The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 02, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tllllllll. lilt lllll'll IdllfKllllllllllK.
I'liono IHII 2-H
(.'nil IHTi for your luxl,
KOIl HAI.l: riimi'il link liiiffnt; 1 a 7
3rd. Ht. I'liiiim Ili'.iW. 2-1
KOIl HAMS I Kuril l-l(in I'ruTiT
It) IT model Ken I. iiiiId Annus, .Mill-
rtipolltiiu llnliil 2-fi
I.OHT A hunch of Hnyn. Uetnrn In
II 1(1 Multi. 2-1
I'altitn, iiIIn mill viirnlnli. V. II. und
J. C. I'liltiinou, 127 Mil HI. Plume
I'.HIW, cr Unit r.lllll. 2 2
Will exi'lintu'.n full (II' Iron lieil
uinl Hit Itir.H fin' :t-l ImmI iiiuI 4 !
nprllig. T II Wiiliilit 2
Will nichungn room i til fur impir
hanging. M I' . Herald. 1
A good Iii'iI uinl ii good luilli , i (u
liinliil ItnoiiiH, I llli, nii.ii- Main HI 2
WANTKI) Woman Ki mok for
rmii'li. Apply I'arlfle i'-iiim Mint
Co.. Itnoin No 0. Hwiuiiu'ii llliln T.
ophono 2SH.I. 2 I
KOIl HAM; Kurnlturn for foui
rooniH, iiIho (Irniiil plnno I'iiicli.m
r nniy Miive privilege of lentlng ."
room Illume rloKit In S2I Wiilnnl
Avu. Call aflur Hi u in. 2 :i
WANTKIt - Ulrl to ilo liiiinmuuik In
inoriiliiK anil rarn for two children
In afternoon Apply liOK Conger Ave ,
or pliium SI 2 :t
Kor hire l.irgn uinl niniill com
I'llOIHI I M. 2
iimki:i i'hi hi,i:
Tlu Woman' Mlmlnnary Horlrty
of tin- M C. cliurrli will Imlil ii cook
I'll fooil viii. ronnlHtlllK of lliilni' matin
bread, pliii. cake mill tulniln, nt tliu
JotiiiNtonn Kuriilluro ntore Halurdny.
Jutm lilt. 2
Son Tnllilll it In t it t pulntlnr; I'hntio
1X3. 2-1
If yon in.' going to paint, f" Til
hill. I'll' It3 2-8
U'ynnilntU ami Leghornn rroed.
J2.ii' i'ir 1 1 ui , $2n uo per hundred.
Ilnx 1013 2-3'
Unity -lili Vm. Marred and White
Korku. II I IIimN Huff OrplUKtonn.
Aiiciiii.i" lll.ii k Mnmin n. Huff.
V'lilli-uinl it -nun l.'Kliorni Oritur
HOW, III" H'-aMin will H(Min t tone
Kntw'i fn-wii. St .ibrlgltl Cnllf 3-l
Next Tuesday is
Special Election
(Contiiiui'i! from I'ago 1)
I tin (Irlmen, N. II. Nnwlmnkx;
ClorkH- Mr. Harry I'ootn. Nettle
Nowh.iiikn. Mr Kvu I .. on aril. Night
bnnrd. Jiulgen A I. WUhard Kirk
Hloser: Clerkn- Mm Wlllnrcl Smith.
Horace Dnnl.ip, Jame K Ilov.ln.
Precinct - Day lio.iril. Judgim -Slary
llalln. Ilfllo (iarcolen: Clerk- -K.
It. Matt. Jennie WIIroii, l.llllini
Whltmnrn; Night board. Judgrn- K
Vi, Chllcote, J. II Clin inborn. CMerkn
Killth M. Dulzoll, Klorcnco Dreher.
Charles (inrci'lon.
I'reclncl '.' -Hay board. Judges
Maudo K Will. NVIIIo Sandham;
ClnrkH- Unrn Miller, Mlllan Owens
Har.ih A fltnltli: Night bonrd. JudgeH
J. II. Ilryant, Oswald Melnnner;
Clorkn Mabel Mol-unor. Krold.i Hr
unl, Mi'lvln Milter.
l'ruclnct 10 Day Hoard. Judges
Alox. NoskT, Fred. C. DeClinlne;
ClnrkH -Nellie M. Catitrull. (iolita
Kliuinll. Ilulla Parker.
Judge "d nrl.H for I lit County
l.miKdl Vnllny JuiIroa II. W.
