The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 02, 1921, Image 1

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A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today's News
Member of the Associated Press.
nritiMiiii vip Ni. man
'Eight Awards
Five State Measures on
Ballot; Special Bend
Election in City; List
Of Officers.
, .i-.kyi4Li'
Tho Knights of Columbus nay in
ward L. Hoam of Now York, their
European commissioner, U tho mont
decorated wclfaro worker In tho
country. Ho has received eight high
honors, tho but being tho Order of
JiubcllA of Hpnln, awarded by Klng-
With the rnmliiK nlerlloii but flvii
Iii)m off, Ttifnilny, .1 lino 7, when the
voters of this slate, county mill illy
will east their ballots In n special
clncUon for flvn stale measures, three
nf llii'm proposed iiiiionittnmilH to the
Mate constitution; mill olio city Issun,
tho proposition of Issuing riifiimlliii:
bonds to lake inrit of thn iliilniiii'iiry
In liiiirovimiitil IioiiiIm. considerable
Interest In hufng tukun In the election
hy local voters.
Thn Mil urn" Mill lie railed upon lo !
llOClllO till) fall) Of till) Hi II t It llll'UNIiri'H,
such an tho connllliKlonnl iiiiit'iiilincnl
creating woflil war veteran's nioio-
rlutlon fund, (commonly designated i
I tin ()rui;oii soldier bonus bill); the I
((institutional amendment leugthctl
Inn thn duration nf tho Main leglsln
turi) anil lucrcnslni: tbu roiuiHinsntlon
of (ho iiiimibnin; tho cntmlltiittoiuil "'"""C last night In Harry PooI'h
' II In greatly ilodri-il Unit tho
people of Klamntli FiiIIh will vuto
fuvorably on nixl Tui-nilny, Juno
i"tli, on tin ini'iiBiiro authorizing
thu rlly to Issue bonilH to tho ex
tent f $30,000 for tho refunding
of tho boniln Issued on paving utiitfl
one, two nml three. Tlicsu Issues
matured on May 1, 1921, anil noxt
October paving bonds on unit four
will mature Already bondB to tho
extent of about JIG, 000 havo boon
presented nml turned back bocauso
of luck of funds.
Thin seriously affect tho credit
of thin rity. Wo will wish to lssup
boudii fir othur badly needed city
Improvements, any action of default
luff In payment, such oh has al
ready happened, hampers tho city's
plans very materially. Tho city
mum keep Hh credit Kood.
1 The adoption of thin measure
Manager McDonald and tho ox- does not mean necessarily that tho
eriitlvii couimltteo of tho Fourth city will Ikhiio bonds to tho full
of July celebration held their first u,"lnt authorized. It will Iihuo
only sufficient to meet matured ob-
New MontK
( - -
The program arranged for tho
big bmcflt to bo given for tho ro
ller of the Irish sufferers will bo
otio of tho finest of any enter
tainment given In this city. Kach
person participating! to uso n stogo
expression, Is "a top llnor," and
those who will bo privileged to nt
tund will remember tho affair for
many moons. Tho uso of tho word
"privileged" In used advisedly, for
already tho advanced salo of tic-'
kuts Indicate that tho house will bo
packed to tho limit each night. And
why shouldn't It bo with such a
program as this?: i
I)r. K. I). Johnson will bo chair
man of tho entertainment commit
tee and will prcsldo each cgcnlng.
"Irish Kyes," with Paulino Starke
In tho leading rolo as the fisher
man's daughter.
A fifteen minutes talk bv Iter.
