The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 06, 1921, Image 1

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fflqp 3Eumta lEimtiii
A Class Ad Will
Today N0
Do It
Today J
Member of the Associated Press.
I'lfUnitli Voiir No, l.n.'lll
Ask 20 Million for Hood Relief
Rail Haul to Be Elimin
ated in Reaching All
Parts of Atlantic
Coast; Water RJoute
is Selected.
Two Fall Foul of
j Traffic Officer
I Tlio lull taken by llio traffic of
flicra Saturday nnd Sunday nlgtitH
wan nirncni, only two offundor. fall
ing liilo tlio officer" hunds, II. W
Hliort, rounty commissioner and P.
A Alhortsoti, Imtli of whom nogloct-
it to n' that tlio rear lights on
thulr uutomoulln. wan iihlnlnfc
hrlKhtly hofora traveling over tho
city utrootn. Doth of tho offender
wuro taknn Saturday evening.
jlrrald uiotilnRton llurcnu
WASHINGTON, Juno 6. Plans'
for unlfloil action by tho shipper
of perishable fruit, from tbo Pa
cific count for tho nioro icnoral uso
of water Instoad of rail routes to
tho eastern seaboard havn been com-'
plctcd by California, Washington,
Oregon, Idaho and Montana Inter-' ..... ... , ... .
., .- i. nt ... -.... .- . Jupiter Pluvlus did not send
est. and appeal will bo mada by a .
... . ',. , a-... ,lown nty torrent to quench tho
apodal commlttco to Secretary of ... ,, ... . .7 ....
?.... . . nthlutlc aspirations of tho ch ldren
Vnr Weeks, Secretary of Commorco .... , . , ....
; . . ,,. . , ' . Un.r n ln ,n elementary schools of tb Is
loevcr and tho snipping board to . ,, ,. ",,. , . .. ,.
t .1i. city touajr aid uutiFrlday. On
have more adequate. provision made ' ..,,. T ' .im.,.
. .... .... .kiI.i. ii, ,ho contrary ho sent many am tea
for the fruit shipment on Inter- . , ... , ' , , . . , ' . .
..w... l(- I,U1IU Ulll DVf f UIU IMl'UB-
coastal steamships.
The plans, adopted at n confer
ence of tbo growers and shippers
ure to tho occasion
This morning al 9 o'clock, tho)
Cars Damaged in
Main Street Crash
Jubilation oxlits In tho ranks of
Ulructors and stockholders of the
Crater Oil nnd Gas company today,
as tho result of tho arrival of tho
long dola)cd drilling machinery.
Tho engine, boiler and other parts
of tho final shipment arrived this
morning. After looking tho lot ovor
this morning, J. II. Kelly, sales talents
manager, delegated by tho directors
to Inspect tho shipment, said ho was
satisfied that tbo full equipment
was hero.
On thu day that Well No. 1, half
n inllo north of Merrill, is spudded
In, thoro will be a gala tlmo at tho
When tho report of tho contri
butions for tho relief of tho suffer
ers In Iroland are road, Klamath
Kails will occupy no mean position
on tho list, as a result of the bene
fit entertainment given at the Mon-
dale theatre. Those who so genor
onsly garo of their tlmo and their
to make these entertain
ments such a splendid success aro
deserving of all tbo praise show
ered upon them.
1 The entertainment Saturday even
ing was tbo same brilliant success
as tho one preceding It. Tho able
well slto nnd tho entlro community, n'lng met with a responilvo recep-
wlll bo asked to participate In the it on that showed he was telling ot
celebration. There will be a pro
gram and dinner, at which tho com-audience
pany will be host The date has
not been definitely fixed, although
Sunday attar next Is being con
The date, however, depends upon
Ireland's troubles to a sympathetic
Miss Claudia Spink charmed her
audience with her singing and again
showed that she Is ponesMd of a
voice of remarkable sweetness and
volume. Miss Dorothy Elliott, In
L,w 7 , , 7 , .. " "n " 'ho city schools as-
which concluded yesterday at Beat- ..... ... . . , . .
... .., ..... 'i i..,i f "nblod at tho Central school build-
fruit shipment, from tho PacU,c 'ender tho direction of Principal,
coast to the east. The plan. Include ''V , v ""' g """i f
tho establishment ot receiving port. l0M,h? Uk?nl' T formed no
ut 25 Atlantic coast and gulf porM.
