The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 11, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    HATURDAY, JUNK 11, 1M1
l The Office Cat
Ilotwwn Jump
Almighty Dollar, thy shining face,
llospoaks thy wondrous power.
In onr pockets mako thy resting; place
Wo nocd tho ovory hour.
Naturo Is Indeed wonderful. Listen
to what a Chicago lawyer says In a
"That said Mary Ann Wolcott died
an Infant 2 or 3 roars old, unmarried,
Intestate, and that she left no hus
band, child or children."
Paddy Durko says by paying your
doctor when you rocorer you show
him you have no HI feelings.
A customer of this Colyum Informs
s Tla tho telephone that I. D. Wor
thy is a cook In tho Qorornment In
dlan school nt QrecnTllle, Cal.
"Did yi
"No. XT
Homrthlnic Mko Ixt' Wife
you hear that Dill was
.'hut MA tin rfln of?"
'Tah, ho had lumbago. They rubbed
his back -with alcohol and ho broke
his nock trying to lick It off."
An Old -Fiwhlonctl MImua
Mary said a little damn.
In sub-dob-style, you know
Bat her mother washed her mouth
with soap
In tho stylo of long ago.
fectlons thoro Is a dopth of panoram
ic porspoctWo hlthorto unknown to
tho sllvorshoot and Instanced by tho
passion of huge mobs rising In their
might to overthrow tho mighty, and
of which thoro havo been plenty of
demonstrations lately In tho form of
strikes and rebellions. Ono of tho big
Bconeo In this photodramatlo eVectti
clo Is the storming of a mammoth
barricaded prison by a mob of 6,000
Impassioned cltlxcns, nil of which
becomes doubly lmpresslvo and renl
Isttc through tho etcrcscoplc charac
ter of tho now photoplay which dis
places tho flat photography thnt so
often makes tho Illusion difficult. lly
this systom nro plcturtzed not only
shadows, and reflections, but bodies
and scenes which seem endowed with
their truo dimensions, It Is snld. This
jtovclty within lUolt should mark a
distinct hoTolty vrhlch will arouso
wldo Interest since tho progress of
tho cinema development Is bolng so
closly watched by Interested millions
of derotee.
Tho cast In "Passion" Is headed by
Pola Negri, tho famous Continental
star and her portrayal of tho leading
charactor Is said to sot a now high
mark in motion plcturo artistry.
est when tho lrl dives to tho rescue
of hor sweetheart, and holps htm van
quish th big fish.
A steamship rocontly dashed Into
Falmouth, Knglnnd, afire, after a
raco of 100 mltos to savo tho lives of
88 passengers and her crow, Tho
flro was discovered whllo tho pass
onsen were asleep nnd tho cnptaln,
keeping thpm In Iguoranco of their
danger, propnred tho boats for launch
Ing and made tor Falmouth under
full steam.
Dick Doverley was a young arlsto
crat, Pat Just a slmplo child of tho
circus. Thoy mot unconventionally
In a tree. In fact, whore Tat was seek
ing her runaway monkey and they
loved without realising tho differ
ence of tholr stations. Dick's parents
realized It, you mnr bo sure. Their
offorts to eat ran go Dick from his lit
tlo 'circus sweetheart wero almost
successful, but Pat, though lacking n
family treo and a finishing school ed
ucation, was finally received as young
Mrs. Beverley. See Mary Miles Mtn
ter In "TbfeLlttlo Clown" at the Lib
erty Theatre tonight.