Congressman II. J, Drano of
Florida, Isn't superstitious. Ho In
troduced a bill to add a thirteenth
month to the calendar. He'd call It
"Center" and have It com between
June and July. -
0 E
amendment enabling the goxtruor to officii at X o'clock and outlined tho P,,1i1,11I111.,i
Theso bonds will bo
from thn dnlliinucnt ns-
vein inn emergency ciausc on legisiu- tentative program for tho two dntoi. KOHsmonl. It Is not Intended to make
tlvn measures; tho measure uuallf)- .... . B.h ,..,. ,irr,im ,. , i.,..!.,. ,. ,i, nronortv nf tbn cltv
lug women to sit ns Jurors, uhlrh Is
ho submitted for upprowil to tlu'n" a w,,0, to rotlro ,ht'so bond
but tho revision of the lurv law nro-
vldlng that women am ouallfleil to t1"''"" '""I lsters at tho next
sit on Juries, and tho marrlago and "I"-'" ni.olIiiK. tomorrow ovonlng ut
i... .i i...- .. .. .at an
reiifii ineasiirn rnllllrlnir liolh ma p "" ""' "'. uiiiiiiuh.-u iiiuian.
and femaln uppllcants for marrlngi
Tho Oxcoto Welding Shop of Carl
J. V. Molloy, on tho reason for tliO8caubcrt Jr- at 232 Main St., and
entertainment. tho garago of tho City Transfer com-
"Ireland Must Ho Hcavon, For, pany, at 231 Main street, were burg-
xh".i;.erw,"T,,,",,,sitaij-rte- ia, Tuu"ja- -uidb
and Singing,1
solitary burglar, who first gained en-
French Troops Attack
ed by German Resi
dents; Poles Support
French in Encounter.
OPPELM, Sllosla, Juno 2. French
soldiers garrisoned at neuthen, near
tho old Polish frontier, havo bcon at
tacked by organized Gorman Inhabi
tants numbering three thousand.
The uorman attack was well planned.
Wires between French headquarter
and tho barracks were cut, sentries
driven back and the headquarters de
tachment surrounded.
The French rushed tank to the
sceno and Germans, armed with pis
tols, attempted to capture tho ma
chines but wero driven Into buildings,
from tho windows of which a hot fire
was opened.
Tho tanks charged tho buildings,
firing volleys through the doors and
windows. There were German casu
alties. Polish Insurgents aided the French
when tho Germans attacked tho
' Hawaiian Music
CUrk and llennctt. 1 trauco to the Oxceto shop by breaking
"Klllarney," Dr. Mallctt. I ut a wlnuow pane, crawling in and Frnch- Germans and Poles engaged
Ted Whlto, "Tho blnckfaccd as-1 then, after swunng u Oxweld Cutting ln a ballI near 0ro""StrenIlt2' an1
Tho pi-oplu hh a whole will not bo """"'" "' ""i-w. - torcn, departed by the back door to I l"c "' J"" '"-' '"' "ar-
burdened with any additional taxes o " 'wwruos wrong, a .MacK tho garago of tno City Transfer, next f.0 B
oeiuivii comeuy. leaiurinc Aiaudo u.. i.. . ..... .
It Is not Intended to mako any "' of tho back door, lifted a latch, and
or llreiifos to wed.
Thn two monaurnii which aro ro-
i l in ii ijl
ii iiiiiiiiiit in I'liiniiiii iiiiiu u'lirit nil. i tl . .. it .
,.......: ;""...". '.'levies. It Is tho plan to collect tho ",0 "urc "isa r.yes is said tO0k a breast drill valued at SliA
tr nn nr i i.a it. i
aimeBsments, und with '" "" """ "' l"u UL'"- " P'aTB i from that place,
retire all
uthorlzatlon. Tho tcason
llronses bo examined physically for P"l''d hy tho executlvo board and , ,,...'..,
hygenlc purposes by rompetmit phy-,'M,"'Kr McDonald. Tho publicity '' , ,
ilelans beforo receiving certificates foaliir' will bu handlod by Nelson ,.,..,..,
I iiMimMiiii,. At.i.. tt.i.t.....i -.. i i miner tins an
in lkn ... ...I... t. l ...
