T PAGM TWO SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1021 i- THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON t ,Thc Evening Herald a'.'ro mummy. VKED BOULB ,. City .lMltor IMItor Published Jally oicopt Sunday, by Tht. Ilerald Publishing Company ot Klamath Fall, at 119 Eighth Stroct. Entered at the pottotflco nt Kin math Fall, Oro., for transmission through tbo malls as socond-clasa matter. HEMDUll OF THIS ABSOCIATKD TRESS. .Th'b Associated Press is exclusively atltled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It, for not otherwise credited In this pacer," and also tho local now a pub lisher' heroin. i - SATURDAY, MAY !!1, l2t I.OXK PINK - . Margaret 'Tallmon was Injured by nn automobllo Friday afternoon '.whlto walking to Merrill. Mr. Anderson had stopped to of fer her a rldo when Dr. Patterson turned out to pans tho other car and ran Into her. It wns a mlrnclo sho was not killed. Dr. Patterson picker hor up and took her to Mer rill whero ho dressed her wounds. It was necessary to tako three NKWH 1'ItO.M ODKSS.Y l'uckott Hrotheru nuto truck was obliged to Btisncntl oporatjona on ac count of four inches of snow In this vicinity. Jess Tumor- and n party of friends from Klamath Falls nro spending tliclr spring vacation In tlio neighborhood of It Is ranch nml, combining business with Wilson McMlclmcl, .T J. HoKnu, 0. A llnrnoburg, Alcrlck llarnoburg, A. M. tlonry, E. A. Ocnry, It 12 Uenry and n. W, Geary, Dotutiduuts. , Tho Halls and DeUsces nnd des rnndnnts of heir nnd devisees' If nny thoro bo of W I. Nichols. Mrs. t.br enn Wilson MeMlclmol, J. P. tlngnu, 0. A, Damuburg, Alurlck Itaruoburg, ot defendants nbud named' - In, tho Name ot the rtntn ot Urn- utiinBIII., IK0II1 l r. nn lii..At.u ...,t,t...t ll.nl T..n..1. , , . . . ......... MAA 1UU ,11V MVIULIJ 1111,1,1,', I ,1111, t',1,111, mil juuiviiiK t,ir uivguu tyiui'u ruui. M. It, Wamplcr la busy out his innrsh In ml, preparing for n crop ot mint. Ot courso, ho docs not expect to uso nny of this for mint jultp. ' ' Foreman IMwnrds of tho Dcok ranch Is moving his stock from As- pln Lake to his Itock Creek range. Mr. Hnrpst of Rocky preparing his resort for m or rush ot business. Mr. Wllklsou, rnttsmnn ltctt Hros is thinking ot purchasing some mash land. IT. McCnrnnck In llm linliloi' nf for. pumping, titlcato of Delinquency numborud sm issued on tun utn nay or April 1910 by tho Tux Collector of the County nf Klnmnth. State of Oregon for tho amount of rorty-ono (II 01) Dollnr and four ooutn, tho snmo lining tho amount then duo and dollti- nuont for taxes for tho yo.tr 1911 to I guthcr with penally. Intoreit and (costs thereon upon tho real property ' nssosscd to you, of which you nro Point Is, tho owner ns appears of record, sit tho Bum-1 unted In said County and State, nnd particularly hounded nnd described .- n.. n follows, to-wlt. Lot 2. Section 28 tor l UC- TnmilUn -19 Kitiilli 1)nt,in 1 v I M. nnd Lots fl. C. 7. S, n. 10. 11 nnd 112. Section 2R. Tonnshln 3S South. Tho waters ot tho lako nro get ting very warm caused by tho Hey-J notds brothers putting logs In so fast. Ki'itixo lakh imippixtJS A very plcntnnt surprlso stitches In hor lower hip. It was nt wns Riven ednesday evening nt tho first feared sho would not bo nblo homo of Mr. nud Mrs. Win. Choyno to lako her place In tho graduating class but later sho was nblo to at- - tend. t Mrs. Klgcr took a load of high , school pupils to tho picnic at Spen cer Creek Wednesday, Mny 11. