The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 13, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I Jnnvitv'vn
Herald's Special
I Fight Service
HAIi cocmuN,
una mmny outer feature Writer 1
- - -w wmwi
High Jumper Rolls Over Bar
romYM' ma nc
Hie cm
- -
Jf l Sst
ft C r si S
The Klamath flportumon'a nmocla
tlon, according to Bocrolary Wm. W.
McNoaly, will bo callod for a meeting
cvwn vaAmVaoirm Wf& f afjfe Jisf
Si l-rvx i" i I jaa i rm autj raw fv
nnz3MMONi had tM?N wohtiu 4WgMm- I bcxsj V5 AfcA
agagawm L V i jwvbb5 rouwiT surt
M nt - Trwee ver bworb.
Pw U wiNNiNa nts csovwn
g Jgr
tew 11. .
q Featherweight Cnanpioa
Jack Dempsey has mora good
fight In hla system than Oeorgea
Carpentler. The reason I think ao la
beeass be hasn't boon milling ea
long m the Frenchman.
Carpentler will go In Iho ring at
Jertey Cltr July 2 entering bla 14th
year-In tbe prlto ring, Dempsey has
bee fighting but a Uttle oyer I
year. J
jrourt eon yeara la" tha prlt ring
before getting a crack at tba world'
tltla'Ia a long tlmn.
Rtby Ilob Fltxalramona fought (or
17' year before" bo met Jamea J.
Corbett for tha heavyweight belt
and won it In 1897. fits bald tba
tltte far two;yar, loalng to Jama
J. Jeffrie. Ruhr Dob boxed on for
flra yaaretongr,. making a total of
34 year pnt la tba prise ring.
John L, Sullivan began boxing In
1871. Four yaara lator, In 1881 be
won tha. world title from Paddy
Ryan. HI total ring cnroer corerod
IS yaara'.
Jamea J. Corbett bad boon boxing
7 yeara befora bo dofoatod John L.
for tbn tlllo In 1891. Corbett. held
tba title C yeara, losing to Ilob Fltx
Simmons. IUb en tiro ring careor ex
tended over a period of 18 year.
Jrff Caino FiMt
. Jnmon J, Jotfrloa camo fast. Ho
began boxing aerloucly In 1898, Threo
yrnra later ha was the world'a heavy
weight champion uftor boating Flti
almmiiiia. Jeff was through In 1910
aftor Jack Johnson knockod him out
at Itono,
Jock Johnson began fighting In
1899. it was 1L years beforo Im beat
Jofforlo whon tbo big follow trlod a
comeback. Jobnion la attll boxing
whllo serving time In Leavenworth
prison and will cuay a comback on
hla raleaao, which cornea In July.
Jota Wlllard began boxing In 1911.
Four yeara later In It IS ho took tho
belt away from Jobnaon at llarana.
Jeea la not through yet. He want
a rematch with Dompaey who gave
him' such a torrlflc beating In 1919.
Dompaey did not hovo any (Ighta
of aufflclont caliber to got In tho
record book until 181C. It took blm
four yeara to wade through to the
title bolt.
tho life of a fighter doaa not seam
to bo meoaured by bla age.
WJthln a few day to consider tho ac
tion to bo taken on tho prorlslona of
the fpropoeed federal gamo rofugo
Mil Introduced In conrreaa In bath
Ihouaea; In tho aenato'by Senator New
andlno houio by Congrcaaman An
thony, on May 2 and 0 ronpoctlvoty,
ae this bill la considered by authori
ties, on tho gamo situation In tho
Uflltod Btatoa as a wholo to bo the
vonly solution to tho problem dealing
wiia tna rasi disappearing wiia fowl
and other gamo resource of tbo na
tion. 'While tbo residents of this county
and atato are aware that plenty of
wild fowl and gamo abounds In this
particular eectlon of tbo United
State, still there aro sections In
other portions wbero It Is almost a
rarity to soo a single foul or even the
common rabbit, so well bare they
been bunted or dMtroyed by "pot-1
Aunters" or market hunters and last
but not least, by tbolr natural one-
Tbo meaauro was Introduced In
cogrcM under tbe title of "The Fed
eral Public Shooting Oround and
Bird'.IUfuge BUI," and Its purpose Is
to establish shooting arrounds for tbe
Itlna; Yeara Count public, refugee for tbe game and
Tbe ring years and thodearoe of ptaoaa where breeding cau take placo
rua-a-ednesa which bo ooioi count without molostatton. It establishes
Boxers last longer tban fighters,
They know bow to coneerre their
Fighters, on tbo other hand, span
none of their strength. Thar pat
all they've got Into every punch.