bonds Issued ,u"! '") a nau re-
, marKaoio success wborever shown
TSS"Sn rV"? ,J-' for ..;;;; U,0'",h.- ran" I"' undoubtedly bo everything
H. Kelly. Hubert Olay will tako . . ...'... .. 'to lm w hii rnr i.v . nninn
irlvlng lh most nttmitlon lorally aro cmrBo or uio sports committee to WQ , oulckly enough to meet tho c'-'rtalnment.
tho soldier bonus bill and tho local 'll H'o evcntH' for hoys and girls Uo 'H oblKBlon . Tho talk by Father Molloy needs
refunding bond Issue. Ill tho former, 'luring tho two days. Win, Conklln sl0ulu ,ho clty mi'verti and bon "" comment. Those who havo over
various organization of both labor "'nnngo the "Horribles" tea- ,h; doubtless tho city h:,ar, hlm know whr b ' rocog-
and business nssoclalloiis IibM) buim'uro which Is said lo bu u wonder woul(l ,invo , ,nko ovor omu of nlzed us one of tho ablest speakers
addressed by speakers from tho,"'"' Kolierl liymi, Mr. Maim and ,n(j otJ) ng no npQny owneM among tho Catholic clergy of Aracr
Amerlcan Legion who havo outlined Mr Conklln. tho water carnival ,,..., '., ,.. , ...,, lea. An intellectual giant, thcro Is
The Oxweld cutting torch was val
ued at Jf06 by Mx. Schubert and Is
of tho variety that will cot through
any bank vault door In this part of'
i tho country In a very few minutes.
Tho torch can cut any steel up to 20
Women aro volunteering for ser
vice. Many aro wearing men's clothes
and driving wagons and automobiles.
Park Bridge to ,,,
-?- "Island Building
the iiosltloii of thu veteran's In this sporls ami n number of other
matter while In tho local refunding I'lvents. The names for tho boxing
bond Issue, thn question litis been 'commission wnro submitted for the
payments. Then the property would
be taken off tho tax roll for ono
year, tho original owners have one
presented to tho public by city nffl-:""cutlvo board's approval and will ' . u... . , m . ..
elals and others who are Interested In j" submitted Monday to tho city . .,,....,1,.. tho nrom,riy owner ay wl" expressed so brilliantly aro at work on the case,
keeping tho credit of tho city unlm- jcouiieii ana mayor for their np-iw)W m) BUl,j0Clej lo wouIl bo tho " to bo Interesting from start to
imeneil. ,-....
6 per cent Interest chargo, n less
- - I.. U III' I LI'llL lllll'I B-l I'lllirL'l). II 1IH'
Cnuntv t'lerk DeUut on May 7. no-1 Another meeting of the executlvo ,...- .... , . In Miss Dorothy Elliott Klamath
titled the Judges and dorks of their ' ril Is set for 8 o'clock tonight for )Ul cvcn ,f Mh ,nea,ur 8noui,i Ka" hn n singer of remarkablo
duties for this special election Tues- ' "rry Poolo's offlco ' ,,,,. ,. . ' ..... ,. talent. Few havo had tho pleasure
1 "' '" uunir ift immi iuu - f
holders now a right of "' "pa""B er sing, nut those who
day mid sent each person Instructions
governing thn election. Supplies were'
prnporod nnd up to, yesterday, evnry ,
precinct In tho rnunty except tho ten
which urn In Klamath Falls proper
rncolU'd their ullotmeut. They were (
delivered by Sheriff Low. Thu city ,
precincts will bo supplied before Tu
wuloy by tho sheriff, nnd everything
will bo ready for tho vnterH to nisi
I .. '
AM tK HI 01
THI.SA, Okla. Juno 2 Tulsn ro
thnlr votes for tho olectlnn measures, suined a iiornuil nlmosphcro today
The Judges mid clerkH for tho city j except for thn presence of 000 na- t, measure down noxt Tuesday
notified to Biirvo on Tiiesiiay lire. '"il Kimrusiiicn Heut noro yoslor- The city Is in thn nosltlon of an
for tho collection of tho money duo
on their bonds.
