The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 22, 1921, Image 1

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    'Vi' r M?r
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Today New
A Class Ad Will
Member of the Associated Pre.
Ktftamitli YoAr. No. nonil.
Ehv fguettiftit
NKW YORK, Juno 22. Ilonr Ail
mlral Hlmo relumed homo today (o
explain to Kdwln Mcoby, socretary
or the navy, tho remark that woro
attributed to him In 11 recent London
speech on IrUh-Amorlconn,
He refused to bo taken ashorn In
the cultor and canto up tho bay
board tho llnor, Olympic, to moot
the friends and foes who might await
him at tho dock.
Everything wan peaceful ok he
landed, though a thousand police
men were massed on tho dock to
prevent possible disturbance. Tho
admiral was the flrat person to step
ashore. Ifo declined to make a
atatoment and left Immediately for
At the rnllway station there wero
a lew scattnrt'd boos and cheers from
tho crowd,
Novel Turn Given
Forum Meeting
The chamber of commurcn lunch
eon today was not largely uttondod,
Thoso present woro ghon a decided
nnrprlsei In tho form of entertain
mnt, n burlonquo on tho "hard
times of today."
Le Dean presided oror the forum
and called upon Fred Fleet to make
a talk unit ho shocked his audlcnco
by presenting- In a humorous way the
"hard tlmos that the merchants and
ereryono else aro experiencing."
Fleet described tho cltlxens a botng
alt deprvssed and making no progress
la ike world. II ja part was well taken
In' the ''comedy-'' staged, v
Following him came a defenso of
the pooplo by W, A. Wlest and bo
presented tho optomlstlc sldo of tho
preecnt day business man and dis
pelled all tho gloom given to tho
meeting by Fleet. Another witty
and ablo defenso was mado by Miss
Clara Calkins who also saw the
bright sldo of the present day situa
tion. The burlcsquo was thorough
ly enjoyed as It camo at a time when
all jirment twero least propared for
the "outburst."
Fountain and DeLap
Are Again Elected
P. L. Fountain nnd C. R. DoLap
wero re-elected dlroctors of tho
school board of District No. 1 at
Monday's oloctlon.
Mr. Fountain has been a member
of tho school board for 21 years. Mr,
VcLap Iiob sorved on tho board for
4 years.
Forced to Operate
on Will Lad's Leg
Ooorgo Will, 14-year-old son of
L. A. Will, was operated .on this
morning at tho Klamnth aoneral
hcwpltal, and tho ahattorod bono In
his anklo was set and wired logem
or. Ho recolvcd tho injury last
wook In tho lavo beds, whoro ho
wont with tho Hoy Scouts, when
struck by a rolling rock.
Dr. B. D. Lamb, who Is in chargo
of tho caso, reported this morning
that the operation had boon success
ful, nnd that tljp nnklo would bo
all right as soon as tho bono knits.
He Reads The Herald
For the Oil News
Intoreat In oil dovolopmcnt Is not
conflnod to Klamath Falls, but Is
gonoral In all parts of Klamath
county. This Is shown dally. Aug
ust, Andrlou, Merrill ranchor, whon
ho renewed his subscription to tbo
Herald yesterday, said:
"1'vo always felt I had to have
tho paper, but now I foel that way
more than ovor. It keeps mo In
touch with doings In oil develop
ment. My ranch la only two miles
"from the Crater Oil and Oas com
pany well, -and of course I'm great
ly interested. 8o are ray neighbor!.
I can hardly .wait to get the paper,
I'm to excited over the posslblj
Klamath Youngater
First in Livestock
Judging at O. A. C.
A lottur from Frank Soxton,
county flub leader, In chnrgo of the
Klamath county delegation of boy
and girl rlub workers at Corvullls,
shcrwH tho standing of Klamath
county youngsters among delega
tions from all counties of tho statu.
It says: i
Klamath boys and girls got first
Pisco In tho program contest, which
was hold at tho Y. M. C, A. last
Wednesday ovenlng ,and In tho
stook Judging con lost, In which 80
boys and girls took part.
Ellxabolh Dlmmltt of Klamath
and Ruth Qulmby of Linn tied for
first place J the stock judging con
test, making a score, tbo highest
made, of S25.