Eliminate IU1I lUiil
Ily motor truck and local rail
a pnrado and marched down Main
.street boforo going to Modoc park,
about 1400 strong.
i Tho Central section led hv Miss
connections 21,000.000 persons cun Aco mckfonl( pr,ncpal, hoa(lcd
be reached with tho Pacific coast ,h paTui0t followed by tho Fair
products from tho ports. Tho plans yow. gchooIf ,no ,,r,nc,nil, ,r w
would decrease rail tonnage from Ko(aoo. thon cftmo M11,( group
tho coast on heavy tonnago from Mrg ortna Exc cadn(c. tno j,cI.
about 40 por cent on domestic dls- ,cnn ay con,nKonl gu,,cd ny Cf Ei
trlbutlon nnd send nil foreign Kalos Lambort nnd tno nivcrsldo section
through tbo Panama canal, ollmln- w(h Mr K N Wood drocllnKt
atlng the rail haul entirely.' lTho parai,0 WM n ,irIgnlly cIothcd
Tho deciduous and citrus fruit ,, vry Kajr nffa,r for ,no chWren
growors of Oregon, Washington and ontored ,nlo Ul0 n,far wlth a ZMti
California havo a capital InTnt and conUnuoU(1 cheering and singing
m.nt of more than 1300.000.000 WM ndu,Kcd , a tno way down
and nnnuol production of rooro' and up Man Btrcct
than 100.000 carload, of fruit. They Tfco ulfedo tocUoa was C8.
havo completed plans to form nn poc,aUjr notlcoablo as tbo children
nil western committee on water wow al coUlC(, , cIovpr c,8tumc8i
transportation which -will net ns n facC(, h rp(, agnln8l n wh(o bftck
central ngoncv for tho movomont or groundi uulo qUMn(i ,n tno w11B,ns
fruit, nnd vogotnblo. to gulf nnd h . . . ...,.. ..,,. chnn.
Atlantic coasi pons, uy wuwr
through the Panama canal.
It was statod at tho Seattle con-
Tho Contra! section wns a varied
soctlnn nnd thoro woro mnny "fun
ny men," i clowns, and dominoes
fcronco that 40 per cent of tho do-' ca(torcd an,onB tho section. Tho
mcstlc distribution nnd nil of tho . oycn ,m(, ,,,. ROat ,f( ..
foreign distribution should bo HiP- fcong guro thllt uoforo tho dnj. ,g
pod by water,
Could Ilcnch Millions
FIguros woro pro-ienlod to show
oor, victory would full to them.
Tho l'cllcnn Day school woro
droBsod ln neat nthlattn costumes
that rocolvlng ports on tho Atlantic nnd mado BtrcnK showing. Tho
nnd aulf coast roacli 21.000,000 Kalrvlow group woro fantastic cos
poroiiH by truck or abort rail hnul jtu,nM for tho occasion and -wern
Twenty-four port, nto nlrondy ,ol, propnroil lo lnvo otB ot fn.
cqulppod to hnndlo tho perlrhnlili. T,0 Mllg BCnooj woro prCparfd
fruit.. (for n "tlmo" nnd tho llttlo' girls
i Tho shipment to twonty-four dit-jworo coHtumes thnt would 3tnnd
forcnt markets will oavo money for oar nnd tear upon tho nthlotlo
tho producers nccordlnj to tho prc(fiold. Hut thoro woro many varlgn
Hrnt pinna. Two bureim will bo tod clovor costumas consplclotia
iHtnbllshod on tho ca&t to hnndlo nmong tho soctlcn.
..nM .hlnmnnlo nnA 111 Cnll-i Tlin nlhlnllr rnnlnnla vnm ntnrf
fornia to handlo tho cltniB fruit od at 10:30 o'clock -and will con-
BhlpmontH and ono In Waahlngton to tlnuo tho balance of tho day. Tho
handlo tho doclduoua fruit rhlp-. mooting Is for tho purpose of
monta. I building up tho masll n! tho chM-Mffort-wilt
bo mndo to havo tho dron In nil-round nthlotlo exorcises
Unltod State, nhlpplng bonrd equip, nnd wlnnora la moot will bo Hwnrd
u largo number ot atoamors with ro- od rod, -whlto nnd bluo ribbons for
frlrorotlon In nddltlon to thoso nl-J points won. Ilacos, pullinK up oxor
roady oporntod by prlvato concorns. clsoa, running, stnndlns nnd broad
Plodros havo boon obtalnod from prl- Jumps, Indian club oxorclsoa. 1ml
vnto ship linos for hauling of largo Slicing, bnskotlmll throwing nnd
ninntltlos of tho woBtorn const pro- othor nthlotlo ovonts nro on tho
ducta. " '''rornm' '
tho rapidity with whch the rtg response to many requests from
can bo transported to tbo well. Tho 'those who were unable to gain ad-
machinery at tho local dopot must mission Friday night, sang again
bo assembled on one car and haulod .Saturday evening, and even sur-
on tho Strahorn line to the Six Mile' passed the splendid success gained
Spur, which leaves a 12 mile truck jth0 previous night. The Bennett-
haul to tho woll. Thcro will then be Clarlc Quintette and "Ted" White
tho sotting up and adjusting, which repeated their successes of the night
Is a slzablo Job, but the work will before and rounded out a program
bo rushed and It Is hoped that two that has been declared one of the
weeks will see the completion. DOgt OTOr iTen In the city.
