The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 08, 1921, Image 1

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    Sty? u mtttg iterate
Do It
Todays News
Member of the Associated Press.
'-MATIIIMI.IJI,Olti:w.V, WKDMiHIlAV, .HNIJ , llttf
Cif.y liar. Job For
One Pound Mauler
W.nln.1 A ,ui,.ii,..f ,, , ,
"" ""fiOMi par A,.,, ,., (lt, ,
"'""' "i'li ui (, r II. h. ,,
Chamberlain Placed
On Shipping Board
!- Huallnn fooie, fr,m tht- fa't'
I .1111 South
I'OUTI.WII Juno It Oregon vo
CL.rifi nntl Clliof Of PO-'I"" " K iLrrtMabli
" .. t 'Hull. triwt (,, rilfl. OB, ,. ,.., tr approve ton toldlor loan and
Rescue Chico
Had Him Bound.
Tim Ml enabling tho governor
lo veto (rlnln provision In bills
,w ami ili-.r. It n i,l nttw in " '" "'" " an "rerwholmlng Bin-
. ... Mik Wr.'ea.ur fre.1 u, rater,..- ami ih..'",,l'r ' X".i4ay Action
"' . iruutiril lua f0(M,l .,,,,, ,h. ,
(Mill ..f llir ituniiilitiailitr II '!l.t
Pound..,..,.., Wilton ha. ,,.. ,,n ,)' ''": emergencies .without nf.
W " ir.n.porUtl "i'n' "'" iw,,., ,,.. , ,..,,. ...i.,Mio,l for both appllcnts for a
IllfVf Ifirtra-laji,!!. ,,-,... ..I .. t..
I ,.' Mx-itR'i Fvna tCr'-ul HIR
!.. tiian wJiltn ! "" '"'I0'
toB.1 yelerdy llernnon.
!! n4 boupd Martin nd bail'
lis tfdaic I" Prr 'ro"'! when Hbrlff li 4I
0f ef I'ollcn Wilton. annnng
i ktrrr '" 'or ''"'I'' M'Prd '
Urn bill lengthening tin IcglslMlvo
Tim women' Juror air'co bill
vole wm rlonn on tho return avail
bin early today
leaker, Chicago advertising mnn who
I managed tho Republican campaign
1 advertising, baa been chosen chair
man ot tho shipping board, the Will to
Houiin announced today. Mnyr I.Im
1 ncr, of Ixw Annrlcn; T. V O'Connor,
I of Iluffalo, N. V, and Edward C
I'lummur, of Hath, Maln, Itcpubll
I can; Admiral ltanaon, Ki-Hpnator
I fhfimtiArlnln. nf Hrnrnn an,1 t'rixlnr.
ON MEASURES , Ick I. Thompnon of Mobile, Ala., Dera-
- I ocratH, aro undemtood to bo aaiurrd
j of placon on tho bpard
I Tbo ncnato today confirmed tho
Chamberlain shipping board noral
I nation. Other nomtnationii will be
reforrcd to committee In tbo usual
STATE TOTALS TOlo wi rant In
alia rnttrrday at tbo
Xt Kfl Hprrlal Rcnnrat rloctlon hfld for
rtj fcgnd Martin In tho m'dt Thciv a Urn turnout of lalth puri'on.t of votlnK on flro atato
U Ka ft "lt irliinj tn-n. ,n,j OHl f !. , ,nra u.i tiirtit miurr, and on local proponal, tbo
t Ibn Maaunlr Temple lifii Klam-1 cttjr rrfundlnK tond luuo, nnd si a I
ath I'alla lxtcn So 3 . It A M , ' ri-utl of tlm rnnraju of tho votrn, nil
hot lo Htatn Uraml Mich Print.' tbo atal ineaiuron In thla city enr i
I W Hcttlrmlrr ot WixMfori) tio rlcd wblln tho city maauro waa do-'
cotnplrlrt bli Main lnir-Mnn of trntfd by &7 Totci. I
I'OHTLANI). Juno 8. -turni
from 23 countlca, Includ
ItiK Multnomah coinploto, com
piled thla afternoon, give
U'Kllatlvi) roKulutlon nnd
compnfttlon umendment' Vea
26.H0; No, 3r,.ot7
Vutoram' atatii aid (tho bonus
bill): Yea, 63,720. No, 18.102.
