The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 21, 1921, Image 1

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    Ittitftttttg IteraUi
A Clan Ad Will
Today's Wmm
Member of the Associated Press.
VINwmtli Your .'o. BIU7
Woolworth Store Was
Visited Last Night
And Crude Effort
Made to Open Safe.
A rruilo nttompl wan muiln limt
night to "crnck" tlm tufo In the
Wool Worth store, but II Ih btillou-d
that whoovor tried to do tint Job
el t hor tiucnmu dlscotungnd or was
frightened nway, oh (ho Indications
nro that ho did not micceud on ntt
Inic on tlio Intildn. Thu efforts of llio
cracksman woro centered upon' tho
combination, tlm illnl ot which wnit
badly battered. The handle wan nliw
prung and tlio mnrks of n drill
nhovred that efforts to tap thu unfit
by thla moans worn too slow and
atrenuous, to were abandoned.
Entrance to tho atom wns gained
through tho basement, bill In leaving
tho Intruder used tho runr exit of tho
Tho pollep hnvn no cluo A ront
was found In tho atom Hint tho pn
llco first thought belonged to tho
person who tried to do tlm Job, hut
It proved to b tho property of -n
young mnn employed In tho atoro
Descriptive Circulars
Out for Mail Robber
BAN FRANCISCO. May 21. A do-
acrlptlon of tho robber who Inst night
ripped opon flftyUno sneks nftor hoi-
. ding up the mnll cbrk on tho South-
orn racltle trnln thirty miles north
east ot hero, en unod thu offlccru to
day to send ilrculnr nuking for tho
arreat of Hoy (Jardnor, who escaped
"! at Portland a yrar ago whllo cit
- routn tn-M4NIJii Itland V.orvc-.oJ
" sentence for nn 187.000 mall robbery
near Ban Diego. .
A very Interesting progrnm of
' speaking, dialogues and singing
,' given at tho Fnlrvlow school houso
by tho pupil of that district but
Ico cream nnd enko worn fur
nished by tho Fnlrvlow Indies.
T. N. Caso, president of tho
Klamath County Kurni Human
- talked on tho valuu, of Club work
v to tho boys nnd ttlrla nnd also apoko
" briefly of tho necessity of a good
Karm Hureau orgnnUullou for Kla
math County nnd what Is balm; ac
complished by tho bureau In mark-
etlng of crops etc.
Fjink Boxton, county Club loid-
, or, gavo a brief talk on tlm inlilovo-
monlB of boys and girls Club work
Tho boys nnd glrU of Fnlrvlow
bavo dono vory oxcollont work dur
ing tho last two yonrs. Miss Ollvo
Kirk, tho tonchor dosorvos much
credit for hor offorta nnd tho nuc-
.- CMsful term of school nnd thn pot-
rona nro plqasod to know that Bho
- has boon ongagod for tho next jenr
f Rides Horse Up Steps
Of the Elks Temple
Mm. (Iludys Poolo rodo hor 3-year
old colt. "Dlrd," up tho stops of
; tho Elks' Tomplo last night and re
poatod tbo stunt today, as n result
a or a wagor oi iiu umi duu mum
not do it. I
Last Sunday was tho' first tlmp
thu horso had a snddlo on It. In
tolling a frloud about breaking tbo
horso, ho offered to hot her that
sho could not rldo thu homo up tbo
Tomplo stops ono of tbo nlghta
whllo tho Western NlghtB enter
tainment was on. Promptly his of
fer was accoptod. Last night Mm.
