The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 25, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Office Cat
llllll'IIIM of AliKi'l
1 rain would help in miniiil lilit doom,
How oft m- bitter wrath he's
I mi'iin tlm winry post to wliom
Most miiry inorliil In "a lilnl."
i:. II. II.
Of all llio folk licnciilli Hio nhlrH
Or, iilioillil I Hay, of those I know?
Tint lilnl wliom I niimt di'splno
1h Iiu who mutlnm, "In Hint HO?"
Olio k I tul of tiiidinilrithln rltlznn In
tint follow who lives In a flat ami In
sist on taldni; hIIiIii tromliniio Iim
hoiis. HMi'i-n of Tnlll IVnlll, Attention!
(Ail. In Now York CvnnlnK Hun)
IIKI.P WANTK1 Kaclal workers.
Apply Miss IMiiHiiinrtt, (Irnml IVntrnl
HIiiIIimi Halrilri'HnliiK Parlors. '
Vcl Sonii' Prefer l'ediiK"KKlnK
(Now York Worlil)
Alli'KlUK t lut t tint iliifoiiiliint ittolu
u hc.iI coal Im'IoIIkIiiK to her, valued
lit f K 4 f , Mnhol l.uwson, a waitress,
appeared IP WiiHliltiKton Heights
Court )iistiwliiy iikiiIiihI llnrtonso
Oolilniaii, 20 yearn old, who khvii hor
address ii m tin' Marllioroiii;li Hotel
Ilia llu.inl wants lo know why It
In that when a man htamlN in tin) nilil
tllo of n room anil happens to drop
IiIh roll ii r Inittoii tlm blamed thlliR
will roll nrnms l ho rooni III order to
hliln under tlm ilariiiort?
lie that un It may, II. II llnrhelor.
of Hyr.iciihi'. N Y , han boon arrested
on n I'lmrK" of liU:.mi.v.
A Sum Wny lo ! Itull
Would llkn uciuiilntanrn of good
huslni'K man or a young farmer;
llkn ono with n rnr. for pnntlinn and
results. Address C. A., earn Har.
Advortlsnment In Peoria, (III.)
Don't think for a mliiuto that
actors and nctiviwru kiss overy tlmo
they iniike up.
Wlsn husbanilH nrn preparing tholr
pocknlbooks for tho Biimmor open
ing. Dob Uyan wants In know why tho
alarm clock never falls to uwiikou
you when )m'rn going fishing?
Yen, Mrs. llnguo, n woman can
nliitrM'ii n lead pencil as quickly as a
man can thread n needle.
"And nnw nbldolh faith, hopo unit
charity, theo three, but tlm gruat'
cttt of Ihesn Is charity," saya n Now
Haven paper, nnd credits It to '"!:x
rhonBo." "KxrhniiKo" has been crib
blng good Htuff from St. Paul. (8oo
1st Corinthians 13:13).
ItrlnK Vnr Inrli
i.Jlov. J. Owon. an nvapKelst, will
preach at tint Htono church July ICth
to August Int. Mercyvino. in
ner. nan-
Chas. (!urrln ssiyH s'unn married
mon do wlthoift breakfast to rcduco
flosh. and hoiiio do without It to ro
duco friction.
"Home brow Is n groat tnx upon
tho dlKOMtlvo ytm." doclaroH Doc
Johnson. Also upon tho Imagination.
Kwn Ho
Kstnomod Hlr:
nrnntlng, as pootB avor, that llfo
1h ii gamo of BOOinaw, doesn't It seom
that tho difficulty In tho present sit
uation lies In IryhiK to Kt ltl s,ll,B
down nt onro?
Germany Replies to
Silesian Question
PAUIB, Mny 25. norumny ropllod
today to tho French coiumunlcntlon
of yestordny on tho BIloHlnn quostlon,
tho roply declaring Hint (lormnny hnd
takon most rlgoroim moasuros to
wards closing Hh frontlor with uppor
Hllosln nnd to oblige tho voluntoor
corps to disband.
Aftor Ambnssador MoyorH caltod,
tho French officials wore optimistic
regarding tho upper Bllelon ioJu-tlon.
rMww" - - - .
FOR HAhK Olt TRADM lluynos
"Hlx" 0-punnonKiir; good hJiuimi,
now rubber. Wo 'want n sinnllnr car,
Cnll U.OW aftnr 5 1. M. 24-20
KOH IlKNT -- firToom furnlshod
houiio. To I. 20.1J, 24-2fi
FOUND Kurd rnnr light ntid llconso
Iilato. Owner may liavo unnin by call
in r at Ilornld officii and paying for
UiIh ail. 2l-2r
To avoid troulilit, tho party who
took a lady's tan capo from tho Klks'
Tnmpln Hatiirday night, rot urn sumo
to tho Hhnrlff'n offlco at onro nn your
Irtrmtlty In known. 2.1-2f
ROOMH-r.On and 75c pnr night. All
nrn outnldi) rnomii, cluan and light.
920 Klanialh Avn. Home Itoomlng
House. 23.28
cabin. Imiulro lftOfi Oregon Avn.