Kmonconc clauio veto, yns,
37,010; No, 2C.201.
Ilyitclnlc marrlaco examina examina
teon: Yci, 31,333; No, 38.GSC.
Women Juror nnd rtivUed
Jury lawt Yea, 35.018; No, 30.-031
rtt!f for-e4 II pladlMK for
urttf 4 Hl offerrl ha can'.-jra
W nop (on and nil M !"
K.tla It tboy would turn him
VlMla waa takrn from In "- , (loyal Arrb rhaptrra lth t. vitit Tim lOldlrr bonus bill was n snr
ul Uel In Jail ' berr lad nUbt and will ou VJ,,nday ' pf! of tho election and ai tho re.
Tsa aoman In Ibo rain t" lb Jut.r 3. mtx a atatn ldr ff.rt of (urna ramn In the mcasurn tta
us of Mr l)ta Hlon. and tho cnJltlof of all rbapten hMi found to In running well all orcr
uH Is U 'rum Chlco. California . jh(, Mllon of tho icrand cbnpln ua the rlty. and when tho rcsulti of
ul la kiP I'M two small rhlldrtn' Trnm for builne aeMlon to l'"M I tho ten rlty precincts were can
ut kr bbanil whn sb olopt1 land ratted. It waa found that 345 rotes
Mrs Htono Is J ViV in thn mark watter derrro were faroranlo whllo tho opposition
Ra MttUD
jttti cl4 and jull prepottettlnr. I a, ,.ui on uad'r the dtrertlon of the
-Mittta nld tbo th'rlff that when t.imr and at the ronrlutlon of the
Uf t:-, tlin Orecon Hnn b . . ,inflrmallin. an addrrn was made
nU lb inn e out and-lkin Mrh erneral fraternal niatten
bf laf quarter of a mile. oh.( r(r ,.,fuMr,J
tktl!; Ulirvlnt that If hn waU- Amonc th Wllr. pretrnr from
4 wroti th boundary ho eould Yilou. jlcr wero John Trre
iUU lerbnlcallr that ho did "l. Virka. jf . C I. Crow. Iteddlnr
reitlttered only 82. tho measure car
rying In this city 11 to 1. While
advocates of this measure wero
hopeful that It would carry bore,
there wan no expectation that sueh
a lame majority would be siren.
K"llil for Soldier
Pelican Hay precinct 'as the first
uiMfort ber Intn Omton, but that
A ettr4 without bit aid and of
tf oa tolltlen
AtcoiillBC to ono rHnllon' tball. Kalli-l. Montana
U elnrert Martin waa llwlcsK At tba cunclutlon of the work In
Mf Us Illicit earnlni of bis con-l the Temple. banijuel wna trrre.1 at
art. The amount of rnrenu did the Itet Cafe In compliment to the
W ! him and ho hesrxsl abut' .tnr and thi preaent rc
Vatit ; J. f. Ouerln. Portland It It country precinct to bo heard from
HtnII. Itochitler. New York. N H ;and the soldier bonus bill recelred
ii.ii p.h. and W II Mar , 100 per cent rote. Ml 2 roter
,.-.. .,..,-- . .....
raitlnc their roti- for ino measure
ToIaI On Mrnun
The rote In tho ten city preclncja
on tho rarlous measures ran as fol
lews: Lfftialatlro regulation
At tho county clerk's offlco
this afternoon. It wns aald that
no figures from country pro
clncta would bo arallabtd until
tbo canvaailng board opens tbo
Imllot boxen tomorrow, as, fol
lowing usual custom, tho elec
tion board scaled tho semt-offl-clal
tally sheets, suppoied- to bo
returned wparatoly. In tbo bal
lot boxes."