Naturally- tbey burn up tha wlck of
their 'ring careers faator.
DempHoy'e caso la a' Utile peculiar.
Ho la osaontlalty tho fighting type of
rlngman, yut be has had few fights
that laatod over ono or two rounds.
And In none of tbo fights haa bo
taken much punishment.
Carpentlor, on the othor band, Is
a boxer. Ho baa fought many long
fights. He baa been beaten. Ho bos
taken punishment.
Ho has been flgbtlng for 14 years.
Ho baa burnod more of bis fighting
yeara tban Derapaey, although by
hla cleaverneaa ho has consorvod
much of his energy.
protection of tho migratory birds and
tbe requirement of a federal license
to hunt them. Those features accord
ing to tho authors of tbo bill will per
petuato wild fowl shooting for all
time to come.
- JaaaaaigaBBBBBBaisiHl9BBk a
gfcbaaa'?-w'gPgarTrajiK g
yjMpBaraawMMajgaaifr iigaagaaasaaBa bkSkSi
r 'JafsaVsHgaW I
c-f fpgfetoBiaajglgBHggiV 1
' i i "' l fi "' TTEsBariarBsaMlBBBsaasaMB I
I agaasaaitiSy r'&x SjamaaaaMaaaaaaw-avwjBaaalaiaar j
sBBaBBBaHgaHwlgB '"sv 0 "aaBaaiar .'
aBBBBBaESSfiO Ull .S "
Ucwcy V. ATberts. lanky akvlark of th Cnhrn(t nt nsub(.a
hi unique style of grttlng over the bar tho "barrel roO." H'a Ulustratea
above. Ills best "roll" Is six feet fhe and one-eighth Inches, eomlflgrlth
In two and. a half Inches of the world's hlsh lumD record.
Agency Team Win
Athletic Honor,
T.rack and Field
mm m
Had there been a crack artillery
reglmont kit practice back of tho
bathhouse yesterday afternoon, tbelr
bang, bang, bang would bava only
been the repetition of what that
bun'eh of mill artiste wore doing
to the outaboot pitched by Klahn
of tha Copcos, and, when the spec
tatora revived at tho end of tbe
9tti Inning and somobody said,
"Let's go," tho scoro waa found to
be 23 to 8 In favor of the Bwau-
oaa and tha Copcoa cinched tha
bottom rung of tbo league ladder.
pat do not bo alarmod or think
thtt such a acoro made tho game a
poor affair for tho alio of It only
Indicates that tbo Ewauna team
"found" Third-baseman Klahn who
substituted for Allon. the regular
pitcher. Allon failed' o appear nqd
Klahn took tho mound for thf
Copc6s and despite tho act that the
game was lost, pitched and played
a star game all by1 'himself, striking
out eight men, tmaklii'g' six nwlstq,
ana getting no errors, auiio sup
port from his teammates -would
have mndo a good'gamttr
jChrlety of tho Ewaunns received
good support and pitched" Woll -In
th nine innings,, fanning nlmj bat
tors, walkjng two and aaslalng In
several tight holes. Hilton of the
Ewaunas garnerod a triple, and Wo
two baggers In .four times nt bat.
yVjIlson of tho samo team wai tho
iT uuibinun oi ino uay coin-cling
fire hits In as 'many times at bat.