A Ijettcr FYom Dorrfs
Dear Office Cat:
I'm glad to seo you writing for tho
paper again, My little granddaughter
who is gettln' over the measles en
joy all tho funny pictures every day,
aid she makes mo read your column
while she helps around In the cook
room. She thinks .you draw, alt- the
(sanies and wanta tf know, where you
took lessons. Our parson likes your
poetry, but he has traveled and can
flgger out what you mean. Well, here
osaea my old man, and I will have to
close this time. If you don't get this
let me know. Yonr truly,
BUI Baldwin says Jbis country will
It absolutely dry as soon as a new
generation of non-consumers can be
Prlscllla Dean evidently had use
for all hor reservo fund of enorgy
and "pep" In tho making of "Reputa
tion," her latest and "biggest Universal-Jewel
production In which sho
appears at tho Liberty Theatro to
morrow Sunday,
NOT1UK Wilt PltllliUJATlO.N
(Not Cool ImnA)
Lnkovlow, Ore. Juno I, 1021
NOTICK Is hereby glvon that Ah
ner C. Roberts, of Merrill. Oregon,
who, on April 2G, 1917. nindo Homo
stead Kntry, No. 010110, for Lots 3
4. Section 14, Township 41 8, Range
112. WHl Meridian, lias filed notlco
of Intention to make final thrco-yoftr
Proof, to establish claim to the land
nbovo described, boforo C. R. DoIap,
Clerk'of tho County Court, at Klam
ath Falls. Oregon, on tho 9th day of
July. 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Carl Howie. Charles Cox. Mward
Knox, O. A. Thomn, nil of Merrill,
Notlco will bo published for five
consecutive weeks lu tho Klamath
JAMKS F. nuiioKsa.
4-11-18-25-2 Register.
KununotM for Publication
Louhi Roescb, Plaintiff,
T. W. Phenogor nnd J. S. llnlloy.
partners doing business ns Phono
ger & llnllcy. W. T. Kstop and A.
W. Walker Auto Company.
To W. T. Bstcp, defendant herein:
You arc hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint filed
agalmt you and others In tho abovo
entitled suit, on or boforo tho 1st day
of July. 1921, that bolng tho last day
of tho,tlmo prescribed in tho order
for publication of this summons, and
If you fall so to answer or appear, for
want thereof tho plaintiff will apply
to tho court for tho roltot preyed for
In his complaint on fllo herein to-wlt
For Judgment against tho defend
ants In this en uno and each of them
or tho sum of Four Thousand Dollars
i, . .. .. ...,t or tnosum or fourTuousanu uonnrs
Playing the two cxtromcly oppo- M. nft0. . ,n,nrc.t ,h.rpnn from
site roles In "Reputation," dashing ,Sortcmbcr 28, 1920: for tho solo of
In offering his second-hand road
ster for sale, a condld advertiser says
he has an "excellent reason for sell
ing." They usually do.
Oene Hammond opines that It
some of these agitators would agitate
a hoe on the farm the country would
be a lot better off.
season for prunes and
like a hurricano through Its anlraat
ed scones, displaying tho tenso re
pression of a pent-up volcano, and
again bursting forth like a mghty
explosion of a charge of dynamite,
Miss Dean displays more energy to
the square Inch In this forcoful dra
ma than has been presented on a
screen In years. '
Prlscllla's wild desert rldo In "Tho
Virgin of Stamboul" seems tame in
comparison with many of her scenes
in "Reputation." Hor desperate bat
tle with the Chinatown gangsters In
"Outside the Law" fades Into Insigni
ficance after one sees her tempestu
ous climaxes In "Reputation." In
this photodrama one see Prlscllla In
the two antithetical roles, one oppos
ed to the other, and by some of the
best doublo exposure photography
ever accomplished, many scenes show
the two characters In tho same
scene, esch expressing a contrasting
"A kick in every foot" may sound
like an attempt at humor, but It seri
ously describes the whirlwind action
In "Reputation." It was directed by
Stuart Pat on, from "False Colors,"
a magatlno story by Bdwlna Levin,
made Into a scenario by Luclan Hub
bordnd Doris Schroeder.
Time for strawberry shortcake.
And. watermellon coon!