Alexander Choyno and Kenneth
Colwell, both of Klamath, tied for
second placo, with a scoro of 610.
Our boys and girls aro making a
crodlblo snowing . I
Wo expect to loare for home Sat
urday morning, Juno 25. Tho child
ren aro all welt.
Judgo Kuykondall today In circuit
court Is hearing tho caso of Mrs.
Kmma Frodenburg-Martln against
John S, and Dewey D. Horn, bankers
at Donanta. Mrs. Martin Is suing,
thorn, a Individuals, instead of as
executors of tho citato of their fath
er, tho lato William Horn.
Mr. Martin alleges that certain
personal property such as cows,
horses, wagons, harness and farm ma
chinery, was transferred to her by a
bill of sale from the 4te William
Horn prior to bis death In .remunera
tion for personal services. '
Tho defendants claim that'whlla
Mm. Martin won attending their
fathor that a conditional bill of Halo
was mado, hold by a disinterested
party, named KJIIott, providing that
should William Horn dlo from an op
eration in a hospital In Portland, tho
bill of salo was to bo legal but If
Mr. Horn returned nllvo from Tort-
land, tho holder of the bill of salo,
Klllutt was to return It to their fath
er. Elliott gavo William Horn tho
bill of salo as agreed upon.
The contention of the plaintiff I
that after tho return of Mr. Horn
to his homo, ho gavo tho bill of salo
to her whllo the defendants say that
Mrs. Martin camo Into possession ofjsan the first systematic study of
tho document Imnronerlv and without th0 Probloms connected with petro-
knowlodgo of their father, who u
still sick In bed.
Mrs. Martin nllcgos that tho Horn
brothers havo removed certain stock
and farming equlpmont without legal
right from her custody and nho Is
suing thorn for Its return or equiva
lent cash vatuo.
Tho evidence Is botng hoard by u
Jury composed or F. Hilt Hunter, Ed
Hair, William Wight, J. G. Wight.
O: V. Nelson, William M. Darks, L.
M. Struter, Gloronco A. Hill, John
W. Taylor. II. A. Thledo, M. P.
Oalarneau and T. F. Doggs.
Longest Day Passes
Like Any Other
Yostorday, according to tho aBtrol-
ogor'B log, tho Bun nt 1U oarl-
lost porlod and set at tho latest hour
of Its carcor whllo tho earth rovolv-
es on Its dally travel, making tho
hours of sunshlno tho goartcst of any
porlod of tho 365 days.
Up to estorday, tho days gradual
ly bocamo longer. Laut night rlso
halcod and bogan a downward trend
towards Decombor 21, whon tlio
hour of sunshine aro tho loast.
Will Adjust Peppers-
Cotton Fire Losses
H. R. Smith, San Francisco in-
suranco adjuster, will arrive tomor
row or next day to arrange for pay
mont of insurance on the Poppors
Cotton lumber that was destroyed
In Sunday night's fire, according to
J. H. Drlscoll, representing the com
panies that carried the Insurance.
Five million feet of lumber, tram
way and equipment were burned,
ajtptal Jos?, .It la estimated, of about
".40,000. The insurance is about
(NOTE In a series of articles, of which this Is the first, W. C.
Lehman, manager of tho Crater Oil and Gas company and Northern
California Oil company, a trained geologist, will tell, In languago
tho layman can understand, his reasons for belief that oil underlies
Klamath county. Tho series will be an Interesting and Instructive
history of petroloum and tho petfoMeura Industry, which all "who
dcslro to bo well Informed ahould read.) '
In this and following articles the
writer will attempt to convey to the
roadcrs of Tho Herald soma of the
fundamental facta connected with
tho discovery of oil, Its production
In commercial quantities ,tbe drill
log of test wells and tbo appUeatlsn
of the proven principles of fMr1
leura Ooology to tho local fWltW
of tho Klamath Dasln. '?"
Omission will be made at ail
technical torras not absolutely
nocessary to convey the meaning In
tended. Those articles will be but
Informal talks on theso subject,
with no attemnt mad to da more
than offer a somewhat dlconneetafMeUmornm. geologically speak
commontatlon on them.
In attempting any discussion of
oil, as found undor natural condi
tions In tho earth, It would seem
proper to devoto some attention,
first of all, to Its origin.