Wllkornon. II. Ii Wlnnnnl: Clerkn
H. C. Cowley. W. D. Cnimibt'lt. W. II
iMullii I'roclnct .IiiiIkoh Jonnlo
A. Criiiidnll. A. Knlniin: I'lorfi W.
B. lliirrls, Anion I'lilniHok, Krunk
Tulo Uiko JuiIkoh J. II. Ilolilw.
(1. W. Offlidd; ClorkH Jnniei Whit
lock, V. K. KrtlltH. V. . I'npo.
Merrill JiiiIkhhC. C.ny Merrill.
(J. Ilowman; Clitrks Clydo llradluy,
A. It. Conn. Kruil Htnkol.
Mldlnnd -JihIkoh Clinrloa Asor.
.ImniiH Ilory; ClorkH -W. J. Wordcn.
J. A. Iliiniileiilt, A. V DiivIiIhoii.
Worilun- -JuilBi-H CV J. McCollum.
W. !:. (lordon; Clork - I.ulu Volt, H
I,. Vnll, Hon. (lay.
Portland I"
(tern iinnoiiueo
that tho ixiuuty
isiurt In to htP
hMilllllllR In Mil"
mobile. They
newT wero ablo
In iln It when
biiKRles weii) In
use, their luck
vi lib unto Ih
iloiiblful, niul
tho iioxl (T'liei
iitloii "HI b
lining Iheli
hioiinlii; In 1 1'
pliinen, fun
don (ilnho ami
Sic BPioa is
Ml. I .ii Id JmlRifi- Inlm Kiintx,
Ittlnirl Clmyiiit; ClorkH -It. C. Hliort,
.liy Knlrclo, C A. I Tilt
I'on Viillcy Imlitit - K. I,. Mooro,
.1 II. Van MiiIit; Cb-tfi K. II. Kim
lor. II Ii Unhurt, l.-tvl (Irlfflth.
DHn .lint--. II. H. Oilmi, W. I.
Willi h. Cb-tki .Inlm A. .Iimi's, (I. (I.
Aiiiioii, I' TliniiitiH.
Khiinatli l.anc JiiiIki'm II. II.
Wainpliir, I mil's Htraw; CIcrk'N C.
Hants, .lull ti l.ilKlty.'l'. I). Coiirliiiln.
I'lnn llri'Vf .IiiiIkoh Jnhn Hhiip-
I I. lns .1 llllyard; ClorkH- A. It.
Citniphi'll, It. i:. Ilrmllniry, K. Mils
Von nc
Oii. .lllili'OH Win. II. Ilrnik. V.
M. (Ileavi's; ClorkH -Alum WllllninH,
l:.l, Itoiirho, P. II. Funk.
Pb vnn .IiiiH;iih II. HnnwKOosn,
It W. Tiiwer: ClorkH- D. It. Dolon.
'. W. AiiilorHon, H. I'niIkiiII.
lllliloliruml .IiiiIkoh- CltnrlcH N.
I''lu'kiin, J M. AmlurHiiii; dorks -.lot.!
n N. Drew. J. (!. WrlKhl J I' Col
nhiin. Hwiin .liidi;iin A C Ilonslnfeor,
I' I.. ApptoKiito; Clorks-ll. II
Wood. P. ('. Colimin, I. (1. Htllos
AlKoina- .IiiiIkoh (looriio ('
Norlli, W. ITIirnimi; Clorkn (loo
tliiKi'lstoln, Jolm It HiiKolsti'ln. Ita)
T. Cox
Wood Hlvor JiiiH:h It. A Mi on,
('burins Copoland; Clorks - Cdnu
I'nnioroy. Anna lllckninn. J II Wls
KpniKUo Itlvor JiuIki's- C W
Warron.J. C IMmiI. J C. Kilmil;
Wnrron, J. ('. Kdsal; Clorkn Jiunos
Doll, i: Olvan, Hurry Nlrholn
Clilloiiiln JiiiIkos It C Hplnk.
A It Tfiilirook; Clerks W. M
Hkifii. Joioph S. Hall. Charles H
Valna - Jiidt'cs It M. Wolmor.
Itwm I'anUi-y. dorks II. K. Wol
ford. Ana T. Miller. A. T l-miKrll.
I.OH (liver JuiIkvb J. O H,UMti
kir. 8tlla Howne: Clerks IC. J
Hold. I. C Horn. II Hlloli Jnhnixin
Topny- JudRp - W I. Kraln. MaJ
8pinrr. Clork Mrs W I. Kraln.