Poolo, astrldor tho horso, mountud
tho stops and returned to tho'atroit
without difficulty, but tho other
;arty to tbo bet Insitod tbnt ono
of tho conditions of tho wngor wns
that aha would rldo tbo animal Into
tbo bulbllng. Permission to do hc,
howovor, would not bo granted, so
Mrs. Poolo proposed to repeat tho,
stunt nnd put tho homo's hond In
sjdo (ho ijoor ,lf tbnt would win
tho nionoy. This wns nccoptnblo and
In tho prosonco ot a largo number
of Elks tho nffatr was successfully
carried out this nttornoon and Mrs,
', Poolo was given tho money,
f "- -$; -"
City League Opens
Sunday, May 22, 1921
Tho opening giuno of tlio Kin-,
ninth KuIIm Oily llnsolmll lenguo
will upon tomorrow, Sunday, May
Tho plnyiirs of tho rospoctlvo
tonniH itru to moot lit tlio Elks Tom-
plo nt 12:30 ii. m for tho forma
tlon of tho puriidD t" tho bnll
grounds. Tho pnrndo will atari
promptly nt 12MG p. in. from tho
Elks Teniplo "loil by Mnyor Wlloy
nnd Horace Manning followed by
tlio Klninnth Falls band nnd tho
ptnyora of tho vnrloua tennis. Tho
formutlou of tho teams In tho par-
itdo will bo n follows
I'lumbarlm, Tho California Ore
gon Power Company, Jewel Cafo,
Ilwnunii llox Company.
Tho first gamu will atart at 1
p, in. by Mnyor Wlloy pitching tho
Unit bnll nnd Ilornco Manning will
endeavor to rntch rnmo.
Tho flrht gnmu will bo bctwoou
tho riumbarb.1 and tho Kwnunn llox
Tho hccciid gnmo will follow Im
mediately nftor tho flrnt gnmn nnd
bo between tho California Oro-
gem Tower Company and uio Jewel
into icam. - Inovornora to tho Whlto Houso to
Tho llnu-upH for tho rospoctlvo!,, President Harding. Ho was nc-
1 on ins uro as follews:
HpurkH, Hhorlstop; Thrasher,, 2nd'tor tho honor of nuthorahlp of tho
llaso; Crawford. l-oft Field; Cress, ,
Center Field; Callachun. Catcher: I
iir.-.w. lat iin.n: McCoIlum. 3rd
bare; Random. Itlght Held: Host-'
wick, Pitcher, Cook.
Tlio fiillfunilii Oregon Power (.
Norman, Cntclier; Allen, Pltchor;
Wlrtz, i:. C, 1st Huso; Hutchinson,
2nd llaso; Wlrtz, I, (I., Hhort Stop;
Kulin. Kenneth, 3rd llaso; Coff
mnn. f.eYt Field; McClurc, Centor
Field; lUbnoy, Hlght Field.
I tit mi nn Hoc t'mipny
Canfon. Catchur; Klloy, II., Pitch
er; Hodenflamor;" 1st Ilnsys; Oorg-
o. P. 2nd linsojt'lnrk. H. C. 3rd
linso; Wilson, Otis, Lett Flold;
(lorl)luo, (leo. Centor Field; Hell-
hrfinior, Fred, Itlght Field, Dug-
gott, Junior, Hhort Htop.
Jeul Cnfo
A Mcdeo, (light Field; Nool. P.,
Cntclier; Foster, II., 3rd llaso;
Moody, 11 . 1st llaso; Tod Mont
gomery. Center Field; Ilamsby, M.,
Left Field; llyan. P., 2nd llaso;
Whistler, Pitcher; Southwell, J.,
Hhort Btop.
Tho ehurges for these gumes will
bo as follews: Children ICe, Adults
This admission chargo Is to do-
fray tho oxponM-s of tho vnrloua
Uniforms luivu arrived for nil tho
Believe Flood Crest
'Has Been Reached
POHTIiANI), Muy 3l. A possi
bility that thu crust ot tho flood la
near Is Indicated by tho woathor
bureau prediction tbnt tbo Willam
ette which Is flooded by back wa
ter from tho Columbia, will bo
nearly Mutlonary Tuesday, follow
ing tbo predicted stage horo of 21.1
Monday. Tho Wlllnmetto today Is
10,3 a rise of .1. Thu rlvor con
tinued rising oxropt Tit I.owlstou
where a decllno ot .6 Ih reported.