Tho miiIIktI ntlon ns contained In
this measuru is n matter of ncces
Ity. and If Ilia people will under
stand clearly that no taxes will bo
; Imposed upon their property for
tho retiring of these bondB, It is
Inconceivable that they should turn
A small force of workmen acting
under tho Instruction of Capt. O.
Inches in thickness and Is a danger- C. Applegate wero at work today
ou tool In tho hands of a yegg man.). erecting the wooden brldgo over
I The tool box of Ray Hunsakcr In) to the Island at tho city park and.
, tho City Transfer was tampered "with iat 2 o'clock had the caps set for
Is never a second's dullness when ho "ut only tho breast bit lying on top 'h" stringers across tho 25-foot
talks, and as ho Is deeply Interested " s tnero was no room In tho box panal. Bridge nnd floor timbers
In conditions now prevailing In ' fr It. No money or other valuables w"e on tho ground but most of
Ireland anything ho may havo to' wre taken In cither place. The. police tne mcn secured by tho chamber
01 commerce raueu to put in an ap
pearance. Tho volunteers who gave their
tlmo to tho erection of this bridge,
tho object that Capt. Applegate has
'so long desired, were, Capt. O. C.
Applegate, C. E. Solomon, J. P.
McCollum, Tom Telford. M. L. Mill
er, Bert Hall and the carpenter
I furnished by J. B Chambers.
I City water Is now to bo had as
....1 1..... ..... ..... ... ....,. havo will tell you that she dgsiiom
uiiiuii .iMuiini ni'J u wnuiu ... .
en u voice oi great possiDiutics. tier'
singing Is so natural and her volco.
filled with bo much melody, that
Officers Of thn nnllrn ilonnrfnlnnt
sho Instantly wins tho hearts of have been Instructed to arrest nil'"10 grounas or tn Park as a .force
of her audience. I violators of the motor vehicle nct.lcf wrlraen from tho California-
Clark and Dennett, who appeared 'who have had amplo -warning that ?rcg?,n Iowcr company repoired and
in vaiuioviiio In the Star theatre the law must bo obeyed. I expect
for many nights, where they delight-, this ordor to bo carried out to tho
oil largo audiences, will play the letter nnd without exception.
Hawaiian music for which they aro
noted. So well do they give ex
Proclnrt 1: Judges-F. I.. Arm-, lny ufler the rioting bet-won no-'0iorber on n note. Thoy havo to l'rt'!",,0n lo U'o swet pathos that
rongniiilH. i:. Moyor; Clerks j ernes and whlto men, Including n.p.iy, but tho city looks to relni- n,,ls lnrouBn tho music of the poo
rs. I. llogardus, Don J. .umwalt, night of Incendiarism In which vlrt-biirsement from tho property that pl of tl10 ,,ac,f'c lsI tuit their
Chief of Police the entire negro afer ..' received tho, TLl " n-d even by the " fZL TL "5
most accomplished native musicians,
J. P. Wells
. .. . . . !.!-.. 1 ..... . . .
Precinct 2: Day iioani; judges in.yeii wmi it loss or about si,., Tillr,. ...n, lln Rllff,c,,,, mnnn..
I'rod Schnllock and Merle Houston. C00.000. coming In from tho dollnaucnt ns- In aiUmlon 'hey will sing one or
.... . ..It .... 1 I'll...l.. S t. . m . t
t'lorks i;na .m. .-vicmiiiiiu iiny
Aiikney. Mrs. W. 8. Slough
Ily clvlnir this nn
Tho wounded aro Pstl-.thorltv to thn riiv. ih oii .-m Irl8U melody of "Klllarnoy," and
mated at 240. 801110 still estimated Keep Its credit good, and nt tho '''" nnnoaranco on tho program Is a
...u negro ueau ux nign as it). Ilutsaino tlmo havo a littlo cxtonslon""8""" ,en,uro in llseir,
In accordance with tho forego
ing final -statement of Chief Wit-
Installed new pipes from tho main
loading to tho park.