Brletow was a star ,for the CJopcos,
getting a two baggerT and home
Jin tbe 9th Innlnf tba Oopooa
tarred a rally ana laourtd lira runs
before being retired. Tho Ewaunas
made 23 runs, 24 hits and 11
orrors whllo tha Copcos mado 8
runs, 12 bits and 8 errors.
R. H. a.
Copcos 000 200 10.6 8 12 11
Rwauna 121 7322 27 8
Batteries Copcos, Klahn, Werx;
Ewauna, Christy, Oerges. Umpires i
McDonald, Montgomery.
Club Standing.
Ewauna ..........
W. L. Pet.
8 0 1000
.. 2 1
.1 3
.- 8
Ono-thlrd of tbo graduating class
of a large collego for women has do"
elded to eldosiep matrimony for bus
iness, Such decisions aro rocommoud.
ed chiefly by their revocablllty.
Thore was a tired bunch of base
ball warriors belonging to tbe City
League who returned home last
night from Weed whore the bunch
mot their tint watorloo, being de
feated b yWeed to the tuno of IS
t 4 yesterday afternoon. The
"emery ball" of Anthony waa too
elusive for the Klamath Fall ag
gregation to overcome aad Weed
found Cook In the flrat Inning for
6 runs to atart tho game going mar
Aftor that Inning, tba locals nev
An amnure field me'.t
waa staged Frldav nfyirnoon be
tween tho teams .of tin ouiblccd
M Aftftrf.f?lillrM!tltn yrafta tf.tinrifa nnrf
The provision, cover the following 'o KUmnih ,ndIan BChoo,
which resulted in a victory -for tbe
Klamath Agency xchoo! team, score
38H points to 304. '
A baseball gamo between -the
aame teams again gavo tho Kla-
mutti Affnncv litim Annthni- virtnnr.
.- , . .. .,
1 1st fi A at (nlran annaali.
t l.ln I. -,.,! f. v - "' "" w"" " -J.J..OV..-
, , ., ' . .. ' ,. ... . tlon for his Individual work In
for violations o license penull.-uch
a, loaning or alteration, or imlaton track
of llconaes. Appo ntment of a Mlgra- ... , ,t .
. -1 nu n.i.,.. ..-,mi..inn ,n ot lllo Klamath Agency team was
tory Bird Refuge commission, con- . , ,
I.... J .u oL- Aim.. Presented with a crlmsoi Jerser
ture. who shall be chairman, tbo At
peints: A federal llcenso must be so
cored from tbe postmaster of tbe ap
plicant's district Jeforohe can bunt,
licenses to cost 31- All' monies deriv
ed from licenses to bo put Into a
special fund known as "the migrato
ry bird protection fund."
caslon waa livened up with music
furnished by tbe agency band.
Sunday afternoon, the Ft Kla
math town baseball team played
the Agency All-Stars at tha Agency.
As the All-Stars have a number of
open dates on tbelr schedule, they
would llko to bear from aiy(tBa
who have vacaaclea aad daaira to
cross bats nrtlh them. Address F.
E. Cooper, Klamath Arencr.
r sr
tornoy-Gencral, Postmaster Oonoral,
two mombers of tbe Senate and two
from tbe Houso.
The Secretary of Agriculture Is au
thorised to purchase and rent or se
cure by gift, areas aultable for rofu
gee and attend to matters pertaining
to title of landa secured. Every em
ployee of tbe Department ot Agricul
ture becomes an enforcement agent
with power ot arrest, without war
rant, violators ot tho provisions of
the bill. Land areas eot opart for
breeding ot refugee ore Inviolate and
no bunting under any clrcumstancos
will bo allowed, nor the disturbance
ot tbe natural things upon tbo aroa
such aa grass, troes or rocks. Con
gress Is asked to appropriate $50,
000 for tbo purpose connected with
tbe expenses ot the Initial work.
