The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 11, 1921, Image 1

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nK. ,. ..r , . .....
i -A . OmMmufki
i&tfv lEutttftti) Uralli
.4 Com Ad Will
Do It
Today's Ni
Member of the Associated Pre
JWtaroUi r No. mil
wucb jnvH outw
California Mail Bandit Makes Daring Get-a-way
Extension of Credit
Unon Svstem of
Warehouse Receipts
Aim of Scheme to Be
Worked Out.
llrrntd Washington lluirnu
nancing of thn former along mod
urn and hdantlflo linen no that tin
may warehouse IiIh product and
borrow on tho warohouso receipt
will bo discussed at a conferonco
hero noxt Monday boforn Hocrotnry
of Agrlculturn Wallace and Hocro
tary of Commoreo Hoover. It -will
bo onn of tho most Important of
ltd kind over held In tlio Interest
of advancing agrlculluro to thn
namo flimnclal bail an manufactur
ing and mining.
Representative of varlouii farm
organization, elovntor and grain
dealers, Imuranco companion nnd
other association Interested hnv
been Invited to attend. '
Tho proposal I to provide a meth
od by which tho farmer may
be gives unlimited ntorage fa
cilities for hli grain and receive
a warehouse certificate In audi
form and under tuch condition!. t,bt
It would pas im an order for de
livery of tho grain.
Aim Am Many
It would thus greatly Increase hi
borrowing power and would relievo
him of the pressure of idling his
grain except at hi own option. It
would enablo him to haul hi grain
at thn time of thn groatcit farm
economy without being compelled
to o11 at that tlmo. It would ox
tend hi credit nrea fnr boyond hi
local bank. It -would plnco him In
tho namo position a to crod't n
I thn grain dealer.
Tho present system of local ele
vator nnd warehoused of small
capacity, relying upon Immediate
dlRpatch to largor capacity termin
al elevator, makes It ImposslMo
for tho local elevator to gho long
ntorago of grain In any .j-Jantlty,
Owing to thin nltuntlon. If tho farm
er wlihr to retain hi grain until
mora .favorable mnrkollng condi
tion ho muil hold It nt tho farm,
tbon ho must borrow monoy from
his local bank whero tho credit I n
porsonal ono and limited by tho
ability nnd consideration of 'ho
local bankor.
In turn tho ability of tho local
'''' bankor to extend credit I greatly
limited by his rolntlon to tho foil
crnl rcnorvo system. '
Plan In Outline
Tito proposal Is thorefore:
A That tho country elevator
should recclvo all grain offorod for
. Htorago and Innua n cortlflcnto a to
quantity, grado nnd quality, showing
on It faco tho rate of clmrgo for
warehousing, ntorago nnd Insur
ance ngalnRt flro nnd othor risks
II Thnt tho country olovntor
hhnuld Imvo thn right to ship grain
to tho natural tormlnnl olovntor nnd
upon presentation of tho ccrtlflcnto
dollvor grnln'of tho on mo or higher
grado at tho tormlnal with propor
reflection ot frolght charges. It tl
grnln had moved Into a terminal
elovator tho charges for frolght and
handling toguthor with accumulated
ntorago and Insurance would bo do
dnctod from tho salo valuo,
C That tho Btorago certificate
uhould bo safeguarded by a, method
of Insuranco by tho liability com
panies. D As there must bo an nbso
luto sottlomont between tho country
elovator and the farmer as to quan
tity, grado and quality, thera must
be somo ready method ot appoal In
caso of disagreement.
Appeal System Needed
This might be arranged by fann
er .and county elevator operator
' (Continued to Page 4)
Admiral Sims Gets
Orders to Return to
Washington at Once
li'uo or aliKoncii of Hear Ail ml ml
HIiiih Iiiih been revoked nnd ho has
been ordred homo from Kiigland by
Secretary Dntiby to report at navy
headquarter hero.
