paoh thrku aMMlMMMi THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON flATUfiDAY, MAT 21, 101)1 rf .' s&l The Office Cat 1IY JVNWH ,.l'icjloii-. My poor old dog has not (ho fleas, Iio'n not tho Jorka ami palsied knees; hn'n cot tlm innriKo and not tlm niMiu; but ttt 111 ha'n mini). He's stiff nil nny hnnnball lint; bo taken no Intercut In u cat; ha doesn't know when) hu In nt tho grnatnr tlmo. Hut still I sprvatl hit honor 'round; I pralno his virtu on through lift town; I mivo him from tho cruel pound, bocauno hn'n nilnu. I llo about my pointed raro, I I In about IiIh glossy hair, I nnmo his honor ovnrywhoro, bocnuso ho'ii nil no. My dog In shabby and rundown; ho'n never picked a dog In town; I am nshamod to trot blm 'round, and 'jret hn's mlno. . Ho hun'l got tho pop to roam abroad In March of Juicy bono; ho loaf Away bin tlmo nt lip mo because ho'a mlno. And every day hn gota three foods; 1 cater to his earthly needs; It Is a carnfroo ll(o hn lead, bocauno ho's talno. J lot him loaf around (hn yard, a yard that hn could novor guard, whllo I (to out and labor hard for mo and mlno, It's funny what tin chap will do be cause possession tollii un to; I guess I'd board a walrua too If It woro mlno, I housn a gang of hungry rats, a bunch of lousy, usolnss cntn, and Just about an useless brats, bo raunn thny'rn mine. Mrrrjr Wo havo often folt Hint way about It, too. Hut what wo atartod to toll you wan that you ran tiro thin algu on a atom In Ilraill, Intl.: I'honographs Tho Damn Munlc Company Charllo Rtonn naya tortunatoly for Secretary Hughes, hn found a copy of "Tho Comploto letter Writer" In tho department of atnto. Itos Nlckerson aaya Castor oil will novor bo n popular medicine until It la necessary to got a doctor'a proacrlptlon and feel wicked while taking It. "DIs hoah coat o' llTln'," obaonrcd Mandy Morgan, "la gettln aomothln' awful! Would you belloro mo, a sin glo ham dono cont mah husband six months In Jail?" Tito IVcroclous YourutMT When a foolish mother pota and fawns Around a baby 'till It yawns, Then picks up and patters thus; A m'nmy's baby, dearlo cuss Does Itslo, pltslo, oddluma alnk At it would llkvalo havo a dwlnkf" It docs mo good In every way To hear tho pampered youngun say, An If It was much bered: "I think, Dear mother, "I should Ilka a drink." Al Graham, says that noxt to tho tragedy of having no corn cakes tho m-orst thing In tho world la to havo V 'em and then bo bo lato for work that ' you can't atop to oat 'cm. m ' Chlla'a nltrato floliU, tho principal aourco of tho nation's' woalth, aro llmltod to a narrow atrip of arid des ert' locatod on tho eastern slope of thri costal rango, west of tho cordll- lera of tho Andos. Qt rssult by Ming clou ada. RKHOLUTION TIM I. -3H VH BACtC II 3SYaaKTttus IhC lASrOMRMNl HrW. - C . SH(3amtT(kis I p'WWWMAMWMWViW)MMWMW CUSSiriEDADVERnSEMEHTS AApywvwvvvVVVVVVVVVVVVVyv WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Bpend your Hldgo. wook-ond at ICaglo 17-21 FOR fiAI.H 1 truck, 1 runabout, 1 Hltidobaknr, 1 Chnvrolot. Htm Dick. oth mwl Klnm. nth Avenuo, 20-21 Young cnuplo, man iixporloncod In woods, wlfo good cook or ns helper and waitress for lumber company. Can givn roforenco. (loo, I toil nor, Hod Illuff, Calif. 22-28 Fishing la good now at Kaglo Uldge. 1721 FOR HAIiM Al paying business. Hnnp to right man, Hen Dick, Cth and Klamath Avn. 2Q.21 KOIt RKNT -Now and modern offlco rooini. Winters llulldlng, 20-21 KOIt RENT Housekeeping rooms and bod rooms with bath and sep arata entrance 200S Vino Ht. J'hono 337J. 20-21 FOR HALB WJiltn rotary sowing machine. Inqulro Margarot Calltt- han, 709 Main, 20-21 WANTKD l'alntlng and kolsomln- ing. I). W. Hurling. Icavo ordorri at tho Hmoka. 20-20 Kaglo Itldgn Tavern la open for tho season. 17-zi FOIl RENT Now and modorn offlco roonw. Winters Hulldlng. 20-21 WANTBl Horses to pasture C. J. Hradbury, nnn inllo east Wilson Drldgn. 20-23 FOR BALK Otio 1920 Chandler. 7 passongor car, used very llttlo, for salo cheap If taken at onco. Inqulro Army Uoods Btoro. 19-21 WANTED 3 or 4 room apartment, Closa In. Max Weiss, Army floods more. zo-zi Pishing Is good now at Knglo TOTern. 