The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 23, 1921, Image 1

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A Class Ad Will
Do It
tfUM -
. qa:
ftW '
Member i ot the Associated Pre,
IfliNiilli Vein- .No. n'M
H lH assm J4tk s A i H jHb
in .iivxij if
WL-l . !' ay BfJ S B. '.M .ffl
Annual Incnmn In-
creases From $708 in
1907 to Over $2,
' 000,000 Last Year
Tabulation Shows.
Ilcrnlil Hiilem lliti-mil
MALUM, Or, May 23. (Special
Tim iikh (if miilor vehicles in Uru
Kim Jtmt im1 from 2 1 s In 1U0G
when tlln Hlatu iillloiniihllu depart
mi'iii wiiH liiiiiiKimitnl,- to 103,790
In 1020, u period of t r, yearn.
From Hi lfi to 1020 Uio Incrrano
wjih from TiW.UHt, to 1 03,71)0, nil
Inrreiisii of S'J per (tint. In thin
itniiio period tlui fi'ti receipts Iticroun
ml rrnm $ I US, SHI 50 'to $2.081.,
US. Ml, nn Im-ri'iiHt) or J1.070.2S7,
or innrn than 56 per rent.
Tim (ditto ilhl not begin to col
lect fi'cH on uiilomolillo registration
until 1007, niiil In that yuar thu
total rociilplH worn $708. Until
l'.iH inntorcyrlwi with Includml
with motor vehicles In registration
niiil licensing. '
ItlK Jump HIioimi
('liiiiiffmim -wem not licensed un
til 1911 nml dealers not until 1914.
In Unit yi'iir, llin flrnl when motor
tolilclon, motorcycles, clmiilfoiim
nml tliMilnrit with nil registered nml
licenced, thn fees Jumped to $77,
092 from G6,873 tho previous
Atintinl rcKUtriitlon, hnwovur, wan
not required (or motor vehicle
prior to 1911, nml In Ihnt your ices
Jumped to 1 37,3 IS from $7,479 thu
your before.
Thu total that linn boon cnlloctod
In fees In tho pnrloil or flllcon
yenrs, Hlnro tho first foes woro re
ceived In 1907, In $5,813,178.
?') JniUtl(lU fown,. .
ltoKlstrntJon'"'a"nil,r receipts' 'of fees
tor I'lich year from 1905 to thu
present tlmo follew:
1905 Motor vnhlcloH, liu'luillnR
cycles," 218; cliutiUuurs, noun; doal
urn, none; foes, nothing.
1 'JUG -Motor vohlelii, Including
cyclrn, 143; chauffeurs, nono; deal
ant,' nono; fi'OH. nothing.'
1!iii7- Motor vehicles, Including
r.yrli'M, S.'IR; chauffeurs, nono; fees,
$708. '
1908 Motor vehicle. Including
ryrliiK, 701; ihaiiffourH, nono; donl
urn. nono; fron, $3,103,
1909 Motor vehicles, IncluilInK
ruli'n, 1271; chauffoum, nono;
fiON, $3813.
1910 Motor
vehicles, including
cycles. 2493
ilmiltirn, nonu;
;ctmuffcurn, none;
foes, $7479.
1911 Motor
vnhlcloH, Including
cycles. C428;
rliauffourn. 1071;
doalnrn, noun; fees, $27,316.
1912 Motor vehicles, IncliidlnR
ryclim, 10,105; chnuffoure, 17C2;
(IcalnrH, nono; foes, $4 2,094. .
1913 Motor vehicles, IncliidlnR
rye I i'n, 13,957; chuffuurs, 1472;
dealers, nono; foes, $56,873.
1014 (l'rom thin yonr motor
cycles uro ruglHturoil separately)
Motor vehicles 16,347; motorcycles,
2808; chauffeurs, 1838; doalors,
110; fees. $77,592.
1015 Motor vehicles, 23,585; mo
torcycles, 3158; chnuffours, 4131;
ikmlers, 17.1; fucs, $108,881.50.
1916 Motor vohlclon, 33,917;
motorcycles, 3268; chauffeurs,
4019; doalors, 278; foes, $146,254.
1917 Motor vohlclos, 48,632;
motorcycles, 3400; chnuffors, 3477;
denlors, 375; fcos, $19C,787.B0.
1918 Motor vehicles, 63,326;
motorcycles, 3501; chauffours,
3131; dealers, 451; feos, $461,442.
