The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 09, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Herald's Special
fight Service
jjW-WW""l" "'i'i
Ili:tlTf)N HltAIiKY
J nnd many oilier fen turn writers
a r
w ? yv
WQ Y V aBL . a
1 aMI SSSXfj l ," 'I. ' 1A
mJEtJF - t's' "Avv -iroict'' oot
w ..j - Tim p ."IsWl I
' FiJVl Hk jsPF ' a.
"V" V frtoooo'
l A lit CAM '
I TL HT . TiA! CfO
cx&SEEi n r
Brothers Will
Seek Winner
icr J
Jqwnli ....
W. L. Pet.
.3 0 1000
2 l r.e.r,
. 0 3 .000
...0 3 .000
mi 1 Tivju.
A, m-ni -.(UaTioic
Nutf I'lcM i:i-rt
NKW VOHK. Juno 9 -No mutter
olui wlm th Ilmnpsey Carpentler a member of tho llnhtlnr (lib
bona family from Ht. 1'aul li going
to challenge tliti winner. If Carpon
tier win brother Mike will chal
lrnr.1 lilm If lkmpiy win It will
i . t .k. n ....... ,.. ,.. l.l
1 tonr.i. '
Wo want that tltln In our family
ami aro going to do our beat to get
ii.' Mid Mlkn, who la hero. "Nat
tally. I would like to got a chanco
at It. but I'll not fight Dempsey. Ha
l ifitlrrly too big nnd strung for
in.' Hut If Carpentler ahould win I
' fcould Im tickled to diMth to meet
lilm Tummy will look after Dcmp-m-)
If lho latter wlna.
llan-d on what I havo heard of
Better Field Will
Improve League's
Fielding Average
Thero has been somn discussion
among tho fan rHatlvn to compara
tive standing of th trams, thn num
ber of tlmea nt bat. run, hlta and
error madn by tho cluba alnco tho
bcKlnnlnjc of tint tu-awin
Whltn tho Jowel and I'lumbob
tcanm haro each played thre game,
tho Kwnuna and Ccpro tcainn have
only hnd two r.aiwn mi thn comparl
aon la not balanced. However, for
comparison, thn following flcurif
aro aubmlttvd an compiled from the
acorn book'
Team ,.U. It. II. K.
Jewel 101 25 25 H
I'lumbob 107 21 28 H
Copco 62 19 7 1
Kwouna 60 12 12 15 j
Total 339 66 84 60 i
According to these flKure. the
WICHITA. Ka.. Juno 9. Jew
. .. r .k. i-i i..m .lIIIora DIBBCr, joiner aaa lumni
battlnK nverare of the Jewel team a" .. 7 ' .. . ..
. . . -. ..i i i. n ncner every nour on nia kumiius uu
awliolel. 0: I umbob. -261 Cop. bg
co. 306. nnd tho r.waunn. .188 ao far
thla i-awin , k, , tfao driU,De of new
The battlnr average of the Oily! ' kee-ln an . on hu
KeaKuea-awholonptotnepreaems ftbs()rb
.. aha alt iL fUn a nt f ralrnn r
rate, .uu .. ..., ..Su, -.. .-. d.g m,nd at prcaenl
only from city !eaBue same, played
on thn local diamond.
HE VAKW TO MEET fc 'fft- P ' JW
B5bSW'-alllllK2,ie5S' . T
wn- Ji2i2:
When bo talks oil and potatoes hu
llr AioaleJ I'rraal
NKW YOUK. June With a
lllttttnrti In wnlcht n( about SO
P4. wb.n tbey mt In the rlnc - ('t', " h n '' ""
... .. --.- !. than l Pfir.
fr rk. b.nrr. Drmp.ey and ar- wa
pAtlr will othnwlao aptx-ar almoit
Sltl In build and alaturc If both
f lo mil In among a !w col
Klat athlnllra. ftpotbatl pl)rti and
Mftom probably neither woubl
U ticked out aa bolnc unumally
n. i alwaft rarrr victory wllli It
l ll..l.kl.. llb. II,. f,nlu.ll.nillll
( lir.nillUL wit.i .mi. ... w .. .
tan bauti. at New Orlean.. the I.IK trpi-nlter and on what 1 hau aeen
.. ... . .... .. i nrnn..r. him do In the pictured. It It my
ii( rj mi iri""i j-i"i--
tiun i. the lithe, aupple and ,. .belief that Ilcnipaey III win within
tremelr clever Callfornlan but the Mtn ruundi. Ho puncuca too naru.
