'- . ... WMMvmtur, Jttftfi , iwm -j?m WE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON The Office Catj BT JW.MllN lsorncf vs. Walt Stawm Wo admit the tuff ot Horace Wu n bit too hefty for u. (Though wjkh his writings e"r net finding fault); Hat tho foreman ot this colyum Would much prefer a volume Of th almplc, rustle Ktap by I'neto Walt. Marshall Boopr r that tads pendont looking fink you so, waahr anj irons his own soft collars. WANTED Stenographer to work parttlm. .Apply at one. etc Classified Ad. There are Utaea whan eves an em ployer loses patlsncs. Judga "Madam, have you any. thing to aarT" Prisoner's husband "Now you'vs dona It, my lord." Holy Smoke Dmt Office Cat; "If Qod Almighty would give a tha power to to to bell and preach on sermon and (It the Invitation I could depopulate bell la fifteen minute." The above statement was uttered by 0111 Sunday, the great evangelist. 1 one of bis sermons recently deliv ered la Cincinnati. Ohio, where bo Is conducting an. eight week campaign, now drawing to a cloee. against the devil and bta cohorts. Unquestionably this- la the bold est challenge ever made to put the pHae of darkneaa out of commission -wltaln eo ebon a time. It U Intimat ed that negotiations ar now pending to put bito execution this unique pro ject, which if perfected will be so announced In this column. It may Interest Sprlngtleldlana to know that Mr Sunday. Ma. Jualoratnd the party of fifteen or more are stopping at the Biatae. ClactnnaU'a crack hotel. This leads the writer ( a preacher) .to ask If Christ and bis apostlas cam, to Springfield to engage In religious work would they atop at the Lslaad? AaaoaTasii An unfortunate motorist smashed Into one of those concrete traffic sign with his car the other day and was removed to the JalL 111 car, we preauaa, was removed to the Junk heap. Aaisjnsdetic AAa Ok, tew I'd love to throttle that guy 'Ami wjn up hit Inroaannt abia nlng; Tka reason Is this. If you care to know why Because be says "ending" for "Inn ing." Why Not Try the America Sir: After years of observation we conclude that there-la only one thing worso than the man who won t admit defeat that Is the man who will. SOCK IIATKE8 Jfl. Pree Advice to Yoan Mew Don't kiss a girl on tho hand un less aha haa been eatla' garlic. Oswald Hector says never yell "WfcatHoeT" to a Ban working la tho gardes. "Women In Paris Wear Monocles" Headline. Hence, Gay Faroe. Five hundred ultimate consumers march, in parade, as protest against nigh pries. New Item. The pageant, no doubt, was much enjoyed by profiteers"' who witnessed It. Doc Stewart says when a doctor give a patient hope he expsct P7 for if, m DORJUH VKhmSAUi DORBJS, Cal.. June S Surge Mason of tBO'HIg Lake Ilox company of Klamath Fall, waa a Dorris visi tor yesterday on business. Charles Dornatn was in town yes terday from sis ranch In Oklahoma. re. Miss Margaret Laird, who for tht past few months ha bon employed by tha Taber Drug Company, has gone to hwr home ntr Mt Dome whnr aho will upend tho summer Vr J T Bowman Is ported home from tv abort trip to Vancouver, II C, thl serening, where he has been on buttnrwk Carl WVlluer. who tins a farm tirnr Tecnor, transacted buslnev In Dorris yeterday Thn new coocrli block