KOIt 8AM3 4 r. fur. or unfur. hniiHO
with largo lot; ISOr. orognn Avn.
Whlln It lasts, Hhorwln-Wllllnms
paint, $3,00 pnr gat,
Hnfoty first, unit Old Mission paints
13.00, $3.50 and 4.00 par gallon.
Turn I.lnscod Oil nnd Turponllnn
advanced 10 por cont. Wo nro Btlll
Rolling at por gallon.
Owing to tho Incroniwi In business,
wo arn compnllnd to movo to turgor
quarters, 127 Fourth Htreot
lluslncss Phono 100W I ten r, 31 It.
I wish to express my npproclatlon
of tho pntronago and many courto-
hIoh oxtondod to mo during tho two
years of my business llfn In this rlty.
Mllfl. U. A. Ill'IKSi:S8.
Tint last Initiation prior to suinmor
vacation wilt bn hold Thurmlny, May
2fith. Tho ontortojnmont rotnmlttoo
Is arrnnglug to mnka this occasion
onn to bn remembered. You will miss
n good tlmo If you do not romn
C. A ilaydi:n.
2S-25 Kxaltcd Itiilnr
NOTIC'K ok ham: of iihuuatio.v
sealed proposals will bo received
until tho 24th dny of Juno A. D. 1921
t tho hour of 2 o'clock In tho after
nnnn for tint purchaso of Fifteen
Thousand Dollars' worth of bonds of
Klamath County, Oregon Haiti bonds
arn to nrnw iniorest ai ino rnio oi u
pnr rent por annum, payable semi
annually upon tho 1st day of July
and tho 1st day of January of each
year until tbn maturity of said bonds.
8nld proposals will bn rocelvod by
thn Hoard of Directors of said Irriga
tion District, and should bo directed
to thn fiocrntary of tho Kntnrprlso Ir
rigation District, earn of Fred. D.
Flotchnr, I.oomls Hulldlng, Klamath
Falls, Oregon.
Tho Hoard of Directors reserve tho
right to rojoct any or all bids offor
od. 0. J. IIII.YAIU).
Secretary of tho Hoard of Di
rectors of Kntorprlso Irriga
tion District. M19-J20
A llfMolutlnii DcrlarlnK tlm Intention
of tlm Clfy of Klnnmlli Falls, Ore-
Koiii to tiinngn tlio (Initio nt tlm
Intersection of Heventli Klnt mid
Walnut Arnue rm lUevnUon
I -1 0 to KlovaUon riH.
WJIBnKAS, It Is doomed cxpedlont
to chango' tho present grado at tho
Intersection of Seventh Btrcet and
Walnut Avonuo from olovatlon 140 to
clovntlon 148,
HK IT RBSOM'KD, That tho Com
mon Council horoby declares Its In
tention to chango tho grado nt thn
Intersection of Sovonth Street nnd
Walnut Aventio from olovatlon 146
to olovatlon 148,
County of Klnmath. )ss.
City of Klamath Falls, )
I, A. h. Lenvltt, Pollco Judgo of
said city nbovo mentioned, do liorebv
Cooking Electrically
the ideal method
Electrically equipped kitchens hold
no terrors for the housewife. They
are cool, cozy, and comfortable in
the summer. They eliminate the
drudgery, the grime and the nerve
racking tension caused by wood
stoves. The expense is surprising
ly low. Let us tell you about it.
California-Oregon Power
4 'Let us be your
FOIl HAJ,IJ Vory nlco fi-room houso
mouiirti, cioso in, on pnvotnont, fur-
II I nil ml or unfurnished. Tnrtim. A. II.
C Horald. 21-27
Young couplo, man oxporloncnd In
wnnitil. ulf irnrwf rnnlr nr no linlnnr
and wnltroiui for lumhor company.
Can glvo raforonco. Ooo. Kodnor,
jioii iiiuir, uanr.
WANTKD Painting and kalsomln-
Ing. 1), W. Hurling. Loavo orders
at tho Hmoko. 20-20
WANTKI) Position by oxporloncod,
compotont lady bookkoopor-stonof-
rnphor. Hox T. H., Horald. 1B-2C
1 1918 Dodge
Al condition.
1 1920 Apodal
Blx Btudobakor
1 1918 Ilulck
nnw car, guarnntood.
Four now cord tiros.
1 1920 Ilulck
A real bargain.
Hun only 1000 miles
I'lmno 17UW.
7th nnd KUnuttli Avcnao
CITY ClAIlIIAni; When you want
Krbngo remorm). cnll 10H.2S.
On account of Chautauqua Wcok,
tint Odd Follows Entertainment com
mittee liavo postponed tho entertain
ment which was to havo boon given
In tho I. O. O. F. Hall May 28th, ono
week. All members, Ilobokabs, visit
ing brothers and slstors, arn cordlnlly
Invited to bn present on tbn evening
of Juno 4th. (iood tlmo assurod,
W. C. WKM.8, Act. Bocy.
cortlfy that tho foregoing Is a duly
enrolled copy of tho resolution passed
by thn Common Council on tho 16th
day of May, 1921
17-27 Pollco Judge.