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Burnett went ' to Klamath Falls a few days ngo "nnd bought n now Ford car. Mrs. Clydo Klger and children and Chester Enman attended tho 7th and 8th grade picnic nt tbo gov 'eminent dam Saturday. The"' suckers or still going up Lost river and qulto a number havo been caught. Walter Enman finished drilling wheat at tbo Lost river ranch. Mr. Goudy and wlfo aro visiting at O. C. Dunncll homo. Mrs. Goudy Is Mrs. BunnoU's brothoV. In hnnnr nf Vlan Mnliln Pnal... who has Just closed a very suc cessful term of school. Tlio guests weroi Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Bcnnott, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan' Iconblco and daughter, Evelyn, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. Schrelner nnd daughter, Paulino, tho Misses Viola Choyno. Stella Schrelner, Kato cheechov, Irenol181s Foisom, Ethel Schrelner and Mabel Sf,t5f----V'-- w. at,. iMmrCT w Tv lIBH?"''!... ANNOUNCING The Opening of THE ST1NS0N PHOTO SHOP at their new location Seventh Street and Klamath Avenue. ltango S 1C. W. M ; and that of said property Just described. I.nts B, rt, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11 nnd 12. Section 2K, Township 3S South. Ilango 8 11. W M., rnmnln unredeemed from Cortlfl cato No. 837, nnd taxes. Interest nnd penalties pnld subsequent thereto. You nro further notified Hint unlil parly Frank II. McCornnok or his nsinor H. S. Mooro ha- tmld tnxei on said premises for prior or subsequent years, with tho rate of Interest on said nmotuits as follews: Year's Dato Tax lie-Ain't Ttato of Tat Paid celpt Interest 1915 Apr. 11 2103 $21.39 15 101G Apr. 5 2218 $20.21 15 1917 Apr. G 3537 $27. 45 12 191S Apr 5 29C7 $20 10 12 n 1919 101G 1917 o NEW TODAY -o LAYING HENS FOR SALE Anilto Leghorns. $1 each. Cheaper than you can raise thorn. F. W. Rlggs, North Klamath Falls Addition. 21 On 1.1 rtAfnn.lriHl. . 1 . ... s Crosb). Messrs Nick and Jim Cheoc tho leital title nf the nlmvo le.eriiiPii hov, Ernest Folsom, Lester Schrc- property ns tho sime anI)nrs of ro- lner nnd Bob Cnrlor. Tho eronlng was spent In dancing nnd refresh ments of cako nnd chocolato was sorved by tho hostess. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. .Charles Mnck and son, Charles, wero Klamath Falls visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett havo returned to Klamath Falls aft er spending the winter In California. CALIFORNIA NEWS I wish to ozprcss my appreciation of tho patronago and many courte sies extended to mo during the two -years or my business life In this city MRS. L. A. BURGESS. USED CARS FOR SALE Ono Dodge touring, one Maxwell touring, ono Dodge roadster. Theso cars will bo sold on very liberal terms. Ewauna Motors Co. ' 21 Hypocrlts don't llko THE BUNK, Ont tonight. 21 FOR SALE Very nlco 5-room houso modern, closo In, on pavoment. fur nished or unfurnished. Terms. A. B. C Herald. 21-27 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing room. 1143 Pine. Phone 317R. 2U'24 DORRIS. 5lny 21 Tho Tnft Lum ber company has commenced opera tions v.lth n small crow nt Its near tho Klamath river. WEED, May 21 --Tho Weed Lum ber company's saw mill started oper ation recently with n full crow. Tho mill will only be run by the day shift for tho present, but a night shift will bo put on as soon as tho comjany can got the men, probably tho latter part of next week. PLACRRV1LLE, California, Muy 21. Considerable daniaco was cord, and ench of tho othnr pontons abovo named aro hereby further noti fied that Frank H. McCortuck will appiy to mo circuit court or tlio County nnd State nforeiald fnr a do creo foreclosing tho lien against tho property abovo described, nnd men tioned In said certificate And you aro hcroby summoned to nrreir within sixty days nfter tho flrt pulillrntlon of this summon? exclusive of the dny of s.ild first publication, nnd defend thin action or pay the n mount duo ns abovo shown, together wltti cost and accrued interest, and In oae of 'our failure to do ro. n rtseron will Bb ren dered foreclosing. Hie linn of said taxes and costs ug.ilrxt tho rand nnd promises nbovn named Special Otter to Graduates We will offer to the local people until June 5th, one 7x11 enlarged hartd tinted picture, value at $7.50, FREE with each order for one dozen portraits. We are now prepared to do everything pho tographic in the following werk: Panoramic