Prrry lUinJUon. Mm. Mnry SiMnT
Orlndalf Judse Claron'o Hum
f'hrtir IUIjip. Clrrks Thin". A
I Cri-ra. Mm ISIta l.nwln, Mrs I. II
J IIoriik
Altamont -JudKoa- J M 1" I
' Tom I Uu -n. Clorkn W II H.i k.i. .
j K. J Appltgnto. Uiwrenrr Kill!
I Pi'llcstl liny- JudECn- II It llnr
1 rlson. (5 W. 'Sapp; CIcrkn -II l
Mnrronson. Mrs 11. D Mirmiioi I
II. Illhhort
At the Theaters
Tho dlatunco butwuun tho carofreo.
romantic ila)n of old Spain, and tho
drudKliiK. droKKliiK bourn of tho
biihomi nl nhop Klrl, lien between
the charactern of Maymo l.add and
Itisa Alvnro. both of which ar
jiortrayi'd by Mabel Normnnd In
"What Happened to Itosa," U10 pop
ular lomcdlenno'H latent Ooldwyn
picture, directed by Victor Schorl
zliiKor. which comes to tho Stur
Ihentro tonight. '
; Tho eyes of Maymo I-add uro
hopolens; tho slump of hor tired
Wnly moans nloud, "Whal'i tho
1 nun?" Then In a twlnkllnt; tho
mysterious poruonnllty of Ilona Al
va rn tranHfieurcH tho llfolcsi little,
shop Klrl. I lor eyes becomo brilliant,
tier manner diiithlntr, hor body as
audnclniiHly polsetl an n flower on Its
stem. Ono moment MIsh Nsrmand
In Mnmoy IjiiIiI, drab and liuln
terestliiR, and tlio next who In Ilona,
beautiful, faaclnntlng.
In addition to thin nkllful bit of
character portrayal In tho Irrepreu
hIIiIh Nnrmnnd humor that puts a
laiiRb Into ovory food of tho film.
Tin: i.iiicutv
ItnrlnB for a creator prlio than any
piiMo over pouted at a track, Harry
Illomotlold rodn. Hlnck Heauty crons
country nguliiHt Jack Ilcckett on
I.lRhlnliiR. AkuIii and again tho posl
lions of tho racers chaiiRed, throuRh
many cliaucu huppenliiKH and dosper
nto risks taken by 0110 and then the
othor of tho rhlors. For tlnckott,
bankriipt and houudod by bailiffs, a
fnrtuno and a Klrl ho doalred depend
ed upon tlio outcome of tho race
Harry rodo to gavo Jcsalo (lordon
&W I ABOUT NOW? I y re gmm v . ,-J e
from n llfo of mlttory iih tho wlfn of a
Tho Ioiik racQ Ih an mid oil Hccnn
In tho Mcrvi'ti vorslon of "Hlncklloau
ty" propatod by Mr and Mm (loor;n
Itnmlolph Chi'stur from tho world fa
noun hook liy Anna Hnwnll. Tho orl
Klnal Hlnry loft Hlnck lloality, rap
Idly rornvoTltiK from tlm nffocts of
tils liurdshliin as a cab liorso, at tho
Hlomcflold homo noiir H(tilro Oor
ilon's oHtatc, lllrtwlck Hall. To that
point tlm srroon vornlon adhorcH uc
vnrntoly and faithfully to tho Kn'.vi:!l
narratho In ovory dotiill Mr. and
Mrs Chostor luivo porformnd tholr
difficult trsk with all rnvoronco and
ilovotloii, and tho wild rum Ii tiddi'd
tin ii dramatic mid Hportucular ''Umax
to tho croat VIUii;raih spoclal pro
ductllou. "Illnrk lloauty" will bo shown at
tho Mhcrty thoatro for tho lrtt tlnir
Hit Record
i f rj
Jimmy Walsh, manaccr of tlio.
N'l-waik, N. J., tux ball team, of tho
Inlirnulion tl, has run ut a
riiord of bis own and bf pretty
proud of It. . made at liant Olio
till ijay fur 39 tli, a und QviraycU
I'JSi Uih tliu t.1 Irk.
iiv sl.v it.irn.s.ii
When Jack IK'iniwey and (ieurxes
Carpcntler meet July 2 It wilt be the
second time that an International
battle for tho world's heavyweight
championship under Marquis of
Quovnsbcrry rules has been foUKht.
To the lato Charlie Mitchell, the
Kreat ttiRllah cbamjilon. and Jim
Curhett bolonRS tho honor cf having
met In the first International con
test under tlieno rules with the pad
ded mitts.