1919 Motor vehicles, 83,332;
jiiolorcyclcs. 3570; chnuffours,
3152; dealers, 686; fees, $802,239.
tnnn Mnliir vnhleles. 103.790:
motrocyclos. 3517; chnuffours,'
3394; dcalors, 761; fees, $2,085,-
,1021 tn Aprll30) Motor vo
hlclos, oVi'.SSO; motorcycleH,' 2171;
chiuitruurs, 2428; ileiilors, 468;
foes, $1,993,649.
i ' lloclnnliiK with 1018 tho big In
UK Willi iUlO illU Ulb 114-1
fees Is mainly duo to log-
creuHii li
Islutlvo .acts IncreaulnB foes to pay
IntoroHt on thn Htuto's highway
bbndoil InilobtodneHs.
! I,ONnON. May" ,23,
-Tho nrltlsh
Kovemmout hua decided ' to
troops to Slluslu at u nearly dato,
Otto Khlum Goes to
Honolulu A Coach
ll()NOI,in,U, T. II., May 23t- Ap
pointment of Otto Klum of Medford,
Ore., nn football mentor of thn Uni
versity of Hawaii wan announced
herd by I'renldriit IHmn of tho school.
Klum In a grndunto of thn Oregon
A""cuu" c"'
Accoptnncn of tho nliovo berth wan
announced today by Coach Klilm of
thn local high school ind a cable
gram wun received from Honolulu
that thn iilgned rontract wan on thn
way, irnyn thn Mod ford Mall-Tribune.
Klum In ono of tho best known ami
moxt successful of thn minor nchool
rnnr.htia In Hut tinrdiwnul. will, nn nn.
vluhlo record. Mont or hU 'work has
been wl(h tho high schools of Mod
ford and Ashland, whoro ho turned
out funt banketball and football
teams with tho minimum of matorlal.
Ifo has thn faculty of developing win
ning teamif, hln most atalnltiK oxaroplo
being thn Mndford high school foot
ball team of laat year.
Mr. Klum was a resident of Klam
ath rails prior to going to Medford.
Timy six to
Thiiru will bo twnnty-nlx youiiR
men and Udlos of tho clans of 1921
xraduatod Into both tho buslnoas and
nodal llfo of this city at 8 o'clock to
night, thn exurcliiOM to bn hold at tho
l'renbytorlan church.
(iracn iroagland will deliver tho
nnluta(ory address and her subject
v., II b on worldly Unci, followed by
Franco Honzlk, valodlctorlan, wliono
null Jill will bn on tho progress mado
by thiClnim of 1921 during tho four
year of vcholastlc llfo. Tho principal
-address of tho evening will bo made
by Trot. Kdcar K. UoCou, I)an f
Muthenuktlca at tho University of Or
egon at Kugeno. I'rof. Do Cou -rill
speak extemporaneously and will fol
low tho history or tho great war of
14-'18, tho reconstruction period
and thn bearing of samu upon educa
lonnl work of tho present day.
Thn graduation program Is an fol fel fol
eows: March or graduates.
(a) Melody or Love N. K. Kn
Kolmann. (b) Souronldl Koahow Julius
Address to Rraduatlng class, by U.
K. Do Cou,
Mixed Chorus
(a) San Iucla Noopolltan Uoat
(b) Ilondemlors Stream Irish
Folk Song.
(o) I'll Tako You Home Again
Kathleen Thomas Wealendorf.
rrosontatlon of diplomas to grad
uating class, by Chairman of Board,
11. II, nunnoll.
Salutatory Oraco HusRlanil.
Valodlctory Kranceu Hontlk.
Olrls Oloo Club
(a) Nightingale's Song Nerln.
(b) Oypsy Song noumanlan
Polk Song Arrnngod by Clifford
(c) Tho Dancun Income
CIahh Iloln
Frances Honxlk, Knicst I.oroy Mil
ler, Clatua Clifton Meredith, William
Vnlo, Oraco Hoagland, Konneth Twl
chollCaso, Florence Dradloy, Allco
Dorothea Uorllngs, Pearl lonn
rionlo, Frloda Goorglnna lllehn, Jes
slo Paulino Jobcs, Hazel Annlo Con
nors, L. Ferno Hunks, flernld Vest,
Paul Joseph Kollor, I.otta !i. Cald
well, Lain Margaret Ilasr, Curl Itol)
loyLols 11. Bailor, Dorothy O. .'lllott.
Aard'A- Ady, Norma Oortrudo Adams
Norman A. Mann, Paul Jackson Dal
ton Mary F. 8mlth. Jos, A. McDonald.
