AChAdWm Do It jltccull. ri N. ftl4'J District Directors Peti tion Government to Jim Mb, " - rUitftt rtimmnnlcullim ti4 flrBi "Iber rclainllon pro jtt r.lln( lo totlt ot oporatlim n4 raeBllonlm Iho itlCflrultlea oi- KXUUo" 'be purtxM of hUU l I ofk out plan of ..;rool. Ft 11 H-trfal projefla. hol on Ibo M-trral p'ujeria. mini nn loo t ,aparlly Of . land. In pluirrl. alio Id endeavor lo . IomT (MJpralon bolaron UIIB (Mb f itlita U( ttf a..(lalliin and tbo I' (I rr-Utnalloil oftltlala la an at aH lo rrduro and harm' n u coadilu.nt affectlnc lb pro)rl Tl. luard approved Iba plan in te.fll ItiaklbK enralloB Ih.l Mir boaatlda aler U. abould be . ,... . ., . .,. . i. !,Bmey .o ou,., .,.. u, .u,o ... tit .Mtxlatlon T ptllln of Ibe water ur f tU Klamath Irrigation dUlrlrt a.k- nrati to imm.di.i.iy ioraro n- .. ..... .. . a .a ut, to lb. .ecrrlary of Inl-rlor. .... .. .. .. . . Mirfcur iiraobury naiei oino .p. t,.k.e.i,.n i... i. n.ot th.i la. Mltlon ,,e.t-.l Ib.t ne' bi oB lb. project Ih, au.rr-nded Tbl. I. not tbo ca.ii" h aald -T. j,.. .. ..- .... i. m. .-,, . mm n, .jri.wM w. ir arn vnry ucoirom ui , ry dollar po.slble Into' bul want to rrd.,- lhe'l (flaring ev il, etolrl h co.1 f .k now under w.v lo a Mat tut Mill b- aa nearly aa po lltla nn . n.r .lit, M, ..I,., nf It dollar that lb- farmer must . v.-,.., ,, , ,.,,,. ...... .h. .. ..rder to pay for Ibe rk un,,"r " " . ,,- -str.ordln.ry II ' rtlie to bUfUl anil tnarWci! rnnilltli.n kh now ronfront lb- farmer f lh. .ii.i.i,. w c.i .. .,.-. nf ......... nv ,.,,. need of reirenru- ... fr abovn thn pr-aenl prlr-s "I'osaibly iher- aro but few Mho '"Ur r.'ttlln tho rondltloii. that le iiiadn 11 n...v fur Mu-. SUSPENSION OF WATER CHARGES IS REQUESTED Ti.rtinnrriIV I'orciro l '" " Ur "' Ctaing,. and ,i l "'" ,,m" "" u,, committees einction hold Tuesday, according to --' .""-...., . ..... I c nporariiy i orcKo rlLZV .'"" ,hu "",,n '"iob win t., caning up or tbo rotum. by tho " r, ,n(1tho "' hv ?,f Ju' Collection Of TllX. ,-, who ,'. V,.B .. """' '"", ",nf,,r wl,h Mana,,r M r"clal "nvasslng :lon board of cIobral,n tna' Klamath - - ''. d... m ib. w.,,,1 ,!.".," """u,,1 '" ,,, K,",,lh of iul' w"" lb" eoanl'' eoB" ' O- " Do 11 ,V!tOMT n. board 'f dlr-clora of ibo ,, , ' "' (.ration about u, many details that Up. W. B. Slough and Perry Do .Tbo ba,lot b"M ln tho n" anrt KU.aib trrU-Uon dl.trUt m It, ,u,-..r and durtnr that L ha. ., '""" '' r"'nl on- l " '-P. U mornln,:. Tho return! vC'Ub "'" Tu0,", ,- " X ,K,.r -o-lhlr m.n Tu.y. r...,.,H . f2 . J ilri f b J P- '" . ! -w- .or. comp.etod jt beforo noon. -' JjJ f ' oT. " ...... , rlrhl natlnim rnLhrnlliin which will Tin nodcr hnnui hill wn. rlvnn IWT. Jr., atld W . MMon, Of IHO Con- HrtBl by " r ! " " " ""J '. rort fm)lt , .. . . land I: II lnnrm (1. I' ll...1.r i mtmt " pym"- i , .. ....... ,,, ro,ittnK ,,tll for tn ,J(. BnJ 1Z2 followed closely by Man I'lahflif.. 1 li ll'll-.i II. i Th, (.ower Yullowaluns prot .,,... m-ii r au , for (hn ,fJ0 fewJi afl(J twojror ,ii hleh waa o ..Ikiiim a idart for lb. orianlia. , . ....... ... "' .,...'.. , :o '' '' " ndr way on tho by 167 vote In tho ... -.. ," i:r: . .. .. ?r" " " i " """ " r ' " ""'" "' """ "" ' " " """' The m-nlnr Wile of ih.. field,... vole, wero cast and Uc It I lh- .er.ury of interior Mo( Io(1.0( ,m, l0.gain.t 321. majority. 