residence of J Rbelley la progressing rapidly tho walls having been completed. W It. Miller of Klamath Prill It con tractor Mrs. Herman llercovlrh and child roo expect soon to Mart for Sn Pranclnco and other bay points ! automobile to bo gone several week While away they H vlalt with friends and relative. Theodore Orcutt wa a bulne visitor la town yeetenlay from Tee nor. Keith Ambrose, tire chief at Kla math Kails, was In town for a short Umo Saturday evening. He ac companled by W K. l.v of Klamath rails. E, McCollum, who l engaged In the automobile buslnoi In Klamath rails, attended tn baxeball dance given in Dorris Saturday otentng. Jeo Shelley la repairing- a well on tha Clemen ranch a few miles west ot (own. xewh sonw nioM thi; PETPErUt-CtnTON MILL PEPPKllS-COTTON MII.L. June $ J. M. Oataader returned from the Dorris hospital rrlday. Mr Ostander Is caterpillar Inspector and met wh a painful accident, when he tore th ligaments loose from his kne. Mrs. Thomas, of lied Hock, visited at the McNalr home Sunday. Meter. Jebb Hum. 0. D Plum. Thomas McOaviek and T .11. Peppers made a bustneea trip to Klamath rails Wednesday. Fred. Zlbull returned from the Dorris hospital Thursday, where bo underwent as operation for tontlll tU. T M. Peppers, of Io Angelr. spent several days In camp last wek Major and Mrs. 0. W. Mallatratt ate ruined at "Michigan" Saturday night. Those, present at the delight. fuLaftalr bealdes the host and hostrm were Mrs. A. E. Plum. Miss Grtrude Drtntsall and Messrs. Utile. Hakor. Peterson and Van Quaten. At mid night, delicious refreshments of -l-ad. wafers, cake and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nystrom and family accompanied by John Wool fred and Bob Herman motored to Orr Lake Sunday. A. N. Flsb, accompanied byOlenn Uogte-s, left for Cblco laal week Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Plum and son Tad, motored to Macdoel and Mt. Hebron Sunday evening. Nick .Merthof. wife and daughter. Irene, have moved Into the "Stony Lawn Cottage." Messrs. Baker, Pollock. Otard. Curtis. Van Gunten, Ede and Dorsn autoed to Bear Creek Sundsy on a fishing "exertion." Stories very so la retard to the number ot flsb caught that wa will leave that part to tha Imagination of the public. Cur tl did some acrobstle stunts for the edification of the bunch and attemp ted to Impersonate a mermaid. All report a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Plum and A K. Plum motored to Dorris Saturday night. C. F. Caughcll and Harry Urooka, who are cm Ming timber on Hoar Creek, were visitors In camp Sunday. F. M. Benford, sawyer, wont to Medford Saturday. A. J. Bsglor. engineer, spent Sun der with, bis family at Slsson. H. C. Howard, truck drlvor, went to, Weed Sunday to visit bU family. m HITUXO JAKK IiMI'J'l.VGH Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Furber spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alox. Cheyne. B. A. Scbrelner and sons are build ing a barn tor Mr. Jones on bis ranch at Spring Lake, Mrs, Wm. Cheyne, Mrs. Frank Btowart and Miss Lucille Stewart at. . tended the club meeting at the Ml. Lakl church Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hchrelnor and daughter Paulina spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Walt Tur ner. Ttin City Board of Health of Now Orleans haa, Just-;-appointed Its first woman Inspector. Bho will b dotal). ed to work among tho confectioner ies and her duties will be largely ed acatlonal In demonstrating tho neod for greater Cleanliness in all place whero food U prepared. "Villa of China" a .ssswkkkkkkkkkkmJbw BSBawMV'TiiWKKKKKKKKKV l a&? 