Mrs WUsOTl Taken
To State Hospital
Mrs. B. F. Wilson, of Moadow
Lake, oft this morning for tho statu
hospital at Salem, whoro she will un
dergo treatment. Sho wub uccompa-
... .
" Mr. D. Brown, matron, from
tho hospital.
WABUINaTON, May 23 Tho
sonato struck from tho naval np
broprlntlon bill tbo provision for a
now flout baso at Amnions, gauror-
nht. I
Get the 1921 License
At Once. Speed Lim
it Set At 15 Miles
Jay Baltzman, a special Inspector
of the State Motor Vehlclo Division,
hern In KJamath Falls for tbo en
forcortent of tho general motor lawn
of tho Btalo of Oregon, has outlined
a set of rules that all autolsts and
owners of any vehlclo propelled by
ganollno must obey If ho or sho
wishes to remain clear of tbo maj
esty of tho law.
To a reporter of tho Herald. Mr.
Baltzman stated during tbo year of
1921, the laws would bo1 rigidly en
forced upon all clasnea of citizens,
Irrespective of their position or sta
tion in life.
For tho convenience of tho unln
formod, tho following rules roust bo
observed In KJamath Falls, Chief
Wilson states:
Kvery motor vehicle must be
equipped with two headlights
and ono rear light showing rod
to tho rear. As a necessary pro
caution, bo sure to examine care
fully this rear light at night bo
foro starting on a trip to see
that It Is burning, and, will
burn during tho trip.
No minors under 16 yearn of
ago will bo allowed to drive a
motor vehicle.
Seed rules will bo enforced
and the speed limit In this city
U 15 miles per hour. Ovor that
rate, tho offenders can tell the
Judge about It and let him do
clde. Display conspicuously at tho
front and rear of yonrantomo-
Us. tne two jrfsU H '" re
quired and be sure that th'ey
are the 1921 date.
No resident of Oregon can
operate a motor vehicle on at
license belonging to a foreign
state. An Oregon resident' must
procure an Oregon license.
la case of an accident, report
fiama to the pollen department
at tho police station within 12
hours. Tho term "accident"
moans running Into pedestrians
or other cars whero personal In
Jury Is sustained by the occu-
pants, or by tbo party or partlos
Keep your number plate clean
and do not cover same with any
thing which will prevent It bo
Ins; read. This rulo la a Stato
Drive carefully nt all times.
Whllo you may be all right, you
cannot .tell wtat tho party
ahead or In back of you may do.
Willamette River
Im Rising Slowly
PORTLiAND, May 23. A slow
rlso In the "Willamette river during
tho next three days Is predicted as
follews: Tuesday 21:2; Wodnesday,
21-4 and Thursday, 21 8. Today
20.9. There Is a slight rlso In tho
Prohibition Officers
Are Again Employed
WABUINaTON, May 23. Tho
house voted 1200,000 to re-employ
tbo 700 prohibition enforcement offi
cers who were laid off for lack of
funds, recently.
Owners and Strikers
Refase Davis Offer
NKW YORK, May 23 Tho steam
ship owners association hero docllned
tho Davia proposals for a sottlemont
of tho etrlko. In San Francisco tho
seagoing unions also rofused to ac
cept tho Davis compromlso offer
while lit Portland tho marlno strlkr
era' attitude has not boon announcod
PORTLAND, Orogon, May 23.
Cnttlo 50o lower; choice stoora
(7.50 nml $7.76; hogs 2Go higher;
prime light $9.60 and $9.75; snoop,
eogs and butter steady.
Summer Season Begins
Favorably and Dr.
Noel Starts Out As
Local "Babe" Ruth.
There woro many excited Indi
viduals scouting around tlio ntrocts
of this city yesterday forenoon and
about 1 o'clock, tho reason was ap
parent to tho uninformed tho
City League Baseball reason "was
on and when tho local "Dabo"
Ruths paraded down Main stroot
with tbelr togs on, thero was a
grand scramble to find a, placo at
tho park to Watch the contests stag
ed between tho Kwaunas, Plumbobn,
Copcos and the Jowol teams.
The first contest staged woa be
tween tho Rwaunas and thn Plumbob
teams and "when the smoko of
battle rolled away, thero stood tbo
victorious Plumbobs with tho
scalps of the Bwaunas. Tho scoro
wan 10 to 12.