Tho ultlmato sourco of many of
tho forces of Nature as yet defy
concreto statement by the scientist.
Bo also do somo of the products of
Nature. We may not, as yet, at
least, state positively fronv Whence
oil comes.
In 18G9 the first producing oil
well was drilled on Oil creek la
Pennsylvania. The product waa
called ,at first, coal oil. It waa
thought to bo one of. the by-products
of coal. The first oil fields
In Pennsylvania were developed be
low coal-bearing strata. As. how
ever, new oil fields were found with
no coal fields In their neighborhood
tho Idea of a connection between
coal and oil seems to have died
simply for lack of facts to sus
tain It.
About tbo middle eighties a
small, but brilliant, group of geol
ogists, among whom might be men
ttoncd Orton, I. C. Whlto and Ash-
burner, bogan, Independent of each
other, Investigations that later
Proved of great scrvlco to tho now
Industry. Several of tho dlseov
"'c made by them wero of preat
Importance, und will be commented
upon later,
The experiments of these men be-
tcum. The first theory advanced
as to Its origin .that carried with
It nny scientific authority, may bb
called tho Animal Organic Theory.
This was that oil resulted from tho
decomposition of tho bodies of im
menso masses of marlno animals
Bitch as fish, oystors and many vari
eties of marlno animal organisms
that flourished in prehistoric oras
particularly suited to profuso ma
rlno animal life. Eyon yet a fow
authorities maintain tho soundness
of its conclusions, i
Considering this theory for a mo
ment .tho objoctlon may bo mado
that tho yoarly production of petro
leum Is so vast as to mako such
an explanation somewhat prepos
terous. Still It has boon demon
strated that tho yearly fisheries
catch of tho North Sea, It rendorod
for oil alone, would furnish an
amount as great as tho yearly pro
duction of tho Baku fields of Rus
sia, tho largest in Europe Thoro
aro, howovor, other objections less
oaslly onswored. For oxamplo, wero
this the true origin, what haB bo
como of tho percentage of nitrogen
to bo oxpectod, from such a decom
position ct animal remains? It is
not in petroloum.
During tho post twenty years sci
entific investigation of the natural
phenomena of oil problems has gono
forward with giant strides. A doz
en great universities havo estab
lished departments of Petroloum
Qeology. The United States Geolog
ical .Survey and Bureau of Mines
are continually carrying on exten
sive experiments. Private research
work by individual geologists each
year establishes many new facts re
lating to petroleum. A proportion
of 'this work has been 'to demon
strate the origin, of oil.
' Its net result has been the formu
lation of what may be called' the j
Vegetable Organic Theory, which
has the support of a majority of
petroleum authorities throughout
the world.
iThls theory, briefly stated. Is that
oil has been formed from the de
composition of masse of vegetation,
mostly marine, bnt partly of land
origin. That these masses were de
posited In the mud of ancient
oceans, lakes and bays. As a re
sult 'of floods, earth movement and
deposition of sediment from the
proslon of nearby mountains, an
trerborden was formed, The weight
p the overburden changed the com
position of the vegetable mass to a
form from which oil became dis
tilled by the beat of metamorphttm.
kg, Is tho change occasioned In
any terrestial substance by the heat
at earth movement.
) In California, and the Pacific
Siast generally, acceptance of this
eory by oil men and petroleum
geologists is practically, universal
Oil on the Pacific "Coast Is lntl-
matoly associated with what Is
called dlatomaceous shalo. Diatoms,
which form dlatomaceous shale, are
minute vegetable organisms which
formed a species of kelp or aea
weed. This kelp grew In profusion
In both fresh and salt water in cer
tain areas of the Pacific coast
Without exception. In California, oil
has never been found when dlato
maceous shale was absent from the
immediate neighborhood. In a
:ter article there will be described
the movement, of qll from Its point
of origin and Its migration to the
nearest' pofas sandstone. It may be
mentioned! In this connection, that
ono of the largest. If not the larg
est, deposit of dlatomaceous shale
in the United States is located In
tho Klamath Dasln. This will be
touched upon later.