At Wenatclion It Is .32 a rise of
ono fourteenth, Lowlston 18, C, Uma-,
tllln 21.1, n rUo of 1.2,. Tho Dalles
31.1 u rlso ot 1.7.
Forecaster Wolls said that whllo
tho river will bo nearly stationary
today, u further rlso may result It
tho heavy molting snow In tho
mountains continues,
Preparing Ballots
For Special Election
Tho county' clerk'u office hnB
boon working for somo tlmo on tho
supplies for tho spoclnl general elec
tion to bo bold on Tuesday, Junu 7,
and nil will bo In rcadlnoss by thn
first of tho month. Thoro aro four
measures submitted by tho legisla
ture to bo voted upon, tho legisla
tive regulations and compensation
umandmont, (ho world war votorans'
stato nld fund, constitutional
amendment, tho emergency elnuso
Ivoto, u constitutional nmondmont,
tho hyglonlc marrlago oxnuiinatipn
and llconso bill and the women
Juror nn druvlsod Jury lawi
Western Executives
Call on President
Harding In Interest
Of Irrigation.
Herald Washington Hurcntl ;
possibilities of bonnflt to tho 'coun
try from Increnncd fodornl nld for
reclamation was presented to sonnto
committee on arid lands, of which
Bcnntor McNary of Oregon la chair
man, today for by tho flvo westorn
governors who aro horo advocating
thu paasugo of tho McNary-SmJth
reclamation bill. .Each governor
woni 'on record In favor of tho
meaauro and tho roprcsontatlvoa of
tho western states reclamation as
sociation, who nro horo wim mo
governors, predict that tho bill will
bocomo n law at an early dato and
will galvanlro Into 'action real ro
vmniillnn nf work nil alone tho lino
n wcMorn reclamation contera.
Ho'nntor McNary accorapanlod tho
companlod by Congressman Smith of
Idaho ,who shares with tho sen a
measure wini mo s'f"
urging upon congrcsa.
Tho purposo of tho governors
to discuss "with President .Hard-
lug tho provisions ot tho bill and
to urge bla hearty approval of tho
In a conforenco with Socrctary
Fall ot tho Interior dopartment, ho
assured tho governors ho was In
hourly accord with tho proposed
Htato executives hero nre: Gov
ernor Campbell of Arizona, Davis fof
Idaho, Jlort of Wnshlngton,,Jblo
ot Kqvada nnd Nabey of Utah.
NKW YOHK. May 21. Governors
Davis of Idaho, Maboy ot Utah, nnd
Hart of Washington, accompanied
by representatives of 13 -western
states, culled on Mayor Hylan os
torday at city ball In tho courso
of their tour ot tho cast In tho In
terest of development or arid Innds.
Tho party hopes to obtain congress
ional aid In proposed Irrigation ot
20,000,000 acres for tho benefit of
wnr veterans.
Karl Hilton, tho local twlrlcr who
holds down tho mound for the
Vancouver team ,1s making a record
which Is sure to land him among
tho big lenguors It ho continues as
ho Is going. Lost Wednesday ho
pltchod a nlno-lnnlng gamo, hold
ing tho opposing team dawn to
flvo scuttored httg, only two players
reaching second bano In seven Inn
v HiB? AsiH
K pTAooK Tyo'ttiy's k 'j'
k. ILS lll&sHBllllilw AsTF
ATteRyiEitp LLLH J- rjy ,
Big Prizes Will Be Dis
posed of Tonight
Wind-up to Be Hum
mer. "It'll going to bent last year," Is
tho confident prediction of thoso In
chargo of tho Klks Western Nights
entertainment. Tho unexpected nV
tendance, and success nf Thursday
and Friday nlchta resulted In secur
ing n lead over tho first two nights
of last season and with tho real big
ovont coming up at tho final wlndup
tonight it Is qulto certain that this
prediction will coino true.
