The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 31, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ' Mrirt taVK
TUK8DAY, MAY 81, 1R21
ni uiiiLuguMi
WAh Nil I AH
f Personal Mention
lllci:Hly In tlm ciuiiliicl of iiiHt
Oscar C'nniplMill In In from IiIh
ni ich nt Ixirolln tc day
Mtlmi Dennis mill II. M. Adams,'
two III) ranchers nro In town on bus
iness for n. fow days,
Alfred CiiNtnl wus down from Fort
Kliimatli yustonltiy for thn day.
i hid missus ii;ucii miii is on no mo-
frimily arc r'KlHtcrud nl u local hotel
from l'lill(;iiiln
IH .....I tl... .if n - ... tr..
t .ni linn .inn n. . luwiir. in fu-
Hiituriliiys mcIiim.I .llstrlrt election at , 1(.t y,.,ri,iy ,ro visiting with
Chllii'iiiln Ih churKvd by It. C tlinlr hoii who In III In tho honjiltul.
Hplnk, who In hern today to sou an1 Mrs. Jwk llunsiiknr who under
attorney In ciiili'iivnr lo content and wmil an oiionitlim at one of tho local
net until it tho election which re- liiltnln. In ImpnivInK vory rapidly,
suited In llio cholrn of tho imini' Hherlff Woodcock of l.nknvlew, nr
Mldii fur (ho now Hchuol liy n votu rheil hero IunI iiIkIiI from rortlaml
uf lift to 2R. I where ho linn hern to deliver noiiio
Mr. Hplnk says wont side sup- Prisoners. Ho loft today for I.nke
porters aro vory InillKimnt and ho view.
charites that Ororgo HtrowhrldKn ' Mr. and Mrs. I.estor TnrwIlllRer
owner of thn cunt sldo Bile. C'uirluN motored to .MonlnRtii) for Decoration
J. Ferguson, his attorney, und Minn lny.
Twyln Mead, NChool siiprliiteiulimtj Mr, I.eo, Houston left yesterday
collusion to keep a (;eneriil volo for Anil tit ml where sho will Npond sev
from he I n if tnkon. ! oral ilayH vlsltlnt; with friends.
Hit says that no notice of elce ' liurKo Mason drove to Medford
tlon were posted; that not until Hiinday to Npond a few dityN thorn on
tin inornliiK of election day was It business
known to thn school honrd thut an Fred. Mill Iiiih returned frcm
election would ho held, and thai tlm H.ilem where lie linn been for tho piiHt
polln voro not opened until 10 week on li'K'il business,
o'clock ut nl;hl after tiiiiuy witcru' Miss Hess Klli;orospcnt the week
had departed. i end In Bonanza with her parents.
A meeting hail been railed for' Mm. Itoy Cochran who 1ms been
fliiturdiiy but It win tho K'miirul Msltlnj; with rolallves In Ashland for
opinion Hint It wub called to )) tlli'pasr wcolojoturncd homo Innl
cum tho NChool building and ar- ovr-nhiR
rmiRn for election. Up to tho morn-' Charles Humphrey left for a Nhort
Iiik of election says Mr. Hplnk, It
wiin inulntiilned by Mr. Hidrlck, qno
of tho hcIiooI board, that It wa
merely a nieetliin, not an eloctlon.
At II o'clock he says tho ncliool su
perintendent telephoned the dlrec-
I.uko Walker, John Hlomons, J. I,
llockloy and J. T. Dixon loft yostor-t
day for a business trip to Willows,
California. Thoy eipoct to roturn tho
hut of tho week.
Mm. W, A. Knstman left thin morn-
Inc for I.amolno, California, whoro
hIio will make her homo.
Minn Krnnklo AdiuiiN toft this mnr
nlnK for n Nhort visit with hor par
untN at MncDoel.
J. V. Fitzgerald, Nuporlntendont of
thn HhiiNtn illvlHlon, arrived last
nlKht In IiIn private car to Npond sov
eral dnyH hero and nt Kirk on official
Harry Ilaymond who in Interested
In tho oil hUNlni-HH here, left thlfl
mornlnK for Hun Francisco to visit
for a fow dnyH. Mn. Itaymond will
return with him.
Tho tlov Knrl Mathlfes, pastor of
tho Lutheran church, left thin morn
ing for a two woekN trip to Hun Fran
elsro and I.os AtiKolcN.
Mm. Btolln Mane and Mm. Jon
nlo Drulllard bava returned homo
after nn extended visit to mnny Cal
ifornia polntN arriving last night.
Mm. Mang to very much Improved
In health,
Mm. Frederick Perl of Minneapo
lis, In tho guest of her sister, Mm.
Marlon Nino, at Swan Lake. Mm.
I'orl will join her huNbnnd 'In lon
Angeles nt tho convention of tho
i:ikn tliero In July.