13D0. L! L 1 11 lIL I L P I II III ,i lb. charge, no- due lh- -j ,","a J ,rrv MribnlrA ,;, of tbo Mooseheart have an-l Kmergency clause veto, for 972. HhB I I h I F hlllll t' 8 and that a coo, J r .chool. nounced that tho lodge will entertains! 617. majority 356. 1 1 1 LnU Ul LLUIUIl BUilon b. con.rned lo ""'- " ZTl0wliUTtklt lh- hand.omn float In the parade and1 Hygienic marriage examination! I Tn fill IIITfl tNOliloD. confronting lb- dl.t ct ad i.r .0 rpiu arc. tnd ,ecno b fop u If 1 1 I I UV Jill I II IZL'T, Z 1" . , .-I S t l,..ed. tbe ...e that they w, participate. ,MJ. majority. 631 . MLLLU U I flll I U '? r.Mf. - - '. .. ! .el-c mr an, ten for Mdut.on The celebration I. taking hold VVomeB jurora bill. for 989. lin- m-q .m, in- aecr...ry -.. .- ""....' , .,.. of ,h ,,einlo and Interest Is arous- against 8I. mainly 167. -wenssiiing in- need 111 reirenru. ih - , . ..,.. iiol. i Jn) SalUman. deputy .tate inspec-1 " 11 ould Indeed b- poor ,i rn iw """"""" .'... ,.un. tor of the motor department and French in Iff I- a.k for relief br lb- .u.per I comb. John Morgau. M r i.un Mrl.i.ichll.i Tumtlay r rencn ln Hon f I.lnrlil. a 11, 1 nilltlnilo IIPo'l , Hell. John I'erllnK. I r" I''. ,...... .,,.. tun IMnmonil T '. .. ...... . , I. . .,. ...I lirM'll.T. ran 1 i'.'"k in"."- r.MUM, juno v iicnnan Anions- U... f 1K,n,,iMi thai w.. ,.. b-rt Wj-t a II , on wrU , sut um Maln ,, lrd . a Urn. all rommmllilr, , ampbn II I "" ' a 1ar.,,, .trcola UU m, Hens. n lh- war I ,, for , attack . ciiiinandlng a i,rln '" ' lal. laiiabrih (Iraham. iwni.a i.,ti,Hnn .bowed Hint the . c.,.. .. lumer. of (ho Klnmnll, Irrigation rlrle 'triM 11. a.k for n susp.ii.lon of I Harold Itali-ninn. Darrrl l"1"; at this tlmn apprntlirtt 1 Cl-org-Coi.dr-). M-rMi. I ro-t i ouk '"l ll-iO.OOO. thn tmvment ofll.w I'erlllard. l-on-n Slurp, i.tore- h under present condition rt rkta and money Is linpossll.1 Knowiiu; Ibis. t la hoped Unit a "pennon will open tin. way t 'old imposing pviinltles Hut will ftOUlit 1111 to 111 1. 11 v tlioilkilltitj !' do'lr. mid which would b. im"-, 1 upon a peoplo nlrea-lv liourily 1 'inbarrussed by reason of ei'llln.i ' years crops at a sanlflro In. ln .... . I -...- ii nn in mtiny Instances iuiviiib ken tumble to sell nt nny price "It U fiirlhiir hoped that atixpvn ''n of wuter cliurgos will unnblt "o farmors to pay their MiHo i"'l t0iily twx and Hum rolbivo n hltu- '"on -wblch throatoiM lo In up nil 'ounty r0l work m , w)ri, , ,,. ,e'ly snrloiisly handicapped many fchool districts In tho payment of ''fliers salaries nnd othor nncos ry lupensos, contraotod In tho m "oca upon tho collection of Iuhh 'r their payment. 'Too much stress cannot bo laid ""on tho urgency of obtalnlnu 'nmo J11" for tho ersl which no con 'rnl th0 Irrigation (armors of tbo neccaattjr of making this soiison "P with no nssuranco that It nn ' disposed of at any prlco whon "'Tested." Stfje Summer Tourists beginning to Arrive At Local Resorts ''"" lb ,.M. Wi. ....! ' ""' "' !n.iifi Aril. I. m i10 ' " ' ' "'"' l. 'I.. !,, ,, ' " '' " ' ""M-maiir I,,,.. .,m ,, '' .. t, ,i. ,,,, . , a! ll(((t 'l.rr Afl.r l,Hi,g ,,,, ,hB ,.. '!riiti in. ..... ...I -i rr.n.., ar- urn, m.. ,,," ' lie raorhi .. ,n.n. i.., i tbel.w aiioi. .,!" v . "! le.iun wnMrmoo,rIn7n rr and I'ortUml Out ol loan vliltnr 'lurlnc 'ah'I ADKelr. P "111" KITV TIlT TlUrlll 1 IfllM ULILII I I llIlL I .fhlh C'a 1 p .ptia n the Central rlflr K.ter.hle Mi.l. and fell ran Hat acbuoU beran Ihelr eiaml IIUI IF! INT .,,,., , . I. ,n K' n.iiuii. ii.r un.iii ,., .ur m&u h.iol ttita forenoon the uniform , eighth grade e.amln.tlon .lip. from I i na nrnriiama -'"": .71 ' -. i ""J '""" :;' ."