Many of tho most valuablo prizes
bavo been held for distribution Sat
urday night for tho benefit of a
largo number who wcro unnblo to
attend during tho tnlddo of tho 'week.
Among theso will bo n $300 first
payment toward tho purchaso ot a
lliilck automobile offered by U O.
Hoaiclnnd. Also a $C0.00 Itoyal vacu
um clennor for which tho women and
m.iny of tho mon have been saving
up tholr Hull Coin bills to buy pad
dies on.
As an Indication of thn success this
yoar, It is stated that $2000.00 of
Hull Coin, twice tho nmount used last
year, was on band opening night, nnd
this vast amount of 20,000 bills did
not last tho first two nights.
"Como tonight" la tho advico of
tho 'committee and every effort Is
being expended to make tho wlndup
one long to bo remembered.
Last night tho entertainment was
Just as lively as It was tho first
night. Tho awarding of prizes for
tho best costumes was ono of the
evening. Tho winners wcre:
For tho most representative char
actor, tho prize, a sofa pillow, was
nwarded to Jllss Myrtle Jones, an
employo of tho telophono company;
for tho most comical character, tho
award went to E. 11. Jefferson, who
was given a box ot cigars ;fcr tbo
best sustained character, a safety
razor was given to Carl A. Hodrl
gor. Italian Communists
Battle Nationalists
ROMH, May 21. Thrco are doad,
two dying anil many wounded as a
xesult of a pitched battle botwecn
tho Communists and tho Extromo
Nationalists at Chlusl. Tuscany,
whoro tho posUclectlon disorders still
Charley, tho B-year-old son of
Mr. und Mrs. C. It. Mnrplo, fell
from a porch this morning and
broka bis arm.
Business Women
Plan For Banquet
Tho regular meeting of tho Uusl
ncss Woman's club wns hold last
ovcnlng at tho Chamber of Commerce
Owing to tho fact that tho Chau
tauqua wilt bo horo next week, tho
regular meeting will not bo held
until Tuesday, May 31. At this tlmo
final arrangements will bo mada for
tho drlvo and tho banquet to bo held
on tho following Friday. A commit
too composed of Mrs. C. K. Solomon,
A llco McCourt and Paulino Hond, has
boon appointed to mako arrango
monts for tho program for tho ban
quet. Vordn Cozad.ho been appoint
ed to liavo chargo of tho stunts and
sho will no doubt arrange somo vory
clovor things. A general good tlmo
has been planned and every business
woman of Klamath Falls Is urged to
bo present at tho meeting Tuesday.
Tho committee In chargo of secur
ing club rooms that in tho yerr near
future sultablo club rooms will bol
avnllablo In a doslrablo location and
tho club hopes to bo In rooms of their
own within tho next fow weeks.
Settlement Possible
In Miarine Strike
WASHINGTON, May 21. The ac
ceptance of a fifteen per cent wage
reduction for Marino engineers, but
with modifications as to tho working
conditions, Is understood to be in
cluded In an agroomont reached to
day at tho conferences between Secre
tary Davis, Chairman Denson, ot the
Shipping Hoard, and tho represent
tlvcs of tho Marino Engineers nene
flclal association. Changes in the
working conditions and ovortlmo
would bring tho actual reduction In
wages to somowbat less than fifteen
por cent. Tho radio, operators and the
scamon would agroo, to- the same
terms, Davis bolloved. Secretary Da
vis and tho engineers' representatives
aro going, to New York in an effort to
havo tho American 'stcomahlp owners
association agreo to tho terms.
Twenty Bandits
Hold Up Freight
HUFFAI.O, May 21 Twenty
masked men hold up a New York
Central freight train near North
Touawanda, early today, covering tho
crow nnd tho railroad detectives with
weapons whllo silks, shoos, clothing,
automobile tires and other goods
worth seventy thousand dollars, woro
loaded on to six motor trucks. Tbo
bandldts headed for Duftalo with tho
Justice White
Was Buried Today
WASHINGTON, May 21. With a
simple but Impresslvo service, Justice
Whlto was burled today.
