r r i T T 1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i j i f Ul THURSDAY, JUNH 16, IM1 THE EVENING HERALD, I'AQH BIX nr rain PUT E. J. : ON COMMISSION Townsend Highway .Bill vPaues, Eugene Man Seem Certain To Receive Appoint ment. i Herald Salem llurmu SALEM, Ore.. Juno 16 (Special) BhoulJ tho Townsend highway bill, Jiow ponding in congress and creating a federal highway commission, be enacted Into law, It Is understood In .Oregon that E. J. Adams, ot Eugcno, will stand a chanco for appointment a ono ot tho members ot tho com mission, i Tho federal highway commission, proposed in tho Townsend bill, would be a body ot tiro members, with sal aries of 910,000 a year each. la Senator's Secretary Adams Is in Washington, where he la private secretary to Senator nob art N. 8tknfield. Howerer, he Is devoting- much time to boosting tho Townsend bill which, withal, Is not a bad 4)111. Adams Is deluging news paper offices, and probably commer cial organtxatloss, with lltoraturo on road legislation, and, it seems, has made some arguments boforo com mittees, which ho Is sending out to tho press ot tho country. Adams' lino of action which may load him on tho now commission, If It is created, Is well worked out Adam and Senator Townsend ot Mi chigan, author ot tho bill, nro perso nal friends and aro said to havo been members together at ono tlmo of tho Michigan legislature. It tho Town end bill passes, appointment of the Bow commission will bo In tho hands of tho president. Townsend, as au Jthor of tho bill, ot conrso will havo elght In making recommendations to tho president, and Adams, It. is be lieved, will bo ono of his selections. ndpnl Draft Bill Xr. Adams Is credited with having a leading part In the drafting of the Townsend bill. The measure has the approval ot the Oregon hlghwaycom nUsIon and it is understood Adams' appointment would be looked noon with favor by the commission. Fur ther, 'he ) credited with having drawn together several ot tbo fac tions that woro divided on the bill, so that Its support has been much bol stered, and opinion in Oregon is that the bill will pass. ' Tt. A. Booth, chairman of tho Ore gon commission, has forwarded a tel egram to the Oregon delegation In congress urging the members to work for tho bill. In addition to creating a federal highway commission, It would appropriate $100,000,000 a year for general highway development and $10,000,000 a year for forest roads. Hoover ApOn.it Bill Herbert Hoover, secretary of com merce, who Is strongly In favor of a new federal department of public works, and other Influential men iwho favor such a department, nro still op posod to tho Townsend bill. Tbo de partment ot public works, should It bo created, would embrace In Its Jur isdiction highway development and .all other extensive developments of a public nnturo. T WEATHER RECORD -o Hereafter The Herald will publish Pie mean and maximum tempora res and precipitation record as tak en by the U. S. Reclamation service i talton. Publication will cover the aSrevlous to the paper's issue, up Towo'clock of the day. ' x Pre- Max; Mln. clpltatlon June 1 .., 78 41 Juno 2 78 48 Juno 3 . 70 CI Juno 4 74 40 .29 Jane C .......... 83 49 Juno 6 ..... . 8G C4 June 7 . ....... 77 50 Juno 8 .. .. 77 41 Jnne 9 74 44 June 10 ..t 84 47 Juno 11 85 46 June 12 88 44 Juno 13 84 30 Jane 14 72 30 Jane 1C 61 39 Uneasy is the tooth that wears a misfit crown. BAY "DIAMOND DYES" TAKE NO OTHER DYE Unless you ask for "Diamond Dree" you may get a poor dye that streaks, spots, fades and gives that dyed look. Every packag of Dia mond Dye contain simple direc tions for borne dyeing or tinting any maw, rich, fadeless color into gar- Mats or draperies of any material. t mistakes! No failure! Outbursts of Everett True By Condon 500& MAW, VOU pe?4TjR.o- "foo're bot m I iwee Nu DOIvn TKAT BftAY Of octnt WJ IT YOU .4&&-i TRlK fir, r-yLS, jackas . uar SsJW FIRE DESTROYS rASTlMKTEElT DAVIS, Juno 16. Fire this wock swept over SOOacres of land belong ing to T. S. Olldo, destroying pasture feed. NOTICE OK S.II.K OF IKIUC.ATIOX DISTUICT I10.VDS VfYTIPR IS HRvtKnV lirVEM Thiil scaled proposals will bo received ' until tho 24th day of Juno A. D. 1921 at tho hour ot - o'clock In tho after-1 noon for tho purchase ot Fifteen Thousand Dollars' worth of bonds ot tho Enterprise Irrigation District ot Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds are to draw interest at the rato of 6 per cent per annum, payablo semi annually upon the 1st day of July and tbo 1st day ot January ot each year until the maturity of said bonds. Said proposals Will be received by the Board of Director of aaldIrrlga-;DoIdschnr cIerk of ,,,,, dUtrlct t0 Jjfltl n?.fJE. f,l.h,1 