THUIWOAV, JUNK 0, IIWI THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON The Evening Herald j. muiuiay. ...lCtltof kTRKO HOUI.H ..City IMItor Published Ually M?t Sunday, br Tfc Horald Publishing Company of Klamath Fall. M1 ElBhthStreat. I Bnterod at th poitotrico at Kla tsath Falls. Ore., for transmission tarough (be mall at iecond-lass , Iter. j MKMIIUll OK THR AKHOCIATKD , PttltSS. The Associated Pr oxclnslvely ; Mtllled to the use (or republication ot all new dispatches credited to It.i or not otherwise, credited In this paper, anil alio the local now pub nsber herein. numsDAY. ji'nk i. uat j Personal Mention -o J. I McAullffe. a prominent Fort' Klamath rancher. 1 hero (or a few tiara on business. W. M Siren U a business vliltor frocu Chlloquln. W. V. Forducy. a rancher from the Lorrella district. U here transacting business. C. 0 Catheart It a buslncM vUltor from Me J for J. J. F. Hrown. of Dunsmulr. Is reg istered at a local hotel. It. U Schmidt la In from Olene at tending to buslnc matter. Mr. John Taylor of Merrill. U In , town today shopping and attending to, other buslncsn matters. J. U lleckley rptnrned lat night' from a business trip to Willow. Cal ifornia, j J. L. Hayne nu a. bualnesa tU- , itor from Malln today. ! Mr. John Vale and Mr. George Vale motored up to Kocky Point and spent a meat enjoyable day yester day. Mrs. K J. Snelllng who baa been vUltlng with frlendi at Uakevlew. re- t turned to her home at Albany this1 morning. Mr. K D Tllton was a pasenger( for Weed thla mornlnic where- "he goes to join Mr. Tllton who baa been there for oorae time Mr. Tllton formerly employed by the Chlloquln Lumber company at Tlno Grove. t Mr. D. Stukel and two Brand-1 daughter. Alta and Alma Wlbon. of Merrill. Wt thli morning for an ex tended Tlilt at Kugene. . Mr. Harrr I-ouck was a passcn ger for Yreka thla morning. Ed. Weston of Chlloquln. left this morning for Portland to attend the IUmo Fwtlval and tU It with friend. J Mr. Florence Klrgesner, of San I Traneliico. who baa be?n here for mjv-I era! day looking after property In-' terecta, returned to her home at Sanj rrandsco this morning. ( Mr. Charles Martin left for Port land thl morning to attend the Rose Festival and the Grand Chapter of, the Eastern Star, which meet there! thl week J Mr. and Mr. C. U. BIo and fam-' ily who bare been residing here for the past few months, left this morn-i tag for Sacramento where they ex pect to locate permanently. i MUt Agnc Drlscoll. of tho First ' State and Savings bank, has return ed from Salem wber she baa been for the past ten days rlsltlng with! W mother and Hlster. I Passenger on the automobile' Mage for Ashland and Hod ford this morning wero B. F. I'thus, Spratt , AVell and Helen Whistler. Marshall Hooper, vice president of tho First State and Saving bank, loft for Medfnrd this morning to spend a few days on iilnou. Mr. and Mrs. George Walton and two daughters left this morning by automobile for Portland. Mr Wal ton who Is an officer In the Grand Cb4pter of Royal Arch Masons, will attend their convention In Portland, which meet next Monday They went by way of Bend and expect to return through tho Koguo Illver valley W. C. Van Knion left today by au tomobile for Portland to attend the meeting of tho Grand Idgo of Ma aons, which meet there next wtxjk J. M. Richardson, representative of tho Russia Content company, man ufacturers of l,a Page's gluo and sig net inks, of Gloucuostor, Muss., re turned to his homo this morning af ter upending a few days hero on bus- lues. Mr. and Mr. Henry Wells and) grantf-daugbter, Kva Arnell, are vis- itlnir at the home of I.. A West. They aro from Alinosa. Colorado, Mrs. ' "Wollu Is a sister of Mr. West, ,,. , i 5llll,.M ITKMK Oeorgo Furber and family were Klamath Fall visitor Monday. Mr. nd Mr. W. (1. Motsker, from Shlpplngton, wero vlolton at the