'Ijbh liaaaaaW Vbu!!bsssbbbbK Qnral Chang Teo-Lta. (ke VIBel kt China." haa thloss hi own way laj ih northtrn provinces. He wocriaa the I'vklng cutrnmtnt tst as VliaJ ued to worry Mexico. U coatra lhr mvvlacsa.. NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your DutU la Our Sud." PHONE 154 Corner Main and Cosfvr DENTISTS Dr. E. a WiMCaurtv raoira m Dr. P. M. Nod raom Over Ci aWveass) i Household Furniture ooods or all kinds OUR PlllCES IllOIlT We Buy. Sell and Exchange Cor. Blxtn and Klamath Ave. nicKn OO. CHIROPRACTOR Dr. l4ila C Itrldgea Over First State and Saving Hank Suite 10S Phone 1 01-J GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls J. O. CLKGHOIIN CIVIL E.N0INEKH AND SURVEYOR Phone 192J 111 S. Rlvsrsids PAINTING Practical painting, gliding, bro ax ing, enameling, kalsomlnlog, wall paper cleaning add gsnersl con trsctlng. II. C. TUTIIILL Phone 183 B2C Osk St MBsSSa1WSjMi SwaMMw4MwaMsaas Da, a A. 1UMBO Dtlt L O. O. V. BsdMtaa rMONB 1 Klamath Dye Works Phone 406 OOB CLKAJUNO, PREHHLHO AHV IlKfAlitLNa WILL MAJUS lOVB CLOTIIKe) LOOK LIKE NEW IJATB KKJILOCKHD Goods Called for aad Delivered 41 Mala Htreet. KlamaUi rail. FRED- WESTERFELD DBNT1ST Phono 414W. X-ftay Laborase- Biaaaa'a rasis DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 L 0. 0. F. Temple DR. a A MASSEY roart and IIm Ms, in Warren Knot Hospital Off. Psoas 4IT lias. Phoas KM L. D. Guts, M. D. KVK, KAH, NOMN AND TllltOAT (1LAHHKH KimNIMIIMU Warvra Hunt HtMpllal PImski 41 Ilea. While I'eUcan llesri. Pae 5 PKLICAN H.Y HUM rare ISs each way Leaves Ilea Cat Leaves Peitras City 7:4ft a. m. HOO a. sa. 11MB p.m. lllOp, sa. 1.00 p. m, 6T0 p. m. Ilecsard llssit Hervssa Pboae 77 llf rv . - Excavating Teaming Let ns mske yoa a price on dig ging that basement, or other ex cavating you contemplate. W also do team work ot svsry description. Phone 426-J S13 Man Street Phone IMV Upp'a 'Auto Service DAY AND NIGHT HKHVICK Experienced Driver Cars Klamath rails, Ore Nei wjMensssvraw j?jjjf0000f0000j KLAMATH FALLS-BEND STAGE Lavre Klamath Falls, days, Wednesdays and Moa rr days at I 00 A M leaves Bend Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Cadillac cars used. Mske reaervsttons at Tha City Trsnsfor Offlca. r. J. I1AOUMT Phone 411 411 Mala ssaStssewsvsaAssMsisaavsaeksessBjpaaat CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT omci ovatm trxDKawootra ! 84SSVI. Hsvssna a Itaaa t , . -.- "-J.J r- Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E.STUCKEY RavGUxm aaj Cabiassi Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine DULL TRUAX WAUKKM MDKT HOsVIZAI Day rkeata, aT NIcM ! 1 LJ.