IHorldA Orspcfrult
Hunklst OrnngMi
If jou ivant fresh vegetables
anil fruit, conio to tho
Whero you csn eavo monoy
Strlngbenns Strawborrloa
Oroon Peas ' Cborrlos
Asparagus Pears
Summor Squash Ilananas
Now Potatoes Green Poppers
Tomatoes Cucumbers
Otoo to Ot.'io cvt'ry ily.
10:00 to 0:00 I. M. Hun day.
1 Main
Phono 022
Scandinavian Hall
Northern California
Has Strong Directorate
Captain J. W. Slomnni, O I)
Ilurk, Dr. H, D. Johnson, H. II Dun
bar, J. C. Thompson, loint maiingur
Callfornla-Orogon Power Coinpiin,
W, U. tubman, II. C. Orosbei.k and!
IJnrl Whltlock nrn tho director. who
will havo tho managemont and con
trol' of tho affairs of tho Vortliorn
California Oil Company. It wouM bo
hard to select a board of more l-.vcl-bitadod,
consorvatlvu buslnni men of
keen judgment and oxocutlvo ability
Bubntontlal Is tho word that best
doscrlbes tho class of citizenship rep
resented by thoso mon, nnd any cow
pany whoso management Is In t'mlr
hands will havo tho confidence of
tho entire community. Captain Hl
mens lias been more prominently
Identified with oil development than
any other man In Klamath county
and his connection with tho Northern
California Oil company speaks much
for tho succosi of ltd operations.
Thn company's leases are on thn
Churchill lands and although tho
Chiirrbllls nro not Identified with tho
compnny, so for us public knowledge
goes. It Ih significant that Mr
Thompson was mado a director.
W. C. Ihmnn, who Is In octlvo
management of operations, Is a geol
ogist and oil oporator with a lifetime
of succflssful experiences. Tho dor
rlck, which Is already erected on tho
property, Is a standard 82-foot rig
nnd tho machinery -which was pur
chased on Mr. lAshmnn's recont'trlp
to tbn California oil flolds, Is modorn
and complete,
According to statistics gathorod by
tho Instltuto for Public Scrvlco, ono
In every flftoon students In forty-two
American colleges Is studying with a
vlow to onterlng tho tonchlnc profes
sion. Tho figures nro based on n sur
vey covorlng morn than 20,000 un-dor-graduaten.
On Bprlng Crook and Williamson
River wilt bo open to tho public
Juno 1st.
Tho samo spoclaltlos will provnll
this season as In former ones, Good
fishing, tho best homo cooked meals
to bo had, boating, otc. ,
' I havo both furnished and un
fiirnlahmt nunriers for camnlnc par
ties. In either floorod tonts or
rough bungalow houses with screen
ed porches.
Plenty of homo raised chickens,
eggs, butter and milk.
My camp nnd property Is for tho
KXCLU8IVK USK of my patrons.
Tho public will not bo allowed to
trespass as In former years.
how you'll take to
a pipe and P. A.!
Before you're a day older
you want to let the idea slip
under your hat that this
is the open season to start
something with a joy'us
jimmy pipe and some
Prince Albert!
Because, a pipe packed
with Prince Albert satisfies
a man as he was never satis
fied before and keeps him
satisfied! And, you can
prove it! Why P. A.'s
flavor and fragrance and
coolness and its freedom
Mack Truck Precision
has no equal
.Production engineers whether
engaged in the manufacture of mo
tor trucks or scientific instruments,
recognize one element as the stand
ard of perfection. That element is
Guess work,i sentirely eliminated
during the manufacture of MACK
trucks. Not only are the individual
parts tested with extreme precision
at the factory, but the completed
truck is subjected to road tests as
In the MACK laboratories are
balances so sensitive that one's ini
tials, when lightly written on a cig
arette paper can be weighed. Ma
terials used in MACK construction
are subjected to tests and analyses
by equipment owned and used by
the MACK factories exclusively.
You get the benefit of these
tests backed by 22 years' ex
perience of continuous, ex
clusive truck manufacture
when You Buy a Mack
522 S. Sixth Street
Phone 500
Tho Duchess of Rutland, one of
tho most brilliant women In English
Bocloty, was obliged to appear In
court recently for refusing to pay
taxes which she declared to bo ex-horbltant.
IHWk i
from bite and parch (cut
out by our exclusive pat
ented process) are a reve
lation to the man who never
could get acquainted with a
pipe! P. A. has made a
pipe a thing of joy to four
men where one was smoked
Ever roll up a cigarette
with Prince Albert? Man,
man but you've got a
party coming your way!
Talk about a cigarette
smoke; we tell you it's a
the national joy smoke
PORTLAND, May 25. Cattlo 2Cc
lowor; cholco steers $7.25 and 17.50;
othor markets steady; prlmo lambs
$7.00 and $7.75.
frlntt Alb.rt It
old In toppy rtU
ball, tidy T.J tint,
handtomt pound
and hall pound tin
humldort andlntht
pound cryltal gtatt
humidor with
tpongt mottttnor
CopyrliM 1021
by K. J. R.ynolda
Tobacco Co.