The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 28, 1921, Automobile Section, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    PAflH NINH
"lluslnesn Isn't ns bnd us It nilclil
bii," unlit I.OU Ariiim of thn White
Pollcnn, local distributor for thu
Chevrolet. I.ou linn been ploying pon
sum In tlm iiiiittur of reporting salon,
for tin Iiiih nulil olKlitoon earn ami
delivered tlmni, ton. On top of thin,
ho linn noltl four out of it cur load Hint
till DXpoCts lllTI) III 11 few Jyn. Tllllt'd
KIlllIK SOI1IO when HO Ml II people Would
Imvo you IjoIIuvo tlmt urorythlnB hiul
Keno to thn deninltlon bow wown i
Hut thorn wan u nolo of mirrru In
lOtl'H void) whim tin until Hint ho Iiiih
Hid Innt rnrloiul of Chevrolet1! tlmt Im
enn definitely Mute will nrrhit
"Tim factory ntnloM," nit id Mr
Arons lodny, "tlmt following the ro
iluctlon In price tboy told ul nvory
thing limy bud material to mitko, and
Junu Mil ttin fnrtory lit Oakland
would clone down for an Indefinite
period, to give tlmni a clutneo to Ret
n Ntock of mnturlul ahead Thn cnr
load of rarH 1 am expecting will li)
tlio limt one I can not Any poilllr
luiHtirnnco on."'
m n Ihitt nil ox pound oil lioloii nro
fit if fed with foil or (inti to pro
vrnt tlmlr lie 1 1) if pal:iled ornr unil
en choked. Tim Inlii- condition will
i 'milt In failure or oil to roach tlio
liiurlnp.H when thn car In Again
being run.
My Huh Wakoflold
If I Hhould dlo tonight,
And )(ii Hlfoiild conii) to my cold
And nay, "Hoy, you nro going far
Whore thern art) nlrciimn of Hcotch
and ryo,
Whom thorn Ih no nuclt word ns
dry "
I'd my to you, "cut out (ho gush!
Junt nail mo down and murk mo
Tush.' " "
Mark Will Retain
The Chain Drive
mriMiiNu fn-nYMNDKit r.MiiNi:
Not content -with hnvlnR develop
ed nn olrplnno t-nglnn of 700 hnrno
power, thu engineering dlvlnltin of
tlio air norvlcn Iibh completed plain
for n 1000. horse power, 18-cylludor
inRlno construction on which will
tnrt Immediately. Thn cylinders
will lie of C4 Inch born and TV,
Inch stroke Them will ho four vnlv
cii to each cylinder, an well nit four
spttrk plugs ronneited with four In
dependent magneton mid IriiIIIcii
ni:v Jtiirt and on, u:tM
It frequently happen thul after
unw plxton rliiRN linvu been Installed
for tlio express purpose of stopping
oil lenkH the c. iiilltloii ( ntlnitns
Juiit thn name It may bo neroMSir"
ti lap InMlm ring for n rinlly sat
Infactory Job. If thn cylinder line
been worn out of round It wilt lie
nncesmiry to fit thn rim: to the al
tered Hhnpn and Inprl )r In tiecon
nary. '
Thn car owner -who Intend to do
any repainting work will do well to
With tho rnndJUHlmnnt that ban
been brought about and tho renewed
production nrtlvlllen, innny changes
hnvn benn innilo In tho motor vehicle
IndiiHlry. A number of combinations
of nmnll producer already have boon
announced and othern an expected
to follow. Home pnsnongor car and
motor truck companion Imvo changed
completely tholr provloun types and
othorn hnvo matin very pronounced
alterations Thin lino croaled i quci
tlon In thn mlndn of projective buy
er an to what tho future will brim;
forth nnd accounts for thn declara
tion of tho International Motor Com
pany, mniinfiicturor of Muck truckn
to tho effort Hint It will continue to
line tho rlmln type-of final drive.
