The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 16, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Ttc Evening Herald
-Clt Kdltor
rabllshsd Jally except Sunday, by
VIM Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath rails, at 119 Eighth Street
' '
atered at the. postof flee at Kla
aath FalU, Ore., (or transmission
through the malls as second-class
The Associated Pro a is exclusively
entitled to the uso tor republication
C all nows dispatches credited to It,
not othorwlso credited In this
paper, and also the local nows pub
Hahsr herein.
TMUItSlUY, JUXK 10, 102 1
Thrco men on tho city council,
two of whom poso as trlonds of la
bor, aro members of a labor union
and -woro elected with the endorse
ment and through tho efforts of the
ventral labor council, nn endorse
Meat that doubtless enlisted tho
aapport of laboring men at tho polls
dealt a body blow to tabor ut
Monday night's council mooting
when they repudiated the High
Street 'pairing contract.
Other cities and counties of tho
state, and of tho nation, realizing
kt all business prosperity depends
oa employment, aro extending
akalr Improvement programs and
seeking to furnish work for all.
Pandering to what they concolv
Wl to be tho more powertut Interest,
atovod by potty political Influence
tfee Klamath Falls councllmcn -ToUmer,
McCollum and Bogardus
voted against the Interests of tho
worker and b'avo placed Klamath
Tall, where It Is essential to the
interest of all, that tho wheels of
ladnstry revolvo, now of all tlmos,
mad that all worklngmen should be
profitably employed, In an utterly
false position. '
Prtrato Industry hare Is operating
without profit, often ht a loss, tn
rder that tho business fabric be
fceld together until normal times
return again, In au overwhelming
wavo of prosperity that will more
tfcmn make up for temporary loss
The vote of Vollmcr, McCollum
and Bogardus to 'rescind tholr ob
ligation was a traitorous act to la
fear, and will prove a disastrous unit
Immlllatlng thing to all of us when
It's final consequences of Impaired
credit and expensive litigation are
summed up.
How unfit theso men have prov
" themselves -In the few short
Months they have held offtco! They
aave blocked the purposes of tho
sso-t capablo mayor that the city
ha had In years, sneered at his
Ideals and at every turn thwartid
Ms ambitions to build a firm foun
dation for the futuro of the city,
and sought to twist his every bon
Mt action to servo their base politi
cal purposes.
They have hampered because the! J
ouiu no. aiciuiu; uarassea Docau-o,
like the Hun, they bad tho tem
porary porwer. They have shame
lessly subjected tho right of the ma
jority to the might of tho minority,
that little ring of petty polltlcluns
that eggs them on. I
They have, In their last action,
shamed tho wholo people of this
ity by repudiating a solemn obll-'
cation. How long would tho business
community enduro If individuals
held tholr contractual agreements
o lightly? (
And. wo challenge any working
Ban In Klamath county to dlsprovo
tills statement: That McCollum and
Yollmer, In their sbaro of the to
pudlatlon of the contract with Wnr
ren Bros, deprived working men of
employment that they badly need;
bo t rayed those that they call com
rades; and aro, In brief, traitors to
labor and prostitutes to hoped-for
political preforment.
being said, but to most of the visitors
the brief ceremony was only a pan
tomime, with gestures and uplifted
faces Indicating a prayer to the
fJroat Manltou. When they had fin
ished tho brief coromony, th Indians
stalked away as silently as they hnd
Old residents said this was the
only time In moro than twonty years
that tho Indians had so honored tho
momory of a friend, and oven In tho
early days, tho occurronco was Infre
Plumed Frock
Ostrich feather tn great fluffy
I bunch at the hem or tunica are
the utrst conceit or raru. rcan
'White U shown sporting such a
dress made of heavy silk. The hat,
too, trails more feather at the aid.
Temperature Figures
Show Big Variation
Both Up and Down
Comment has been made upon the
marked difference between the
weather this year and that of last
year some people stating that It
seems to bo warmer and colder than
tho corresponding porlod from Juno
12 to Juno IS, 1920. For tho in
formation of tho ones who want ac
curate data during that period, Tho
Herald records show that tho maxi
mum and minimum temperatures
for tho three days aro both h'gher
and lower than last year.
Juno 12. 13 and 14, 1920 show
maximum temperatures at 67, 5
and 66 degrees while tho samo per
iod this year, SS, 84, and 72 de
grees, a warmer porlod all through.