William Worden homo Friday earn ing Charlc Agrr and William Wor den wtvr luncheon guest l the J. W. Jory honw Tuesday. Miss IJlilan Knapp wa i week end visitor at Klamath Falls. She went up to lake In tho show "The. Shepherd of the Hills" The public Is cordially Invited to com" to tho entertainment and lev crtam social given at tho Midland echool auditorium on tho evening of Juno l?th All ladle of tho neigh borhood aro requested to bring cake Mr A V Oweni from Klamath Fall Is visiting her daughter. Mrs Harvey lepuy Mr William Worden returned home Friday from ShlpjHngton after a month' visit with friends and rel ative of that plac Sheriff l.loyd Ixiw was a Midland visitor Friday Ho brought the bal lot for tho special election Threo carloads of cattle were shipped hero from Willows. Calif.. SatunUy. to tho Klamath Packing company Mrs C It Patterson wtw a Mid land school visitor Monday Mr. and Mrs J W Jory were Kla math Falls visitor Wednesday Mr. Jory look up tho ballot box used at tho special election P. J. Peterson left Monday for Ap plegate. Oregon, for an extended visit to It. Y Hanson, pioneer miner of that tlclnlty A gasotln engine has been In stalled recently by tho Southern Pa cific, where the old windmill stood. Mr. Gervln completed tho engine house last week NEW TODAY I Kent it kodak from Stlnson Photo Shop 9 Call 1 So for your taxi. FOB HUIK Urt and small cars. Phono 1S5. 9 A good bed and n good bath at Co.' lonlal rooius, ltth. iir Main j FOB SAU: Now two heeled trail er. FOB 8AI.H Ono fvo-pumrtiRor lHdgo ear. Beducvd from 11000 to ISOO FOB 8AI.F. Otto 1 part'nger JOSO tKirt. deduced from 1900 to 1TJ0, Kla.VI.XTH APTt) CO Buy Call. Pni Phone :e SSI Main Ht Vm It EXT Ono 3 and ono I room apartment. I.o Aturtiuents !!! WANTKO Idy wants ihIIIoi as cook Will accept housekeeping. Box till. Ib-rald. 9. FOB SAUK - White wicker lby buggy: good condition Call 333 N 10th St Phono JUJ 9-11 FtB BKNT Furnished l-room ap.( artment Phono 3T3J. 9-11 ''AmiTuvf ,sss- I ii. 1 ' 'IliWil) P FOB BKNT 3-room tarnished -! artment. also sleeping room; (31 , ., sin at. i jiunn ujj 9-10 Oil, WHY? (Hl Pay f 1000 00 per sharo for oil stock when you ran buy 40 arre4 of land "not leased" adjoining the Hie mens oil well Write Hot Z M . euro Evening Hernld. S 10 INVESTIGATING MOl'NT KSSFAS Kltl'ITIONH BED BI.CFF. Cal . June 9 An effort to determine hat cause the eruptions of I-nwn Peak. 47 mllis east of Bed Bluff, and the only live Volcano In tho United State, will be made this summer by Or J S. Oilier of tho Cnlted State Geologi cal Survey. Dr. Miller, who arrived recently from Washington. I). C. to pursue his Investigations, ha been connect ed with tho geological surver'thlrty eight year. In that time he ha spent a portion of every summer, except In 1&93 and in 1930. in Cali fornia Investigating Uus-n Peak im Its eruptions. According to Dr Dillcr' records, there have been COO eruptions from Lassen. In 1S83, Or. Oilier aacende1 to the peak of the volcano, which attains an altitude of 10.350 feel. It U the scientist's Intention to In vestigate hot spring at the ba- cf tho mountain In an effort to deter mine the source of heat for the springs. Many of the spring havn been hot for years. While others, es pecially tboe connected with recent eruptions, aro hot only at times The most Intensive eruption cf !js.wn wa that of May 22. 