''All Mark truckn of it rated capa
city of .IH tonn nnd over nro chain
drlvn exclusively," nnyn J. II. flnrrotl,
local distributor "It ban boon deter
mined by repented teats of nil nortn
conducted by (hit International Mo
tor Company that for heavy duty
work thn rlialn-drlvn In preferable
Thin company In firmly conlnred of
the adantnK;n of thin typo of power
application and repeatedly ban an
nounced that thin ci mtrurllon nl
wayn will bo retained Thin menus
owners of tho chnln-drhen Mncks
nro nil re that tholr equipment nexer
will becomn obnoleto "
Don't bo what you nln't,
Joh' bo what you In, '
If you In not what you am,
Tli en you inn not what you In.
If you'ro JuhI a llttlu tndpolo,
Don't try to bo u frog,
If you'ro Junt thn toll, i
Don't try to wag tho dog,
Vou can nhvayn pass tho plate,
If you can't exhort and preach.
If you'ro Junt a llttlo pobblo
Don't try to bo tho bench.
Don't bo what you ain't,
Jon' bo what you In,
Tho Labor Union,
wi:ihji: IN MUD PAN
l'.lji.'llVIK) ItVlfl'JiK
It Ih largely hocuuoo of rnltllnR
that thn mud-pan under tho mo
tor In bolnr; ellmlnted from many
nowcr earn, nayn Motor, You will
ho delightfully nurprlRciI at how
trim and tlRht tho old bun fecln If
you adopt tho following nlmplo
method; Drive n Htout wooden Mick
(a foot or ho In longth, depending
on tho make of thn car) between
thn nod pan and tho crank cane, on
both nldcB of tho motor. Hnva tho
ntlckn wedRod tlRhtly, iilmont any
way they will go In. Tho flrnt
Hum you hit tho cobbles you will
wondor how you could over havo
endured tho now absent dooming.
' A good hammer handle Is highly
prized by a good workman, and
various methods havo been uod to
.koop tho handle In proper condi
tion, nays Motor. Ono of tho bent
IconHlnlH of drilling a one-quarter-
Inch hotn In tho hnndlo and filling
Mt -with oil. Tho hole should be plug
ged and thn plug fastened with a
scrnw or wood pin. Tho depth of
thn hole dependn upon thn shape of
thn handle, but It should not bo
'drilled far enough into tho small
part to weaken It. Tho oil tends
to keep tho handlo from splitting
and gives It . morn or les.1 flexibility.
Tho htgn quality of success that
follows advertising In tho classified
column of Tho Horald Is dua to ths
Intelligence of Its readers.
"I sen that tho Old Kogy has
( failed In bunlnens," remarked tho
(Irouch. "How did It happen?"
I "Too much advertising," replied
tho Wlno Ouy.
' "Hut ho never advertised," pro-
tented tho Grouch.
I "No, but his competitors did," ro
. piled tho Wlio Ouy.
' Luko Mcl.uke.
When your car is in need of first
class lubrication, let us fix it with
" J '
We have a complete Alemite Lu
bricating System.
Bassick Graphite
The Penetrating Oil Lubricant
For Your Springs
Or if you can't drive in, send for us and we will
haul you in, and repair your car in a manner that will
give you satisfaction and make you one of our perman
ent customers.
Nelson & Shields
Phone 176-W Seventh and Klamath
Do you know that the price of CHEVROLET
490's has dropped Listen!
You now can get a brand new 490 Chevrolet Tour
ing car completely equipped for '
A PRICE and CAR, right up to the minute.
Some Day You'll Own a
We are distributer's and adjusters for Norwalk
Tires. Some Rubber.
The time when the
battery "Just wears
A GOOD battery, no
matter what its make,
dies a natural death
when it "just wears
It may never have a
buckled plate or worn
out separators or
cracked jars. Yet the
time comes when it
no longer produces
power. It has "just
worn out."
That happens when a
certain quantity of
power-producing ac
tive material has
dropped off the posi
tive plates.
In the Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery this is prevented
by the Philco Slotted Retainer.
There is no other guarantee in the battery field that compares
with this for length and liberality. 2
The Electric Shop
123 So. Sixth St.