Tho gama played between tbo
Copcos and tho Jewels was a con
lent that was' nip and tuck from
tho first to the close of tho 7th
Inning. It was anybody's gamo until
tbo doughty Dr. Paul Noel stepped
to tho plate, wiped a llttlo tulo dirt
on hln hands, then gripped bis trus
ty willow swatter firmly in hand
and picked out one of tho chotco
"spltballs" that Hutchison, was serv
ing out, and, when the fans camo
to, Dr. Noel was crossing tho home
plato, scoring tbo winning run for
tho Jewels.
First aamo
Plumbobs .....- ..
R. H.
10 9
12 11
Batteries Kwaunas, Riley, Carl
son; Plumbobs, Bostwlck, Cress,
Callaghan, Tlmo of Game,
Umplro, Montgomery. '
Second Ouino It
H. E.
Copco 3 11 2
Jewels - 4 4 1
Batteries Copco, Hutchison, Nor
mand; Jowels, Whistler, Noel. Tlmo
of Oamo 2:00, Umplro Slvyer.
For the benefit of tho fans, It
will be good news for them to loarn
that tho ball park and grounds
havo been leased by thn City
Leaguo for tbo summer. Tho noxt
gamo will bo played on tho local
diamond Sunday next at tho usual
hour betweon tho Plumbobs and
tho Jewels, and in view that each
club Is claiming to havo tho best
team, tbo game will bo played to
nlno full Innings.
Dairy Cow Test
Wednesday Night
The first official Klamath county
demonstration of testing milk and
keeping tho rocords of dairy cows
will take placo at tbo Miller Hill
school house on the 26th day of
May at 8 oclock, held under tho
ausplcos of tho Dairy Hord Record
A short procrammo has been
preparod for tho abovo occasion and
following that, thero will bo a ealo
of "supper boxes," tho proceeds to
21.4 and Thursday, 21.8. Today
of sending two delegatos from tho
club to the two weeks short course
for club boys and girls at tho Oro
gon Agricultural college, beginning
June 13.
At this mooting Thursday oven.
Ing, L. J. Allen, state livestock
leador will bo present nnd deliver
a short address on "Club Work."
The public Is Invited to attond this
British Troops
Sent To Egypt
LONDON, May 23. Muny nro
reported killed in Alexandria, Egypt
in an outbreak whoro tho nutlvos
attacked tho Europeans, says a
Router dispatch. Tho British troops
have arrived and havo taken chargo
of tho town.
Serious Riots
Occur In Egypt,
ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, May 23
Flvo Europeans were killed and
12 wounded In tho rioting here
Sunday night and this morning.
Henley Highway to
Be Closed a Month
Thn lowor highway from this city
to Merrill will bn closed for about
a month between tho Lum Short
and Jay Falrclo ranches, due to the
construction of two new bridges
noar tho Henley flume, work on
which won started today by Oskar
llubcr. Tho closing of the highway
will mako It necessary for travel
ers to tako tho bill road or the
ono around by tho Slomcns' oil
well. Road Supervisor Dixon an
nounced today that these roads
would bo kept In good condition.
Tho big road machine was today
taken ovor on the Keno road for
tho purpose of smoothing up that
highway following the recent storm.
This work will start in the morn
ing. After It is completed the ma.
chlno will bo taken to the oil well
road and then to the bill highway.
It Isoxpected that It will take
about a month to build Jb .brlges.
Deputy Oamo Wardon. Henry Stout
and Winter KnJghtl returned J from
Diamond lako yesterday whero they
went for tho purposo of procuring
for tho state gamo commission a rep
resentative specimen of the rainbow
trout to be found tbore. Six days were
consumod In tho trip, sixteen miles of
which had 1 bo traveled on snow
shoes. They brought back with them
a pair of trout weighing about four
toon pounds each, perfect In size,
shape and markings.
The snow Is soft and rotten, and
each day they wore at the lake It
stormed, ono night tkl.'saowfall
amounting to sixteen Inches.. The
temperature at the lako averaged
from S3 to 38 degree- -Only about
half of the lake was frte from ice.
Tho throo men who havo been at
tho lako since the first of April for
tho purposo of taking eggs, have had
splendid success and havo taken over
three million eggs. Tbo run of fish Is
so heavy that twice this number
could havo been secured If tho equip
ment for handling them "was ade
As an experiment an attempt Is to
be mado to hatch out half a million
of tho eggs at the lake, and If It is
successful, tho fish will be planted
there. It not successful, then eggs
will bo taken to the Spring creek
hatchery and handled there.