Rpenklng ut a luncheon given by
tho Kngllsh Hpoaklng Union nt Lon
don Tuesday, Admiral Him was re
ported to hnvu mado a bitter nttnek
uion Irish sympathlrcrs In America,
lie wa wild to havo declared:
"Ihey an llko zebra elthor
black horse with white ntrlpes, or
white horse with black stripe, Hut
wo know they are not horses thoy
aru asses, Hnch of thoso orhch, how
urnr tins n vote, nnd there are lots of
them " Ho declared thnt the persons
assailed were American "when thoy
wont mony, but Hlnn Kelner when
on tho platform," nnd added "they
aro making war on America todny,"
according to cabled versions of the
Hdinlnil'it remarks
Ulancho Conway 1050 Vote
mther Calkin 500 Votos
Qlady nicbter 280 Vote
Ruth Lindsay. ..,....... 110 Votes
Marie- Davenport.--...., 100 Votos
Josephine McClaln 100 Vote
Florence Ilradley 10 Votes
Bocrotnry J. II. Carnnhnn of tho
Klamath Wool Orowors' association,
report,, that tho shearing ot tho bonds
bolonglng to tho members I practi
cally finished and that tho grado and
qunllty Is said to bo good.
Itango conditions aro reported to
bo extra good and numorou band
of sheep urn doing brought Into this
statu from across tho lino upon cer
tification by tho fcdoral Inspectors.
Klamath wool growers will bo grat
ified to learn that at Portland on
May 29, two ships loaded to tho
guard with Australian wool arrived
In port Just ono day late to havo
their eiirgoe admitted without duty.
On May 28, President Harding ilgn
ed thn Kordnoy omergency tariff bill
nnd It provisions becamo oporatlvo
at once. Tho two ships from Austra
lia fell undor the now provision and
Kngllsh owners of tho cargo woro com
polled to pay a tariff of 1C cent u
pound on tholr lot. It Is ropcrtod that
thcro was a sick bunch ot Importers
when they learned that tholr cargo
came uifder tho provision of . the
tariff. The duty wa paid after a lot
of cabling to Australia.
The raco for tho 0 odd ess ot Lib'
erty who wilt presldo ovor tho
Fourth of 'July celebration hero U
now beginning to tako hold on thn
pooplo, especially the one who havo
choices, for this all Important placo
In tho mammoth celpbratlon
A count ot tho ballot boxes nt
noon today In tho Hex cafo, Jowol
cafe. Smoke, Star Drug company,
I'astlmo, Will to Pelican hotel, and
Hut Spring bath houto revealed
that three now candidates wore en
tered In tho contest, MUs Florence
llradloy, ot tho Illuo Ilird confec
tionery; Miss Esther Calkin, ston
ographor nt tho chamber ot com
merce rooms nnd Miss Josephine
Aicv-iaiu, ui mo iovroici Aiiomo
bllo company. All of tho entrants
aro well-known In tho business and
social circles ot thi city. I
Tbo aurprlso ot tho day canio
when It was found that Mrs.
Ulancho Conway was bolng crowded
by tho nvw aspirant for tho honor.
MUs Calkins and her suddon Influx
ot vote surprised tho Conway sup
porters. Howovor, tho backers of
Mr. Gladys Hlchtor, Miss Davon
port nud Miss lluth Lindsay who
entered tholr candidates In the first
day ot tho contest aro not dismay
od at tho reading ot tho second bal
lots but aro proparlng to push tho
candidacy ot tholr cholco with, ro
nowod efforts.
It Is said that tho American Log-
lou boya havo a candidate whom
thoy will placo In tho raco within
a fow days, nnd ono or two lodges
hnvo "dark horBo" candldotos. Tho has but bogun so has tho
voting. All that Is nocossary is to
call ati any ot tho placoa whore
votos and ballot boxes aro to bo
found, buy your votes nt ono cent
a vote, wrlto tho candidate's namo
on tho ballot and doposlt It la tho
box. It anyono has a cholco, now Is
tho tlmo to nomlnato her, so poo
plo may havo a chanco to voto tor
hor early In the contest.