Tho minimum temperature, hcrw-
With Tribal Ceremony
Indians Pay Final
Respects bo Friend
YUMA, Ariz., Juno 16. Clad In
Ifcelr tribal regalia, tbo chiefs and
alders of the Yuma tribe of Indian
erne to the home of Mrs. Ivy Polba
Ma here to do honor to the memory.
f their friend as she w'as about 'to bo
aaried with the white man's ceremo
nies. Mrs. Polbemus had lived InYu
as 65 years and in tbo early days
f the settlement, became well known
"to the Indians.
The visitors (lied post their dead
friend as the lady lay in her home
and then repaired to tho lawn where
gravely and with formal dignity tlioy
Cave tho burial ritual of tholr tribe.
Some few pioneers know what was
Tho latest and final ship
ment of Honor Bolls Is hero and
tboso who ordered copies aro ask
ed to call for them. Many of tbo
books have been paid for and
should be in tho hands of their
owners. '
We also have a number of pho
tographs used in Illustrating tbo
book. Tho pictures wore 'obtain
ed with, Instructions to, forward
them, in many coses', to mall ad
dresses. These instructions have
been followed but a number of
the envelopes have beon' return
ed by tho postal service, markod
"Address Unknown." Evidently
the owners have moved "without
leaving a forwarding address.
We desire to clean up the en
tire matter, and this Is tbo last
notice that will bo given. One
moro effort will be made to dis
tribute the books and pictures.
Whero It Is not posslblo to locato
tbo persons entitled to them, thoy
will bo filed at tho owners' risks.
The Herald will take no (urthor
The Klamath County. Honor
noil is a complete roe(er of Kla
math county's service men and
the .war worker 'who put tho
home campaigns over. It is hand
somely and durably bound, print
ed on the best paper obtainable
and Will be Increasingly valuable
as a war record a the years pass.
Call and' get your copy, it yon
know that you subscribed to Its
publleatiop, or send your address
and 12 cents for postage. Photo
graphs will bo mailed on recolpt
of address and six cents (or post
eter, was from 6 to IS degroos low
er this your., Juno It ,11, and 14,
192, ran CO, 48 and 48 degrees
while tho,presont porlod ran 44,
SO and 36 dogroe.
Theatre Will Have
New Name July 1
The namo of tho Mondalo theatre
will bo changed to Tho Strand on
July 1, announces Ted Whlto, pro
prietor . '
1 Tho eliango says Mr. Whlto was
decided upon bucauso of tho bettor
class of amuBomonts that (ho ttuv
tro Is now giving, and tho 'hljjli
class attractions that ho has sign
ed' up for tho summer. Tho public,
ho feels, coufu-o tho Mondalo of
tho presort with tho Moudalo of
tho past, and fnlU to roalUo tint
there has been a great strength
ening of its productions under his
So, on July 1, ho Intends to r.lein
the slato, ro-name the playhouse,
and pursue the present policy of
giving tho best, obtainable picture
and vaudovlllo at lowest possible
California Auto
Owners Pay Six
Millions, Licenses
SACRAMHNTO, Cnl., Juno 16.
We collected from automobile li
censes by tho motor vehicle depart
incut of California during the first
four months of this year, beginning
February 1, exceed $0,000,000, nc
cqrillng to figures given .out by Chits.
J, Chenu, superintendent of tho de
partment. Keoa Increased $1,101,5,10.09 over
the registrations recorded for tho
cot responding period of 1920, which
was $4,880,713.33. Tills year's total
to ditto Ih $0,042, 1G0.22.
Reduction Sale
And Logical
Reason Therefor
COI.VIM.R. Wash., Juno 16.
Three men, bolloved to be tho rob
born who looted tho Addy Stato
bank of $3900 Saturday, crossed
the Columbia river at Gorome early
this morning, with a posoo about
three hours In tho rear.
Pity slops over when wrt tmot an
easy-going man who U marriod to an
Intellectual woman.
Words sometime fall a man, but
nothing moro than a slight curiosity,
woman nntll she is eady to attend
her own funeral. '
Mud lhat we throw Is what soils
our hands.