Tho county roto was light,
however, and Is not expected to
upset the allgpment Indicated In
tho city figure.
Legion headquarter this Af
ternoon had returns on tho
rctcran'a aid bill from n few
country precincts as follews:
Swan. 7 for. against;
Crescent. 49 for. 2 agalufct;
Merrill. 75 for. 35 against;
Orlndale. 39 for. 9 against;
Mt. I.akl. 56 for. IS ngalnst.
Mnlln. 63 'for. 24 against;
Poo Valley. 30 for. 8 against;
Allamonth, 30 for. 6 against.
I,orella Is reported to bare
rolod against tho bonus mea
sure, but no figures aro Avail
, SALEM, Juno 8- Oregon Is to
bo congratulated upon tho magnifi
cent showing In Indicating somo
sbaro ot her appreciation of what
her serTlco men did for her during
tho war, said Oorcrnor Olcott today
In a letter to William S. Gilbert ot
Astoria, state commander of tho
American Legion. Oorcrnor Olcott
"Tho landslide In faror of tho
measuro ahows unequlrocally that
tbo peoplo haro not forgotten the
service Oregon' youns; manhood
rendered tbo nation. The splendid
work which has been done by the
American legion since It organlxt
tton no doubt bad much to do with
,tbo tremendous majority given the
soldiers aid bill."
So Says Supreme Court
Jurist Overruling De
murrer of Treasurer
In Dougan Suit.
HALKM, Juno 8 "County courts
.are not empowored to build court
bouses by wholesale," Is ono of tho
remarks of Justlco Harris of the
supremo court In an opinion handed
down today In tho case of tho J.
M. Dougan and company against
Q. K. Van nipor, tho county troaji
urer of Klamath county.
The suit Is an original proceed
ing In mandamus to compel tho
county to pay Dougan about $20,
000 under a decree prerlously 'ob
tained, for building the Maln,stroot
courthouso In Klamath Tails, '
The opinion overrules a demur
rer and motions of plaintiff nnd
allows ten days In which to fllo a
reply. I '
The opening scntenco ot tbo above
dispatch Is tho knockout blow to
any fond lingering hope of Hot
Springs proponents. It removes tho
lat chanceot legal authority for
the completion of that building and
Is an erldent Invitation for institu
tion of injunction proceedings
should the competition of tho build
ing be attempted,
There can be no other construc
tion put -upon It. Klamath county
jhas a completed courthouse. Toward
paying for it, tbo supreme court is
holding, tbo courthouso fund of the
county should ber directed. Ono
courthouso is sufficient, therefore
"county court are not ompowcrpd
to build courthouses by wholesale."
To unprejudiced minds the con
trorcrsy Is settled in tho cne cm-
Ixcal Poat Grateful
In a statement to the rotera ot
Klamath county, aimed by M. L.
Johnson and Itoy L. Fouch, public-1 tenco. AH that remains is for tho
Ity commltteo for Klamath poit. the
post' appreciation wo today ex
pressed as follow
county court to flnlth paying Dou
gan, more Into tho county build
ing, turn tho Hot Springs building
Into a high school, forget ptty
grievances and map out. a road pro-
'gram that will be n real sourcs ot
!... DAmMlllAA rtf Iff!
Until '" - I 4I1U uuni.11 vuium..vw w, ....
