I'AOIO FIVE THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUISOAV, MAY 21, ISM " Our First Price-Smashing Sale! This Sale is an assured success from the start. The people have never before been offered such Quality Merchandise at such Attractive Prices. :-: SUGAR POTATOES 300 pairs fmen's dress Men's Work Shoes, $9.49 $2.00 ZVltoulirs?Bt'e shoes, value. to $10.00 values to $Q,00, Spe- SACK ' . Per Cwt. Smashing Sale, We invite $4.95 cl $2.95 . . everyone to come in and in- - - 10 LB. SACK FANCY JAP RICE mjU wonderful values Ladieg, Brown Kid w Exlra Specia, Ladieg, ROLLED OATS " 12 LBS. we are o ertng. shoes, values to $10.00 Black Kid Tie Pumps Extra salespeople ihave 43c $1.00 been employed and will be $5.95 $3.95 pleased to show you any- : ' TEA MILK thing in the store. Do not All Suit Cases, Bags Children's Shoes, val- 39c LB. PerCe f Vol 23 tl' '""" -d Trunk., reduced ue. to $4.25 Black or Green $6.39 33Vfr ' $1.95 Our grocery dept. is full of just such values as the above. We have bargains for ev eryone. Come in before buying your shoes. .W a Sjt LiW Cms1LSv W w L y wi m M wm - mr- s r- 'v v m .rt mr ,BBBSiN4!7S1l M -bV1 -M W. I 3?1TC1bVb1bMb1bbb buying your shoes. I I . . u Personal Mention Mr nn.l Mrs J Monro a,n,Jr.. nnd Mrs Uuy Court motored up lo Chllouuln Hunday. I). J Callahan Ih nn out of town visitor from Hrny Jim Hlvyor left Ibis morning 'or ""CTlTl.ro.nr left thl. ...or,.-' Ini: for u short vllt at Chlco. ll"i Ni.Uy Dryden. who has been teaching .chool t ""'i.iit'hN lo her liomo lit Ml", I'""1"' ,n,i ,"MlMKl)orotl.y Hammond, of Mf ,,h has been attending high icbool lu.ro thl. lnlr. returned to her homo Ibis morning. Mr. .....I Mm J Klwln Mnrlln. "n on Junior, wen. wnra for 1 1 halls, Washington this morning. Mr Martin hn been teaching icliool at Algomn. ,,, uMilln Pelican hotel. I" !' from Snn ,rnn' rlM-n for n fow day. . .... Mr Vorl Clollnsky nn.l two child ren "-n. pn.oiiKors 'of "orrU 1 1 morning whrro Uier will visit with Mrs (lellnsky's mother. Mr. Sarah Sl.llllnKsburg. w ho .nn been visiting with ,,,,r,,,nu?!',.cr n?n Prr-stnn Nino, for tho l. """ month. returned to her lionw In Mr- ",M3lS"nB.. who has ,.. tnifhliiK n tho local high school, left ihhi n "riilnx for Ban Francisco whi-ro Hho will vlfll tor noma Umo before nZJr .1 Ukev.ow was n town C, 1.5 will v'H't with 1.1. son and fnKllyil McHweo. of Chlloauln. Ih rcKlhtnro.l nl a lornl hotel MrH 0 W OhloH anil iiinthor. Mr Wm Mooro, nru finwi. from (.hllo- QUl"ofeHor n. i:. ' Poll. ho 'l; llven-il tlin romiiuioi-innont juUlroM to the IiIkIi hcIiooI KraJuntoH limt nlnlit. roturni'il to KiiKnnn lliln mornliiK Koveral local puoiuu nno nilvantiiK" of tho fact Unit Al. Jol boii will bo hudii tonlKlil at MwlfonlJ In "HlnbMil." ninl Biivoral automobllo , l.nrtliiH loft today nxpoctlni; to n turn tomorrow. Amoi.K tlioHo who wont nro MrH. .1 II. IMilerH. Mrn. J II Cartiir. Mm. Chas. Martin, Mrs. J. J I'arkor. Mth. I.. Jacob, Mw. ' Wabln Weeilon, Mr. iimKMrH I)U1h lloiiKlnml, Dr I' M. Noel, KiiRuno Momly anil MIhh Viir.la Cozhi . Mr Dora Iliinlioro loft tbw mom-, Inn for Chlco whom hIio omiopIh