VMm TIIIIKU THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TVKMhW, MAY at, 1031 'V y The. Office Cat State Uses But Fraction of Power fuii , 1IY JUNIUH ( llrnilil Hitlrni llumiu HA MOM, Oro., May 28. Of Ore gon's toliil of 3, HI, 137 CHtliiuilod liorniwiKiwdr in Itn numerous ntroaiiiH, tlio nliilo (iiiglnourlng (tnimrtmunt, ac cording to records on fllo, ostlmaton that dovulopud and partlnlly develop oil projoctn roprcsont only 487,187 horso-powor, whllo thoro In actually ilnvolopod and In uso only lflG,078 horso-powor. Tho remaining 2,964, 2C0 Is going to waito entirely. After Itmlynnl Kipling When tho husband faces liolpmcot every mornltiK I" debate, Anil hoV tryltiK to oxpluln to liur why ho wus out no Into, Thoro Im never any question that IiIh urgiimnut will fall, Tor thu fomnln of tho species can tnlk longer than thu malu. t When tho argument is holtcnt unil thoy got down to brass tucks, And thoy land oarh other's relatives a lot of pungent whacks; Vou would think thnt tier's worn an gel and that hi should lio In Jail, For tho foraolo of tho spoclos can think faster than tho mule When thoy'ro whacking up tho hoodlo that he's earned throughout tho wook And deciding how to upend It, bo's a protty helpless grek: 11 In sad for him to look at hli per centage of tho kalo, For tho female of tho species can grab quicker than tho nulla. Mien they do their weekly hhoppliiK and they linger 'round the store Till tho husband thlnkii thut IIvIiik Is a moHt decided horo; Mie can tako n fiO-cent pleco and not dry goods I'? thn '"I"' For tho fomnlo of tho species can liuy cheaper thun tho male (. A. llflllwoll says that somo fel lows are so nll-flrod lazy thnt thoy rldr In a flivver so they won't hnvo to tako tho troublo to shnko tho nshts off their cigars. "Who Is tho Ideal woman?" asks a noisy rontoni. Modesty forbids that wo sing our family praises In too loud n key, but Just at this minute she.ls singing llghlhoortedly ovor a batch of cream biscuits so Reed and toothsome that "u nover daro show them to any unscrupulous friend of ourn for foar ho'll trump up charges against us and try to Rot hor to olopo. Charley O'Neill says that un honest butcher will trim his moats but not bis cuitoimirs. Tho attendance of Irato and bunk ed stockholders nt a meeting of n do fund mining corporation In Chicago, Saturday, reached tho COO mark. Tho Vmmtllo Mr. luluwo Ilutto (Mont.) Dally l'ost Mrs. Iluhnmn was formerly Miss lUuol Gainer of West Dally Btreot. Tho Crawfordsvlllo (Ind.) Uo vlow spoaks of a "popular school teacher." 8ho must bo blind and deaf, or clso things havo changed wunnor fu'ly irlnco wo wont to school. AKItlAI. MANKUVKIW HAN I'KDHO, Cal May 31. An Intensive progrnm of summer and fall inanouvorH for tho air forces of tho Pacific fleet Is planned by Captain William, A, Moffat, dlroctor of naval aviation, It wun announced hern ra contly. Tho maneuvers will tncludu bomb ing tests, designed to measuru tho valuo of aircraft against nuvul ves sels. Aircraft will bo mobilized at all Pacific bases for tho tests. For that new pair of grey suede shoes we have just received a complete line of plain and fancy hosiery. Advertising pays. Try It and boo. NOTICK Vim I'UIIMCATION (I'UHMHIircit) 1'UHMO liAND HAI.H IHOliATKD THAOr DKIMUTMKNT OK T11K INTKHIOIl (Not Coal IjukI) U. H. LAND OFFICK. At Inkovlow, Oro., Apr. 29, 1921 NOTICE Is horoby given thnt, s illrcctod by tho Coramltwlonor of tho Oanoral I-and office, under provU lonn of Hoc. 2450, H. H., pursuant to tho application of Herbert I,. Arant, of Dairy, Oregon, Korlal No. 01 HOC, wo will offer nt public sain, to tho highest bidder, hut at not loss than f2.no per aero, at 10 o'clock A. M., onitho 1 1 tli day of Juno, next, at this office, tho following tract of land: NlUi Ni:V BKC. 29. T. 38 H.. II. 1 1 Mi 12., W. M. This tract Ih ordered Into tho mnr ket on a showing thnt the greator portion thereof Is mountainous or too rough for cultivation. This snlo will not Ixi kept open, but will bo doclared closed when thosn present at tho hour nmned hnvo ceajied bidding. Tlio person mnklng tho highest bid will be requlrod to Im.Mfullnl nv mv tn ihfi ltirnlvnr the amount thereof. I Any persons claiming adversely tho ahtivo-doflctibod land nro advised to ' flln tholr claims, or objections, on ori boforo tho time, denlgnnted for snlo. i Notlco will bo published for flvo ronsecntlvn weeks In tho Klamath Fulls Horald. jah. f. nimai:ss, nogistor 2-9-16-23-30 ANDROSS-GLOVER The Style Shop 