Tho ballots will be countod again
Monday noon.
Today it Birthday
Of Capt. Applegate
I Today Is tho birthday of (bat
grand old man ot Klamath, Captain
Oliver Cromwell Applegate, and The
Herald Joins his other friend In
oxtondlng congratulations. Captain
Applegate was born Juno 11, 1845,
In what 1 now Polk county. Oregon
was then a territory and his birth
place was known as the Yamhill
As captain ot state troops In tho
Modoc wnr, Indian agent and sup
erintendent later, Captain Apple
gato did jooman service for his
state In tho early years of Its do-
volopmcnt. Indeed ho ha never
censed to bo an enc-gctlc servant
of tho common good.
Stilt of upright, soldierly nppoar
once, ob keen ot mind as ever. Cap
tain Applegate bears bis moro than
throe score nnd ten years lightly
nnd bids fair to contlnuo In ser
vice for many years to como.
Hauling Oil Rig
To Crater Well Is
Klamath Falls Is oxperlonclng n
"clean up, dross up" period which Is
bolng commented on most favorably
by tho citizens who tako prldo In
boautltylng thl city.
Pine Is ono of tho street upon
which many compliments havo been
pawed. Tho paving I all In, home
aro being constructed and many !nv
provoment aro bolng mado upon the
properties which abut upon It. Among
somo ot the residences are Hnrry
Ooeller's, whom handsome red brick
home add to tho look of tho street;
the cream colored brick homo owned
by R. B. Wartenborg has won many
compliments; tho A. M. Collier resi
dence, with Its quaint French stylo
construction, and the new retaining
wall built In front ot It, and Dr. T.
C. Campbell's new- frame and stone
homo aro pleasing to tho eyo, as are
a number of others.
Improvements In tho way of stone
walls, rotnlnlng walls and other stone
ornamentation a well as lawn deco
rations havo been added to tho res
idences of Ocorgo Humphrey, Fred
Morley, Miss Hosoloy, Dert Thomas,
pd. Vannlce, Mrs. McMillan, Marlon
Hanks and Allen Sloan.
Conger avenue hi another streel
which has ktad tho'pavrst completed
jma ' number of Improvements to
residence, and now retaining wan
also, make It ono of t the nttractlvo
portion ot tho city..,
Much comment has been passed
upon' tho many beautiful lawns and
tho new sidewalks which havo added
to the attractiveness ot Ninth street
and Improvements will contlnuo to
take place upon this street,, which Is
taking rank a the leading residence
street of tho city.
While tho street mentioned In this
article- aro the ones which are the
most obvious, tho city as a wbolo has
been undergoing a marked Improve
ment In tbe residential sections, and
this spring has witnessed a general
planting ot lawns. Installation of
sidewalks and general Improvement
of property.
Preference Rights
For- War Veterans
Will Be Extended
Herald Washington iloreatl
WASHINGTON, Juno 11, Sol-
dlors, sailors and -marines of tho
world war will havo from Febru
ary 14 next a continuation of the
preference, rights for the selection
and RCttlement of land. The orig
inal bill passed February 14, l.Q,
nnd gave tbe soldier, sailors and
marines 0-day preforenco for two
year from that date. This original
bill will expire next February.
Representative Slnnott ot Oregon
Introduced the bill to sake the
preference period 90 day, and
and extend tho time -elgSt yean
from next February, ssigjr tsm
year In all. As chalmaa or the
public lands committee he mod
favorable report on this bill, aad
Pulls Gun on Two Dep
uty Marshals, Talc .
Cash, Guns, Hand
cuffs Them, Flees.
CABTLB ROCK. Wn., July 11. Rjt
flArrfnjU- MftMMil In t,krM 1-1..
CMri-.t,4 In ..III-- II JL....L .1 I - , ..-.-. w wniiu-
'" "'" """ '""for the robbery of a mall train near
It will pass the senate promptly
and undoubtedly will receive the
signature of tho prosedlat.