The wonderful supply of fish bow
In Diamond lako is due to the fore
sight of O. F. Stone, former fish and
gamo commissioner, who long ago
recognized tho great possibilities of
Diamond lake as a fishing ground
Tho Indications are that it will be-
como one of tbo noted fishing spots
on tbo coast as-a result of his labors.
Tho opening of tbo season this year
will probably be dolayed a month, as
tho snow Is now four and a halt to
soven feet deop. Tho bears, of which
thero nro many in that section, are
still hibernating and will likely re
main holed up for two or three weeks
Harrington 'Jailed
' On Two Counts
William Harrington was arrestod
Saturday on two charges, one ot as
sault and battery and another for
nony-support ot wlfo nnd family. He
is now In Jail awaiting preliminary
German Police
Dislodge Polish Troops
BERLIN. May 33. Tho Qerman
plebiscite pollco stormod Annaberg,
in upper tmesia wnica mo ruiuo
hold thrco weeks. Tho (Jermans
also occuplod a strategic position In
tho northwest ot Annaberg. '
house adopted tho conference report
on the omorgency tariff bill which
now goes to tho president.
OREQON Tonight and Tues
day fair, light frost early In the
morning, -except near the coast.
Warmer Tuesday. i ,
With ' Bared Head,
And'Vbice Emotion"
al, President Honors
5000 Returned Her
oes At Hoboken.
NEW YORK. Mar 21 "It asust
not bo again," with these solemn
words? President 'Harding today
laid a wreath on. the coffin ot tho
first American "soldier to die on
German soil, at the funeral cere
mony for 6000 war dead at tho
army piers In Hoboken.
Ills voice was husky aid kl
eyes brimmed .with, tears m 1m
gazed at the rows and rows ot cof
fins. - He then said, "One hun
dred thousand sorrow, are touch
ing my heart. It must not be again.
God grant that it will not be. I do
not pretend that mlllenlal days haw
come and that there will be no
more war. I would wish a nation
so powerful that none will dare
provoke lta wrath."
Returning from Hoboken, the
president delivered an address at a
luncheon of the Academy of Petit
leal Science at the Hotel Aator He
reaffirmed the administrations' "pur
pose to place the federal govern
ment on a sound baslness basis,
even at a cost ot offending, "cer
tain classes ot politicians." This (o
be successfully completed, would
require preslstent stony .hearted -devotion
to the public Interest with
out i a trace of sympathy for the of;
flee holder whose only escase for
drawing bis salary la that he seeds
the money." -
This atUraooa ha reviewed the in
fantry reet 'at' Brooklyn and
tonight ,wlll apeak at a baaoet
crtehratljis;. the ; 1 JlthaMlvermary
of theewraVconmcial. " '
Eleven Planes
Fly Up Valley
The first 11 planes of the SO as
signed to the Oregon Forest Reserve
for fire patrol this summer passed up
the Rogue River Valley Sunday after
noon at 3 o'clock, flying at an' alti
tude of about 3,000 feet. The "V
formatlon was used, but, as the flotil
la passed over Weed, a 'break" oc
curred which was not remedied while
visible to observers.
The origin ot the flight was at Ban
Diego, California, early Sunday mor
ning. Another squadron is expected
at the headquarters, Eugene, some
time this week and as Eugene will
be the radiating point for the patrol,
Klamath Falls will be passed over a
number ot times this summer by the
Oregon lAsked For
Forty Tons of Clmthes
A communication received fron?
Mrs. C. B. Simmons, chairman ot
tho Clothing Collection Department
ot the Near East Relief at Port
land to Mr. G. D. Orlzzte ot this
city states that tho state of Oregon
Is asked to furnish 40 tons of dis
carded clothing for relief ot the
sufforors in the East and Orient
and asks that all charitably Inclined
people fn the county send their
clothing to Mr. arixzle 'for dis
patch to tho suffering and afflict
ed in, those countries
Commission Tries to
Avert Hostilities
PARIS, May 23. Tho Inter-allied
commission in Upper Silesia sent
delegations to Intervene with the
Germans and the Poles In an en
deavor to atop the military oper
Weather Probabilities
The Cycla-Stormagraph at Un
derwood's Pharmacy recorded' a
rising barometer Saturday and
Sunday, thus forecasting the pleas
ant weather ot tho last two days.
Today tho tendency Is downward
but as It Is' well' nbovo the' storm
area it la probable that increasing
winds, tonight and tomorrow are'
in store,
Forocast for the next 24 hoursr
Continued fair, with brisk winds
" "JC,"