707 Main St. Phone 341-W SHOP IN KLAMATH FALLS ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO PROFIT BY, THE LOW PRICES AND EXCELLENT VALUES AT THE STYLE SHOP. We are featuring the Jac Tar middy to com plete your OUTING SUIT. Tricoline Suits and Dresses 1 -2 Price $49.50 Value, to $24.75 55.00 Values to 27.50 65.00 Values to 32.50 75.00 Vle to 37.5Q Two attractive values in Silk and Satin Dresses, ' $17.95 Values to $45.00 39.00 Value, to 75.00 ywVVWWWMWVWVWWWVVVVMrXMrMMArMMMMMMAMMM Sport Skirts All wool and lovely pattern, at $9.95 Values to $16.50 And by tho way, I'lacorvlllo. Cal.. toasts of bolng tho only town In tho United Mates which has n blind po liceman. It might bo very cmbnrrass lug If l'lncorvlllo woro cnllod upon to jirovn It. Thoro are stur reporters, and stnr advertising men, but os yet wo havo never heard of u star proof reader. IMMUUH l'KllHONAI.8 DOIIHIS, Cnl., May 31. C. J. Laird of Mt. Domo was n business visitor In town rocontly. John McKay, a former from Col or, oxpcctH to loavo this section soon for an oxtondod trip Into Idaho to visit old frlonds nnd rela tives. Mrs. Frank llarr mada a trip to Klamath Fulla lust wook, I Announcement him been mndo of tbo marrlago of 11. Long In Ban Krunclsco recently. Mr. Long has boon gono for u, fow wooka oup ponedly on a vacation or business trip. A lottor to local frlonds sta ting tho facta of his matrimonial voiUuro complotoly aurprlso Dorrls pooplo. .Mr. nnd MrB. Long will ro turn horo .on mako tholr homo. Ilarloy Xllchardson motored to Klamntli Folia last wook on a short business trip. In milking Ita now "allvor" coin hgo, Britain omployod tho surplus nickel castings nsod for bullet; dur ing tho war. NOT1CK OF HALK OF lltUIOATION DIHT11ICT ItONDH ! NOTICI2 18 IIKItllllY OIVEN That sealed proponaln will bo rocelvod I until tho 24th day of Juno A. I). 1921 lut tho hour of 2 o'clock In tho aftor 'noon for tbo nurchasa of Fifteen Thousand Dollars' worth of bond of tho Kntorprlso Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon. Bald bonds nrn lo draw Intorest at tho rata of C por cont per annum, payablo soml-i annually upon tho 1st day of July and tho 1st day of January of each year until tho maturity of said bonds, Bald proposnls will bo received by tho Hoard of Directors of said Irriga tion District, and should bo directed i to tho Secretary of tho Kntorprlso Ir rigation District, enro of Frod. I). Fletcher, Loomls Ilulldlng, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Tho Hoard of Directors roservo tho right to reject any or all bids offor- od. O. J. HILYAIU). Secretary of tho Hoard of Di rectors of KntorprUo Irriga tion District. JJ19-J20 Hosiery OUTSIZES IN HOSIER.Y Black and Brown in HEAVY SILK $1.65. Black, Brown and White in Lisle 65c. Gloves GLOVES In 16-button length in Grey Suede, Black Tan and White Kid $6.95-$7.95. rtjnjAJXXffJ1J-l Sport Coats In Jersey, Red, Green, Copen, Navy and brown $9.50 Value, to $15.00. Hosiery Heavy silk in Black, Brown, White and Grey. Special $1.95 Heavy silk in Black and Brown $1.10 Silk Underwear KAYSER SILK UNDERWEAR In Vests, Knicker,Step-inqv Che mise and Combination, at 20 discount. mmwwmimmvwvvwvwmwmsvwmmmaamaaamaammmaamaammaaaaaaammmC Andross-Glover Style Shop Tho namo of tho letter Q comes from tho French "queue'' meaning a tall, as tho letter O Is without a tall? Outbursts of Everett True By Condon 3.l I I A II SO MfW 3MITH PaoMlScsjo .To. -"lK CAU. ON fcJ AT 3 CCt-octC, AND Sifi I NOUJ IT'S 30. VOU CAM s nf i See, MRS. Tr?-e, just How rr is pjjf jKjnTo 1VS l2PT uAlTtNg- pv SAN FIIANCISCO, May 31. Con fldonco that alt questions of dispute botweon America and Japan would bo settled on a basis of friendship, was expressed by members of a Jap anose parliamentary commltte.0 which arrived hero from Honolulu. Herald classified ads pay you. BakedBeans ? Limelti hdked hjustfhe rgf-"vr7" he way fheyresanwl KIRK-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE LINE . Stage leaves The Smoke daily at 2 p. m. and the Central Hoteji a few minutes later. We use a large, easy riding, comfortable automo bile, in thorough repair. Stage leaves Kirk at ,8 a. m. daily. Tickets $3 each way; round trip $5.50. Phone your reservations. Central Hotel 155-W, The Smoke 175 .H-H-'--H-H-H-H---'t II have just received a carload of fine monu- J-oH)H1U WIS ii I fl'UI ments and markers, all new designs. Stop and look them ever. G. D. GRIZZLE 79Aetome 90meo Klamath Falls Marble . . and Granite Works 1040 Main St It