PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, MAV28, lwai -j r Atlhe Theaters THE LIRERTV Beautiful Lola. tKd" fdol of Paris d. tho plaything of Ilroadway, brought overy man of. tho "30 Club" t her feci ui tho .occasion of tholr midnight banuctwhcn nho gate her ramarkablo oriental danco every nan except one Doctor Jennings, "who rcmnlned unmoved by tho seduc tion and charm ot her personality , In a pique, sho followed this doctor to tho aluma wbcro ho wax fairy god father to all tho poor, and there, as "Nurso Eliraboth," won tho heart ot tho mnn who hitherto had scorned her advances. "Tho Plaything of Rroadway" Is a jioworful story, and Justine John ston o, tho most beautiful woman on tho Bcrecn, has a wonderful presence Don't miss this great plcturo at tho Liberty theatro tonight. H.HjWVMVr!1 mjffyinsrirfjrirrvtmai'i-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (USIFIAIMIMNTS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-- carpenter, now or ro. pair wo. Services reasonable. Phono or dll York Cafe. P. E. P. 27-4 Thcro nro many remarkable thlngi about tho big six-act special Sklrtr which Is to bo shown at The Liberty Theatro tomorrow. One of tho ntost ramarkablo of these U tho tort that this do luxo special took nlnr months to make total working t'.no and under conditions that are worthy ot mention. Tho entire troupo of linger Mid soti. famous tho world ver as ono of tho most distinct novefcles seen on the vaudovlllo circuits, was specially engaged by William Fox. Tho Singer Midget troupo consists ot nineteen tiny men and women, each a special ty artist In somo branch of bright, cloan entertainment. Several malo members nro phenomenal stunt and strong men. Besides tho Midgets themselves, Mr. Fox haa securotho entire ani mal train of this troupe, as well as the complete special equipment car riod by tho Singer company on its "vaudeville tour. These animals are all trained by tho Midgets personally, and ldd greatly to tho attractiveness of "Skirts." WANTED Horses to pasture C. J. uraiiDury, ono nine cast wnson Bridge. 27-31 TIIK MOMMLH Four ot the best known screen and stage stars, thirty principals and a supporting cast ot more than a hun dred, aro seen In tho screen version of tho famous story "Trilby," a Re public release which is to bo shown at tho Mondale theatro beginning Sunday, Clara Kimball Young,. Wil ton Lackayc, Chester Harnett and Paul McAllister aro the featured players In this famous drama. Tho screen version was directed by Mau rico Tournour. ono ot tho foremost directors of tho screen. The famous story. "Trilby" was first put on the stage in London In 1895 and Wilton Lackayc had the original rolo of tho character "Svcn-" gall." Now that tho drama hag been Siren a screen version all tho bigger scenes aro Included, and ever)' dra matic point of the entire story has been brought out by tho fullest ex tent. This production ranks as one of the greatest screen triumphs ot Tears, and Miss Young, who has many successes to her credit. Is seen in the xaost dramatic role of her career. TUB STAR lhat mother love mpy triumph even when science has failed is the story told in "Tho Woman In His House," a remarkable photoplay which will be the attraction at the Star theatro beginning Sunday, It deals with the sacriflceand devotion which -went to tho euro of a 'child who science said would always be a hopeless cripple. An all-star cast ap pears in this picture, who plays the role ot tho neglected wlfo and mo ther, and Ramsey Wallace, who has the part of the over-ambitious hus band and father, a great physician. An appealing story of tho Canadi an Northwest Is promised In George Melford's latest production, "Heboid My Wife!" which will be seen at tho Star Theatre tonight. Tho plcturo was adapted from a novel by Sir Gil bert Parker. Tho action centers around tho In congruous marriage of Frank Ar mour, tho younger son ot an aristo cratic English family, and Lall, granddaughter of an Indian chief. tain, whom bo meets while serving as an officer of the Hudson's Hay Com pany in northwestern Canada. On his return to the company's trading post from, a bunting expedition, Armour receives word that his fiancee In En gland has jilted him, largely on nc- WANTED Ford, not older than 17 mod'l. No junk, no dealers. Must be ba'galn for cash. Howard, Super ior viundry. 27-3 rcfi SALE Codar fence posts. 