-J HAW MILL KMOiNBstXtsta A CONHTRUCriOir OO. Dealgaesw aad wall das of era aaw snllls, alaalag sssalaaatf bog plaaU. Dredging. Pile Srivtag, Pboaa s)a.W Offlca Corner Itfeiac I Oak Near H. I. E. D.LAMB rarUCIAJ AND HCKOBO Possl7W 17B Boosm 1 sssS Wkk Bnnittas LKT UH DO YOUK OOLIJKTnlfO A number of business houses sre saving ths Umo of their bookkeeper snd Indlvldusl collectors by Isttlng us collect their monthly bills. It Is lbs modsrn method. II cuts down your ovsrhesd. Oet your bills rsady and ws will do the rest. MRS. T. H. JOLLY ..6th and Main Over Sugsrmsn's store. Phono HOW MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maad lagree Bawlsy , Oadeoawaati Pkyi First NatJomal Baak BsjIWnt Bstraaea, ai i, ASBXAirD, OBBOOSI In faCAKSTAKJi- - '. ' ' ( i Ti o of I E The e N OE3MTRALiN HOTEL -a L L L GUY GMHUOT0.Mtftm. , m SwSMsssHialsi iA f GTnawnft sfaUMs ap WmUj - & h n T T -n i l. J v.. -J I NEWS STANDI ! -li U IsaAsW asaas ; .a. e. ..... -.-. i m !,. Hi i ui . ...I'.mein-L. ,i .11.1.1 ,i)jii a"""-""- - . G. E. WASHBURN Contractor and Builder Cuostractloa Work of any hind. Ho Job too targe or loo sasatL Bsllssalaa furnished fraa of chargs, I'HO.M: U7-J ii n i. i. ,.i .. . .11. i. mi KUmatk FaUs CjcUry Wa art her to serve, yo. aad aim to serve yoa right. Motorcycles and Blcyclsa. ParU and Aceaaorta. Tlrss and Tubes, that will stand yoar Inspection,' as w carry tha heat la our Una. Repair she fc coaaactloa with Harley-DavUaas ServUa. saas)S arTS 1919 Main KC XUaaata) rajs C. ...... WliltSiH .jjiiH'.m.i HOUSE MOVING Having bought the moving outfit of True 6c Failing. w are now prepared to move houses or other heavy articles. Washburn Sc Houston MONK 409-R . J. J. l'.Ji...-JI s,st DR. T.C CAMPBELL rarsKiAM abb l o. o, v, Besadsaea WalU rUaa UH BaaHeasa ! I, DR. J. G. GOBLE The well-known Optician now located la K, D. Blocs, 11X1 Main. Pboaa lll-M. Klamath Falls Plumb ing Sc Heating Co. 117 MALNjIfT LI St g PHpNMiMaVW Bavi i-eaaesasaaM Tha Bast Insurance for Kv.sry Naad' CALUINK-DONallAON INHURANCU AUKNOY Vlrrt Stato Hunk, llulldlng Phono C&o.W, Wa can servo you Ipsursncewlse. ' OI.AIIA II. CALKINS. MOLL1U H. DONELHON. r3LL-J.l..l.JJ J ACCOUNTANT Auditing, syslsmstlng, saw mill iccounling and lateral prsctlca. jraa ' LlTlagsloo, laco'rporated 'Ac ountant, lie X. Bt Orants, Pass, Prs, I KX-sUCBVICB MBS, ATTsOrisual KUatlb Test Ns. I, Amsrlras Ugleo hu st tU City Hail ss U first aad third TseUaji of sath taoath Ri'SerrU taa ar U?ll4 ts ! Isad lbs mllDf t, for saemberihlp card r Utetsu- Hon si-esrvUe mta f rMsu4 m or rll the falloetsg stflssni J II. Csrssbso, Coutastr. Iluy N reueh. Pott Adjttast ror rllf ot sBptsyoMat sss f writs lb Cbslruss el Tit nll(sU t'inplof(o.nl CommlllM. fradi Olds, cafe MlrtlJe UnUr ( par. ftaaaa. Udf N W LO.O.F. MeeU rrlday sight et tk L OT O. r. hill, (la sad Ksls stma. II ii, OgU mo chas. Nswuad . . . v' O. II. Maagu - JJ' W. D. Cofer TmL UNCAMrxaviT J. II. Hoaitoa II, V Brown V J tbnr .Tgg FACTORY SHOP , , Matlree Usd "J J ' ' paired, upholtlsrlsg crsus. " ; 70 Ii. dill hi. Pboa I "Li pz 1- I1 I. . rr WILL Taaa oat 0Hrs ar. 1U to " CON MURPHY BIT Mortlrr HI. Il M,,W BEAUTY PARLOR i- M.rAAltsa. Haassyooiaa. --. ,m lBf, manlsurlng. ror H2 pkos. III. Whll. Wta Oase Paoa. U7W " Dr. a D, I rkyelriaa aad ars". o7t.li. llalMlsg . ... v.ii. Ora avtaasftf ' - ROCKY PQINT stage; Mske ilMi'Mll" M Ksgle Pwlf'M rbono 370 or K'Ml 0E0. A. HBW t-Ci ounNE SI Lawn and; Garden Seed Murphey's 124 So. Six Seed Store