.mall.r man bor- thn bit champion , altlon to that, ho has a very
.., and anne.ed the title In the!lentllle offen.o. Ho li nearly a
Jlit ruunJ iwaya let to deliver, and while hli
i nroru wa unn urn wm--mi ii
laller but 15 pou
Hullnn who atootl
and r(he,l about 200 pounda.
urbelt and Ibib ltlmmoni werej
Mtorn etrnly matrlieil In tielKIil anu
thn local diamond. gm,ci 0 mon do,Ilir EmlIe
On., of tho fan. who chanced to, Mn tbout pc.
en the abovo flrure before belnK
published, remarked that the errors
were numerous., a total of 50 for the
ten Karnes collectively played, an av
eniKn of 5 errors to the came. He
also added that the Copco team, ac
cordlnr to tho figure Riven, were
surer on fleldlnc thon tho otber
teams, tlfn honors even between tho
When he talks about the Dempsey
Carpcntler fight ho becomes so aer- -
lout ho frowns Just a bit. mo on tho chin In tho first round I
-Why, I honestly bellcvo I could never know anythlne more. I
lick Dompsey and Carpentlcr both fought tho other two rounds after
the tamo ovcnlnB." says Wlllard. :i was knocked out. They said I
"I'm not saying this to boot. "I nearly nauencu uvmVavj .
bellcvo I could do It Just as suro at when I didn't know what I was
I'm sitting here." i doing.
Wlllard was sitting on the odgo, "it Isn't likely Dempsey -would do
Idefcn.., I. not so very good, ho can,,H,mfc utn nono "Pn ,""i,,"" '""I Wlllard was sitting on the odgo, lt Isn't likely Dempsey -woi
and one-h.lf In. T.i" ".Vtwo punche to w,'jweta.nd I'lumbob,. H each. andef , hotc, roem: ,.., ,ucky , a relurn roalch.
nds lUhter!0 .the Emm team nloao In tho 15 , pounds unk d,op,y ,nt0 lho ..,.m M g00(1 i was w
I 6 feet 104 In I . row mattressed springs. beat Jack Johnson at Havana,
Au Kevoir
nlhmn but he was nearly 10 pounds
hratler than l'ltulmtnn hen the
latter anix'aeu mm uui u """ "
title at I'atxin City. March IT. HS:
To jrara later Jamea J Jeffrle
of hUKn build and outwrlichlnK I'llI
In his hand ho held a blue-print
almmom by fully 5o iutids wnm
m picaea oui as lioinj n'""i uimmont uy tuny hiuhu im
tl( or formidable) In general msVo bp mi,, la u round from Hob nt J
P Ih-mpaoy alanda frt. I IB t"oney 'liland and fl" month" later ;
a nri(Di( ;mi rQ incur iii
tta tho 1'rrnrli rliamldon ami
blU rariMnller will weight aUmt
II prunda In fit-tiling condition.
IVminey elperta to enter Ihn rln
lilbtly under 190 juiiind"
Tto cliamplon'a shoulders are
fo4 whlla rnrpontler's arn slop
loj In shapn but otherwise thn bod
ily mramremnnta of thn pair do
Ml differ to any marked extent
Kiprrta who havo aeen both men
f latliflnd that they will be well
Halthesl In spend nnd clnrriies but
! majority belli- d that l)enipev
HI carry by far thn heavier welnbl
Is his blows Dexterity nnd supple
' atn claimed as advantage for
l r'renchman by tils folliiwera but
bow hard n punch bo can deliver
' Mill a problem.
Iempsy showed In hi bout with
WMUril nt Toledo that hi blow
Vni.tntier 1SS9. Jeffries rut a ref
erens decision over Torn flharke) In
a J'.-mund bout In the same ntvnii
Kharkey was several Inches shorter
and about 20 pound llRhier tlue.
thn then champion.
forbett rhalleneed Jeffrl.w twicn
for the title but was knorked out by
the bigger man each time. onri. In
2S rounds and tho next Hum In I"
Jnrk Juhnson. lho negro viho .!
fiwlcl Jeffrlr l It""". s" ln
IS 10, wa nearer to the big man I
aim than any of the other henv
weight who bad met him for the
title In the previous ten wars John
sou was throo years )ouiiRer, our (
inch shorter and only ten pound
lighter ihnn the Ohlonn lohnson (
i. i. I', niiittil i
trorc1!! a fcnnr"ui -
Ka . u " m
ml Ms
T ? -it
18L. U1K. r
ML i K
JBvavaK n
sHHattaa fc.' ' i rl I
LssssssssssssssHrT V Hsss
"-. - 'I
oil dollars.