1 Two years bofnro hln flRht with
Mitchell tliu American had won the
heavy wolRht championship cf the
world In the first content for the title!
in which tho bin Rlovcs vere used
and (Jneen.ilierry rules prevailed, hut I
I no took tho honors frcm an Amen-1
, can Reed old John I.. I
I Tho fight between Mlttbell and'
c'nrhelt, which took place In Jack-
nouvlllo, Kla.. on Jan. 2S, 1S94. vu
won by Oorbctt by a clean knockout
I In the third round. It wiih ii KrudRe
, affair, If over there wun ono I
1 ' (inidKe (nt
Dad blond had existed between the
' men almost from tho day that Cor-
butt had battered tho "lloston StroiiR
liny" Into a state of helplessness in
, 21 rounds. Mitchell had belittled
Corbetfa victory, declaring that Sul
livan at tlio time was nothing more
than an old man, and that any guod
Tighter should havo stopped him in a
fuw rounds.
Tho Impetuous and highly-strung
Corbett, always sonslttvo to criticism.
Immodiatoly conceived a violent dis
Tom Pulls
Here Is the Chance
YouVe Been Waiting
like tbbi soon grow Into Intense hat
red of tho Hrlton and when the latter
enmo to America It wan without much
difficulty that a match between thorn
was arranged.
Tom Allen, another Kngltahmnn.
who had won the heavyweight cham
pionship under london ring rules,
trained Mitchell for tho battle.
Corbctt had with him the old
crowd that conditioned him for tho
feulllvan fight. When tho day of
battlo arrived both wcro In wonder
ful condition, but Mitchell wan under
tho doublo handicap of moro yearn
und fewer pounds.
Corbett. never in an amiable mcod
before a fight, was In a towering
rago at ringside bocau&o of tho ef
forts that had been made to stop the
content. These, however, were unsuc
cessful. Edits Paper
Mm. Qrace Crowley OaKU-v in i '
piirtw. fdllnr Optl Ituslnitw iiianufor
of n newspaper unued dally In- HntH
I'enns.vlvama. New York. It'i '
riiirpngu paper clvliu: alt thf rrntKl 1
nw and tn'vrviowa wllh Interwt.
lilt! KU.'KtS
a Boner
knHHHK Bsnv?
l we'ue goimg to have SVA. J&U4&, I i'mthe i r&l'i
During the month of June you can get
The Herald at the SPECIAL ANNUAL SUB
SCRIPTION RATE. Here is the rate that
will be in force. during the month of June:
The Evening Herald one year by carrier $5.00
One year by maif $4.00
To subscribers outside Klamath County $5.00
This rnt Is rimmI for imp month only, niul will not rxtenil be
jontl Juno ItO, 1(K!I. ..Undrr tlio lntr It Is nr cestui ry to linio nil
papi'M pnl'l 'or '" ndvnncr, nnil nil snlcrlptons not rcncucil by
July 1 will, unilor tills rule, liniu to bo illscontlnunl.
It wax not our Intention to put on n upcclal rate tills yrnr for tlio
rrAAon Hint tlio lnrrenseil cost of publlrnllon did not Justify any re
duction. Today It In costing to publMi Tlio Herald llireo tlnio?i
wlint It did tuo nnil n half years nRO. Daring tlio pant jenr there
liati boon no reduction In tlio rost of anything entrrliiR Into Hi? pra
duetlon of n newspaper and many Items hnvo mlvanccil.
Hnuovrr, In view of tho Renoral ileprenslon prevalent, wo feel
tliat wo should ilo nothing to lncrouo tlio bunion cten n little. Hence
u linrc decided to mnfco the special offer again this We
shall npprcclato It If thoso desiring to tako mlrnntaRc of this of
fer will do no as early In tho month oh possible to relievo the 2 rent
amount of clerical labor that will naturally como at the end of the
fxiiitl offer period.
Don't fail to read the
Hr ItBII'A - XnUnMKnTlllllsnMlnll
I nWanlk' ' ' XJV) ' IrPIWllinWlllB I
nlr 9 X nnnni.nnHnknnk. ' nntnnVIBin
Bu'VnV InBnBnBI'Snn
Reduction in Price
In keeping with the lower cost of pro
duction these delicious soda wafers
will be sold by grocers at the following
marked reduction in price. Snow Flakes
are made with the finest ingredients, in
modern, sunny bakeries. Packed only in
the red Snow Flake packages.
Your Grocer Can Supply You
Pacific Coast Biscuit Company
Herald Classified Ads.
I If
. I