TUESDAY, MAY M. llttl THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I'AOR vqvn ) !l ' H t f! The Evening Herald J. MUnitAY.. fltSD SOULK , ,:...Jvlltor ..City Kdlior Published Jally oxcopt 8unday, by Tka Horald Publishing Company of Klamath FalU, at 119 Klghth 8troot. ntered at tho poatotflco at Kla aftth Falls, Ore., (or transmission through tho malls as second-class natter. MKMIMCft OF TIIR ASSOCIATED IMIKBS. Tho Associated Press is exclusively entitled to tho uso (or republication of all news dispatches credited to It. Inro controlled Klamath Joins to Honor Heroic Dead (Continued from pago 1) or not othcrwljo credited In this paper, and also tho local nows pub lisher herein. TUKSDAY, MAY .11, 1021 TUB 80I.OIKH.S 1IONVH UIMj (That tho readers of this paper war becomo thoroughly familiar with all tho facts connected with tho co-called Soldiers' bonus bill, Tho Herald will publish a series of articles by Don Holding, setting forth tho various features of this measure' that tho pcoplo of tho stato will pass Judgment on next month. It Bhould bo fully understood that un der tho loan featuro of tho mcasuro, tho money Is simply loaned to tho boys; that It Is advanced only up to 75 per cent of tho valuo of tho prop 7C per cent of tho valuo of the prop erty In which it Is invested and that It will bo paid back, with interest. ' under tho amortization plan provided In tho bill. A thorough understand ing of tho new lino provisions ot tho bill means the removal of any serious opposition to It.) citizens on board, citizens our coun try Is pledged to protect In tholr lives and proporty no matter whero situated In the world, then wo went to war. It was a torrlblo war. Hod forbid that wo ever experlonco nn other such war. Who can say, how- over, becauso unfortunately tho ac tions ot tho pcoplo ot tho world more by feeling and TS 1 MS ulnr session ot tho lodge, will bn hold as usual Monday uvonlng. Tho Wed nesday evening meeting will lie open to friends of tho order and will bn In tho nature ot a smoker. It will close with a supper. A gentleman (German by do scent), remarked tho other day that , It theso cx-soldlcrs would go to work and quit trying to tease tho soft spot feelings ot tho Oregon tax payers, the state would bo a whole lot better oft. Ho also stated emphatically that ho would not vote fo'r tho bonus bill. As pitiful as it may seem that such pcoplo exist, It may bo well to point out tho exact amount of money that tho bonus mcasuro (302 YES) will mean to the tax-payers of Oregon. The loan feature should cost tho stato very little, If anything, and In- r directly should prove of great profit and benefit to tho stato. Putting the matter simply, tho stato borrows money by Issuing bonds carrying or 5 per cent lntorcsU.dependlng ' upon the bond market at tHe time of Issuance. Tho state rcioans .this money to ex-servlco men, taking as' security first mortgages on, real es tate and' loaning up to value of 75 per cent and no amount exceeding 13,000.00. Tho service man pays 4' per cent. The difference In interest rates would have to be absorbed by the state for a period. But the loans to the service men 'will be converted gradually year by year to.6 per cent loans as the service men self out. This Iqterest rate will be more than the state pays for the money and at the end ot the thirty year period,, should about equalize the amount absorbed at first by tho stato. It Is estimated that the cash bonus which many of tho men will take ad vantage of will cost the state $1,000, 000. If a man takes the cash bonus he can never take the loan To cover tho $1,000,000 cash bo nus maximum and tho Interest rate emotion than by reason. "Let the deeds nnd teachings ot tho ex-servlco men and the vet erans ot all ot our wars bo n stern less on In loyalty to our coun try. ' "Memory, blest gift, is ours to recall at-will, and In this llttlo hour, let us closo with this sentl ncnt to our eojdler dead. "Sunlight on valley, mountain nnd . stream, Wo live In tho bright world with love and a dream, Ilut tho sunlight will dlo In a shadowy sky, Llfo Is only good morning, good night and good-bye, Yet In veterans' rest beyond the bluo sky, 'Twill agvln bo good morning and never good-bye." ' The next speaker upon the pro gram was Hov. Father Molloy whoso address In part was ns fol fel fol eows: "This largo and representative gathering Illustrates a fact that very properly, on this day and In this place, merits our attention. In tho study of purely human affairs wc might go as far as to say that It Is the great outstanding fact. Its appeal Is evident for Jus'j ai des pite ill distractions the people ot Klamath Falls obeyed Its compell ing force and assembled hero