Radiator Emblems
And Membership
Cards Are Received
The radiator emblem for tbe
. Klamath rountv nutomoblln asaocla.
Underway ''orfay.tlon'have arrived and Secretary
Rocd ,has started to dlitrlbuto them.
Cox brothors of Merrill this morn-'About 60, woro placed this morn
ing began tholr contract for haul- '"K Bald Mr. Reed today.
Ing tho boiler of the Crater Lake Membership cards are also ready
Oil and Gas company to Its d.sil-.for distribution, on, rocelpt by the
nation accompanied by truck of tho t secretary from directors of cash col
oil company which had a load of lected nnd rccolpt stubs showing
small ooulpmcnt on It. tho members entitled to cards. The
Salosraanagor J. R. Kelly stated 'directors aro responsible for got-
thnt ho had wirod for arlltcrs nnd ting tho cards Into tho hands of
tool drcssors yesterday and that Iho menlbers soeurcd by them. '
Lorenz Plumbing shop woro ot! It Is Important that the money
work connecting up 150 feet cf ca8-bo turned ovor to tho secretary nt
Ing for tho well. Tho compimy linn,0"". U goes to flnnnco road
decldod to uso crudo oil for ftiol,BKn Posting, and tho signs cannot
purposes. ordered until an accounting Is
Mr. Kolly stated thnt every effort made.
was bolng mado to cotrplcto tliol
nrrangomnnta for tho cotobrntloni'oii-'iyinr Concrete Oft
nuiiuuy, -uiiu .., wnuil .iiiiuiiihk
In," will tnko placo but definite
announcement of tho dato would bo
glvon lator. A big barbecue Is to
tnko placo at tho woll,
Mrs. M. A. Callaghan, secretary ot
tho, local Red Cross chapter, has m
letter from America R4 Crest
headquarters, saying Im put: y
"President Harding no -UMi;
procLu-fttfe-iAnrt-it ifctjrtrijrt
Mops from citizen for "the Colorado
disaster be turned over to tberdted
Cross." ' ,
Any one who cares to contribute
to thl cause are asked by the local
secretary to mall checks or currency
to tho Klamath County Red Cross
chapter, or leavo donations at the
chamber ot commerce rooms or with
Leslie Rogers at the First Natlosal
Contributions will bo Immediately
sent to Red Cross headquarters to be
wired to the proper Red Cross offi
cial at Pueblo.
Good Roads Assn. to
Merge with K, A. A,
Monday evening, June 13, mem
bers of the Klamath Good Roads As-
socatlon will meet In the, chamber
of commerce rooms for a' special
called meeting Issued todaf ' by
President E. D. Hall, for tbe con
slderatlon of a proposition to merge
their association with that of the
Klamath County Automobile Asso
ciation. '
Military Funeral
For Col. Galbraith
CINCINNATI, Juno 11. An Im
posing military funoral for Col. F.
W, Galbraith, national commander if
the American Legion, who was killed
In-1 an. automobile accident near Indi
anapolis Thursday, will bo hold he'r.
this afternoon.
Friends Will Honor
Servant of. the State
Friends ot Simon Benson, formor
chairman of tho stato highway com
mission and 'an outstanding figure
In tho development of Oregon, aro
giving a dinner In his honor tonight
at tho Columbia Gorge hotel, 66 from Portland. ,
Charles Hall, president ot tho
First National bank and presfdent
of tho state chamber ot commerce,
received an Invitation' K to the dln
nor but was unable' to accept.
Link River Dam
Tho California-Oregon Power com
pany's construction crew started
pouring concroto for tho wost side
abuttmont ot tho Link river dam. Tho
work on tho dam Is proceeding with
out impediment, said John Boylo,
engineer In chargo, today, and so
far Is right up to schedule.
Seventy men are now working,
about 16 ot thorn on the night shift.