Bobble Ryan says viewing them
from tho rear, you can't tell grand
mothers nowdays from 16-year-old
1'OHHlbly Ho Detdrr-M to Mako Another
From Chicago Tribune
TED concerning the address of a Mr,
Westennan who loaned me money
while wo were stationed In the quar
termastor camp at Gleveres, Franco,
June, 1919. C. S. Ailing, Y. M. C. A
Waukegan, 111.
A fellow who walked In his sleep
fell out of a thirteen story window In
New York tho other day. Ho was cur
ed of the habit.
At, the Theaters
The mjoat recent of super-film
plays, "Passion," which opens an en.'
gagement at tho. Star theatre Sunday
is said to mark a now epoch In mo
tion pictures. 'Passion" Is an intlmato
Torsion of tho story of a Uttla French
milliner who rose to a position com
manding a king and affecting tho des
tinies of a nation. It Is presented as
n Associated First National attrac
tion and It comes to this city with an
actual record for establishing new
A storm at sea, the crash of the big
ship on tho shoals, the waters poun
ding It to pieces, and doath In the
deep, with only a single survivor.
This Is one of the big scenes In "Girl
of the Sea," which will be tho feature
attracted at the Mondalo for two
days, commencing Susday.
Iletty Hllbum, tho beautiful six-toen-year-old
screen artist Is the fea
tured player In the production which
was mado by tho Submarlno Film
Corporation, owners of the Subma
rlno Tube, an apparatus which ena
bles them to take photoplays be
neath tho ocean, not without danger,
as sovoral encounters with sharks
and giant devil fish have attested.
Exteriors for "Girl of tho Sea"
were mado on a Bmall Island In tho
West Indies known as "Devil's Reef."
Here the survivor from tho shipwreck
a mero child, Is washed ashore and
for a number of years lives alone In
a cavern or In the waters surrounding
the reef. When a rescuing party fin
ally reaches the island they find hor
a primitive being, who known noth
ing of tho outside world.
Drama enters the story and pro
vides a sorles of thrilling situations
both above and beneath tho waters,
and Miss Hllbur is called upon to per
form some hazardous acquatls stunts.
The story Is unfolded In a beautiful
panorama of. Ufa In tho tropics' and
among tho botanical gardens boncath
the southern waters.
On,o of tho big scenes In the play
is a iibV oetween me uero ana a gl
two certain S-ton Attcrbury Trucks
designated In said complaint and for
tho application of tho funds dorlvod
therefrom to tho payment of costs
and disbursements In this action and
attorneys tees, and tho remainder, If
any, to tho payment of tho sum de
manded In said complaint and for
furthor Judgment against tho defend
ants and each of them. Jointly and
severally, for any deficiency that may
be remaining after applying the pro
ceeds of said salo as aforesaid, and
for execution against tho property of
either or all of said defendants
whether owned Jointly or severally:
and for a further decree of tho court
that the notes described In said com
plaint be reformed to boar dato of
September 28th Instead of October
7th, and for such other and further
relief as may seem to the court equi
table and Just.
This summons M served by publi
cation thereof In Tho Evonlng Her
ald, a dally newspaper, printed, pub
lished and of general circulation In
Klamath County. Oregon, by order of
Honorablo D. V. Kuykendall, Judge
ofabovo entitled conrt, made and en
tered on the 17th day of Mny, 1921,
which said order requires that tho
summons be published at least once a
week for six consecutive weeks be
ginning on the 20th day of May. 1921
Attornoys for Plaintiff.
M 20-27. J 3-10-17-24. Jl.