Even though the Vegetablo Or
ganic Theory finds general accep
tance there arc still some that doubt
its validity. There Is seldom a meet
ing of the American Institute of
Mining Engineers but what, in the
Petroleum Division, the old contro
versy arises In some form or other.
The writer once listened for two
hours to a most able presentation
of what Is known as the Solfaric
Theory by the eminent Canadian
onglneer, Eugent Coste. This theo
ry is that oil was formed by vol
canic action, and comes from un
known depths. Included in the evi
dence produced to sustain his con
tention mob tho record of tho Tarn
Pico, whero it Is well known that
oil Is only found alongside volcanic
dykes. In concluding he seemed to
utterly demolish tho accepted Veg
etablo Organic theory by claiming
to have discovered traces of oil in
tho Laurcntian rocks of Archeozoic
ago. Tbo weak point of this argu
ment was that ho could not prove
tho oil traces ho had found to be
native to their place of discovery,
Many chemists hold tho theory
that petroleum Is of Inorganic or
igin, and arises from the action of
hot water on sail and gypsum
plus great pressure aua an lntenso
degreo of heat. It has been possible
to manufacture what resembles
crudo-oll In chemical laboratories by
artificial means, but It would seom
that Naturo has scarcely at her com
mand tho facilities that the chemist
finds necessary 19 reproduce the
crudo oil of tho laboratory. -Reviewing
the whole matter It
would seem to bo safe to tentatively
grant tbo truth of the Vegetable
Organic Theory. All the tendency
of late experiments has seemed to
endorse Its correctness rather than
disprove it.
In all the controversy as to the
source of oil the writer has noted
one peculiarity. The discussion on
.1.1. ...VI... . .!- !.. 1.
tuiB Buujevi are uiuaujr uuuimuu iu
the academic type of geologist. The
field petroleum geologist grants the
Vegetable Organic Theory and
passes on to his work. A more In
tensely Interesting subject, to him,
is the question of oil accumulation.
ThleVwlll.'bo the subject of tomer-
row's article..
British Rulers Open
Ulster Parliament;
Brilliant Ceremony
UELFAST, Juno 22. King
George and Quoon Mary of Groat
Ilrltaln presided at tho state open
Ing of the parllamont of Ulster to
Tho ceremony, held in tho city
hall, was a brilliant spectacle, and
the distinguished assemblage whoj
participated regarded the event as
marking an Important happening In
Irish history-
. The Sinn Fein and Nationalist
members of parliament did not take
part. 1
The king and queen departed for
London late this afternoon.
W. D. Miller, local contractors, to
day started work on the founda
tion for two new storage tanks' for
the Standard Oil company. , When
complotcd tho tanks will 'double vthe
present storage capacity of the local
station. - ,
mm N's :
Josephine McClaln . 8500
Mildred Dlehn 8420
Dlanche Conway 4440
Esther Obtains , 176O
Oladys Rlchte: .. 430
Ruth Lln&iay 280
Florence Bradley 4 4 240
"Miss- Mabel sparks 170
M. Robin. .... . no
Gene Hanger ,.- ., 90
Rlatha Odea -........... SO
Ruth Dixon . so
Katheryn Bastremente ..... .SO
Henrietta Banders . : 80
May Pospislt l.J. 20
Myrtle Jones 20
Ruby Eyer , . 20
Madge Patterson ............ ........ 20
Camlle Patterson ..-.. . 20
Bess Kllgore .-...... .....N 10
Gladys Loftus 10
Clara Calkins . ........ 10
Anna Schofield .. ................... 10
Etfle McBruen ......................... 10
E. Scanlon .... .'...,...... .... 10
Rurulu Patterson -- ... .... 10
Lilly Jones .... ............... 10
Legion Considering
Court's Offer for
Building Site
1 ,
At a called meeting of the Amer
ican Legl6n Post 8 In the city- hall
last night, J. H. Carnahan, R. N.
Fouch, Louis K. Porter and John
Enders were elected delegates, while
Marlon Nine, Dr. H. L. D. Stewart,
Arlle Worrel and Frank McKlm-
momi were selectod as alternates, to
the third annual state meeting of
the American Legion at Eugene on
July 2 and 3, Inclusive.
The post, as a whole, took no
action on tho county court's offer
regarding a site for their post
building, near the Hot Springs
court house, and postponed action
on It until further information
could be obtained.