PORTLAND, June 11. Police tor
day are Investigating the death of
Harry Agee, who was stabbed la
the neck early this morning. In
dications pointed to 'an attack by a
burglar when Agee surprised htm
ransacking the bedroom dresser. J
Another Election
Will Settle the
Chiloquin Dispute
Settlement of tho Chiloquin elec
tion controversy, In which electors
recently protested that they had not
had opportunity to voto on account
ot tho scant notice given, has been
otfected bi the board of directors ot
tho district sotting asldo the former
election and calling a now oloctlon
tor Monday, Juno 20, between 4
and S o'clock p. m., at tho Modoc
Farm station.
nesldes tho cholco of a slto for
tho now $30,000 school, which was
tho Irsuo in tho former election, one
director and a clork will bo elect
ed. R. C. Spink entered vigorous pro
Joct over tho mothods pursued In
tho prior election and had retained
an attorney to enter a contest, in
which ho Bald he had backing jf
many residents ot tho district, both
those who voted and those who did
not vote, because of lack of notifi
cation, at that time.
Sacramento last month, made his
ond escape early this xnornfn as tka
train pulled Into the station nere.
He took with him $.00 n cask,
which ho stole from the two depnty
marshals who wero in charge of hiss,
after taking their guns away from
them. He left the officers locked la
tbelr own handcuff.
(Jordnor was aided by Frank Py.
ron, who was being taken to Me
Nell's island from California by th
same officers. Pyron escaped.
One account sold that Gardner re
quested permission to go to the tev-
atfry, and on returning caaght the
etlcers off Uetr.fMTd, whipped
a revemr and ordered thsm to throw
ryroa, unraner went tnrongn in eg.
fleers', pockets, taking their mone?
and guns snd handcuffing, fheBVv
Fire posses are out bunting Ooiw.
ner and Pyron and are working fcv
the hilly country cast of .here. Shortf
ly before noon the officers received'
word that two stranger men had
been seen at Ostrander, Washington,
six mles Bouth of Castle Rock.
Deputy Sheriff G. H. Hoggatt thin
afternoon verified the story that
the holdup ot the officers occurred
on tbe train at Kelso, and that tho
convicts jumped from the lavatory
window at Caatle Rock.
Gardner held tho gun while Py
ron put the Oregon boots and hand
cuffs on tbe deputy marshals. Foot
print were found leading soath,
from the point ot escape.
Gaidner escaped from officers at
Portland about a year ago while be
ing taken to McNeil Island, and
was caught recently In Ca'.ltqrnto. ,
Pyron, a convicted counterfeiter,'
had been at large in northern Cali
fornia for the past three years, fol
lowing an escape by leaping from '
a train window at Kennett, Cat.
air servico at Washington, D. C, has
authorized tho use ot airplanes from
tho base at Camp Lewis to aid them
In tho search for Gardner and Pyron.
Don Newbury, son ot Mrs. Wil
bur Jones of this city and well-
knows here, who will complete a
fire years course In law at tbe Uni
versity ot Oregon June 10, will
tako np the practice of law In Med
ford, following his graduation;.
TACOMA, Juno 11. A battle- Is '
momentarily expected botweon Roy
Gardner and Farnk Pyron and tho
posse which Is pursuing them, says a
Caatlo Rock report.
Tho correspondent's version of the
escape was that Gardner and Pyron
asked to got oft tho train and exer
cise when a stop was made at a wa
ter tank.
It Is said that while tho pair woro
off tho train a confederate In waiting
slipped Gardner a gun with which he
covorod the'deputlos.
After taking tho officers' money,
Gardner hundod back flvo dollars,
saying, "You'll need this for break
fast, boys."
NOTE At the time ot tho New
castle mall robbery, Gardner was a
fugitive from prison, having escaped
from McNeil's Island, where he was
sorvlng 25 years for a prior robbery,
and had gone to Australia. He re
turned to California. Officers learn
ed ot his presence and started pur
suit. Ho gave the posse tho slip aad
robbed the mall train. He was cap
tured about a week later la. a pofl
room where he was sitting la a pec
ker gome.
- -,