1'lck DetuiiM-y
"I think Dempsey ought to brot
Carpentler. Dope's all In his favor.
Klnldlne averaso would be better
were the local grounds Improved and
the field all cleaned of high gras
Where rains havo worn hole or cre
ated llttlo break, fill them up c
that when a fielder Is running after
n high fly or has his hoad up watch
ing the oncoming ball, hi foot would
not drag Into tho traps and make him
mis his try. One other suggestion
was made, tho question of a clear
foul lino on both sides of tho field
Such a lino would settle disputes as
to whether tho hit wa fair or not.
2 rr If thews' -a George Is significant.
it.. ......... -- - . ,.,, , . enlnir to I1CU
1 sen how they stack tip. Thero I nl-
ways u chance to ''como back" and
; now that the season I fairly on. no
doubt the gnmo will Improve rap-
hen I
beat Jack Johnson at Havana. Peo
ple think I'm an old man because
ttU HO MiiiU - w.-- - pe Willi K I HI " " wv.-
of bis oil holdings In areenwood;l.ra 39, 0Ut rm not. I didn't start
county -where ho is drilling for more If Rhting unti 1 was past 25.
'A tighter has just aooui so mauj
good fights In his system. I've stilt
cct several In mo yet. Its. tno
young fellows who begin boxing In
Fan Gossip
Mttlo Jacquellno Onrpontlor
farewell walk In l"urU Uforo sail
Inn to America. .
i.. UMIInrd. lho gl'i'l K-O"1""1 i
hat III mown -. ,,!
..e.. enormou, punishing P-wrr - """ ' . , ""' T, .
lt hU morn recent rnconnli-n " "r IM";1. "" 'T J,., , (i llue.
...r, . ,re...lll .....! -" ""' ""n'",'. '," WW,, .
f how bnr.l n blow bo ran Innd mm " , , ,.,,..,. i ....uixnn-ittsiN MKKV
li nrobt.....iie.i i.. n... inilnrltv of OMslnught. im no rum '' pan(!18CO. Juno 9. Mean
American fl.tlo palron. who lm 'l,l h" U''1 "
him I.. ..Hon. HI uly bo '" w"8 k," '"' .Iron; vlll boom; ofiho pr nch ,l mat-
te. ,1a wmi ,.v.nky ...' lug round . .,, 1Z
cty lust year, ilM not nffonl miKli .11 ktlou horo Juko 12-15.
J' a lino on Carponllcr's proMH ,5, , Sltpt. VVOfl t n,llma tlmt mBny trhnlm.1 b
;;, Mwav u elovor bo;,r j , Fans Ollt f Kh?
' Practically ,, ..rlotn ftforl f I ft " ,o dlcu.d.
Id ilAf.s..! l.i ts .... !... ......! .. A w i,...iiuHniV lirORlJUmi. 01
.... IUIIUU.
Noarlv in ...
Qnwuislmrry rule
Tho league mnnnger appreciated
tln nice turnout of tho fan Sunday
and ay thnt such attendanco look
Kood to them. The player Hko It
Tho fan felt disappointed Sunday
when they had n chnnro to take a
-1... ..,,. r iTmiilrn McDonald and
I1B1T UK. " ...-'-
nil he dldwn to' turn around anil
wuvo hi hands to toe '
then Rinllo.
Cook took hl willow lo the plate
nnd popped tho flrbt ball handed out
by Itutchlns Sunday In tho third In
ning A tho ball sailed out toward
left Mold, tho fan tliougni 11 "
i;arpeniier. iii " " jy( ...- --
'Hut I haven't seen this fellow Car-, their 'teens while still growing that
rentier. Tboy say he's mighty clefcrjsron burn out as fighters. '
and fast. Ho might surprise us "The oil game beats boxing. It'i
aJj.. all a big gamble whether you go
Wlllard refused to risk a guess as! broke or get rich. I've been pretty
to what round ho thought tho light. lucky.
1.1 .....i hi. .iienn of Jack "Raisin potatoes Is Just a bob-
nuuiu vm -.-- - - - -
by of mine. I own two sections near
if I was uolnc to fight Carpcn- Lawrence. Kas. Quess my 210-acre
tier July 2 I wouldn't train at all. potato patch thero Is about the big
It wouldn't bo necessary. ' gest In tho country. I Intend to
"If 1 was going to bo Dempsey' keep turning moro of my ranch Into
opponet I'd want to bo In condl- potato land until I'vo got 1000
tlon acre In one patch."