ideals In screen production. Asido ant octopus who gets the man In Its
1 nnr. ikMleii rtvi.1- ..A.A ...... 'ia
from- lta reputed new technical per- tentacles, this scene grows in.'intor
Margaret Luclllo Freeman, )
Plaintiff.) Equity
vs. )No. 1298
Quy N. Freeman, )8um-
Defendant) mons
To Guy N. Froeman, tho abovo named
You are horoby roqulred to appear
and answer tho complaint fllod
against you In tho abovo entitled
suit on or boforo tho 25th day of
Juno, 1921, that bolng tho last day
of tho time prescribed In tho ordor
for publication of summons heroin,
and If you fall so to appear, plead,
answer, demur or otherwlso movo
within that time, for want thoroof,
plaintiff will apply to tho abovo en
titled Court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint as follews:
For a decree of tho abovo entltlod
Court forever dissolving tho bonds
of matrimony now and horotoforo ex
isting between plaintiff and defend
ant, upon the grounds of wilful do
sortlon by dofondant of plaintiff for
moro than ono year Immediately pre
vious to the commencement of this
suit, against the will of the plaintiff
and without hor consent; becauso do
fondant haa failed, neglected and re
fused and does now rofuso to support
this plaintiff, his wife.
Thts'summons Is servott unon von.
the said dofondant. by tho nubllav.
tlon thereof In tbo Evening Ifaraiii. a
dally newspaper, published In Klam
ath Falls, Klamath County, Stato of
Oregon, and of general circulation In
said County 'and State, onco a weok
ror o successive weeks, tho first nut,.
llcatlon bolng made May 14, 1921,
and the last publication Juno 2G,
1921, by order of tbo Honorablo Rob
ert If. Bunnell, Judgo of tho County
Court of the Stato of Oroirnn tnr h
County of Klamath; mado, enterod
and-filed on the 13th day of May,
' Attorney for Plaintiff.
H.21-28J4-1H8.25 '"
soaled proposals will bo received
until tho 24th day of Juno A. D. 1921
at tho hour of 2 o'clock In tho aftor
noon for tho purchase of Fifteen
Thousand Dollars' worth of bonds of
tho Kntorprlno Irrigation District of
Klamnth County, Oregon. Said bands
are to draw interest at tho rato of 0
per cent per annum, pnynblo semi
annually upon tho 1st dny of July
and tho 1st dny of January of onch
year until tho maturity of snld bonds.
Snld proposnls will bo rocolvod by
tho Hoard of Directors of snld Irriga
tion District, and should bo dlroctod
to the Secretary or tho Kntorprlno Ir-l
rlgatlon District, euro of Fred. D.I
Vlctclier I.oomls Building, Klamath
Fnlls, Oregon,
Wttn ttnnpft nf nlrAnlnvn MAjtuA tit A
miu 1'vtnu im uiiuiituin irouiiu mu ;
right to reject any or all bids offer-1
od. G. J. H1LYARD.
nocroiary oi mo lioam or Di
rectors of Kntorprlso Irriga
tion District. M19-J20
Serves you right
You will never realize the dif
ference in restaurants until you have
tried the
Our Prices are Right
On 6th St. Near Main.
ike Mother
usob make!
.and py f how
ehcour with
9Pf&& hof-evfi
or Cbfppf ana
pore crmom
Tgke Homed Do$tn
Ikqfhnuts 30t
Cooking Electrically
the ideal method
Electrically equipped kitchens hold
no terrors for the housewife. They
are cool, cozy, and comfortable in
the summer. They eliminate the
drudgery, the grime and the nerve
racking tension caused by wood
stoves. The expense is surprising
ly low. Let us tell you about it.
Caliiornia-Oregon Power
. Company
"Let us be your servant
s ''
Present lines of new Buick six-cylinder
models will be cafried thru the 1922
Beginning June 1st the new series and
prices will be as follows, f. o. b. factories,.
.Flint Michigan.
Old I'ricet
Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roudster, $1795
Model 22-45 Five Passenger Touring, - $1795
Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe, - $2585
Model, 22-47 Five Passenger Sedun, - - $2895
Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe, - $2985
Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring, $2065
Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan, - $3295
JVrio Prices
Pioneer Builders of Vnlvc-in-Head Motor Cars
i Brancha in all Principal C.Ukt Dealer Everyiehtn
Local Dealer
Buick Sales and Service
f ) T 1 ' '
Seventh" and Klamath
Phone 176-W