..; .11 n.,r inn bijii.. li. iiiri'iii irtmi w. i - - high athool eiamlnallims Tbe follo.lng eighth grade puplU fr.Hn tbe four .rhK)U In this city are ; " e.amuiauon. IVntral Jo.eph,e MeUsner lara Mrliati - 'Uuda Wilt KlUtw- "- IMItb Young. Klorenre Hector Cora' WllMJn. lella Luscnmo- ' i Nn btlk. Agnes tinhln llonalil ,,,,. I Veafh. Unl-r Walton tiro ... .... i mini ley. Me.U,, , re. ey - ,.'Vona "v ' "B"r MTV.r!ZHitn.uV u. Walsh. Herbert I'b.ll.p.. laud. Itrdftchl f !. ...1.1.. '. v.m.e fhrfair ' lj rune- Carroll erner i nnsiy. .,. ...... ... 1 .vifnr waiipr iiauu.1.. . nm"M - ....... ii..aa,i..n naiau ..... , " r 1. Ill,, uiior. """"" rt hi pnunip Mar) Wiliellui.. Dorulhea Sloops. Wort to) . AdiHo Itowen Kern t ol) Hutu. Iloldrt Jacob)'. ivllmii H.) ,.r)loroaft.'M. KnitiK Hall. C.ra , Sander. Car. Y...r. Chnrllnn Uiuborl. Audrey Yanco,. Loota lli'iill N"1' ,.,wi,n lleiilnli ll.-nuett. iVIlii o"" K.-rn l-Vrgiisoii. Z.-mi Doin'l""". ' m Hawkins. A lira Owen. ILilpli " ... iiiii Smallpox Case Causes Merrill to Forbid Public Gatherings On account of ono case of small ,,ox near ti,u. vMc nuH-tlngs In Merrill bavo been closed, It is re ported. Although church meetings ro forbl.ldo.., pool rooms aro open. Tho regulation Is under order of Merrill outhorltl-H. Dr. (Jeorgo Morryman. count) honllli offlcr. states that thero are btcasiM f ""'"'Tin'm.l nbout Klamath Kails, all In ml form Quarantlno regulations nro In foK. nnd ho situation Is apparent ly well In hand. I -... Uh,l, l 1.1 IUU w - r , I M'ilLll llUWI'n IU Ulllftl tllHSIU JL9lt.t- umin$ Iteralft Member of the Associated Press. KIMATIl IWUM, OM-AIOH, ILL FOURTH OF JULY WORKERS IET TONIGHT, ( n b.t? rneetinr comi'i off lo "":'" "l " ""k ,n ,ll,, " Cftfo i. ...... .. "" '""I """"i r year lo come, ,:r,ry '"" l -P-lally urKed .''' "' lh"tn "n l,m"' " ,h,,ro I Th principal Item will bo tho annotinremenl that tho barbecue f Libert) ronte.i will be announc 'e,j io Hi., rommltteo and tho names tlclans who figured that not over"nea u' n coumy or i..o UvlM. of the contestants entered. 1500 votea would bo cast In both lon and they wlU bo P,aecd thl af I The hand commute arc to an- this city and county. Tho Increase ternoon In drug stores, cafes and noun.,, that thn bandstand will be!was no doubt due to tho octlvo In- Publlc P'aCM- Votc can be obtalncd ie.te,i at the. Interaectlon of Hlith terest taken In tho bonus bill by ln tho PlacM whcro the boxe" are and Main street and tho bandmast-lthe American Legion. found. Votes are one cent each and er viii .. what selections aro to' Thero was no chanKo In the fK-' e sold In loU of ten votes per Iip. be playr, ures given In yesterdays' Herald ro- re' uuy t0T lhb race W,U bo fa,t Manager McDonald Mated that'gardlng tho city refunding bond and furious after today, the rrmion of tho bleachers for tho Uue. which was defeated by 87 Tho money derived from the sale e.ent will start on the votes. , of tho votes will bo used to defray Dreamland pavilion Saturday morn- The official figures on tbo various ' "o expense for tho float and gar- ling, . ...