Dempsey and Carpentler will -.Wlllard spends practically all his
draw a lot of money. I belle e. time In tho oil Molds now.
though, thut Dempsey and I would His hair Is gray about the edges,
draw Just a much. HU eys aro a llttb d!lor than
If I ever do fight Dompsey again when ho fought nt Toledo Othor-
I want It to bo on tho wlnner-take- wise ho hasn't changed,
alt basis. It wouldn't bo money that "No. I won't get back tut to ffco
I'd bo fighting for. I'vo got plenty tie Dempsey-Carpentler fight.
of that ' "rn el,ncr bo ln Monlan ' or N("
"Dempsey beat me with a lucky Mexico looking eve- mora oil fields,
punch at Toledo. After ho clipped For oil is my gam now.
Utile Jacqueuno uu'""' um " - - ,-.....
rouMn't ay It. but deorgv. know. tw0 bllKKor but Khlan made a prctt
his fourmonlh.-old daughter wished grabbed It.
him luck a ho took her out for a "' u,,u , , .
,.d Klv. con- haro mlnO ll , ,y ,,l0 KOll.
tod for tho I.on.,... at W o; I K..i fJff0
. nt thn Conco accounted
for 8 of tho 1'lumbot.s Sunday, omo
of lho runner almost running over
him ns ho recolved tho ball.
imtchlna accepted four .chance
Sunday but fell down on tw of
.,... Mentveil creillt for 6 Pt-
out Sunday, also 4 assists and onl
Sni Uwinson I making tho mak
ing the gloves that Jack Dempsey
and George Carpentler will wear
In their championship battlo ai
Jersey City on July 2.
And that Is to bo expected tor
whnn Sol turn out mist
ho turns them out right so right.
that thero hasn't been a champion
ship battlo in 30 years whero Sol'a
loathor mittens haven't been on
hand In tho ring.
When Lovlnson startod making
gtovos, back In tho early nlnotlos.
hmVen bands woro common with
boxers. Ho Mgurod out tho patent
thumb protector and finger grip.
Last year ho bought moro than
an Ann u-nrth nf Iamb Bkln at 25
.f -- knll.l ll
X ..4 .K t.Hll.l Intn
OUtB aumiajr. " .ICOntS a Bquaro looi. tu uuiw -
ono orronThe . K.-. LxInB 6,oves.
ynM j'sriHkiw, iTSI
Spend tho week ond at LMlo Uldgo
m ..r..iil.i nrn film. 9-10-11
" wnro substituted for tho I.on-, in., at Voe.i KrunrJo T
?,nn prlio ring codo govern!...; Pw- rUul'7,!,'71 " If or t was .ont t KB wl,u1U,Q, e
" contosU for elimplonflil. and word lo lM KJ J lrrtl could bo .lola
""" . in moHt of tho boui i'' it,u' Nm(, .., tho cnminltuo., inai "' -
'or the ))oayyWe8ht championship C,m,n"""np,o l, t od In this do- lho matter .
' ho chaiiRO took plnco. Ihorn'wn much J'Vf fuirt from t.iU h..vo to rotu
? doelded mlmntago In 'taturo f bU,,,' "V il fed tholr Intention of .mobile.
'lwcon tho principal, buf tlili dltl.ptaco had lknlfloa
Olio nvi .- ,.111
Home of hi curve to the Infield.
Judging from that.
Moody of tho Jewel ncropted S
chance perfectly In tho gnmo Sun
day without a muff or bungle.
Tho Wood team I duo for ft jmr
prlso Sunday whon thoy cross bats
with tho Klamath Fall team. Tho
locals intond to put up a gamo that
will reflect crodlt to them.
A good representation from horo to It bo Just as well to give everyonn a
.- I l ts I
mm luaillv will make tho gamo oei- cuanco ursn
tor for tho "homo bulldors."
Thoro Is much talk among a cor
tain bunch of tans about how tho
gamo horo could bo Improved. Talk
Is fino but It takos lota of flnanco to
mnko tho gamo pay and the local
Boason la Just oponlng up. Wouldn't
Whero nro tho mascots of tho
teams? Not ono toara has appeared on
tho field with a goat, dog. or ovon a
black cat. Show yoar choice, Tho
Jewels say that tho Plumboba aro
going to havo a "Blue bird" for