They
elected clerk to succeed Mrs. En
man. Clyde Klger took a load of spuds
to Klamath Pulls a few days ago.
Herald classified ads pay yon.
Joined forces in "Boys Will Ho Boys,"
tho Ooldw-yn picture coming to tho
Star thoatro tonight for two days,
and tho reault Is a perfect screen
comedy. It's humor Is deep, rich and
human, warming tho heart to that
A capacity houso greeted Ilooson
Bros, vaudeville and animal show
last night at tho.Mondalo and were
well repaid with ono hour of refined
entertainment. Tho show opened
with Mr. Boeson In a black face act
-that bad the audience In convulsions
of laughtor and hb paodlos wcro
a scream.
Act. No. 2 was Beeson Bros.
trained dogs and monkeys nnd an act
that Is far abovo tho uvorago ani
mal act. JTbo monkoya and dogs did
stunts that seemed almost Imposslblu
with easo.
Act No. 3 was tho tbrco musical
Layettes In a singing, talking and
musical act and went over very big.
They play all kinds of novelty Instru
ments and know how to play thorn,
and tho singing of Mr. I-avutto b a
of tho best comedies shown hero In a
real treat. Tho pictures aro excep
tionally good, "Tho Daughter of
Dovll Dan" a story of old Kentucky,
Is' a beautiful picture aud first run,
and tho fight in It makes you hold
Rollo Groesbcck says the older tho
car, the more of a luxury It becomes.
It Carried Conviction
First Lawyer Did his speech car-
tt conviction?
Second Lawyer It did. Hb client
got five years.
Why Teachers Turn Rl
Teacher to music class? "Can you
tell mo the namo of a great player?"
Bright Pupil: "Ty Cobb."
At a meeting of a girls' club in
Una, Ob., it was decided that it Is
sjulte the correct thing to have neatly-tanned
knoes thb year. Tanning
la all right In its place, but If wo'ro
4o!ng the Job we wouldn't place It on
the knees.
Try-outs for the Bly rodeo, to be
Klven July 2, 3 and 4th, were bold
8anday afternoon. A number of new
tiorses wore tried' out by tho follow
ing riders: Lester Hlckson, Roy Wll
on, Richard Stovonson and "Bogs"
Richardson. All tho boys put up
aplendld rides and tho crowd en
joyed the "taste" of the coming ro
4eo, Glen .Parker and Clarence Wallace
cave a very enjoynblo dunco at tho
am,unity hall Saturday evening
4ue I8th., "
' 'I' ' I
EF ( Bii-CS got sfKl Art A Ci Ojr" ' -
LOTS Of BOSINtW ) JU .tfbfw V sX
T . CW HIS MIMD IsBslRw f O ??. -
Cyrus H. K. Curtis says:
All my business life I have spent
more for advertising whenever a
business slump came along, than in
normal times; and if I didn't get
ahead in the race, I kept from slip
ping back and was in a condition to
shoot ahead of my competitors the
moment conditions changed.
Direct Mail Advertising is next to
personal solicitation.
W, 0. Smith
Printing Company
i 1
Cooking Electrically
the ideal method
Electrically equipped kitchens hold
no terrors for the housewife. They
are cool, cozy, and comfortable in
the summer. They eliminate the
drudgery, the grime and the nerve
racking tension caused by wood
stoves. The expense is surprising
ly low. Let us tell you about it.
The California Oregon Power
Let us be your servant"
our Kitchen
clean as a hew pin
YOU can keep It that way
when you ubo a good oil
cookstovo. No drudgery
no dirt. Just touch a match
to the burner and you have
clean Intense cooking heat
To be mire of best results
in your stove, use PearlOil
tho uniform kerosene. Pearl
Oil la clean burning and eco
nomical. It Is refined and re-
refined by a special process. '
Every drop Is converted in
to real heat.
Pearl Oil is for sale by
dealers everywhere. Order
by name Pearl OIL
(California) J
' " Mm j :s '