IMS h'f YrttenUr II "I'l T W Hettlemer. I. I.,. .compensation amenun e,. -. b, , . ,b , ,ur -ou ot lho
U lltstked and bt ber nd ner w C Van Em.on. (leo II iiunon. r. amti :S); non.irr oonu. .... .u. . UUon of lha splendid ld6TeIepment t0 Klamath county. In
ntcrle. drew a crowd who threat- H Henry. J II Hr"on I. n'K- 913. agatntt s.. r.rnrrgrncy ciau fXT WJIK1T TlMATi: Uupport accorded the state bonus tiload ot dwelling on a dead lisue
4 to ei.rutr summary punl.h- jiun Th.-o N te John Trucre rrlo. for 4... against 131; iiygenic WAS,,,NQT0N, Juno 8. The'and loan amendment nt the PoU,tbat has always been a wurco of
.. ... . i i- mi-. in I hut J msrri.rn examination and license . . , .,. . . ... . .! ....
ati, ii rtyianuT. ' - " .--- . Juno crop r0pori buuwb umf "'iTuosuay June an. tno u."icnumlllatlon nnd hindrance so mo
Kuwait. M H we.t w -m.- i.iii. ou.. nua.n.i au , "-'"- on( mlllon bushels In tho winter iCarrtei better than 10 to 1 In the
is vnman a story io i,inin ..-...-- .-.ib.i rfii. ntv """ i"1" - - --
Mf Tboma. tml.y. however. . .ball. : V lltlllua. O Pe,t..n j-r Mil. or 600 hfIt foreCMt. , dty and a lttbitaBltai majority at
i ... ........... . i.i -r n.m. Tim c III reiuimmh uuiiu.. .". .... -- "
mni nnn ui.cianneii nui"i"
.!..... .. .,,.1 nlntliin nmoiic n
... .1. . ,... . ...... .. ,t. .... nlr- Tlllllle 01 '"" lllili- -- ,.,-..
nun inn nw -"i." i mi- ai itr - ........ ........ . ... a.....i,. t .. i.,i,.rli- w.. not loat. .Many mem-
M.r.ln. sh MIMUJ. and ,r tho purine of conferr n : hj ... no m ..ra - . - - o
.peltlon nf the r..o. said lh TempUr degree uH,n t.r.ndldu.-. on measure In both tho
uloner depends upon lb Thn denrre -III Ih rotiternu ..." """"'""' " .,,, ... .. . .. nf u-n,hn-.Dn anil Callfornli
, ... . .... . i . ..i... i.. i;,-nrrr I Wonon lornnio Tnio uu u - - . " 7
aiiiiuuo Bimr lunnrr "-
K T. lleirT T"IiIkIiI
........ .f
I t.t itarte.1 thn row and al.l Tonlgtit a rtgulsr ""i " " -"'
iU a. aUenl from tb ramp t rr Comroandery No K win w "r'"
ttt lime
U 41
Tea capture, of Martin by
d, arcordlng to tho sheriff M
hH a half tnlln rbaso through
"III addition lie took refugP In
kosie, whoto occupants tolephcn
4 lor (ho officer. Forced from IhU
trlraat ho started for tho canal and
M roped from tho ditch bank by
of tho pursuers who "was on
ibek, I In waa securely truis
14 nfn lho offlror arrived.
";-' "T7!r"r the time this Is written seems to be
U-Kloii Joyful
fled that the ralsalonnry work ex
pendod In explaining tho measure
piling up In the outside prcclntta.
en.lo.1 in cxp.aining .no ...... wh , f tne nal re,dU 0f this
fflcen. of tho Legion were sslls-1 0MerTice men of this
community cannot but appreciate
tho expression ot good will from
tho voter ns shown by Tuesday
entire community.
Visiting Knights
Of Pythias Mere
Knights ot Pythias will hold an
open mooting tonight to greet W, O.
Glecson of Portland, grand keeper ot
records and seals, who. with n party
o,cct,?.n- ?:e, -rf'it h.e,ry:uf 11.. mi u tor .
uroii.Mi.nd.. .ret.4 '"any of them and ould hnvo a hearing on tnoHuua- am, Ta,uab,e ,w trnra .
of Merrill A l'" , . ,h , ,hn ,,. and ton. both local and state wide "., . ... , M,h ..,,, H. ' visit.