n p,.J n of and to be retalnod If sue rlaratlon District, care of Fred. I). ....i .i..i.. .n. . . . Fletcher. Loomls "Building. Klamath - ' "xh, Bn.'rd f TJ.ree.nr. reserve the .i.W i i.. ... p .ii Vm. louiuinoa irom u, u. wrigni, arcni r ght to reject any or all bids offer- tecti Klamath raUs or Uoldl. eU. U. J. IIII.TAICU. I.rhfipi nf Mnlln nn.4 .Inrvsi.f, f TV... fenoreEnUrprUelIlPr (,1-? W,H b r,qU,rCd fr tlon District. M19-J20 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received Wright, architect, Klamath Falls, Or up to Juno 2P. 1921, by Union HlRhJcgon, up to 12 M Juno 25, 1921. School District No. 1, Klamath coun-l Tho board rcservoa tho right to ac ty, far tho construction of a hlKh'cnpt any ono bid or reject any or all school building, and for tho plumb-'bids. Ins and heating ot samo. Bids must I Dated at Malln, Oregon, this 14th bo accompanied by a certified check (day of Juno. 1921, A. I). to tho am unt of S per cent of tho, (Signed) LOUIS BOLDISCUATl, bid or tho same shall ho rejected, to 14-20 Clerk. t&&0mmo&&&mo&3 To look one's best and feet one's best Is to enjoy an Inside Lath .each morning to flush from the system the previous aays wssie, sour lermeniations ana poi sonous toxins before It Is absorbed into the blood. Just as coal, when it burns, leaves oenina a certain amount ot in combustible material In the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken each day leave in the alimentary organs a certain amount of Indigestible material, which if not eliminated, form toxins and poisons which are then sucktd Into the blood through the very duct which are intended to suck in only nourishment to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom in your checks, to see your skin Set clearer and clearer, you are told to rink every morning upon arising, a glass of hot water with a tesspoonful of limestone phosphate in It, which is a harmles means of washing the wast material and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, thus eleaas lag, swsstanlm aad purtfylaa tae satire Hot Water Each Morning I 1 Puts Roses in Your Cheeks 1 $ VVA-ssmmmmmmmmmmmmmffk "VMS M fe &? i VV'V WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsafla J S H mBSSSSSIFV' 1 XvjKb 'ijC iBSSSSSSSSSSxKBBSSSSSSSBBnt'BSSlBB S HAVC ONO ReTeCMlrQ good NATVRe.p !1 xd vm.ottc YOOR3 OUT 55" SOUUl3 MA Klamath Fall Plumb ing & Heating Co. 117.1 MAIN ST. I'HONK JVI3-W Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine hrt rttnitn sAali1n In a 1 ! tract as specified. J " Wc"l. ? . 7. Proposals may bo left either with I.onls Boldlschar, Malln Stato flank, Malln, Oregon, up to 7 o'clock I. M.. .Juno s&tn. 19Z1. or with o. H. alimentary tract, before putting more food into tho stomach. Girls and women with sallow skins, liver epots, pimples or pallid complex ion, aVso those who tako up villi a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, others who are bothered with licadaches, bilious spells, acid stomach or const ina tlon should begin this phosphatcd hot water drinking and are assured of very pronounced results In one or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs very little at the drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water cleanses, purifies and freshens the skin on the outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the Inside organs. We must always consider that Internal sanitation Is vast ly more Important than outside cleanli ness, because the akin pores do not ab sorb Impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do. women woo aesire to sansaee ms beauty of their complexion should lust try this for a week aad notice result. UKB ( 1 WfCN . Ti..i WILL 'Take out CVIlars or nil In Ijota CON MURPHY nt7 Mortimer Ht. Phone M1W r FACTORY SHOPil Mattresses Mftiio and Re- ' paired, upholstering Crating, ; packing. . , J. K. IIHATrON, prop. " , 703 8. 0tlt Bt. Phoao 107. ' BAW MILL RNaiNKERINQ CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer and builders ot mod era saw mills, planing mtlls aaf boa plants. Dredging. Pilo driving. Phone 46o-W , Office Corner Spring and Oak Near S. 1. Depot Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OCR CLEANINO, PRESSING AND RKFAIIUNQ WILL MAKK IODB CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATH IlKBLOCKKD Goods Called for aad Delivered 481 Main Street Klamatk ValU Klamath Falls Cyclery We aro hero to serve yon, and aim to servo you right. Motorcycles and Bicycles, Part and Acessorles, Tires and Tubes, that will stand your Inspection, a' we carry the best. In our line, itepair snop in connection with Harley-Dsvldson Service. Phoae ara 1010 Mala St. Klamath Falls C. E. BISMAHK NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Dud. In Our Suds" PHONE 1S4 Corneir Main and Conger PELICAN DAY DUB rare J 5c each way Leave Rex Cafe Leave Pelleaa City 7:46 a.m. :00 a.m. 11:46 p.m. l:p. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:10 p. m. Reckard Reat Berrtea Phone 77 36-tr 'The Best Insurance for Every Need' CALKINB-DOXKLSON INSURANCE AOENCT First Stato Bank Building Phono 6B0-W. Wo can servo you Iniurancowlso. CLARA B. CALKINS, MOLLIR S. DONBLSON. Excavating Teaming Let us make you a price on dig ging that basement, or other ox cavattng you contemplate. We also do team work of every description. Phone 426-J DULL TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phoae, 407 Night Phoae, 8 VWWWWVWWWVMWMMMMMAMAMMMrAl DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. r. Balldtaa PHONB 61 FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phone 484W. X-Ray Laborator Loom! Bldg., ttlaaia'J. rolls L. D. Gass, M. D. EVE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FURNISHED Warren Hunt Hospital Phono 407 Res. White Pelican nn- Phone S 832 Main Street Phono 91-W Upp's Auto Service DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE! Exporloncod Driver New Cars Klumath Falls, Ore. J. C. CLKGIIORN ' CIVIL ENOINBER AND SURVEYOR Phone 192J 133 8. Riverside Household Furniture GOODS OF ALL KINDS OUR PRICES RIGHT We Buy, Sell and Exchange, Cor. Sixth and Klamatk At, DICK'S A CO. dwi Klamath Lodf N. 117 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night, ot each weok at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streets H. II. Oglo N. O. Chas. Nowman V. 0. O. 11. Manguo Bccy. W. D. Color Tro is. ENCAMI'MBNT J. II. Houston 0. P. II. V. Drown H. W. L. J. MeClur -.. ..........Bcrlbe B. J. Mayer . .Treasurer EX-HFUtvTcMKNr ATTENTION! Klamath Post No. 8, Amorlcan Legion moots at the City Hull on tho first and third Tuesdays ot each month. Ex-sorvlco men nro Invltod to at tond tho mootlngs. For membership cards or Informa tion ox-sorvlco mon aro requested to boo or wrlto tho following efficers: J, II. Carnnhon, Commnndor. Roy N. Fouch, Post Adjutant. For rollof ot omploymont see or write tho Chairman of Tho Rollof and Employment Committee, Francis Olds, caro Lnkesldo Lumber com pany. DR. J. G. COBLE Tho well-known Optician now located In K. D. Block, 1113 Main, Phono 163-M. GLOVER MAKES Four Watch Keep Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls Concrete for Permanence Take advantage of the low cost of construction and build, now. Porter can do the job. Louib K. Porter 1140 Main St. Phone 540-YV J Roaddust, carbon, fine metal particles and other Impurities accumulate in your crankcase oil from engine operation. The gritty oil circulates through your engine, impairing its performance, and ultimately leads to rapid depreciation and repairs. Automobile manufacturers recognize this dnn ger, and In their Instruction Books, carefully ad vise regular draining and flushing of the crankcase. These important instructions aro often dinre garded; cleaning the crankcase Is a job generally disliked. To meet this need, Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service has been established by first-class garages and other dealers, co-operating with the Stand ard Oil Company. These garages and dealers use Calol Flushing Oil, the scientific agent that cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and other impurities, and does not impair the lubricating efficiency of fresh oil used. The cleaned crankcase is refilled with the prop er grade of Zerolene, li 4 A.. 'v STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CJ.fu.Bi.) cfookJoT ths nrsts or ialtt JUpUylnt tk stn thtwn hfra It mtui glmt Rfi, A strtks fnmffljr strca at s ooalntl cart. nn hpftfiv ahpvatinvt - of find longer erine life' Offlce Phone 177W Re 177 Dr.' H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Snrgeoa Whit Building Klamath rail Oregon nnnn-trjinnnr-rrr"""" ' ' DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGBO I. O. O. 9. RaUdlag t Psoas SM Residence Whits Belleaa Hot! Rssldsnes Phons I. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 1. O. O. F. Temple DR. G. A. MASSEY roartk aad Piae See In Warren Hoot Hospital OH. Phone 47 Res., Phone MM r DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisacanrar PHONS) 804 Dr. P. M. Noel FBONM 4 Ovat UaderwoodTs Beveata as E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phoae 17W 1 17H Rooma 1 aad White Ilulldiag CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT OFFICE OVER Plionn 030-J. UNDER WOOD'S Seventh A Horald classified ads pay yoa. I on icts about your crankcase' MODERN CRAflKCASE CLEANING SERVICE MRJM Guanustfwoa ZtROUHK Z