Kill DA V, MAY 517, 1I1! I THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'ACIH TWO' Mi REMEMBER! Ender's First Great Price-Smas IS STILL GOING ON WE are Feeding and Shoeing the public cheaper than has been done for years. Seeing is believing, so come see for yourself. Siins Sale I H in !!! iwi imwiiiw i imwTin-nimimmi rm i i H SnMtA I mmXMm mms&gm&&fflimmxizzmzmLym Mll.I.ini IIU.IiDlSTHKT I A demonstration of tho testing or Schools (to Compete SI'OKANB. Wash . M.iy 27 A trnck meet for high school of tlip In land Kmjilre Is to bo held hero to-1 morrow umler the auspices of the ' I Spokane Amateur Athletic clut. It Ik announced by club officials ltelay events will bo featured with sprints and distance runs. Weight events 'A 111 bo eliminated, it was said, as they tend to slbw up n meet. Tho entries will incluilo high school track teams which have proven their su periority In district preliminaries with the Copcos r Klamath Kalis A il return Kn mo will le played at Klam- mllk by thu members of tho standard ! nth Falls Monday with the Jowels livestock club was held at tho Miller Hill school house last evening, aim r fj r U:U w wnll attended by the farmers. It. Inland Lmpire High 1J. Wilcox, locnl leader, and Frank Sexton, county leader, wero both present. Tho club ling seventeen members nnd Is tho largest In tho state. Tho meeting was called to order by Cluldo Kobustclllnl. president of the club. Uach member read a report of tho rocord kept for tho 26 cows tho club la checking, following which tho dem onstration started. Tho demonstration was carefully Vnd skilfully done, tho secretary. Mary Schulmeycr, explained to those present, each step of tho procedure. Thoiplendld showing mado by the members cduld not but Impress their eldors with tho progress that Is be- lng mado, tho success of tho work and j that tho new way Is an Improvement upon tho old guess-work of tho past. I,. J. Allen, state livestock club! leader, gavo a brief address In which i ho congratulated the members upon tho splendid showing made. I Miss Frlcke, public health nurse,' gave a short talk on tho nutritive I value of jturo milk for infants, child ren nnd adults. Mr. Sexton briefW j sketched tho work that .Is being donoi and the support that Is being given It by the parents of the children. A splendid program of recitations and musical numbers was given, which was followed by tho box so cial. Tho boxes wero auctioned off ! by Mr. Lambert and so well did he acquit himself that $63 was realized, which 'will ho used to send the presi dent and secretary of tho club to tho summer school at Corvallls. MONDALE THEATRE 100 PER CENT UNION TONIGHT David waiid (.mniTirs, nrrriti. with Lillian Gish "THE TIGER GIRL" Home, and homespun, a slice of row l!f a tub' of lovi- ami luit. a story of llin lis and l)s. n stor of lii uml ti'.irs. of wmn.i'i s wiles and woman's sorrows, a ci'.n pl.iy by the' si llvinU director and "COURTS AND CABARETS" A' MACK SKNNKTT OI.OOM t'llAHKIl TWO SHOWS--C 45- -s If. flowing at tfie PHOTO m ra-i)mr ADMISSION ADULTS QC CHILDIIEN COMINO SfN'DAY --CI.AUA KIMHAM. YOl'VO "S Tftll.Ul 06c ! i l II ! .Pi P ! W ! I !!' I ! Ill l,l, I KIW I UUUtU'1 IIOItMK PKItSOXALS DORMS, Cal., Miiy 27 - R C. Hoyt nnd family aro visiting at the homo of Jehu Hayworth In Dorrls. Mr. Hoyt, who was formerly ono of tho leading stock raisers In tho Hlg Volley country In Modoc county, has retired and now resides In Southern California. Ho Is a brothor-ln-law to Mr. Hayworth. Joe Kent, representative of the dormaln Lumber Company, together with J. A. Gordon and 13. A Lamb, of Klamath Falls, wero In Dorrls yes torday on business having driven down by way of Kcno. II, Long has gone to San Francisco for n short trip combining business and pleasure. Ho will return In tho near future nnd complete tho con crete building under construction on Third street, which Is to bo occupied by a moving picture theatre George R. Phenegar was a busi ness visitor from Uray yesterday. Mr. Pheneger Is Interested In tho lumbor Industry. Louis nolle, a merchant of Mt, He bron, was In town for a short busi ness vlfllt yesterday. Exercises marking tho closo of Dorrls grammar schools were held yeBtorday afternoon at tho school building for public attendance. A plpnlc for tho kiddles Is planned for this afternoon to some beauty spot near Dorrls. Miss Generva Hoggs and Mrs. J. F. Sholloy aro Instructors In the grades. , J, F. Shelley has received a ship ment of lumber from Klamath Falls for tlio completion of his fine new rosldenco on California street. iKvory effort is being applied to wnfd completion of tho basoball dia mond for tho coming gamo Sunday NEIL CAMPBELL Did for Klamath Oil, what Columbus did for America. CAPTAIN SIEMENS Did for Neil Campbell what Queen Isabella did for Columbus. BOTH HAVE RENDERED KLAMATH COUN TY A GREAT SERVICE. The positive knowledge , that there is oil in the Klamath Basin has been demon strated b ythe courage and perserverence of these two men. Their reward can not be too great. A Year Ago a few men had the nerve to take a chance with them and today every man in Klamath County wishes he had some stock in the Klamath Oil Co. This stock has now advanced to a point where it is beyond reach of the ordinary investor. TODAY another opportunity is open for investment in Capt. Siemens second Oil venture. The Northern California Oil Co, offers a limited amount of TREASURY STOCK at $1.00 per share. Subscriptions for this stock will be received by Captain Siemens (a director of the company) at THE FIRST STATE AND SAVINGS BANK "BEHOLD MY WIFE" With Kill it D.'Xt.T. MiiIh-I Jtilli-nno .Scott I'tid M tun Sills Tin- man "was tlu son of a llrlllsh aristocrat Tin- Klrl was born of mi I ml In ti siiuw Vet Hi mad her his wife and Sic him drifting downward In tin liimhor camps of Camilla. Hoi- bur struggling iipwunl in tilt tniwing room of Liigland. Until, ono day A illtnax ou'lt tiiivcr forgot! A red hlordul ro manco that towrhes tho wells -prlliKH of life Aituni ATTitirriov MAMIIMIOVD U.KJNUt IN I'OPI LA II SONUS KMiI'LAK MUCUS unit !Wc simi.u "Tin; woman is ms iieisi: STAR THEATRE " DORRIS SATURDAY MAY 28 Added Attractions 3 BIG TIME ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE 3 In connection with (the regular picture pro gram.) A guaranteed show. Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads. At The Liberty The House of Personal Service TONIGHT Iliiiumi Harry Carry In n new uml different twwlent "IF ONLY JIM" Tho story of n chronically lazy mnn Into whoso xhlftloHS llfo enter n wholesome woman and n trusting baby; how tho two In fluenced transform his modo of cxlstonco and tho mnralfl of western town nnd how an unselfish dood brlngn hupplncBs to tho principal churucterH. TOMORROW 1IAINTV JU8T1NK JOIINHTONK IN "THE PLAYTHING OF BROADWAY" Wan her heart us gay u hur Htullo? Boo tho plcturo mid find out, COMING SUNDAY Tho hlppodromlc Fox Suushlno comedy sonsatlon "SKIRTS" J'outurlng 3000 stunningly beautiful girls. ft J 1 s..,