30c delivered In Klamath Kails. Klam ath Cash Grocery. 27-3 ! Pflll 8A1.K Wnll luillt ahnrk. 1(1-1?' with stove, mattress, spring, cook-l Ing utensils, nil for $60.00. Call uti rear ot Lakesldo Lumber Company a milliliter 6 p. m. 27-28- W ANTED lfiO bucks to pasture In- qulro phono 356, or nddress J. D Swift, caro of P. O. box 487. 26-1 IIOOM FOR RENT Closo In. 1017 High. Phono 144W. 26-28- FOR SALE 1917 Ford, $'400; 1150 down, balance in 10 months. Ewau na Motors Co. 26-28 LOST May 18, between Klamath FnlU nnd Odessa, a plush robe Fin- DRESSMAKING First class work. , der please return to Herald office Mrs. Jotfcreon, No. Main Street. 17-4' FOR RENT Good three room houso In excellent condition, also garage, on Johnson Ave., at $22.50 per mo. Cbllcoto & Smith, 633 Main St. 37-28 LOST Guitar, between Topsy grade and Kcno. FIndor pleaso return to 633 Main St. Liberal reward. 27-31 Trucking Job wanted. Call 235J. FOR 8AL.E 15 laying Harrcd Rock pullets; 103 Washington St. Phono 1HJ. 27-28 WANTED Waitress for camp. Parks Union Taxi Co. 27- WANTED Woman cook Call 11F11. for ranch. 27-31 FOR SALE Al paying business. Must sell owing to sickness. Seo Dick, 6th and Klamath Ave 27-28 FOR SALB 1 runabout, 1 truck. 1 Studobakcr, 1 Chovrolct. Seo Dick, 6th and Klamath Ave Will trade What have you? 27-28 FOR SALE Al alto lots. 75 ft., wa ter, sewerage, sidewalk. Seo Dick, 6th and Klamath Ave 27-28 and receive reward. I). J. Puckott. 26-28 1XXJ.NOMV RKKIUHKRATOIt-S Wo have them In alt sites at ro- duced prices, nnd havo sold thorn hero for over eight years, ion nro taking no chances. Wo guaranteo ovcry ono! largo or small to give satisfaction, nnd a saver In your Ico bill. JOHNSTONE FURNITURE CO. 26tf ICKLKSS REFRIGERATOR Will pay for Itself. No Ice, no wor ry, no expense Wero tried out sue-' cessfully last season In Klamath Falls and aro guaranteed to glvo satisfac tion. Let u b demonstrate them to you, I JOHNSTON FURNITURE CO. ' , 26tf KSTHAV Come to my placo May 24, a dark1 brown stallion, apparently about flvo ' years old; has halter on; no brand ' visible. Owner pleaso call and pay for damngo dono and for this nil. W. M. KTCAL, ' 26-2S Chelsea Dox Factory. FOR TRADE Maxwell touring car. Consider good vacant lots or equi ty in small house Phone 446. 27-31 FOR SALE Two lots, close In, on payments. One a corner lot. Prlco $650.00 and $850. J. D., Herald. 27-31 LOST Dlack traveling bag, contain ing ladles watch, babies clothes, etc. Return to Lawrence Clgnr Store. 26-28 ROOMS 50c and 75c per night All nro outsldo rooms, clean and light. 920 Klamath Ave. Home Rooming House 23-28 Ono room house for rent furnished. Seo Fischer, Delores and Fremont. 27-31 FOR KALE Light 8lx touring car; good mechanical condition; good rubber, $350.00. See Stagg Central Garage. 27-4 count ot his family's opposition to her. In a moment of drunken rage, Armour marries the Indian maiden and sends her back to England to humiliate his family. How, through tho efforts ot Frank's elder brother, she develops Into a beautiful and polished young woman and how young Armour himself Is regenerated forms the theme ot the story. A classified Ad will sell It. MONDALE THEATRE 100 PER CKXT UNION SUNDAY AND MONDAY There Is only ono Clara Kimball Young Thoro Is only ono ' "TRILBY" See them both In the screen mas tcrplcce cf tho generation, direct- id by MAURICB TOURNEUR. 1LHU EPISODE 12 OF PURPLE RIDERS" "THE INI) A MACK HENNKTT COMEDY "nntinuous rthow Sunday htartx At o'clock. Prices Adults 2H cents, "lilldren OO cents. AN OPPORTUNITY For any one contemplating tho erection ot a storo building. It would bo to tholr Intorest to call nt Main street. An cntlro storo front nt a bargain price Hurry' 25-31 Young couple man experienced In woods, wlfo good cook or as helper and waltross for lumber company. Can glvo rofcrence Geo. Rodnor. Red Dluff, Calif. 22-28 i FOR RENT 2-room furnlihcd ap artment. At Ieo Apartments. 26-28 GUARANTEED AUTO IIARGAI.VS 1 1918 Dodge Al condition. 1 1920 Special Six Studobaker Guaranteed 1 1918 Dulck new car, guaranteed. Four new cord tires. 