Night board; Judges Harry M.
Ackley, Claudu Dagger ; Clorks
MrH. N. S. Drew, Fred. llucHlng,
Ituth M. tlowen.
Precinct 3 Day board, Judges
ltosn 8011I0 llnitton, l-'rank Ward;
Clerks Mnry Hlnwnri. J. I), llriitton,
Tl. II. Dunbarj Night hoard, Judges
liln Oorlior, A. M. W.'-ilonj CIorliH
Krama Mills, J. 8. Hiiybiirn. Geo. A.
Precinct A Day board, Judges
P. I.. Fountain. Jon Brett; Clerks
Kato Peyton, Margaret Wlthrow, J
K. Bwnnson; night board, Judgos A.
J. Lyle, Oscar Poyton; Clerics Josso
Lyle, II. P. Lowls, Austin C. liayuon.
Precinct 5 Day board, Judges J.
W. Stout, C, K. Iluckinun; Clorks O.
C. Applegate, Mrs. Jonnlo Kvans,
Mrs, Chnrmlou Johnson; night board.
judgoH Mra, Mlnnlo Buckman, J. H.
Drlscoll; Clorks 0. K. Brandonborg,
F. II. Cofor, Mlko Lnvonlk.
Product fl Bay board, Judges
IajuIs Bradford, 11. 8. Orlgsby;
Clerks Alpha Pholps, Ed. Smith,
Agnos'E. Oronj Night board, Judgos
Chostor Avory, Frod. M. Onrrlck;
Clorks Hdgnr B. Magoo, Wra. H.
MoPhorron, a. B. Cozad.
Proclnct 7 Day board, Judgos
aTj-ulAi'"." "1-- " -.... .iwwwwwww
city traffic regulations has started
In earnest. Six arrests havo been
.... 1 " Miti.invii tiu . 1 a mi ik rnn r . . .isi..
1 UHllmalCK of the dead dwindled' assessments to rotlro anv on.l nil lwo 8onBS- V B uisjihi, a rear
today. Nino white dead wore Wen-1 fionils tho city may issue under this! Tho 8Wcet tenor l Dr. Mai- 'Bhrl as rollews: J- A- McCa11. J
tilled and If, dead negroes account- auhorlzat.on ,? utl . ' Particularly .ulted to tho '' - Kirk. A. E. Patter
ed for . Tho wounded urn estl- m,oi... . ,i. .. ... .,. Irish melody of "Klllarnov." nnd 8on J' """o and 11. M. Smith.
upon muffler, lack of lights.
1 speeding, running with ono light,
niHimi Boarcn ruileu to discloso nd- 0f
(lltlonnl bodies or hones.
tlmo In which to ranko tho
lironortv owners mtikn n.ivninnt nf
Many of tho fiOOO negroes under their assessments.
irilliril nt thn flllr ppnunrla l.n.1 tnul '
tholr cntlro possessions In the fire.
Jury Disagrees in
Rodriguez Trial
(Contlnuod to Page Flvo)
Sugar Planter is
Touring Klamdth
A. F. Porter, Interested In
sugar plantation near tho city of
No iigieemont wnn reached by tho .Honolulu, Hawaii was an nutorao-
Jury, In tho cai,o of tho State ,bllo tourist In tho city this morn
ngalnst Frank llcdrlguoz who wnsjing onrouto to Crator Lalto and oth.
chnrged with issuing worthless 'or sconlo spots of tho county,
checks, yostordny mid Into last' Mr. Porter stated that tho plno-
night, nftor having deliberated part applo and sugar crop would bo
of tho night mid falling to ngroo,
Judge Kuykoudnll called tho Jury
In and discharged them.