.. . , , ,1,1 i.ii-ti.n " J7 KetlloilB Ml iiiu n. " ..w. --- ,
liT jH-rririi " " -
"osier llort McDonald of lho,
"Mi of July carnival, hn n-,
Jounced thnt tomorrow ovonlng
'" at tho Hox Cufo nt 8 o'clock
"'P, all thn roininlttot'S nnd ttio,
ucutU0 commUton -will ment for,
"0 PUrillliii rr ,.ll..llnw lr.. llrloia .
'r lho innny nvmitit on llm Four tit
"oiraui. t
'nsor McDonald tnte that bo
ipi'ci to boo ovory comntlUcif
Ihero promptly on tlmo for
, PP ctlou im tho tlmo I nrow
'tt and nqtlon I noodetl to
nMle tin, ,,) f0 rtho mriilvul,
A report on tbu 'itrogrcsH of Ibo
ft i i no timiiioB or i.iuuriTf
' fan
mndo following tho first
' and HtnndhiR of candidate
,ur "IS bn.,n
til'i Wh,, ,oft iM '""'"K ,or
i&d ,r""cUco lo soloct tbo. Iteonost
i, nloit Biuuieinvnt l'ow that
co Kct for this program.
. m f w. 1 1
ft. u aaIm Trnltl fn,A mah 4 a IrlAMft
, ...... - V-fl fmn thn llniikiwnuii..ii. brought about by the Pythian br therhood nd each
tho passage of the loan fcalu.-o. and member I. urged to bring a friend or ,
rom heavy taxpayer, on whom the who ar. Interested to the otd.r.'
ncreasod tax occasioned by lb.. There will be a program of entertain.
meaun would more than outweigh " "' the evening will close with
tho benofllB to them. a r8B' ,
I This, coming nt n period of do-, Accompanying tho grand keeper
'pressed business, with tho war en-,of records and seals are J. Trow-
tlrely over, sot a good .tandard of bridge and II. O. Wortman of Med
'Americanism for tho re of tm toiford. and Dr. Hunlock. district qrga,.
nmulatn n,fer' ot Portlanl
i Klamath Post No. 8 wishes to ,...,-... Miller
tbnnk vo,. for this vote of r..ntl.," "'.' ..""." Z- -"
ilenco In tbo cx-hcrvlco man uml to
assuro you that It will bo our aim
never to glvo you Just cuu.o
regret it. '
01 TH IS
Tho forum today at the chamber
ot commerce was attended by 112
cuest nnd members. Announco
monts wero made that on June 15.
tho Doy Scouts would bo tnkon to
tbo Invn beds by Captain Applegalo
nnd J. D. Howard, a naturalist, for
a two day luspectlon trip; the com
mltteo on parka nnd playgrounds
would meet Thursday afternoon nt
4:30 o'clock and tho commltteo on
porsonnal. would nssemblo In I he
forenoon tomorrow.
Miss Twyla Head was In chargo
of tbo forum today and introduced
the member of the "Klamath Coun
ty Dairy Herd and Record club" a
Hill school house, who win par
ticipate In the sosslon at Corrallh.
R. n. Wilcox was Introduced na
tholr local club loader, Miss Mary
Shulmlre, secrotary and Frank Sox
ton as the county club leader.
A demonstration of testing rallk
for butter fat and other valuable
constituents followed, Miss Shulmlro
lecturing, assisted by Mr. Wilcox
with record data, and demonstra
tors. Joseph Wright, Outdo anil
Richard KobusteUlnl, Charles Wil
cox, Eddlo Shulmlro, Loren Cal
houn and Tholma Koilg.
A complete test was made from
start to finish with test tubes. Tho
separations of butter fat and milk
showed in tho tubes cloarly so that
a novlco of dairying could dli
tlngulsh the difference.
Tho audlenco was well prepared
to see a good test for Just boforo
the demonstration began, County
Club Leader Sexton gavo concise
history relating to the Importance
ot dairying nnd the bulldln, up of
the dairy business and what tests
of this nature would mton to dairy
herds In this county.