this morning, so all over the world, wherever tho flag is honored. Americans In answer to the samo appeal havo gathered to do as we do this morning. And this fact, this great fact, is this that when all Is said and done tho first placo In the affections and love of ItlKTIiAM) .MAN 1IA Sl'FKKUKI) 10 YKAItS SAYS UK Klir.US MKK NKW .MAN SINt'K TAKlNtl TANliAO. "For forty years," sad J. C l)oo noka, of 121 14 Macadam Honil, Portland, "I was nil run down nnd under weght. No matter what I took I couldn't get above a hundred and thirty pounds but Tanlac has nctmir ly built me up to n hundred and tit ty, which is moro than I over wolgh cd In my life. "My nppctlto wasn't up to what It should havo been and I didn't get the proper nourishment and strength from my food. I couldn't rest well nt night and would get up In tho morn ing nit tired out and with scarcely any energy at all. "Well, sir, Tanlac has given mo a splendid appetlto and tins actually built mo up twenty pounds In weight. I sleep good and sound every night, nnd I am feeling so flno In every way that I bcllovo I could outrun nny man of my age In Portland. Why, I simply 'feci like a new man nnd Tanlac will always get n good rec ommendation from mo." l.ntlu ceased to he Hpokeu by the people of Italy In the year C8 A. 1), K. of P. Lodge Will Entertain Officers Knights of Pythias conferred tho rank of esquire upon two candidates at last nlght'a meeting. The local lodge Is preparing for a visit next week from Grand Keeper of Itecords and Seals Gleeson and Dr. K. It. Hun lock of Portland, district deputy grand chancellor, who nro touring tho district en an Inspection trip. An open meeting will be held Wednesday evening, June S. The reg- STATE OF OHEGON, tho citizens ot a country is held by soldiers. "Nor Is this unseemly or nt var iance, with . the .objects of, our civ (lizatlcin. In tho last analysis everything- that we prize depends entlro 1' for Its permanence on tho ablo bodtd males Tho can fight for their rights. It Is not a boast that w0 make but all elements of our citizenship should' remember that tho 'only class in which tho right ot suffrage Is Inherent is that class that is physically able to shoulder a musket and mentally ready to battle until death for honor and country. "Now though thero are many sad and touching features to a cere mony ot this kind yet it really is not a feeling of sympathy that has called out all tho veterans hero to day. Of courso they are moved nt tho though ot the sorrowing moth ers but their reason tells them that war Is always an uncertain thing with grim possibilities ahead for everyone It is a man's game; and somo lose, and some win. Tho im pelling. Indeed tho compelling forco difference nnd running expenses of i that has marshalled nil theso sol tho administration handling tho do- dlers around the graves .of tholr miis me legislature provwea a tax dead comrades is that on this day assessment of ono mill only. jail true Americans must, as Lincoln It means then simply if you own said, consecrate themselves ogaln to $1000 worth of proporty you nro re-j tho Ideals of America, quired to pay $1 per year. If found I ..So wo now wlth bare,, headg necessary, to meet tho provisions of I forma)Iy and goIemnly consecrate '"" v" " "uu m"' ' S""1 OUnii VCI to th work Wnrn Klamath County. Ilobort Cheyne, vs. the I Unknown owner of eatray ) )m. ) THE Master picture HAS BEEN found with THRILLS SUSPENSE LOVE and DRAMA blended into i A STORY of unus ual INTEREST As A BOOK this NARRATIVE been has READ BY millions IN EVERY language i AND Every country FOR OVER forty! years. I tit. HLIUKL is the WORK OF THREE i WORLD famous AUTHORS VWVVWWMWMWVWWVWWWVMWWVVWVWWWMMMAAAMAMrMrrArrVMrMA Sold Last Week Wo find that pianos ind phonographs noli It .hn prlcon nnd terms iro right. $60 and up H BiTtMsfrjsfflEsjsiWMWW $125.00 Up Wo still have n numtior of oxcolloH values In trad-I'd-ln pianos from $125.00 up sold on 21 monthly In stallments. Also thero nro special values In lato model llruns wick, now Kdlson nnd othor makes of phonographs Just taken In exchange. Full cabinet models from $65.00 up, sold on convenient terms. Earl Shepherd C o. Klamath's Only Ex clusive Music Hloro 607 Main St. Phono 282-J :: HOMEMADE i: BREAD BY A unique tion innova- J, I TWO STORIES are BLENDED INTO ONE, viz: One black ecldlnc about five years old. welchlnc about 1200 pounds and branded on right nhoiil-lf ,IMJn - l,iJV....l, , '. tako up and at.pl! tlraoa since then. h .o fuoscaniun wiu umo ue- - scribod estray; and that ho has used all reasonablb effort to ascertain and find the nwnpr rtf thn ftfimft nml filrnj -i. . ". . " . -"- -- """! irnm -. & w an legai sicps required oy tne Jawjlj X E. 