Tho boiler Is a 100 horsepower ivwa(mwiwmiaaamia
An unavoldablo accident, In
which both men tried to avort a
crash, took placo yesterday morn
ing at 10 o'clock inv front of the
Elks club on Main stroet, tho cars
owned by Fred Houston and A. F.
Thompson sldowlplng and damag
ing each other considerably.
Fred Houston was headed up
Third stroet, going home and the
Thompson car driven by Ray
Thompson waa coming from the
Link river bridge, both at a smart
pace. At tho Intersection of Third
and. Main, whoa both say that a
crash was Inevitable Thompson,
passed to tbo right ot tho turn then
towards tho curbing while Houston
endeavored to turn to the right
without hitting tho Thompson car,
ubt both met and as a result, the
fendors and running boards' on
both cars wero damaged, the right
front wheel on tho Thompson car
torn 'off and tho axle sprang.
Houston drove a Paige car and
Thompson a Hudson. After the
crash, both admitted that thfeaa
x a little VftuUr '4Mb hu.
Thompson ..was . alone la his car,
-whllo Lester Rlrkpatrlck ot Merrill
was a passenger In the Houston car.
No Injuries wero received by nny ot
tho persons.
capacity, mado cspecallly for thejeasy equipment Is at the local de-Jwas never produced by the lattei.
A receiver has been asked for in
the petition filed by George Tall
man ono of tbe owners ot tbo Deor-
head Grill. In which he alleges that
a sum ot money, $2300, which
should have been put Into the busi
ness by nis partner, nay wuaey,
oil fields, as Is tho powerful eng
ine It drives. Sand reels, drilling
und fishing tools and lines, black
smith tool, and all tho other nccea-
pot. drillers have been engaged and. Tollman
Mr. Kellcy states that work will
start as quickly as the rig can be
got on tho ground and Installed.
asked that a recotrer bo
appointed and the court aelectod
George Dratton. requiring $2000
bond. '
S' JZfr7 A-
Refugee Camp Estab
lished to Care For
Homeless and Relief
Train Due Today.
PUEBLO, June O. Governor
Shoup Ium asked Uie United 8fi
government to place $20,000,000 at
the command of tlio state of Colora
do for food and relief. An urgmt'caH
hits been sent oat for antl-typltold and
nntf-dJphthcrU strums and disinfec
tant. The governor baa placed all relfcsC
In tbe hands of tho Red Cross. ,
vam fay t Hanntna; to refcnU A assst
ssjjcaa otx)eJsn!aan ant aTeTywlereb'yw
played. " 's
An Aspoclated Frrwi check tosinf"
showed 42 known dead, against taw ' '
lied Cross figure of 100 yesterday. ' '
Many bodies are still In the debris.' '
PUEBLO, Colo.. June 6. ThU
flood devastated city awoke this
morning to find tbe waters In the
low lying sections receded to below
tho five foot level and still going
down. The flood today Is at the low
est stage since the sudden cloudburst
Friday night.
Work ot removing the bodies froa
tho Grove and Peppersauco districts
has begun. The situation la well la
hand and order Is rapidly belnc
brought out ot chaos.
State troops and rangers are pa
trolling the residence districts and
ovoryone found on tho streots after
nightfall Is stopped and questioned.
So far, however, only ono or two
cases ot actual looting havo occurred.
Most of tho wanderers brought to
military headquarters have been ig
norant Mexicans wandering about
aimlessly following tho destruction ot
their habitations.
A relief train bearing tents, bed
ding, cooking utensils nnd medical
supplies Is due at tho refugeo camp,
which has been established at the
Mineral Palace park, this morning.
Ilefugeos will bo transferred to
this camp from temporary quarters ln
schools, churches, homes and other
places whero they were temporarily
recolved nnd succored.
Guards along all roads to tho de
vastated districts are stopping all
traffic and turning back all save
those having official business In tho
flood zone.
Itoporta In circulation last night
that a now flood was coming proved
WASHINGTON, Juno 6. West
ern nrmy posts today reported
ovory effort would bo made to ex
tond relief to Pueblo flood suffor
ora. '
A telegram from Pueblo urge
congreea to immediately appropriate
$5,000,000 tor relief.
nivoncR sure filed
A suit for dlvorco waa filed la
tho circuit court Saturday att-
noon by K. N. Wood, garage ownA
ngalnst Mrs. C. O. Wood alleging
Incompatibility. Both ot tho prln
clpala nro well-knowu, especially
Mrs. Wood who la principal o! the'
nivorsldo' , school.