191S which resulted In the formation of a remarkable mush-room shaped cloud rising to an altitude of 35.000 feet above the summit WANTED Elderly man or woman, or widow to do pari llnio Janitor work In office. White person only nred apply Apply box U Herald 9-10' Colonial furnished ono room cab ins for housekeeping. Ilth. near Main street, and 7(1 Walnut. Good stoves 9 FOHK1GV ATTACHES MAY HAVE Til PAY POM. TAA HACBAMKNTO. Cal . Juno 9 - Governor Slephrns' offlrr. hu rrCnlv ed numerous letter from foreign consuls In America asking If Ibo re cently approved alien poll tax law of California applies to consular of ficers and attache. TJio (juration has not yet Iwrn deCldrd. Tho law. which has be-n dncrltd a stringent and providing few loop holes for pomlblo evasion of Its pro visions, requires evnry male allrn over tho ago of 31 to regltter within thn-o day after entering tho state For alien already resident In the state the time for registration is stat ed. lU-glstrations must bo romtd'ted by July 31 A penalty of fifty per cent of the poll tax Is provided for delinquency. iKdtarwonH'o yr g fX. o "our FiLm RrvifKirv oervice. 9 A.M. ard You Will &e Your Pritxts? ' KMH a 5 P.M. the f !f fa da M J h irn a .11 rr l KLAMATH FALL5 ORE CON y VV . WHERC PARTICULAR PEOPLE Uy l?Wy.J BUY THEIR DRUGS lHt-7ui I'Uiwt tuning, W. II liirn. 7.1.1 When a man's faith makes bis head hot It conceals bis heart Don't mlM seeing Eagle itidgo at this seiaon Nature Is at her b-t 9101 II SUNDAY BOAT EXCURSION To Eagle Bldgo and Bocky Point Bus leates Western Transfer office at H IS. boat laavrw landing at H SO Bo turning boat leaves Eagle Bldgo at 4 30 ROUND TRIP FARE $2 W. II. MorKun. tlie Ran Frnnrlrt pLino tuner, U ntaklng headqu-irtiTw ttitli lUrl Klwpln-ril .Mulr Hiium for n sli'jrt time, nmnr SH'J.1. Piano tuning, W. II, Morgan. 7-lil SEE MR. WESTON AT THE MECCA POOL ROOM IN REGARD TO CON CESSIONS FOR FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. M)ti23i&. mim-Y? wm Tho spoclnl oloction was a quiet affnlr In ' Midland. Only 22 ballots wcro cast. The following served on tho election beard: Charles Ager, J W. Jory. W. J Worden, A. V David son and O. It. Patterson. Tho Mfulnnd school clobwl on Juno 7Ut, a tho election took placo In the ecbool house, IonilnIco Forareso was a Sunday TUIlor In Klamath Falls, Bakedfftons Luneltl 6c?Ae hjusf- the nght- "vrn " YbuW tike Me vray fheyre smtaj ' zfi A? t wi '''': I m. ''& & Gigi A $'? A K tWKi ir. !-: WT IV"! it " ' ' . r VU 5- r 7 V.i-t "fN7l 'i ISJL&I h . i-ivnni WW $M 1 -'. m& ii i-.m& fs-" T . T Wmi M.W ' 't M tf a aw - Kxrfte' V m turn Vz&W I A TWO-POU WHY? L'so ordinary Fir Flooring wlcn you can buy tb foti LONG-BELL FORKED LEAF OAK FLOORING ........ I nir less man you wuuiij psy tor a -"" ,', ,n .., On account of a recent decline In the market w ato alls to o Iheso nicopllonaiiy low prir-a 13-tei3U Clr Qusrterod Whlto Oak 13-ICiSU Clear Plain Whlto Oak 131Ci3'A No. I Common Oak 3-113 Clear Quarterod Whllo Oak 3-1x3 Clear Plain Whllo Osk Wa havo this stock stored In dust and moisture ready far Immi'dlato delivery V Invito your Impnction BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. PHONE ID7 131(00 1170 09 00 40 I7t00 1 1 10 00 proof llo IsHMBSSMSMSaaMSISHSIISIIlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISIMSlHSMBSlVSW1!1 i -" It- Double Luck I NDERAND A, FLOR de MELBA ? Citfar Supremo A fragrant companionable FLOR de MELBA, an out-of-tlie w;iy fiuiot stre;im! A flasliing, fiKhtinjf trout ! 0 Man, that's joy supreme. licttcr sport 1 hard to find. A better cltfnr can't le found. Fl OR d MELIJ A the Clunr Suprcmu Is txllrr und more filmmit than tiny mild Havana Cluar. Make your day complete, Buy the 1'l.OK I'l! MKI.DA ADMIBAI.SIZI2. I. LEWIS ClCAANUPACTUIINr. CO, Ursctt Independent Cir I'srlury In Ids Woild I 7zefom alkntn 0ot,tufs JOf fc-V "V - t 'I. I mm 114 J M JKC Ifcs- 1kV"ssssssissssTnS" jsvly 12 OTHER SIZES jQuy your favorite sijo-Tdda Bread is yotr Best Food eat more or it! BREAD- the food of foods Children like big .Hccs. Ask then; why and they'll say "tastes good. It'a atisfying-puU !" health into every growing youngw They're ure to thrive on BAKERITE BREAD Thi. quality Bread is pure good" please, the palate, satisfies appet" yields health and vigor. You can get it at . - 1 T-l ll J7P TL O sftoml I ht? IVia'' t 't.f