views, copying and enlarging, and picture framing. Portraits taken at your home. Kodaking is our business. Not a side line. THE STINSON PHOTO SHOP 7th and Klamath 4 ikE i3?WP5fii hfMl I l7fTTffWF and without her consont; becuusn do. fendant has fallod, ni'glccted and re fused and does now rnfuso to support this plaintiff, his wife. This summons is served upon you, th mild defendant, by tho publica tion (hereof In tho Evening Herald, a I. ily uownpupor, published In KJiini- )i Fulls, Klnmulh County, Stato of i iiiin BiiiiiiiiuuB is iuniinni'i ouri .1 mill C0K "r, " v, .? onirr 01 wie ,.,), Kails, Klnmutli county, oiato ot ..onorauio m v. iuiKBmiiui. jmige, Oregon, nnd of general circulation In of tho Circuit Court of Die Stnlo or ,,.j coimty and Stato, oncit a weok Oregon for the Conntv of Klaie tli t fr ,; HUCcihsIvu weeks, tho first pub- nnu saiu nruor wan nirne tnu nnieii tho 4th day of April 1 V 2 1 and the dnto of the first publication of this summons li tlio 9th dn of prll 1921. All process nnd papers In this pro ceedlng may bo srcd upon tho iundorslgned residing within the Stnte of Oregon at tho address here after mentioned. r c GROEsnrriv'. Attorney for Plaintiff FOR SALE C-room houso on pavo ment,' nearly completed, furnished, lot 50x173x70x134, $1,500, $1,000 cash. hftl. 113. KO nnr mn Will rnn. aider Ford car or truck, 1958 Oregon I nnd hogs met with Director ATD. clone thn fnttf In 1ia t.ii.. .... belts of E. Dbrndo county by a heavy '"TMS' "'''" wuikii uccompanieu a cloud I r hurst. Threo Inches of hall fell nt somo points. An Inch of rain fell hero In about an hour. SACRAMENTO, May 21. What was described as tho greatest forward movement In tho livestock Industry In California was Inaugurated hero when growors of cattle, sheep, goats a. ii. llcntton being mndo May 14, 1821, and tho last publication Juno 25, 1921. by order of tho Honorablo Rob ert H. Bunnell, Judgo ot tho County Court of tho Stato of Orogon for tho County of Klamath, made, entered and filed on tho 13th day ot May, 1921. J. H. CAUNAHAN, Attornoy for Plaintiff 1 4-2 1-2BJ4-1 1-1 8-25 I 71 21 Hccko of tho Statu Department of Crooks fear THE BUNK, night. Out FOR RENT House. Ington 8treet. Call 933 Wash-21-24 WANTED Experienced seamstress, Apply at once, 208 Main St. 21 i , i...,. . . ... to-i "hin-unuiu onii lorinuiaicu plans lor ! too nrst annual convention of Call- fornla livestock growers. SAN FRANCISCO, May 21. Slocks In stornga by tho oil com par tiles in California Increased 1,143,14? ladles' fancy silk wear, also men's silk shirts made to order at small cost. Call 208 Main St. IX Till: CIRCUIT COCItT OF TIIK STATU OF ORIXiON FOR Till: COUNTY OF KLAJIAT1I Margaret Lucille Freeman, ) , Plaintiff. )i:uity vs. )No. 1298 Guy N. Freeman, ' )Sum- Defendant) monn To Ouy N. Freeman, the above mimed defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OFi OREGON: You aro hereby required to appear, and ansner tho complaint filed' ngalnst you In tho nbovo entitled suit on or before tho 25th day of Juno, 1921, that being tho Inst day of the tlmo proscribed In tho order for publication of summons hornln, and If you fall no to appear, plead, ' We charge the same We give more .. uarrcis in April, according f. figures ansa or. demur or othcrwlso move FOR SALE Plants; Phone 109W. 4G Main St. 21-27 mado public by tho Stimlard Oil companies, amquntlng tc $rS,9M 21 t barrols n day, showed an incro.w of 1289 barrels a day over llaroh. April shlpmonts wero 300.S77 :.irrc!s, nn ndvanco of 5461 barrols du"v over Snobs hate THE1 nUNK. Out to- March. Tho April productions bet a night. 21 ! now record for Callfornh. Hero wo go for a swim at tho now Hot Springs Bath Houso. 