to i remain hoiiio tlmo vIhIIIhb with br motbur. ... I INiMiuiKcrii on tho nutomobllo HtHKO for AHhlnml anil Meilfonl thin jiiornli.B worn MrH. Norrln. MprB. Nye, Herkoy. U.arky anil lllnnkf lolil Mr. villi MrH, W. A. Drohr loft for Snn KrnnclHco this ihornliiK for a lnontl.H IimhIiiuhh ami .leauro trip. I)r. J. O. Kxllnn, of Salem, who Iiiih liocn boro tho liiHt fow ilayH on IiiihI noBB, roturneil to IiIh homo this morn-1 Idr. It IT. A. Culp, lualstant Hiiporlntonil-I ont or lllo Hliuaiu iiivib.uii, ui it v., j, laBt nlKl.t to sponil ovorai uayn num. nt Itiiultiniiu ' V II UUOMtllllll, Mth. O. II. Haralibarcor nnil ilauBb- nr mirk virclnlu. of Oakland, nro vlaltliiB at tho homo of Mrs. Harsh-,;; linnsor'B nwithor, Mrs. H. 8. Ilonloy,,,. nt tho Henley rnnchi Tlioy nro on; tholr way homo from WnsliliiKton, D.i ; C, whoro Mrs. HarshbarKor nttoudeil . tho national convention or tho Daugh. ; ; tcrs of tho Amorlcnn Involution an , , recent from California. Davo Shook was In from his ranch nt Dairy yostorday attending to bus iness mfittora. , I, I,' Walker nnd Jpkh llccklny left for Ynlnax thU moniliiK to lm Bonn n coiiio of i!i)h lookli.K Into rnttle roiiilltluiiH In that nolKl.bor bond. .MIkh Akiiox Drlncoll left Sundny for a tMi cokn vncntlon with her mo ther and nlnter nt Hnlom. Mr and Mrs. K IV Tlllon nro down from Chlloiiuln. Mr Tlllon Is In tho lumber business In that section. Charles Kluckus, n rnnrl.cr from Dairy. as In town ynsterdny. Mrs IMorenco ItoilKers left jester day for Harrnmentii where she. will reside ditrlnK the summer ncntlon months. Claud Dnmorest, son of Dr. nnd Mrs (). K Demoreit, of this city, wan Mr Mcrchnnl. Knrmer, Wool Krower and ethers: Wo store overytblnK stor able. Our-futes are rlKbt: our serir the same. Drop In mid seo us nnd let us takn rare nt your stoniRo Minus. Yours for Storing. ' PEOPLES' WARE HOUSE CO. Ulli nnil Itiilluny Spur I'l.onu SSH-W one of the Krnduates this week from tho Pacific Chiropractic CoIIcro In I'ortlund, accordltiK to advices re ceived hero by his parents, A timepiece set In a finger ring Is tho lftto.it Innovation. It Is so small that n rIovo ran bo put on over It enilly. Women hao for tho first tlmo sat for tho examination of tho Ilrltlsh Auctioneers and Kstato Agents Institute. .Mrnt'K kou I'um.iavrio.v 4SOIiATKI TIC(-T (TublMirr) 1'UIII.IO IM) ham: IVpannu-nt tf the Interior Not Cinl Ijinil U. 8. Land Offlro at I.akovlew. Ore. May G, 1921. Notlco Is hereby Riven that, as di rected by tho Commissioner or tho Cencrnl Ijnd office, under provisions of Sec. 24GC. It. 8.. pursuant to tho AAArMrArMrAMAArMrMrMMrW Short Season For Sawmills Wo iniiht look tl.o situation of (he lumber hushies MimiVly In tlin flic'. Tliero will lie a short sou. miii, how short vto do not know. Olio tlilnu In certnln. vtlicn tl.o iuIIU Miut down litem will bo no iioro cluvip immI. (. lV)ton iVi Co, nro ilelltcrliiK irti-ii hluli, Mxtevu li.rl. loi.Ktli. low nt 9il.no per inl. Tl.o Im Inijcr lll In j- In lilt winter' supply now mid tnko no 'limii'V on the iiiIIIh elusion down, Iliery riislomer who boiiKbt iih'ii hluli curly hist )enr mill