- n. '...' ... ... ,. . . w. n Important matter for tho ath- lellc mmltte to settle rd thoroughlr and tho celebration ,, ,... n.rney Chambers says, "n humdinger, nothing llko It ever bo-' fore" rommltteo men are askeli In tho majority 122. without fall to b at the Hex at JW precincts. Langell Valley, 21 to o'clock aharp tonight. ifrucki . "u last three day for tho traffic squad and only one arrest nns ooen mane by tt, office, t-o trucks tolonKlnK J c-Mwrtor lately , , ,,v , ()llkar u0(r fnnipil. ny at Shasta, falling foul of tho law Tuwilay night for having no 1921 ' licenses ...... . . . trucks iHiro only two I'1-" 1'i.ucs Tho cars wen- taken over to a lot 1 In the Hot Springs district, healed and ordered to bo kept tnere. msmii Immedlatel) produced $120 nplera for two 1921 license applications and had bis ram released In or.ier lo j start 11 hauling contract, on the Uiko-j lnw road bitlldliig Job. HAMAUKSi'lTMAV KHACII Till: .H'ltY THIS i:VI'AIN! The trial of the $25,000 damage suit of W. T llarn'tl against Dr. K I) Johnson .ontlnued In the circuit court today. At tbroo o'clock It was close to the stage of argument mid may reach iho Jury lato today. WOMAN Jl'UOIVH HILL IS IN DOUirT, TODAY'S COUNT POUTLAND, Juno 9. Unofficial retuniB from Tuesday's election show tho figures on tho woman juror bill eo closo that tbo result Is still doubtful. imVM' SI'IWWUKHUIKfl flTAlta' HUYKIVS itior POUTLAND, Juno 9. A "straw borry riot" followed tbo result of a doalor ot tho public markot an nouncliiR bo would soil borrles at 90 cents n crnto, though tho pro vailing prlco was $1.76. Tho police wero callod to control tho mob ot Vomen. I Seized for ".TlT To 7rXlK? H ldo-1 Co'okel was returning 'bill apply very aptly to Klamath I ZCtZea for 0 and 17 to 0 respectively. Hlldo- . . .... -i-m with I county In particular In tbo matter U t 109t lln,' rand precinct nosed out by ono fm 'he coun tr) club asl n'Kht wh r reservations. r - - - . I I nrmn I "" ' av. .....w- ..., ,h .... ..andlnc IS to two lA'gton oilicais, wui-n iuo c.--- - - ! .ia.t landing IS to of tho car broke and it which occupy a largo part of this .in.... hn. h,.n rather alack tbo I l ' nuainai. . ..., . . .n. ! rnunlv. In nn nnnroxlmated area Ot Tlll'HHDAY, Jt XL fi, i in: i MOTH VOTE FAVORED ALL .STATE BILLS Every state meaiuro was carried ln " ' special general mo greatest majority, 1360 votea oven, and tho hygienic marrlago ex- ;nm,nalUm hM r0CUt'a ,b0 COad moaauro to Incrcaaci tbo member-! ihip and tho pay of tho legislator an dlialnif.wai carried by a amall majoritr. . ... tbo women nly put over, county. j 592 county this created a rlpplo of surprlao amona; tho poll- measurea wero aa follews: . Iclslatlvn rrrulatlon and com .. - pensatlon bill, for 88B, against 783, Thn rlty refumllnK bond proposal, for 274. against 361. majority najalnat 87. The soldier bonus bill lost in -B nnu 'amam iac, i io - votra. rciican Hay and Spraguo Itlv- '" " comty the bill carried 5 while In tho city hero carried by 11 to 1. In Orlndato precinct thn hygenl? marrlago and llrensa bill received a tie voto, 17 to 17. Germany Apologizes For Attack Upon C-;' Silesia f ln). ,,y (i(irman ,ifeno forces. Ho . . .. (!..rm..n. ...laiook tbe French fo(. ViAMi BUrr,,.nts. OPPKI.LV. Juno 9 Five thousand Polish Insurgents were driven from