Tho California-Oregon Tower com
pany bnHeball team Journeyed to Dor-
rln Hunday, May 20th ,nnd took tho
Dorrln hiiKeball team Into camp by a
Ncoro of 10 tu 8.
The gnmo won a hard-fought battle
from Ntnrt to finish. A good-sized
crowd attended tho game, qultn n num
ber going to Dorrln from Klamath
It. It. R.
CopcoN .... 10 12 4
DorrlN 8 6 3
IlatterlcN Hutchison, Normnn and
Wlrz; Adams, Ucrgson, Stunlcy and
Herald classified ads pay you.
iiiiixt hn iniido for thn urnrcr Individually. Ixt nc mnko your now
spring suit nml enjoy wearing really distinctive clothing tailored
lo fit you jx-rfcctly und to retain Iti citra-NinartnrNN during long
ronMniit enr.
Merchant Tailor
liuslneas trip to Ashland yesterday.
, Mr. and Mrs John Vale and dau
ghter MIsn Cslher, Mm. Allen Vale
and Mm James spent Hunday at tho
I.ava beds.
J. 11. Carniihau returned last night
nml told them to go ahead from a business trip to Ashtund, Med
tho election. Mr Hplnk had ford and Yrekn.
previously been informed by Miss F. Hill Hunter returned Saturday
llriid, however, thut tho election' menlng from Portland and Kugeno
would ho held that day I ln th luttnr clt ho attended tho
Ah a reult says Mr. Hplnk, tho' Masonic Initiation taking degrees up1
Moilno Lumber ruinpnny'a employ- to tho 32nd mid Initiation Into tho
ees, which furnish 86. per cent of inysterles of tho Hhrlno Mr Hunter
tho arliuel allendunre, bad not u was thn only Klamath Falls randl
voter on tlm ground They, be- dato In tho class who took the work
ciiunii of geographlnil location, aro t.nst year a scont of Klamath Falls
west sldo supporters. ! Masons I"' ,,lu ili'grei1 "nil Shrine
' Tho west sldo slto was offered by work. ' !
Abraham Charllo und tho eust sldo p. t Houle. city editor of tho Her-'
uy Wrorgo btrvwbrldgo, both as aid. returned Hatunlayny evunlng
gifts. Karh In developing towmlto from n two week's vacation In Ban
lots and deslro tho school In their Francisco, Sacramento, HolllMor and
respective neighborhood as un at- other California cities. Mrs. Soulo re
traction to homo seekers. mulned In Cullfornln and will visit
Whllo Mr Hplnk Is sales agent fori friends and relatives for u couplo of
the west sldu tot ho says his per- weeks more.
nonal feelings uru not unlmatlns
Mm. Charles Monro and dnugh-
lion went unfair to all tho resident
of tho district.
him In his protest, but Hint ho bo- tor left yesterday for Portland, where
Hove that tho methods of tho oloc- they will attend tho Itoio Carnival.
Alfred Collier and Kvcrott deary
spent the week end on a fishing trip
nt Cherry creek. They report thn
roads In very good condition with tho
exception of n fow bad places.
Clarence Motschcnbacher of Dor
lis, spent yesterday hero.
Among thn passenger on tho nu-
: tnmobllo stage today for Ashland and
' Medford woro Frunrls, Wnlts, K. W.
IllRgs, Kmll Flackus nnd J. F tawis.
Mr. and Mm. Don Holding spent
Decoration day In (Irani Pass, Mm.
Holding went on ft Kugeno and Falls
City to spend a weuk or so with rela
tives nml friends.
.Secretary Carnalmn of the Klamath
Wool (Irowers Association, Is In re
ceipt of Information from State Veter
inarian, V. II. I.yltit, at Salem, that
n ler n conierence wiiii ur. j. i . i.s- Mp1 ...... Vu ,..... ,.. nrrV(Ml
line, ho had decided to recommend to fcoro ,Q Bp(,n(, , Bllm,nor wth her
"""""""'i' ""i""1"1 daiiBliior, Miss Twyia Hond. county
order No. 37 bo amended so ns to pro
vldo for tho pausing of sheep from
Siskiyou and Modoo counties, Califor
nia, Into Oregon after federal Inspec
tion shows tint sheep lo he free from
scabies and known possible exposure.
Tho reply also urges tho associa
tion members to tepnrt all cases where
sheep hnvo been exposed to Infection
to statu heailiiunrterM ut once.
Sheep already passed ucross tho
border, which nro now In tho vicinity
of Horsefly Valley, will not bo dipped
unless It Is proved (lint they hnvo been
In Infected districts. The order will
not become nctlvo until It Is sent to
tho Stato Livestock Hanltary Hoard
for approval.
