'-.( SATURDAY, JUNK 11, IttA 9 V THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1'Aom kioht ,.- J Personal Mention o : C. Dcs, a Southern Pacific offi cial li horo from Dunsmulr for ft tow days on business. II. L. swift, n Hlldobrand lum berman, Is horo transacting busi ness. , Mrs. W. It. Huff Is a visitor from t Chlloquln. ' 4 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ticknor aro In from tholr ranch at Langcll val ley today, buying supplies and at tending to other business matters, n. T. Strlplln ts a business visi tor from Lakovlew. J. M. Suhr Is In from his ranch at Illy for a few days on business. Mrs. Owen S. Wenvor of Mackoy, Idaho la horo visiting with her sis ters Mm. Charles Loomii and Miss Madge- Dixon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wllllart tlanons motored to Ashland this afternoon to spend a couplo of day visiting friends. John Sbcpard, n prominent ranch er from the Pine Grove district. Is n liualnesa visitor todnv. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Tlohnor are business visitors from Lorclla today. E. E. Mageo wilt leavn In tho morning for Portland to attend the Grand Chapter of Iloyal Arch Ma sons aa ropresentatlvo of Klamith chapter number 35. E. S. Henry will also Iravo for Portland to at tend tho Grand Chapter of tho Eastern Star aa patron of tho Aloha chapter from here. " b.D. Coxard and T. I), Walters will leave In tho morning by auto- mobllo tor Portland to bo sone a week on business. ' Everett Whetstone of Dly. left yesterday tor his homo after spend ing several days hero on Jury ser vice in tho circuit court. George Elliott of Dly. was a busi ness visitor hero yesterday. Mrs. Dertha Frnkes of tho Rlv erslde. school ia spending tho week end at Eaglo Rldgo. Miss Anita Kestcr, of Olcue, and Mrs. A. P. Crossfleld who resides here, left this morning for Willows, California where they were called by tho Illness of their mother. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Price, of San Diego, who have beeu visiting at the Con'ley homo here, loft this morn ing; for Spokane to visit for a short time before returning to Califor nia. I Mrs. R. G. Pickett of Malln, -was a paseanger for Willows, Calif, this morning to spend several weeks visiting with friends. Mlas Alice McCourt left this morn ing fcr a months visit in San Fran clseo and Los Angelea. Miss Mc Court expects to go by boat from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Mrs. D. W. Mason and son, Burgo Junior, were passengers for Port land this morning to visit for a while with Mrs. Mason's father, Major C. E. Worden. II. E Godogast, a the sinto highway department left fir Cali fornia (ills morning. He has been in the e'.nploy of this department for several weeks ,-'"" Jt The M'r 'Chrlslir.o Chapman and Lena La In. wee passengers for San Francisco this morning. Mrs. M. W. Martin, of Ohlco, who has been visiting here with frler.de . for the past 10 days, returned to bor home this morning. Lorel'a Rhotln, who hag been vistllng with Mrs. C. ft. D.irr. re turned to her home at Umy this morning. ' C. W. Kelson was a passenger for Weed this morning af'.u- spending several days hero vlslt'n? with friends. Mrs. Vena Tretfren returnod to her borne at Macdoel thla morn ing after visiting here for the past week at the home of Harry Thrash er. Mrs. Ed. Wblndbam, who has been visiting hero with her cousin, J. E. Whlndham, returned to her home at Heroult, California. Mrs. D. M. Helnze and daughter, Maximo, left for Fresno this morn ing whero they expect to raako their home. Helen Sell, who has been attend ing school hero, returned to her home at Dorrls this morning. I. 0. Walker, W. G. Hyman, M. M. Brown, San Francisco business men, aro nero for a row days on i com bined business and pleasuro trip. Mrs. C. S. Mooro who has been visiting friends and relatives in ' Portland and Cottage Qrove, return ed last night. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Richardson, ot Sly, who have been hero olnce Tuesday on matters of business, returned to their home this after noon. I Miss Marjorle Dclrell leaves to morrow morning for Eugene to at tend the graduation exercises at the 1 University of Oregon, Mrs. James Ezell will leave in the morning for Lcs Angeles where she Is called by the Illness of her I sister. TAKE IT FROM ME P O . . . v, m -rr . T-c rw- T-. 1 xtVt-c-rJsS5 DOCTOR BONE TM .O "r FT, , . WTV- A 5IAGMOSTICIAN VOO WlM. Sy-ylr-. csnT " -S? WfifvWV POO ih X MAVVtR. ggl Vbo NWt M0W& JFjCv o o p M A0 sWsWsWsWsWsVKj fVsLA. grr'jygS A Tkm sssssssPbis l s 6VTTKUH Urn fTTl A -JslWfl lb ahcj m. 'iv Lr I nni ViB kww r Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Houston wi' , jJg Held icuvo lomorrow morning or auiomo bile for Eugene to attend tho gradu ation exercises. Their son, John, Is ono ot tho graduating class. He will accompany thorn hero on tholr re turn as will also their daughter, Vera, who will spend her vacation here. TUIIK TOW.V HIIKIil.Vni , m- rwt tm lUtiniAiiiltiuritf., juuu xi, t OT norse net is (jrwk distro)-ers aro roported to havn I bombarded Karamursal on tho sou- Ilybeo nutler. Thurmond and Fred thern shore of tho gulf of lamld and Jackson were- arrested and brought , then- havo be?n several Mklrnilslufi to tho county Jail last night by Port I nong tho Turkish front In Asia Ml- oumnivrs, inumn paiiceiuan, cuarRcu ' nor. with stealing thrvo horses and sad dies at Chlloquln Suudar night Tim tuths arn said to havo coifxJWil their guilt to Port Summer who I Film and Lecture on MoOSeheatt Wednesday .brought them horo for nppoaranco anJ warmer, before U. S. Commissioner Ilcrt C. Next Wednesday afternoon and. Thomas today. evening at tho Moose hall between All throo waived preliminary hear- Fourth and Fifth street on Klo-' Ing and Commissioner Thomas bound math avenue, a seven reel moving' them ovor to tho grand Jury, fixing WI-VTHKIt HKPOItT OIIEGON Tonight, fair In west. poialbly Hhowers In cant, Sunday fair picture showing scenes ot Moose heart, the home for dependent children and widows ot Moose mem bers will beushown freo of charge to, the citizens of this oity. The picture, will show the var ious departments ot Moosoheart, Illinois from the time that a de pendent Infant Is taken there The schooling and the mechanical train ing given to prepare tho dependent for a business career, and tho farm and mechanical features will, bo shown nnd explained by District Lecturer Joy of Portland who will arrive on the evening train. Tho Mcose members aro very an xious to have this free plcturo soon by Klamath Falls people and ex tend an Invitation for everyone to see the afternoon or evening run of the picture. bonds at f GOO oacb. Weather Probabilities The Cyclo Stormagraph at Underwood's Pharmacy, .shows that after tho fall pressure mentioned in the report yes terday there was a slight rise, since when it has boon fairly constant. The indications all favor a fine day tomorrow. Forecast for next 24 heurs: Continued fair and warm. Piano tuning, W. IL Morgan. 7-13 FItEflHET IS 8TATIOSARV PORTLAND, June 11. Practical- ly a stationary stage of' the 'Wll-l llamctto, as -fixed by Sunday's Flight! rise is forecast today. The Columbia Is slightly higher today. The Snake Is falling. GOOD USED CARS 1 in, Mitchell. 117, Ford, 1 90, Allen. 117, HP. 1 Chevrolet. KASV TKRMH Hoe rtratcher Kwasaut Motors Co. 4th St. ?bosw M-W f SOME STORAGE BATTERY FACTS: ' You might as well say that you can buy an auto mobile for $200 as to say that you can buy a battery for 1 30. Ono signifies JubI as much as tbo other. Voltage counts for nothing wbon It comes to the capacity of a battery. The ampro hour capacity Is what counts. The larger the bat tery tbo greater the ampre hour capacity and necessarily' tbo greater the cost. ..We could build you a six volt bat tery for $2 that you could wear for a watch charm, It wouldn't run yonr car' but It would be six volts Just tho name. Investigate LUTHY It will pay. : OWL CAFE F1IUJT CLASS IN KVKIIY IUMPKUT 427 MAIN ST. Do Costnr. Prop. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER 7So ' 80UP 1 Cream of Chicken SALAD Sliced Tomatoos Ripe Olives Dill PicUs ' FISH Raked Hallbut-Lagrato Sauce ENTREES ' Chicken Frlcasaoe 'Parsley Dumplings ' Ox Tongue Pecan Sauco ' ' ROASTS , Choice of Young Cblckon, Sage Dressing Log ot Lamb and Jolly. VEQETADLE8 Spinach Mashed Potatoos DESSERT ' Rice Custard Tea Coffoo r t String Uoans I. Milk TRY OUR SUNDAY DINNER 75c Don Belding Quits The Western Union Don Holding, malinger ot the Western Union office bnro for thu past two years, has resigned and taken a position as business malin ger ot tho Ktninath Record. Ho on terod upon tho now work today. C. 0. llunnoll, district mnnngor of thn Western Union, is tempor arily In chnrgo of tho ntflco. A permanent manager In expectod lo urrlvo In n week or uu. stntuteN mndo and provldod for such offenses to tho Judge ovor the phono and as a result tho duo will havo a hearing boforo ComiiiiIhmIoii or Thomas. Wlilln tho court was goltlng remi nd on tho law, onu of tho prlh'jn- Urs broko Jail but was recaptured after an exciting chaso, LAW IIY IX)(1 DIHTANCK IN (illLOgifIN IIKAIUNO When A. C. (IcInKor, J. V at Chlloquln, nuiclit two Inebriated Indians, yesterday, ho lucukd tliem In two idock cars mid, having t'O book of Inw hnmly, telephoned Sheriff Low The sheriff nuul tho ROCKY POINT STAGE LEAVES DAILY Ileglnnlng Sunday. May Ith, CTH ft MAIN ST. Mnko Reservations at Kngln Poolroom. Phono 370 or C4S-M. GEO. A. HELL llano tuning, W. II. Morxn". 7-in Announcement Wo wish lo announce that wi have a roHldent agent horo whe will tin glad to call on you and ahnw you samples and explain tho mak ing of fluff rugs wotcn from your old ruga. Mosan Art Rug Co. OK MEDKOIU) Offlro 11C !t 9th Ht Klnmnth Falls I'biinii t.jy-tl WE (1I.EAN 11UOK SUNDAY BOAT EXCURSION To Eaglo ltldgn unit Rocky Point Huh leaves Western Transfer offlro at 8: IE, boat leaves landing at X:.10. Re turning boat leaves Eaglo llldgo at 4:30. I ROUND TRIP FARE $2 Rowing at the oiic; PHOTOl iTSUrfr TO-DJIY WAB MURRAY AND DAVID POWELL JN "IDOLS OF CLAY" A flaming romanco of throe worlds. A picture great er than "On With the Dance." The great scenes of tho South Sea Isles, tho underworld and of high society will thrill you. SUNDAY AMD MONDAY "PASSION" ....Tho mighty epic of tho screen. Two years i to pro duce. Cast ot C000 people. Headod by Tola Negri tbo famous contlnetal star. Nino reels that seem but five. TIIK UllKATKHT PRODUCTION IN ft YKAKM I'lllCKS MATINKK lfc, llflc KVENINOH llftc, Wlc I WMVWWWVWVVWWMVWWVWMWMMMVMMNAMMMAMAMMMMMAMrAMMMMrMrV S At The Liberty 4 REED AUTO SUPPLY CO. 11th St, Neai Phone 900-JT BLOCK WOOD and GREEN SLAB Buy your block-wood now while the prlco Is cheap It won't bo any cheaper but blocks will bo scarcer. ' Placo your orders for green-slab tho poor man's wood. 10 cords for $35.00. A year's supply, can you beat UT O. Peyton & Co.j 41 Main St. , .- :.. WOOD TO BURN1 Phone 63S TODAY MARY MILW) MINTKIt IN "The Little Clown" Yon will loro Pat, tho gay little child of tho circus. You will laugh at bor an tics and hold your breath at hor daring escapades, A plcturo for overybody from olght to eighty. SUNDAY ONLY Prifcilla Dean The most dynamic persosiallty la Moving Picture. "Reputation" I lor Itttcwt and itrcAtcwt plcturo, CONTINUOUS 8IIOWK IlEOINNlNa AT 1180. if S w 1 . MkVWVMMMaVWVMVVWVWVAMMM)MMMVVMVMMAMAMMMMAAMAMAAWVWV MONDALE THEATRE TONIGHT SUNDAY AND MONDAY Tbo big sensational undersea and submarlno pleturo "GIRL OF THE SEA" Boo tho submarines, tbo diver ships at tho bottom ot the soa, the fight botween ,a , dlvor and tho deadly octopus and lots of other thrills also l'r ' Episode 10 of "The Purple Rider." AND . A Mack Sennett Comedy CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY STARTS AT 1 P, M. Coming Tuesday William S. Hart and Vaudeville. Herald classified afc par yo.