1 1920 Rulck A roal bargain. Run only 1600 miles UUICK BALES SERVICE CO. Phone 170W. 7th and Klamntli Avcnno CITY OARHAGE When yon uaut uarlingn removal, mil 10l'.!!.'l. FOR SALE Used not abused 1920 Chevrelet: ono ton truck. First class condition. A real buy. Central Garage 27-4 Nil Ilono corsets mnclo to your measure, guaranteed. Rose Randall, 521 Jefferson St. Phono 2C0J. 26-2 Got results by using class ads. Northern California Oil Co. Will soon begin active drilling operations. These operations will be under the direct charge of W. C. Lehman, who has had many years of practical and successful experience in the selection, development and operation of oil properties. The entire management of the company will be in the hands of the following Board of Directors:- CAPTAIN J. W. SIEMENS, Of The First State & Savings Bank. O. D. BURKE, Of The First National Bank. J. C. THOMPSON, Mgr. of The California Oregon Power Co. DR. E. D. JOHNSON, Well-known Physician and Capitalist. R. H. DUNBAR, Former City School Superintendent. W. C. LEHMAN, Noted Geologist and Successful Oil Operator. Subsbriptions for a Limited Amount of v TREASURY STOCK Will Be Received by Captain Siemens XT ' THE FIRST STATE AND SAVINGS BANK Northern California Oil Co, NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION I ISOIiATKD TRACT ' (PUIILIHHKtt) PUBLIC IiAND SAI &'. DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR (Not Coal Lund) U. S. LAND OFFICE. At Lnkovlow, Ore, Apr. 29, 1921 WdTinH ( hnrohv riven that. OS directed by tho Coramlwiloner of tho Genoral Land office, under provis ions ot Sec. 2455. R. 8., pursuant to tho application of Herbert L. Arnnt, of Dairy, Oregon, Serial No. 011406, wo will otter at public salo, to the highest bidder, but at not lom than $2.50 per acre at 10 o'clock A. M., on rtho 11th day of Juno, noxt, at this off Ico, tho following tract of land: NEW NBU SEC. 29, T. 38 S.. It. 11 B..W. M. This tract Is ordered Into tho mar kot on n showing Hint tho greater portion thereof Is mountainous or too rough for cultivation. Thin sab will not bo kopt open, t... will Im ftnplnrml clnnml when thoso present nt tho hour named hnvo ceased binning. person mnniiiK tho highest bid will bo required to immodlatoly pay to tho Rccolvor tho amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the nhovo-descrlbed land aro advised to fllo their claims, or objections, on or beforo tho tlmn designates! for sale. Notlco will bo published for flvo coniwcutlvo weoks In tho Klamath Falls Horald. JA.S. F. nUROKSR, Register 2-9-1C-23-30 Advertising brings efficiency. ACCOUNTANT Auditing, systematizing, saw mill accounting nnd gcnornl practice Ivun Livingston, Incorporated Ac countant, 115 A. St., Grants Paw. Oro. Herald classified ads pay you. J Kodak Work I Leave Your Films 'Before 9 OclocK-Your A.M Pidures am ready ar 3 p.r imflerwooas toimv WV KLAMATH FALLS OREGON inn?" I V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE ITll LPWRITYJ WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS iaccu-Tacvi I aS IDEAL - Areola Radiator - Boiler The ideal heat for small homes! Gives even warmth in whole house and at small cost This hot-water heating plant gives healthful warmth to all rooms and requires no cellar or water pressure. Boiler serves 03 radiator for room In which It stands. Its surplus heat warms three or four other rooms through water circulating through inconspicuous pipes to radiators. Outfit of Indestructible cast- Rowing at tfie 11 sClVxO IPHUTUrg- TO-DHY "BEHOLD MY WIFE" With Elliot Dexter, Mabel Jullenno Scott end Mil ton Bills. . ' A slmplo child of the big north woods; Married I by ' prodigal to shame his parents, then cruelly iamb tad into tho maze of English "socloty." Seo her thrilling itruggle twlx nature and civilization. SUNDAY An extra big special production with a special pick ed cast. "The Wonvm In His House" This plcturo has been placed in tho class of "Tho Mlrcalo Man" and somu say nn ovon groator production. At The Liberty The House of Personal Service , TONIGHT AMKHHWH MOST IIEAI'TIFUL OIRL JUHTINE JOHNHTONK IN "THE PLAYTHING OF BROADWAY" A plcturo that la HumptuouH beyond words, n story that will rauke tho most blase plcturo fan gimp. TOMORROW SUNDAY 3000 of Amorlca'a lovollost etrls In f "SKIRTS" Tho unupplcut, JnzzloHt, fuunloBt and most thrilling screen com dy ovor produced featuring tho foremost comedy urtlHts Including hu world famoiiH Slngor MldgctH World'n tlnlost people, CONTINUOUS SHOW STARTING AT 1 1 M. COMINGMONDAY TAYMIR HOLMES IN "NOTHING BUT LIES" Iron requires Ijttlc attention end coal. No danger of fire, . Eilimate gladly made Jot you without obligation. G. C. LORENZ 123 North SixthPhone 216-W REGULAR WtlCEH 10c nnd Mo L -yj-azi -iT!