iTeftTT penalties are prescribed for
violations ot this bill, and upon con
viction, violator is subjoct to a fine
of f 500, Imprisonment for not more
than etx month, or both, as court
Mary Wins Her Spurs
ItKTaVslBM 1 $ asaB gHPfgHBH
fimwmmmimmmm aMsawsaasWaawaMalsalsalsalsalsaW
In an attempt to solve the local
economic problem, the Tyrol haa In
troduced "Travelers' Money." An
act haa been passed by the Diet pro
viding that nonresidents ot the prov
ince In effect, shall pay ten times as
much aa the native for everything he
buys. Half tbeprotlt of nil transac
tion will go to tho government. Tbe
special money Is on tho basts of tbo
German mark, the oxebango rate be
ing at the rate o"f ten to'one
sweater, -with a white Insignia "K"
upon It.
About two hundred spectators
wttnossod the contests and the oc-
Weather PrebaWasi:
Tbe barometric proaiure.M
recorded by tbe Gyclo-StormaY-graph,
at Underwood' Phar
macy, baa risen a little since
tbo report oft Saturday. -Continued
pleasant weather I
looked for, possibly warmer,
with brisk breezos.
Forocaat for next 24 heurs:
Generally fair with variable
winds. '
Pretty and a Winner
f 4& SPPl
P""sr 'K'5ataaWBJeH?rr U?i?$i , .Vir 1
Silas Marie Curtis ot Detroit la called the prettiest bathing gtrl in tbe
country, but she has won medals on her swimming. She Is going after
mora prizes ot the California awlmmlnr events.
SSjyA y" ."" oowooy' tor mw. Tea Isalek, ml
--bt -wm vsvexaMaaeBf mtmf i
eewbey ec,Fri3ials. Aria, and presideat nf llii Oaeftua' "-
or could get a start and at tbo
end ot nine Innings were glad to
drop their bata and begin to. plan
vengeance Sunday next, when the
Weed team cornea here for a re
turn match.
From meager reports ot tho game
Weed started tho fireworks In the
first Inning' when the first batter
up mado a two bagger followed by
a. home run from the next batter.
This home run created a sensation
among the Weed fans and a collec
tion ot $23.13 was taken up and
gvleh tbe batter aa a compliment
for tha ftrat "homer" ot the
ion oa the Weed ground,
They're betting 2 to 1 In N'ew York that Dempeey will win the
big fight at Jersey City, "July 2. Naturally Americas back tha
American contender. Bat tho dlspatcliee do not Indicate any lack
of Carpentier money. , .
The Deaneey-Oarpeatler battle for world'a championship la
the btggeet event of year bi tbe sport world. Inside sporting cr
rlea and out every one Is talking of tt and attempt! to pick tbe
.Read Tho HERALD'S sport page for Inside dope oa the fight
er. A corn of tbe best authorities on boxing la America are
dally contributor to tbe page. , .,.
JOHNNY KILBANE, tbo featherweight champion of the world',
who ha held the title for nine yeara: MAX BALTHASAR, DEAN
SNYDER, R. H. WHITNEY and E. SI. THIERRY, faznoaa aa a
sport writer before ho won world wide fasae aa a war corres
pondent, are writing the newa from tho training camp especial
ly for The Herald. '
ALICE ROHE deal with, the game from a feminine viewpoint.
ROY GROVE, cartoonists"; and BOB DORMAN, port photograph
er, who ntways presses' the button at the right sniaate, faraJsa
tree to life and up to the minute drawings aau photo.
Besides this special service. The HERALD has arranged for a
ringside report July a by ASSOCIATED PRESS.
Until July 1 The. HERALD Is making a special rate oa aat''
acrlptlou four dollar ,, year, in advance, by mall within, Kla
math ceunty: five dollars a year by carrier, and five dollar W
mall outaldo Klamath county. c
The HERALD sella oa the street and on newsstands for five
oeata a- copy.
State, .national and local sows, beside the big sport feature aad
a coaiaiete line of local suort newa that von can net nowhera' ex
cept la The, HERALD If you are oae of the few who are' Bet'
reading The HERALD regularly, atart today.
t r .. sr