Judge Kuykondall yesterday or
Uorod tho $10,000 damngo raso of
Laura E. Mndlson against L. O,
Mills, U, H. Boeder and B. T. Me
Klmons dlschnrgod from tho dockot
aftor tho nttornoys for both Bldos
ngrcod to dismiss tho caso. This
'caso wns trlod oarllor In tho win-
tor boforo n Jury nnd no verdict
was rondored as thoy woro unable
to agreo. '
very good In Hawaii this year. Ho
addod that tho financial situation
was vory quiet and that all of tho
business IntorcBts woro vory much
Intorostod In tho so'ttloment of tho
Yap question with Japan.
Tho road question In this, coun
ty was ono that could boar much
Improvomont ospoclally it tourists
woro to bo attracted hero In largo
numbers, Mr. Portor stated In
answer to a number of questions
asked him during tho brief stop ho
mado horo this morning.
Then comes "Ted" White "thn c"ing corners and all other vlo-
hlackfaced assassin of sorrow." This lat,on8 that como to tho attention
Is tho first tlmo In over two years ot ,,u' pollco w,u b0 flowed uy
thnt Mr. Whlto has put on tho swltt arreat' " th ch,ot
cork nnd his net promises to bo a residents and country visitors,
scream . Ho will wear his famous Tno ,aw "win ho enforced on city
patchwork silk Kilt, nn outfit that : ,0llrlsts and all others allko und tho
la valued at aovcral hundred dollars chlot suggests that tho best way for
0 anil which attracted such wldo nt-:drlvors t0 nvold tto nnnoyancoj
tentlon when ho was travollng on ol wrr08t s fnmlllarlzo them
tlio big circuits, Mr. Whlto's nbll- solvos wlt" traffic regulations and
Ity as nn cntertnlnor Is real and ,aMll b? thom-
is backed bv years of buccar9 hn. ' O
foro audiences In tho big cities of
tho United Statos.
Tho ovonlng's entertnlnment will
bo closed by a Mack Bennett com
First Car Over
Sand Creek Hill
Bobcrt E. Hunsaker reports that
the roads on tho west sldo ot tho
Upper Klamath lake are In fino
condition and that much travel Is
j passing over them. As far as
' Hocky Point no fault can be found
with tho road at this time of tho
year but from that point to Ft.
Klamath, conditions are not so good
owing to recent rains.
Ed Itouch, who lives at Crescent,
yesterday made tho trip to Sand
Creok over Ft. Klamath hill and
Is reported to bo tho first man this
season to traverso this trip in a
Weather Probabilities
No Difference in
Postal Business
ody. Thoro Is to bo no solicitation
for funds. Tho show starts prompt
ly at 7:30 and no ono will bo seat
ed whllo any of the performers are
on tho stago. 1
Saturday ovonlng thoro will be a
complete chnngo In tho pro?rntn, ox
copt for tho pictures, which will
bo repeated. Tho program for Sat
urday will be published tomorrow.
Saturday afternoon there will bo
a children's matlneo ,at which both
Tho barometric pressure, us re
corded by tho Cyclo Storniagraph
at Undorwood's Pharmacy, has re
mained practically unchanged slnco
last report, although tho teudency
Is slightly downward. Indications
favor a continuance ot warm wea
ther, with mild wluds and Increas
ing cloudiness.
Forecast for noxt 24 heurs:
Gonerally fair, continued warm.
for this matinee for the children
will bo ten cents, adults 50 cents.
pictures will bo' shown. Tho cosrgo Ing will bo 50 cents.
Postal recolpts and gonoral work
about the Klamath Falls postofflco
have not docllned with all tho talk
about "hard times," Postmastor W.
A. Delzell stated today, and thero
Is littlo or no dlfferenco today com
pared with a year ago.
Tho postal barometer will be set
to work next month for a compari
son when tho fruit shipments' bo
gin to come into the city from tho
Boguo Illver valloy. It Is at this
tlmo that tho local offlco rocelpts
aro annually swelled.
A marriage license wa3 issued
this forenoon to Robert Blsset and
Miss Gladys Elinor Kbmsey nt this
city. 1