"It's an III wind that doesn't blow
somu good," remarked M. I. lllotchoy,
ns he watched tho people throng the
U-i Voguo Btoro when tho stock re
duction nalo begnu this morning
"Tho Amorlcnn people nro wlso us
well mi liberal spenders," hu con
tinued. "The)' can be taken In onco In
awhile by fake miles, but nn u rule,
tho buying public know whether a
Hle Is bona fldo or othorwlso. They,"
mid hu waved his hand at the crowd
lu tho storo, "know an well ns I can
tell thorn In our advertisements, that
this Is n belated season, und nn n'con
soqence, rather than hnznrd carrying
utock over to nnothor sprllig and
summer, tho merchant Is glad to
forego hi profit and oven tnko a
slight loss, rather than Incur, tho
certain heavy loss entailed In carry
ing goods from one season to another.
Tbo loss Is not so much from dnmngo
to goods, as from the changes In
stylo of Indies' apparel, which nro so
rapid and pronounced, that goods
made up for this season would bo
practically unsold a year hence.
That's tho logical reason for a s'tock
reduction sale as well ns tho logical
reason for tho heavy buying you sco
hero today."
Got results by using class ads.
Dublin Custom House on Fire
H IKaaaELkisssssssssssai
IMSSuJi 6-,i ErWr9ISfBBBBBBBBawBeaai
Ew jy m JuKPUssssssssmksm
BBBflK1tf Lr9wtfVBBVvCSflSaE9sflSaftH
aaaaaaaaKKV:T-T!J-B "','"', '4 ki
laPIxal'"lIE2xEK! mm2LeJstsmsffWSlf
HHHWr9-Yr2aKK" :tm -
This picture was taken durlns tht burning of thi custom houst at
Dublin, alter armed Sinn Felntr had set It afir on May 16 Many per
son were killed and property damage ol $1,000,000 resulted Insist shows
British aoldlec removing the dead from tht ruined building
The Home of The Velie Agency
436 So. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Ore.
(Maurice Bryan's Establishment)
Our "Model 34" is equipped with cord
tires all around, one extra tire and inner
tube, motormeter and bumper', price guar
anteed, until October 1, 1921. Used cars
taken in exchange.
"Open Evenings and. Sunday"
A tSUiSk nfthfl PuebloFlobdl
f-P---i- w
A&mM&ZXlfflBr22? SSm
l&Mhp'ffijwZZ--- W'saaaKasBBBBPV
AvHiV;ri saaaaLaLasml
I vs,T " " """s"c,- jLP HPitl
Ui&i' MsfiJtmslsm.'R
An iimnla of the freakish activity of the water that Hooded
Pueblo, Col. The kitchen of this house Is hanging over the embankment
without any support, except tho long beams that reach out from thei
pari of th house left on land. '
Rowing at tfie.
Tnnan back from bis soft llfo In Kurnpn and Amer
ica finds tbo Junglo a series of ndventures that will
thrill you. t f
Tho npo mnn calls tho beasts of Ihn Jungle.
Tho great shipwreck.
Hundreds of wild beasts In their wild haunts,
Tnrzan kills a full grown lion, barn handud.
The most thrilling turn of tho season.
f-njLru-LTL--r--. - ,'
Conrad In Quest of His YoUtn
i 4
rrfsfJWwffmVVVVffFmmmm issisnissisasss ssaaaai
At The Liberty
iiKiu: itANii:ii in
"Two Weeks With Pay"
A romance that began In a mud pud
dle, but a clean wholesome voinanco Just
tho sumo. . '
A vigorous, verllu drniuu of the big out
doors with n tremendous nilnu scoun and
u crnckler of nn iindlng that aro going to
give thrills such as you've hoIcJoiu hud at
u picture
A picture that no one should nib
rt'aiurniK i.ii-uu -jiiiht lAiinHwr.
Nole: I. lout. Lockloar was dashod to
hlu death while making this thrilling pic
ture and his widow rucolvos 10 por cent
of all money received from tho exhibi
tion, of "Tho Hkywaymait" his lust pic
J JXnjarsJYYifci"iiifciJYYvvir,"iJii
Time can
Fresh shipment arrives Friday (tomor
row.) See your local grocer. Order early.
This lot was bought at an especially low
price and probably they will not be any
cheaper this season.
Lawn; and Garden Seed Murphey's Seed Store
124 So. Sixth St,
r r