The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 21, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Office Cat
Beach Beauty. Wins Sparkler
TCNMAY, JVNK ftl, 1M1.
llllfffiHWE ' -
lit JU.MUH
Weigh 'Ihn Yourself
In announcing a aalo
of book, Ilia pub
lisher ot tho Leach
vllle (Ark.) Civaaot
Mpi! "They aro
worth tholr weight In
In gold. Bend for
thorn at thn prlco nmt
wo will send them to you by return
Bill Delioll say that laty folks
t moro than SO per cent of tho
kard work to do.
Watch I'll flrow
"Would-be poet thin In your chance.
Tm your pen In. hand and Uh off
Wme. Mall It to tho "(MM Cat"
caw thU paper. Please r'e. how
wr, to repay ll postage, alnco the
hmm ha refused to make Another
Xlaerty Loan until py day, wo will
- compelled to refuse all "Postage
Maa" cootriba. . .
ll'a gonna be a ureal rontett. Tho
Jetiowlng well-known local eele
:rtlea have offered to contributo to
r Great Pome Contest. Count 'eml'
Frank 11, Robinson, Nelson Rouns
wslle, Krneat Magee, Andy Soule.
rrsbVI ' '' .'.,fll2iiiMHnvSa?WHHn
f?Jyr . v Kiv-.jBBHiKiljfjfjfjfjfaFnBcBBSH
rsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVI ikjl Jrwi iRnP-HB
IsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKrT '-vi Ari " Mm HFBiH
i 1' tiRnjRsBBBsaHSsBBBBBBw.
I-ii2 sbbbbbbbSPJ! v ' v ) '
jtygaigiWf..T..v..:ja:.-- -- -,..,-,-t...Ajl.ii
i worth while competlnjr In tho annual Loach tautv rnm t
ton. Tax. Dtamoad ring ware Um uriana. Was Kaxlicrlu D
abort, tot on of that.
Household Hint
Locating an incandescent bulb In
Va dark, may bo simplified consider
My by attachlnic a sprlr of sarlle
to tho awltch.
"Aceordlnit to our wlfo," aay
Vtmmp Starr In the Versailles (Ind.)
Mbllcan. "there would be fewer
- lheo modern Lady Oodlrai If
VlMr were fowvr Teeplnic , Toma.
AWut on more like that and we'll
M her run thl col."
U' Jwt like That
Ki May enough to write Jingle
IB th wlntr they'ro nearly flf
Hut the Rink we admire
Cam Jamie hi lyro
To It'a 0 or more In tho ahado.
Iul Portr aaka If you don't oft
a wonder U a precodou child li aa
wwad of Its parent of a p.e.T
lf," aay a telephone Rny. "you
Xb and count ten before bawling
t the operator for not KlTlnr you
7r number promptly It will m
rTt both your temper and the er--.
We tried It yeaterday, and
ted orer SOCO while waltlnc. nnd
fnrxot the number we wanted
TU1 the authority tell u what to
Mo neitt
llcrnlil WwJilnRion llunuu
WASinNOTON, Juno 21. Senator
Shortrldco of California ha put
through the acnate a bill, which, If
It becomes a law, nnd It tins cood
prospect of passing the house, Mil
relieve thousands of miner In Cali
fornia, Oregon and Washington who
doreloped tungsten, magnrslto und
other minerals needed during the
war. Many of tho miner who do
vcloped these metals at tho urgent
request of tho government lost a
good deal of money and somo ot them
tiled petitions In bankruptcy.
Aftor tho armlstlco there was no
demand for tho metals needed for tho
prosecution ot tho war and exnenslvo
machinery and equipment wero ut
terly ot no value.
Following the war, congress ap
propriated JS.000.000 to reimburse
the patriotic men for their losses, A
commission was appointed to pass on
these claims and a total of 3,66t,
000 ot claim wero turned down by
thl commission because, under a
narrow and technical ruling, the
claims did not comply with tho regu
lation laid down by tho commission.
In brief the commission refused all
claims unless the claimant had been
personally urged by an officer or bur
eau ot thn government to personal
ly produce the metal on which the
claims were made. Many of the pat
riotic miner got their Information
petals, but under tho rule the com
mission barred all such cases. In
somo Instances, minora delegated uno
ot tholr number to Investigate and
ho reported tho needs ot tho govern
ment and tho group ot miners who
sent him went to work producing tho
kinds of ore wanted. Tho man sent
to got the Information got his claim
allowed under this ruling, but all the
others wero disbarred. Thl Is but
ono of a number ot similar cases
and Senator Shortrldge'a bill cure
tho difficulty by compelling the pay'
ment of legitimate claims, no matter
how thoy received tho notice to pro
duce tho war materials and minerals,
There still remains In the original
tnnd ot 18,000,000, $1,900,000 un
expended, and all the disallowed
claims now on file can be paid and
a largo balance will then remain to
be turned back to the treasury.
Chairman Slnnott ot the house
committee en public lands introduced
the same bill in the house and ex
pects early passage. Several hun
them alF
I've tried
but ive W.C a Camel
I'm through experimenting. No more switching.
Ho more trying this and that It's Camels for. mc
every time.
They're so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild!
Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert
blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos.
There's nothing like it.