itOHtntiori; by llrlllsh forces. Tho .0H mluio a show of rMistnnro but the llrltlsh took tho town without firing a shot. THXTILiTwoitKHItS HIlAli IM-D AT HIHIOKLYN NP.W YOltK. Juno 9. John Oot den. president of tho United Textile Workers of America, died today ot his homo at Ilrooklyn after several weeks Illness. AVIATOlt imoi-s TO DIllTIC WASHINGTON, Juno 9. Lieu tenant W. II. llrown, of Ilolse. Idaho, was klllod when a miirlno corps piano crashed to earth at Colonial beach near hero. Weather Probabilities Tho baromotrlc pressure, as recorded by tho Cyclo-Storma-graph at Underwood's Phar macy, baa risen a llttlo since tho report of yosterday. Con tinued pleasant woathor Is looked for, possibly cooler, with brisk breoros. Forecast for next 24 hours; Gonorally fair with variable winds. i... ... i Kjiifiier nnn m r.111 rn, i,7i Blanche Conway is Leading in First Queen Vote Count fltancho Conway 340 rote Mario Davenport 100 votes (lady Hlclitor . . .. 100 voir Ituth Lindsay On voted Tho content In on with a flourish I . . ...... . . .. ""' '"""' "a" "ccn ' -r admiring friend for the (rit pAtnmlllMi fltltt the ti.llnf VAM "" '"' ". - "- ..-.- --- """ .nd It was found that the nU,0,a,lrbadbccnca8lfortheOo,, A" of tno younK women nro Z. """ "" . --r. ' math Jail pcoplo and more aro ru- Mr... lint atmk "lfV hnPlAt" fn In '""'" "'" "'"" ""'" " "- -" - ' I,runB w-nen me cooicsi kci.i cii unucr way. iouay was me ini uuj ilnco tho contest started that the ooxes wero counica. 1,a"01 DOXe" naT0 oeen KnBrousir i menu oi ino uouue.s. i i . ...... .....if.,.,. Lome on, ooya. bci juui wuuiuio In, the race Is open to everyone. INDIANAPOLIS. June 9. Amer ican Legion posts throughout tbe na tion wore thrown Into mourning to day by tbe death In an automobllo accidont here last night of Colonel P V. fialbralth. Jr.. of Cincinnati. n.ilnnnl mmmander of the American wi:r.i MILL NOW IS WOUK1NG FULL CAPACITY WEKD, Cal., Juno 9. Tbo Weed, Lumber company Is now running Its nitinerm over an emuanHmpu.. no - r skull was fractured. sawmill hero at full capacity. All $soooooo and ,i0.000,000, re four rigs aro sawing day and night. gpectlvclj.t are provided for tho Wnen ,ne K l . V about ten day ago. only three of tho four saws were used at night This season's cut will amount to tbout CO.000.000 feet. Tbo Califor nia Fruit Orowers' Supply Company's mill, nt Hilt, is aUo running with a full force. It will cut about 40.000, 000 feet this season. iihad or r.x;ixr.r.ns CNION Dili SfDDKNLY DKNVKIt. Juno 9. Milton Snell lng, notional president of the steam and operating engineers' union, who was hero a a dolegato to the Ameri can federation of lalwr convention, was found dead In bed at u local ho tel thl morning. i:ujhti:i:n livks lost in OXi: FLOODKD DlSTltlCT PUEIILO, Colo., Juno 9. Eigh teen persons perished u tbo flood In tho la Junta district, Cuptaln Mack of tho national guard, reported on urrivnt hero today aftor a fifty hours' battle with tho olements. SELLS STOltK I1US1NESS Wllllum Allen ot Shlpplngton has sold his storo to C. A. Johnson of Fnlrvlow nnd tho business will bo started under tho now management Saturday. Mr. Johnson formerly conducted tho Viking grocery store In Falrvlow. Owing to sickness "which has kept Mr. Allen In poor health for thb nast winter, tho business was such 'that his health would no longer