Big Falling Off
In Lumber Output
Tho Wookly Lumber Hovlew of
tho West Coast Lumbermen's Asso
ciation for tho wcok ending May 21st,
shows that ono hundred and sixteen
mills In -westorn Oregon nnd westorn
Washington roport production nt CC,
813,336 foot, which Is twonty-olght
por cent below normal.
Now business totaled 67,900,934
Shipments totaled 64,6711,773 ft.
For dollvory by rail, now business
Included 1,847 cam; rait shipments
1,694 cars. Unshipped Imlnnco In tho
rail trndo wnH 3,019 cars.
Local business totnlod 3,618,773
In tho enrgo trndo, domestic orders
totaled 6,790, 101 foot; export, 3,
182,000 feot. Constwlso nnd Intorcos
tat enrgo shipments totulod 7,661,
000 foot; oxport shipments, 2,680,
000 foot.
school superintendent
llobort (loctz, principal of tho
Klamnth county high school, left yes
terday to spend tho summor In Port
land. Ho will return at tho beginning
of the fall term.
Mr nnd Mm. J. Hlno nnd Win.
Luston woro passengers tor San
Francisco this morning. Iloth Mr.
Hlno und Mr. Luston aro with tho
Iti-ss Plow Plpo company and hnvo
been hero some tlmo on business.
Mr. C. H. Olson, who has boon visit
ing with her threo sons at Merrill,
roturnod to hor homo nt Omaha, No
brnskn, this morning,
Mrs. J. II. Ilhoton who has bcon
visiting ut tho homo or Mrs, C. II.
Hani, roturnod to her homo nt Hrny
this morning,
W. K. Lamm, tho lumberman from
Modoo Point, loft this morning for
n Bhort business trip to Sacramonto
and San Francisco,
Mr. nnd Mm. J, A. (loudlo, who
hnvo boon visiting nt tho homo of
Mr. Ooudlo's sister, Mrs. A, p. Hun
noil, returned to tholr homo at Atas.
cadcro, Calif.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. A. McCann and
Mrs, Shortdan of Hond, rro roglstor
od at tho White Pollcnn hotol. Mr.
McCann Is mnnngor of tho Sholvln
Hlxon Lumbor company of that city.
Miss ICthol McOlllcrost, who has
boon teaching school at Fort Klam
ath, loft yostordoy for hor homo at
Siiloin, whoro sho will spend tho
Mrs. Hnttlo Lovojoy wns n pass
enger for Orland, California, this
morning to spond sumo, tlmo visiting
with frlonds,
L, Islop a lumbor man, of Sacra
monto, la horo on business for n fow
Crattr Lilt, nttr MtJftrJ,
in Stuthrrn Orgtn
int tfthi unrlJ's
nut ttaulifulUUt,
VVORDS cannot adequately
describe tho beauties of Crater
Lake. Its sapphire-blue coloring,
its picturesque island and its gor
geous setting combine to make it
one of naturo's wonder spots.
Crater Lake is in the southern
part of Oregon and is accessible
by automobile from the Pacific
And motorists may plan a trip
to Crater Lake with assurance
because Red Crown Gasoline may
be obtained all along the route
from north or south.
Make your trip with "Red
Crown" tho gasoline of quality
the gasoline with a continuous
chain of boiling points.
Look fdfr the Red Crown sign
on service stations and garages.
m Gasollze
of Quality
"Perhaps You Don't Know"
says the Good Judge
How long a little of
the Real Tobacco
Chew will last.
Nor how much gen
uine chewing satisfac
tion the full, rich real
tobacco taste will give.
Ask any man who uses
theReal Tobacco Chew.
He will tell you that
this class of tobacco
will give more satisfac
tionand nt less cost
than the ordinary kind.
Put tip fit two styles
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUJT is n short-cut tobacco
115 1 A t G
ILeayeYour Films
'Before 9 OclocK-Your
A.M Pictures am ready at 6 p?
nngerwooos mmi
purity 1 uut i ncirr imuua IaccupacvJ
Let George Do It
Bring in that Swiss Watch
and we will repair it.
,IKll I if U ttfM,
All you need is a
straw and a thirst'
r then Whistle.
Always th amm
tA world ovrt
4'trtff ur uinu viifM i Fi 1 1 1 1 It VV' -ri
1 tliJ K
Use ordinary Fir Flooring when you can buy the famous
For less tban you would pay (or a good carpetT
On account of a rocont doclino In tho market wo aro able to make
tboso exceptionally low prices:
13-16x2 U Clr. Quartorod Whlto Oak $225.00
13-16x2 Clear Plain White Oak J170.00
13-16x2 No. 1 Common Oak ... 00.00
3-8x2 Clear Quartorod Whlto Oak J175.00
3-8x2 Cloar Plain Whlto Oak J 120.00
Wo bavo this stock storod In dust and molsturo proof bins
1 ready far tmmedlato dollvory.
Wo Invito your Inspection. i
I'HONK 107