17-21 A.V OWOHTUKITY For any ono contemjilatlng tlm oroctlon or a ntoro building, It would bo to thnlr Intorcst to call at C8 Main strt-nt. An cntlro storo front at a bargain prlro. Hurry! 20-21 IHKWKKFJ'KRH . iwmnouan'H hook keeiuno MACHINE Instruction given with our course in Doublo Entry Hookkooplng. Now cliifwea start Tuosday night, May 24. Typing clnnsos now bolng orga nlted. I'hnnn 439. W. W. SOUTHWELL. 20-24 Room 3, Loomls Hldg. Eagio Ridge Tavern Is open for tho soason, . 17-31 Carpets and ruga cloancd to your antlaractlon. Wm. Lush. I'hono 190W 19-21 BARN FOR 8ALB 14C Bo. Ido. Rlvor-19-21 WtANTED Position by experienced, competent lady bookkoopor-otonop- rapher, Hox T. K., Herald. 19-2S Apartment! or sleeping rooms for rent reasonable. 1000 rino. 10-21 Real opportunity for lumber men! Will trndo now trucku of 3-4, IV,, 2Vt and ZA ton caDucltios. for lunv- bor or tloa. Trucks will bo dollrorod horo, lumbor f. 0. b,.Potland. Wrlto M, I,. Cramblltt, (Jon. Dollr., Klamath Falls. 19-21 HAIU3AINH IN UHKI) CARH 1 1918 S'-pansongor Dodge, good condition. 1 1920 C-passongor Dort, noarly now. 11018 G-pnssongur Ford touring Just overhauled, repainted and new top. 1 n-passengor Hnynes touring, good condition. I'rlco 1300. I 1020 Ford, ono-ton truck, four ripood transmission, body and cnb, Al condition, and n snap. KI.AMATIC FAM.B AUTO CO. 10-21 I'hono 170W. 224 Main Bt. Fishing Is 'good now at Kaglo Tovom. 17-21 FOR BALK tip to datn confection ory storo and fixtures for nolo. In qulro Mm. K. I). KJohn, Blnson, Calif. 17-23 Bpend Rldgn. your wook-ond at Kaglo 17-21 FOR RKNT Slcoplng room, bath, tic per month. Call of tor C o'clock C22 Klamath Avo. 16-22 WANTKI) A housekeeper; must not bo over forty roars old. Ad dross K R., Herald office. 10-20 FOR BALE Four room house, with bath, chicken bouno and wood-shod Uirgo lot, all In gardon, 60x100. (fur nlshed or unfurnished). Will sacrl flco at 11200. Apply 1S2C Bargunt avooue. 16-21 Buglo Ridge Tavern is opon for the season, 1721 Bpond your wcok-cud at Hnglo Ridge. 17-21 1 Q HARN FOR 8ALB 144 So. Rlvor side. 16-21 FOR BALE Modorn flvo-room built- Ins, pavement, closo In. Dos 1000. Horatd. 10-21 aUAIMNTI.Cn AUTO H.UtGAINS 1 1018 Dodge Al condition. 1 1920 Special Six Btudebakor Quai-anteed 1 1918 Uulok naw'car, guaranteed. Four new cord ttrca. 1 1920 Hulclc A real bargain. Run only 1600 miles UUICK BALKS &.8KRVICU CO. 170W. 7th and Klanuitli Avenuo CITY (.AHUAGB When you want grhao removed, cU 10P.BS. WANTED Oood, llvo outomobllo aalosman. Apply 123 South Fourth atreot. 19-21 I WEATHER RECORD I o o Horoaitcr The Horatd will publish the mean and maximum tempora tures and oroclDlUtlon rocord aa tak en by the U. B. Reclamation sorrlca Utlon. Publication will covar the day prorioua to tho paper's lssuo, up 10 a o'ciook 01 tno aay. Pro Max. Mln. clpltatlon May 1 . . 67 35 May 2 C3 21 May 3 - 52 48 May 4 ............ 67 27 - May 6 ............ 58 27 May 0 .............. 62 38 03 May 7 60 85 May 8 JO 29 May 9 08 34 May 10 07 84 May 11 A 76 34 May 12 81 40 May 13 ............ 82 35 May 14 70 30 May 16 Z. 74 29 May 10 62 38 May 17 53 33 May 18 60 30 - May 19 57 44 May 20 .. ... 53 41 AdvertUlng bring efflctenoy. Florida Grapefruit Sunklst Orongoa If yon wont fresh vcgetablci ' and fruit, como to tho PALACE FRUIT CO. Whero you can save monoy Strlngbcans Strawborrloa Qroon Peas 1 Cherries Asparagus Peara Summer Squash Bananas Now Potatoes Croon Poppers Tomatoes Cucumbors 0:00 to 01.10 every day. ' 10:00 to OiOO P,' M, Simday. J84 Mala Phoat BM NoncK von puiilicatio.n (lhibtlahcr) DepurUnent of tfio Interior U. S. Land Offlco at Lakovtow, Ore, May 18, 1921 Not Coal Land NOTICE la hereby glvon that Or vltlo F. ailck, of Molln, Oregon, who. on April 26th, 1917, mado Homestead Entry, No. 010109, for Lots 15-16 (Farm Unit "E"), Bectlon 17. Town ahlp 41 S, Range 12 E, Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notlco of Inten tion to mako final thrco-yoar Proof, to establish claim to tbo land abovo described, boforo C. R. DoLsp, Clerk of tho County Court, at Klamath Falls, Orogon, on tbo 28th day of Juno, 1921, Claimant names as witnesses: J. A. McCorab. L. M. Hatch, O. W. (Ira co, Rudolph Kllmo, all of