Petitioning Secretary
Of Interior for Relief
During Present Cri
A potltlon Is being circulated to
tho Secretary of tho Interior br tho
landowners' of tbo Klamath project,
asking for rollof by the suspension of
tho operation and maintenance and
construction charges for this year, or
until tho present crisis Is passed. Tho
petition states that "tho farmers of
tbo Klamath projoct have daring the
entire history of tbo uroloct. keot ud
practically all of tbclr payments and
lived up to tholr engagements with
tho United States punctually. Their
appeal In this Instance is raado with
tho greatest roluctancce and only aa
a last resort. It Is tho appeal of an
honest dobtor to his creditor for an
enlargement of tlmo In which to pay.
Tho potltlon further sots forth that
If tho letter of tho law Is enforced,
tho landowners who are unable to
meet tho payments will be subjected
to penalty and Interest amounting to
39 per cent, by reason of a contract
entered Into bctweon tho United
States and tho district In 1918 which
provides penalties and intorcst aa
Ten per cent to be collectod by tho
district for delinquency.
Flvo per cent penalty collected
under tbo stato law for dollnquoncy.
Ono por cent Interest por month
on defaulted payments, and one per
cent Interest per month additional
collected by the United States for
defaulted water charges.
Tho petition further says that for
tho past two or threo years the coat
of operation and maintenance has
been steadily Increasing, and lhat the
prlco paid for products has not kept
pace with theso Increased coeU.
"This project Is essentially a bay and
grain producing area, not adapted to
production of many other crops ow
ing to climatic and other condltlona."
It calls attention to our remote
ness from a basic markot. high
f rclEht rates nnd tho tremendous
drop In prices of all products. "The
local banks, which havo alwaya car
ried tho farmors. have been so alter
ed by the general financial depres
sion that thoy are unable to easist
tbo farmors In this crisis." aaya the
According to tho petition, approx
imately $130,000 Is coltocttble by the
county, only about $20,000 of wntcn
haa been paid.
"Facing, aa we aro," continue the
potltlon, "a situation which otfera
no Immodlato prospect ot oeuer
ment, wo ask. early action on the fol
lowing suggestions:"
First: The' suspension ot con
struction charires and penaltlea now
duo aud payaute.
Secend: The suspension o oper
ation and mhlntenanco in part, Haw
ing tho District to pay ovor to tho
United States such money as Is now
on hand, or which may be collected,
applying the samo to operation and
malntonanco costs, including the
raonoyb paid as paymonta for con
struction, and applying tho same to
ward operation and maintenance pay
ments. , . ,. ,
Third: The, suspension ox tne 10
por cent penalty requirement to cover
Feurth: Tho suspension of the l
por cont per month interest,
Fifth; The appointing of ft Com
mission, or Board, to be convened at
Klamath Falls, Oregon, or at such
othor place- as you may designate,
tho earliest practical date, for the
purposo of considering means of solv
ing tho difficulties ot tho present
crisis, and with Instructions to rec
ommend an apportionment ot opera
tion and maintenance costs on tho
project as related to the Klamath Ir
rigation District and othor irrigation
districts, using and being sereed from
tho canals of tho Project at this
time; , .
Also, to consider and recommend
such changes In tho contract now ex
isting between tho United States and
the Klamath Irrigation District aa
past experience nnd present condi
tions demand. . i ,.
civil,. i'u nannrlnllv rnaueet last
tho operation nnd maintenance costs
of tho present year be reduced at
once; nnd that tho cost or work now
Under way for betterment ai"t re
placement, nnd chargeabjo to this
district, bo reduced without delay, or
tho work suspended.
POnTHAND, May 21. Tho police
woro called today when two strike
breakers were hit by rocks thrown
by strike sympathizers sear the
Broadway bridge, .