l.nil t dry hen w tutor M't In, Ih plenw. Ml. Many Iwuo plarisl their orders alremly. liny emly anil place jour onlew now unci Ihi suro. O. Peyton & Co. O. PEYTON W. PEYTON 419 Main ' Phonal 535 Make TheOREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND POPULAR SPACIOUS LOI1I1Y At the Center of Everything IlltOADWAY at STARK ST. Wo BURROst yo" wrlto, phono or wlro I for reservations Arthur H, Moyers, Mannger nppllqatlon of C Fred Collman, of Klamath Kails, Oregon, Serial No. 010S79. v.e will offer nt public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less thnn $2. SO per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on tho 17th day of June, next, at this offico, the following tract of land: S4 NEH Sec. 24, T. 37 S., R. 9 E.. Wu M This tract Is ordered Into tho mar ket on a showlns that the greater portion thereof Is mountainous or too rough for cultivation. -Tho salo will not bo kept open, but will bo declared closed when thoe present at tl.o hour named have ceas ed bidding. Tho person making tho highest bid will bo required to Im mediately pay to tho Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely tho abovo described land aro advised to fllo their claims, or objections, on or beforo the time designated for sale. Notlco will be published for tiro consecutive weeks In tho Klamath Herald. JAMES F. DURC.ESS, Register 10.17-24-31rJ-7 The Dollvar statuto recently un- Tho bign quality of success tht veiled In Now York City Is the work , follows advertising In thVflmilfni of Sally James Farnaham and Is tho largest statuto ovor niado by woman. column of Tho Herald U due to Ufct) Intelligence tot Its readers. ..THE NEXT SPARK PLUG YOU BUY., GET A BOSCH AND YOU WILL FORGET YOUR SPARK PLUG TROUBLES REED AUTO SUPPLY CO. Phono 298-J t Distributers Luthy Batteries, Bosch Magnetoc 11th St. Near Mala. Just Compare These Old and New Prices Note the very substantial reduction which has been made in FEDERAL TIRES, both FABRIC and CORD, and which'in con junction with the EXTRA SERVICE they give, makes A. Ullip, IISHIHIUIII biiiuiiiiwmi- AAJ.AAAAAJ.4,AA4iAA4.AAJ.J.AJ.J.J,AJ.AAJ.AJ.XAJ.J.A division, nrnvvii i r ' A on bUBlnnBH CLOTHES OF REAL DISTINCTION must bo niado for tho wenrer individually. Let mo nia&p your now Nirltit suit nnd enjoy ytcnrlnff really distinctive clothing tailored to fit you perfectly nnd to retain ltd extrn-simirtnvss during long constant wear. CHAS. J. CIZEK, Merchant Tailor 818 Main St. H EDERAU TIRES the BEST, and MOST ECONOMICAL BUY FOR YOUR CAR FABRIC TIRES PLAIN TREAD TRAFFIK TREAD 01D PRICE 30x3 I i $15.00 30x3K 1 . 18.50 32x3& . : . . . 324 it::: NEW PRICB OLD TRICE $11.85 $15.55 14.50 19.50 : . . . : 24.00 : : : i : 30.30 NEW PRICE SI 2.85 15.00 20.25 26.90 RUGGED TREAD OLD PRICE NEW PRICE $19.45 26.00 30.35 37.90 SI 6.50 20.00 25.95 34.40 CORD TIRES RIBBED TREAD OLD PRICE NEW PRICE NON-SKID TREAD OLD PRICE NEW PRICE I I 30x34 32x3 J '.$39.10 32x4 : 1 49.70 34x4H i I 58.95 35x5 . , 73.50 ...::: $34.25 S2T.50 S34.60 41.15 36.40 44.00 52.30 46,30 52.15 62.05 54.90 65.05 77.35 68.45 DIAMOND TIRE & VULCANIZING CO. 707 S. 6th. Street