Malln, Oregon. Notlco wtll bo publlshod for flvo consocutlvo woeka In tho Klamath Herald. JAS. F. DUROESS. Reglstor. M 21-28 J4U-18 Horald elasaltlod ada pay yom. AMAWMiVSMVSMAMVAA' Short Season ' For Sawmills We must look tlio situation of the lumber business Kquurely in tho face. There will bo a short so, son, bow short wo do not know. One Oilnjc la. certain, when tlio nxtlla shut down there will be no mere cheap wood. O. I-eyton & Co, are delivering rreen slab, alxtceu inch length, low nt V3.B0 per cord. Tlio wine buyer will lay In his winter' supply now and take no :hancen on tlio mills closing down. Every customer "who bought rroon slab early last year and had t dry when winter set In, Is pleas. Hi. Jklany havo placed their orders already, Ruy early and placo your orders now and be sure. O. Peyton & Co. O. PHYTON ,W. PDTTON , 1 Mala. PkMt I" 20 Price Reduction on Goodrich Tires The decisive reduction of twenty per cent on the prices of Goodrich Tires and Tubes which took effect May 2nd, received the com plete endorsement of tire users and dealers throughout the country. It was accepted at its full face value as a helpful, economic move in tune with the spirit of the times. The re duction applies to Goodrich Silvertown Cords Goodrich Fabric Tires Goodrich Red and Gray Tubes Goodrich Tires have earned their reputation by sheer quality of construction 'and com plete dependability of service. Every im provement in making, with many exclusive betterments is in the Goodrich tires you buy today. Your dealer will supply our needs and give you the benefit of these new reduced prices on your purchases t n. i '.,- -' ' 9' THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Akron, OHIO Tho government plans to cross tho rolndccr of Alaska with tho wild car ibou to build up a higher grado of relndocr, having greater weight and Increased hardness. NOOTOH OF 8ALK OF IRRIGATION DIHTIUCT UONDS year vntll tho maturity of said bonds. Said proposals will bo rocolved by tho Daard of Directors of sold Irriga tion District, and should bo dlroctqd to tho Secrotary of tbo Entorprlso Ir rigation District, care of Fred. D. Fletcher. Loomls Dulldlng. Klamath Falls, Orogon. Tho Board of Directors reaorvo tho right to reject any or all blda offer ed. O. J. HILTARD. Secretary of tho Board of Di rectors of Enterprise Irriga tion District. M19-J20 NOTICIS IS HERBBV GIVEN That sealed proposals will bo received until tbo 24th day of Juno A. D. 1921 at tho hour of 2 o'clock in tho after noon for tho purchaso of Fifteen Thousand Dollars' worth of bonds of tho Entorprlso Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds aro to draw Interest at tho rato of C per cent per annum, payablo semi annually upon tbo 1st day of July and the 1st day of January of each Phone 531-R W. E. and J. E. PATTERSON ' CONTRACTING PAINTERS We glvo all our work personal attention. Use nothing bat first class material. Let us glvo you figures on your painting-. 133 N. 4th St. Res. Phone 531-R A Series of Human Interest Talks on Insurance bV. - 4H AM YOUR SON . Ten years from now your fifteen-year-old son will bo in bus iness. Ho will run into tho samo times of stress that befall all business men. I You would like to bo nolo to help him at such times, wouldn't youT You can. You can toko out Hfo insur ance for him now and pay tho premiums until ho can handle them himself. Insuranco nt fifteen is inex pensive. Tho rato docs not in crease. You can establish a wonderful "worktop capital" for your son's business life at n very small cost If you do it now. Think it over and talk with' CLINT M. BROOKJN8 eQrcgonTifcMan Fhont ttK'M ..THE NEXT SPARK PLUG YOU BUY,. GET A BOSCH AND YOU WILL FORGET YOUR SPARK PLUQ TROUBLES , REED AUTO SUPPLY CO. Phono 298-J J Distributers Lathy Batteries, Bosch Magnetoes 11th St. Near MaU KIRK-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE LINE Stage leaves The Smoke daily at 2 p. m,. and the Central Hotel a few minutes later. We use a large, easy riding, comfortable automo bile, in thorough repair. - Stage Kirk at 8 a. m. daily. Tickets $3 each way; round trip $5.50. Phone your reservations; $ 'Central Hotel 155-W. The Smoke 175 rwnftrtw'