Roy N. Fouch, post adjutant,
stated teday: "Tho object of tho
post In postponing the acceptance
of tho county court's offer of 0 site
tor the Legion club house was tak
en for tbo -purpose of consulting!
with all the Legion members rela
tive to what action to take."
1 'Tho rumor circulated this morn
Ing to the effect that the post had
declined tho Hot Springs alto was
without foundation, as no action
was taken nt this meeting relative
to Its acceptance." .
NEW YORK. June 22. Railroad
executives reached a general under
standing here today concerning a
readjustment of freight rates on
lines west of Colorado, and certain
eastern territory. The rates agreed
upern. wero not made public, but It
1 uadciaeaed they represented redUe-
i '
coming m
For the,psst six weeks the HeraloV
reporter has been trying to get Ma
authoritative statement from "a asm
servatlve financier that woaM
tend to stiffen the general flamv.
clal stamina, something that oemht
be printed under the title of "Bias
ness Is Better," with the weight,
authority behind it.
Bat the bankers are a'.harsK
shelled crowd, and the mwi ttW
newspaper man could get waa seas-,
thing like this: "Well, It's net,
worse, anyway, and it may be pish
ing np a bit. Bnt I woalda't eat
to' be' quoted as saying that hmnmstt.
Is mare tham heMwg Ha own.' '
Yesterday there waa m chin.-
however. Thf scribe met Charts
IUI1, president' the flrat Nattssmt,
bank, on the street. He ptanhia.
financial cards about aa cloea ta has)
belt backle as any of them. That's
why the refer to him from om e4
of the stste ta the other aa the
successful banker."
"How's things?" asked the serlba,
"Any change?"
"Business U better,- netleeahtr:
better." said the banker, which waa
not exactly the reply the reporter.
waa looking for.
"Bow do yea prove it?" ha aekad
"By the way in which ear aspee
its have matatalaed a healthy lerelr
for the past atx weeks. They are?'
hewing a alight growth, alee; mV
la large aaasmsrta, bat eteadUy.
through InrrssMSd butt of
deposits they're mewatlag.
may lack the speetsealer
1 j -- mmmmwWJ
but it betokens -thy 'sresssrgW
more money In the community; Ihast
it Is a heslthy sign. 1 ,N
"Everybody has a little meaer
now, and they are using It to par'
their debts.- That's Item No., 2 la
my chain of proof, and a big indi
cation that we're getting back oar
financial health. Sluggish business
conditions are boginnlng to respond
to the circulation of currency, aa .
sluggish body responds to the cir
culation of a freshened blood
stream, v
"There's no doubt about It," eaa
eluded Mr. Hall. "We are going
have a chance In the next few
months, as a community ,to ssake
a little money. We will not max
as much as we did last year, hut
with Individual economy we ran all
lay by enough to get us through;
the winter soason and omorge Into '
the period of prosperity that Is due
next year, when normal conditions
will have boon restore), solvent;
perhaps with a little surplus.
.."Thrift, now that wa have the
opportunity to save. Is the keynote
of financial salvation, locally and
nationally," he added. "We cannot
afford to waste, or spend "money for
luxuries. But I am certain the
worst of the depression Is past, and
we're well on the way to a renewal
of past prosperity, and the new
prosperity will be based on a sound
er foundation."
Two Shots Fired at
Malin Banker as
Result of Quarrel
Two shots wore flrod at Louis
Boldlschar, Malln bank cashier, dor- .
Ing an altercation yesterday after-
noon, according to a report reaching
this city. Tho man who tired the
shots Is said to bo A. W Finch, a '
carpenter. Report saya the men '
quarreled In the bank and Finch4
pulled a gun, endeavoring to strike
Boldlschar. The latter ran from the
building. Finch pursued, firing twice.
but neither shot took effect and '
Boldlschar turned a corner and es
caped. '
Finch got In his car and left tows
after the shooting.
8horlff Low said this afternoon ha
received; a letter from Boldlschar '
asking the arrest of Finch, on the
ground that Finch had fired tww
ehota at him. No warrant had ami
pUoed ia'hls hands for service nt, :
told the sheriff, but Bofdlseaar
visited the district attorney'
and a warrant might be hwued.