1 HA.Lrl IS a i iuu aiuio ot urrgun in rcierence n to estrays. i Now therefore to Said unknown owner and, to any and all persons who may bo Intorcstod" therein, you nro hereby notified that at my ranch about 12 miles south and east of Klamath Falls and near tho Fair Vlew school bouse In the county of Klamath and State ot Oregon on Tu esday, Juno 14, '1921. at tho hour of 11 o'clock A. M of tho said day. when and where the said estray will ' do exposed and orrered for sale as by la-w directed; and tho proceeds of' said sale will be applied for tho pay-i ment of all damages, costs and ex penses Incurred: and tho excess, If any,wlll be retained by Lem. h. Gaghagen, Justlco of the peace, or his successor In office, for tho period of six months, and if tho said sum or monoy so held shall not bo called for In said time, tho same will bo djepo Ited as by statute required In such cases made and provided. Dated this 31st day of Mnv. 1921. IIO II BUT CIIEVNB business prosperity following tho placing into circualtlon of millions of dollars cash will of courso -warrant an expenditure of a much greater amount by the tax payer for tho good resulting. FOUR DEAD IN B BATTLE FARMERS WEEK and HOMEMAKERS CONFERENCE us. Liberty and Freedom and Honor these aro the. things that wo prize. We pledgo our lives to fight for these, and we swear to God over the ashes of our dead defend- ,o n. uv iiuuiiub uiuiiura, success Corvallls Or ur lunure, u wiii'il wo U10 tnoso who know can say that wo died In with our faces A week of collego llfo at O. A. C. COOPEnATIVK CONVENTIONS ' EXCURSIONS battle and fen toward tho foe.' ' Spectators along the routo re- tnnilrn.l tinjvn UA An ...Itt. ...iti '"' ""-u U'iM lUO CUOU Willi WHICH J s"!in r A Ifflvntioll A-l t . viimuu uaiouuu jijjjj.uguia aaauuMi his celumns: tho leU horse, with tbo lato Captain J. P. Leo, missing Four from tho saddle, tho musical soloc pfiittf I Inna hv itiA Inmil UABJ. u - . SEPARATE UNIT. WHAT IS THIS i MASlfcK picture NEED YOU ask?' i THAT world famous CLASSIC ' "BLACK -BEAUTY" i WITH AN all-star CAST HEADED by JEAN PAIGE I IS THE master i PICTURE and it will BE SHOWN at the UBERTY THEATRE WEDNESDAY AND i THURSDAY. Oh, the Joy of It! Vou know how good It tasted when you wrrn Invited out to n homo-cooked dinner and got some good, real, old fashioned home mado bread. Well, you can havu It every day In thu year without bu Ing Invited out. Iluy n loaf of Ilakerlto Dread at tho itex Cafo or Thn Malto. It costs you only 0 cents SERVED DAILY AT THE REX CAFE Bakerite Bread : CORK, Ireland, May 31 soldiers were killed, two mortally Itlons by the local band; the march- Cooking Electrically the ideal method Electrically equipped kitchens hold no terrors for the housewife. They are cool, cozy, and comfortable in the summer. They eliminate the drudgery, the grime and the nerve racking tension caused by wood stoves. The expense is surprising ly low. Let us tell you about it. wounded and 12 slightly Injured when they were attacked this morn ins while marching from tho Yougbal barracks to the rifle range. As tho column neared tho golf links, mines in the roadway wero exploded, bombs hurled and a fierce rifle flro opened on them. Despite tho surprise, tho attackers woro re pulsed and driven off by tho unin jured. ' Saturday.- after-j honor led a verdict of was rn Ing of tho children from tho Sacred Hoart Academy and public schinl under teachers 'supervision,' tbo soldiery bearing of tho Boy Scouts; and tho goneral appearance of thtj Ladles Auvlliary, ned Cross nnd Army nurses, American Legion, Spanlsh-Amorican War veterans, Ladles Auxiliary, lied Cross and I Indian War veterans. i Thero wero many favorahlo com- Imonts passed upon tho parado but i considerable criticism aroso over the raiiuro of many neon o to slirnallv tho United States flag ns It rrlcd pant by an uncovorinc JACKSON .18 CLKAJIED In circuit court noon a Jury returned not guilty in tho case-of tho Stato of tho head, nnd'nlso by tho lack of of Oregon against ' Cecil Jackson, jgonoral, flag raising over tho public charged with assault with a dan-liwid private residences in tho city, serous wenpon upon tho porson ofj J. D. Woodloy. A classified Ad will cell It. LET'S GO June 13-18 1 (fmmnrm I. u lip OlfSSII lisili V 3v '5i ,j Wjjrtf-w!nr,jyTt V w'--".-i-'"-ii-'-.'i-.-.v'irrvvvvvvvwvvvvvJtil rt i Jftcara rri liji! li I JRtfPj KIITIKAV ffi 11 MMMMUlllliMHHMMl 0 Remember, f mj I m : Hiiviiia ;; r II i 0 is Better Tea A a , ffl imp,iiacfc.i ft 2 itmmmmamkmmssim; X It AM Ot Better 2b'a, J 2 I MMAMAMAMAMM California-Oregon Power Company "Let us be your servant" DANCE Dreamland Open-Air Pavilion TOMORROW NIGHT Music by Cochran's Jazz Orchestra t , h am v