No other cigarette you can buy gives you the real
sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the
Camel blond. Camel is the quality cigarette.
Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your
information, first hand. You'll tic to Camels, too.
Will Arraign Mrs.
Agee Tomorrow
I'OKTLANO, June 21. The ar
raignment of Mrs. Louise Axce. in-
dred claimant in California. Oregon, dieted for thj murder of her hus-
Idaho. Utah and Arlsona will benefit band with a raxor. wa postponed
by this measure.
The Utah law making It Illegal
to sell or give away cigarettes went
Into effect last week. Its greatest
advantage Is claimed to be tbat it
will protect citizens from the fellow
who Is "Just out of smokes."
from yentorday until today on the
request of tha woman'4 attorney
Mr. Agee still refused to talk.
from th nu. which wi urced la f " "or)" racaag oi uia
., , . ... ,. , . . .. ... --, .. .-p
Many After Port
Collector's Place
Hrnald Washington Hurrwn
tary Melon ot the treasury depart
ment has called on tho Oregon sens-
Unless you ask for "Diamond M0" t nbmit nomination for col-
Dyes" you may get a poor dye thatl lector of Internal revenues at once
streaks, spot, fades and give thatl " among member of the
Oregon delegations that no nomlna-
Ttn KwioifAl Kontrihber
lVar Office Cat: W often on-j
tier If Ron. Orant referred to the
teleplhMie service when he said, "I'm
suing to fight it out along this line
U It take alt summer. ' Do jou
tiow? Virginia Dare. '
get up tho production of war ntvded
Out Earty
Salt your food with humor, pepper
tt with .wit, and sprinkle over It the
iam of gwd fellowship. Never poW
ass it with the care ot lite.
1st Matt rlvt Itrns Arvmnd Tinww
The March wind aay blow or"
txtey may not. Just as they like. We '
ot care. We seen enough. New J
York American.
Aa tmwiXinle Kvwr
trrwn Seattle lwtlnteUlcrnrr)
The tanreel wave ha swept many
i aaaa off hi tet.
Heaeata a moy mound,
la the cold and taggy ground,
-Is aWpiag poor Old Tolllvvr
II wet Ma thinly throttle
across, a HV.elrKxKln bottle
But he found It wasn't what It seem
ed to b.
AtwrJltg to the Kansas City
tar, ttennl resident ot Clay Cen
ter Nehraata got their toaiNt nn
urced recently while watcitng the
alreoplaae disappear.
Wiat ha beoaau ot the country
Wy whd relt it wu the last traw
wiaea h waa ataed ia gather po
tato bgs?
rasaaJB.JTI SfstafST SslflslB I
i Rssaw5dis
1 ' g-"-
mond Dye contain slmnlo dlree- loi will be offered at onco a It
, tlons for home dyeing or tinting any ' n Intention to allow the present
. new, rich, fadeless color Into gar- occupant oi me ouire. nmou a .mii
I nents or draperies of any material iw,''w,wim,
to mistakes' No failures A classified Ad wilt sell It
ler, to serve out his term which ex-1 somo who profess to know that Hena
plro In September of this year. tor McNary and Htanfleld will prob
Oosslp among Oregonlans In Wash- nbly recommend Clyde Huntley for
Ington mention Clydo O. Huntley of I thl position. It Is reported tlul
Oregon City! (Icorgo V. I'lpur of' Huntley has the Indorsement of llo
l'orlland; John IL l'care ot Ii publican national Commlltoomnai
Qrando and others as candidates fori Italph K. Williams and tho Ilopulsll
this appointment. It Is asserted by' ran statu orgunliatlon.
Tie -sxk tow ST rtc J. wSwn
r.Vt HariiPT ttrsJSed aVxt
IN t.-TVAnU axnuc ta Waiitr.c-
v. He ' frturnbig tnuu a Uli:
w Civ eu" C5ik ct tae lctr
tUU Wcwativ Csai3i'.s3aa.
must bo mado for the wearer Individually. Let me make your new 4
vpnn suit juiu rnjoj wrariiy, really aistinnive rjouiina; utiiorru
to fit ynn perfectly and to retain It cxtra-smartncss during Ions;
constant wear.
Merchant Tailor
Slit Mala BC
Boy your Mock-wood now while the rrie I cheap It won't
be aay cheaper bat block will be scarcer.
nice yoor order for gTn-lb the poor eaaa' wood.
10 cords for $35.00.
A year" rsppty. can yon beat Itr
O. Peyton & Co.
m Main St.
Ptoae Hi
J4KniktMiin tht hurt tf
Jaf T (VfAfa'
the heart
of tin Cascades
ONthemotorro.idfromSe.tUe QP
to Tacoma and the Eat, the J mWWy
motorist passes through many
points of unusual scenic interest.
Lake Keechelus is ono of these.
It is over six miles in length,
having the appearance of a great
nver, and is situated at an eleva
tion of 3,000 feet in the very heart
of the Cascade range.
Motorist will find this region
roost enchanting country dot
ted with beautiful lakes and
mountains and huge fir, spruce
and cedar trees measuring in
some Instances six to eight feet
in diameter.
And all along the route the
motorist can get Red Crown Gas
oline the all-refinery motor fuel
that insures quick starting, rapid
acceleration and more power.
Look for the Red Crown sign,