permit his personal attention to it Upon the solo of -the property, Mr. Allen departed for California where lie hopes to regain his health. Today t Newt Today PHICR F1VK CKNT8 T01SEND BILL 5 Auto Association Ex pects Benefit if Mea sure Passes, Es pecially in Forests. Secretary Ray II. Reed of tbo Kla math County Automobllo associa tion Is In rocolpt of a communica tion from acting president, D. Jame son of tbo American Automobllo as sociation at Washington, D. C, la which tho local auto association Is urged to cooperate In a movo to bavo tho Townscnd bill, which has been redrawn, adopted In tbo In terest of quicker federal action oa national road construction. Tho communication sets forth tho advantago possessed by tho Town send measure, which are not so comprehensively set forth ln tbo Dowell bill, and states that expla natory literature has been sent for dissemination among the members ot tbo Klamath association. President Oroesbeck of tho lo cal club has stated that within a few days notices calling a meeting; of tho club members wlll be sent out Including tho ,. A. A. ii'crktu'a nrid that, at this meetln, the pro visions of tho ToM.Fend h." 'will te fully enterod into. 7 be principal features i.f I be re drawn Townsnd bill are bit It pro vides for tho creation ct a federal highway commission ot five geo graphically distributed and taking over tho presont bureau ; concen tration of federal aid appropriations first upon Inter-county highways ot Interestate Importance; condenses many federal highways activities under the direction ot the commis sion; requires that state shall fur nish from stato funds the money to meet tho federal allotments; ex acts after construction tbeso part nership roads shall be adequately i maintained by tho states. Two features ot tno Townsena 9,375 square miles. Ono Is that the bill carries aa appropriation of 1200,000,000, with 1100,000,000 for tbo fiscal year ending Juno 3, 1922, and 1100.- firtA AAA fi. Iha f(atif ranp nnrlln ' ..iHiiion.i ...m. of wnio periods, for tbe construction malntenanf0 0 road8 whoUy I or partly within notional forests. I Particularly Is tho ltom whoreby tho commission may also cooperato with tho Indian service In the build, lng ot main roads across Indian res ervations JJkely to result In greatly Improved transporatlon through tho Klamath agency. Fire Insurance Man Is Visitor It. It. Stowoll, of San Francisco, Pacific coast manager for a number ot big tiro insurance companies, has been hero for tho past two days com bining business with pleasure. Each year ho visits this city, ostensibly to look after his Insurance business, but his frlonds know that tho real roason is his deslro to visit his old chum of school boy days, Nelson Rounsevell, manager ot tho Lakesldo Lumber company. It was back In Cubn, New York, where they wero boys together that they onjoyod nil tbo pranks of which they must have been guilty ond In recounting tholr experiences then and since, thoy passed many ploasant moments during tho past two days Mr. Stowell left for tho north this morning, traveling by auto. He ex pects to linger for a couplo of days In tho northern part of tho connty to enjoy tho fine lishlng to bo found In the lakes and streams of that section. Ho will then proceed to Portland and back homo through tbe Willamette valley. W DEVELOP UTR m