21 Joss Sticks aro mado of a stom ot bamboo rolled In it nrnnnrntlnn ron. ,F?lK4EpT"i,e0P,nB r0m l0Wk; ' talnlntr many different odoriferous 2i urugs, two of which aro aconlto and within that time, for want thereof. plaintiff will apply tp tho above en titled Court for tho relief prayed for I In hor complaint as follew: I For a decreo of tho abovo cntllh-d . Court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now nnd heretofore ox luting between plaintiff and defend-' ant, upon tho grounds of wilful do sortlon by defendant of plaintiff for more than ono your Immediately pre-1 vlous to tho commencement ot this suit, ngalnst tho will of tho plulntlff I as no Wo chnrgo tbo samo for eye examination and glasses other firms no more, less but wo aim to give more, In detail ot our exam ination, moro care In accur ate manufacture and adust ment ot glasses, and moro at tention to tho wclfaro of our pntlcnts' eyo needs. H. J. WINTERS GRADUATE OITICIAN 700 MAIN STREET 4444,44 It's cheaper to let your ice melt than your butter. Beginning next week the Kla math Ice and Storage Company will make regular residence deliv ery throughout the city. Ice cards may be secured from deliverymen or by calling at the plant at 473 Spring St. Phone in your initial orders to 58. Klamathlce &Storage Co. U54 Pine St. WANTED A position driving truck I camphor. Tho nccnlto serves to pro- or touring car; 14 yoarn shop and; toct tho sticks' against tho attacks of driving experlonco. Address R. B, D Box 1138. . 21-24 FOR RENT Two largo outsldo sleeping rooms, with stoves and bath. 1150 Pine St. 21-23 Household furniture for sale; also bouse for rent. Inquire 1425 Cres cent Ave. j 21-24 READ THE BUNK Now on sale at ll news stands, 10c. 21 WANTED 3 passengors to go to Port land Monday morning by auto. In quire Mecca Peel Room. 21 FOR RENT 2-room apartment fur nished for light housekeeping. 527 Klamath Ave. Phone 461. 20 rats nnd mlco and tho camphor cau ses them to burn etcadlly. JVOMKX OF WOODCRAFT Our "Thursday evening mooting will ho called promptly nt 7 o'clock, so as to permit tho mombcrs to at tend tho Chautauqua. 21 IVY PROST, (1. N. NA hTMs. week's Issuo of THE BUNK "will get some peoplo's goat at nil newsstands, 10c a copy, 21 Might" he grafters in Klam,ath Falls. Read THE BUNK. All news stands, lOe a copy. 21 FOR SALE Two 3-room modern houses, bath nnd furnished, $450 cash, balance $35 por month. Phono 441R. r, 21 Herald classified ads par you, CAItl) OF THANKS Wo wish to express our slncero appreciation . to tho many kind frlendH for tho sympathy extended to us during pur recent horenvo mont and tho Woman's Rollof Corps for tlio beautiful flowors. MRS. LORAINE CORNISH, MRS. CLARA DAVISON, AND CORNISH BROTHERS. Advertising pays. Try it and see. SUMMONS FOR l'UHMCATIOX IX reHixLORum: ok tax liex IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Till! STATE OF OROKOX FOR KLAM ATH COUNTY. Frank II. McCornntk. rinlntlff vs. Holrs and Devisees and descendants ui nuira unu ui uuvisees 11 any moro 1 be, of W. I. Nichols, Mrs. LoronaJ Kodak Work Leay? Your Filttvs Before 9 OclocK-Your AM Pictures am ready at v3 P?M KLAMATH FALLS OREGON 9p$L P.T DM I PUHITVI wiiiafv Tnrr7l WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE DUY THEIR DRUGS iaccupacvi 2 Ford chassis, fine for bug 1 Ford Truck 1 Ford Delivery Many Others These are all good buys and terms MALLORY GARAGE 127 So. 6th. St. 0VW Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads. m U. i J. U. il --. - ,-i, L.1H,L JLXl 'IJ-Wli lono-RetCf N6 rvw VCW uvium l,tri,n msm is.il wry vi Jamm. rSJU flK Hllli r WHY? Use nrd nary Fir Flooring whon you can buy tho famous I LONG-BELL FORKED LEAF OAK FLOORING v .For less than you would pay for a good carpot? On account of 11 recent docltnu In tho market wo aro ublo to mak theso exceptionally low prlces: ' 13.10x2 U Clr. Quartered Wliltu Oak f 225.00 13-16x2 4 Cloar Plain Whlto Oak $170. OO 13-16x2 No. 1 Common Oak f UO.OO 3-8x2 Clear Quartered Whlto Oak .'.....1175,00 3-8x2 Clear Plain Whlto Oak , 1120,00 Wo havo this stock stored In dust and molaturo proof bins-1 1 ready for immodlato delivery. Wo invito your Inspection. , 1 BIG BASIN LUMBER CO PHONE 107 V